169 research outputs found

    Uji Karbohidrat Dan Kualitas Kerupuk Tepung Tapioka Dengan Penambahan Tepung Biji Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus) Dan Buah Naga (Hylocereus costaricensis) Sebagai Pewarna Alami

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    Kerupuk merupakan bahan kering yang terbuat dari adonan tepung tapioka. Pada penelitian ini, kerupuk menggunakan bahan dasar dari tepung tapioka dan penambahan limbah dari buah nangka yaitu biji nangka yang dibuat tepung. Tepung tapioka mengandung kalori, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kalsium, fosfor, serat, vitamin B1, dan air. Sedangkan tepung biji nangka mengandung energi, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kalsium, fosfor, zat besi, Vitamin B1, vitamin C, dan air. Untuk menambah minat masyarakat perlu adanya pewarna alami berupa buah naga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas organoleptik kerupuk dan mengetahui kadar karbohidrat kerupuk tepung tapioka dengan penambahan tepung biji nangka dan buah naga sebagai pewarna alami. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor, yaitu faktor I (kadar buah naga) meliputi: buah naga 50 g (B1) dan buah naga 75 g (B2). Faktor II (Perbandingan bahan tepung tapioka dengan tepung biji nangka) meliputi: N1 (92,5 g : 7,5 g), N2 (90 g : 10 g), dan N3 (87,5 g dan 12,5 g). Hasil penelitian kadar karbohidrat tertinggi pada B2N3 (tepung tapioka 87,5 g : tepung biji nangka 12,5 g) senilai 36,990 g dan terendah pada B1N1 (tepung tapioka 92,5 g : tepung biji nangka 7,5 g) senilai 20,898 g. Hasil organoleptik terbaik menurut warna pada perlakuan B2N3, menurut rasa pada perlakuan B1N1,B1N2,B1N3,dan B2N2, menurut aroma semua perlakuan baik yaitu sedikit beraroma nangka, menurut tekstur semua perlakuan mempunyai tekstur baik yaitu renyah tidak berminyak, dan daya terima masyarakat semua perlakuan sama yaitu sedikit suka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi buah naga sebagai pewarna alami kerupuk, semakin tinggi pula kandungan karbohidrat pada kerupuk. Kata kunci : kerupuk, tepung tapioka, biji nangka, buah naga, dan kadar karbohidra

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Biologi Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Dan Problem Solving Kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2014 / 2015

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    The background of the research is the teaching learning process which not effective yet and the model of learning that used has no variation. This objective of the research are comparison result of biology learning using problem based learning model and problem solving at seven grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta. Collecting the sample used random sampling technique. Technique of collecting the data in this research used documentation and test. The analysis of the data used parametric test, namely One-Way ANOVA through SPSS 17.0 program. The results of average students protest used problem based learning is (75,61±4,60), higher than using problem solving learning is (72,27±6,02) and the use of conventional method is (63,78±7,08). Result of hypothesis test seen Fcount (12,361) is bigger than Ftable (3,101). Ftable Is gotten by significant importance standard 5% (df=2,87) is 0,05, so H0 refused so there found the significant difference between the third implementation of learning process in learning process based learning, problem solving, and conventional. The advanced test used Post Hoc Test, learning process in problem based learning and problem solving 0,034<0,05, learning process in problem solving and conventional 0,006<0,05, learning process in problem based learning and conventional 0,000<0,05. So it can be concluded that Ho refused and H1 accepted, it means that the model of problem based learning and problem solving there had differences toward result cognitive biology leraning at seven grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Surakarta, so that the model learning process of problem based learning more effective than the model learning process of problem solving and conventiona

    Kadar Karbohidrat dan Organoleptik Mie Basah Tepung Biji Nangka Dengan Penambahan Kulit Buah Naga Sebagai Pewarna Alami

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    Jackfruit seed are often waste material from jackfruit which have high nutrition value used optimally and only used us waste. This study determine the organoleptic quality and carbohydrate level jackfruit seed flour noodle with the addition peel dragon fruit as natural colour. The methos used in this study is completely randomized design (CRD) Two factor, factor 1 ratio jackfruit seed flour ; wheat flour (30 g, 50 g, 50 g, 30 g, 60 g, 20 g) and factor II dragon fruit peel extracts (0 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml) with three replications. Data was analyzed by using descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results of carbohydrate level S1P3 (Flour jackfruit seed 30g, wheat flour 50g, peel exstract dragon fruit 10ml) amounted to 31,15 %, while the carbohydrate level lowest in treatment S2P2 (flour jackfruit 50 g, wheat 30 g, skin fruit 5 ml) by 10,58 %. The quality of the best noodle has a red colour, slighty chewy, texsture not lost, taste bit like a rather unpleasant taste. The conclusion show that the noodle with the addition of jackfruit seed flour dragon fruit peel effect on carbohydrate level and organoleptic propertie of the noodle

    Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Kulit Ubi Ungu Sebagai Indikator Asam-Basa Alternatif Berupa Kertas Berdasarkan Pengaruh Variasi Jenis Pelarut Dan Jenis Kertas

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    The pH indicator existence is very important to support the mastery of certain material concepts that require practicum, especially on the material of Substances Classification in Science Learning of High School. Some species of plant can be used as alternative acid-base indicators because they contain anthocyanins. Purple sweet potato peel contains pigment which is flavonoid compound called anthocyanin. This research aims to know the effect of the drying temperature of the material and the type of solvent to the color changes produced on the acid-base indicator paper of the purple sweet potato peel extract after being tested. This research used experimental method with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) using two treatment factors they are types of paper variation (filter paper, HVS, paper opaque) and solvent type (ethanol 96% and ethanol 96%+ HCI 1%). The parameter in this research is the color change and pH of acid-base indicator paper from purple sweet potato peel extract after dipped into acid and base solvent. Based on the research result can be concluded that the best quality is shown by the acid-base indicator paper with filter paper and ethanol 96% solvent, because it is able to show more contrasting color degradation (bright pink color in strong acid, yellow in strong base, bright pink on weak acid, and green on a weak base)

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Sirup Kombinasi Ekstrak Kulit Manggis Dan Daun Sirsak Dengan Penambahan Variasi Konsentrasi Gula Pasir

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    Mangosteen rind is a waste of mangosteen fruit during this utilization is still in the form of product diversification.. In a study mangosteen rind contains xanthones, mangostin which is a new type of histamine, but it also has antiinflammatory activity of mangosteen peel and antioxidants.. Other plants that can be used as a source of antioxidants is soursop with soursop leaf content were found to contain saponins, tannins, flavonoids, and glycosides. In this study aims to determine the antioxidant activity, oragonoleptik testing and acceptance of society towards syrup combination of mangosteen peel extract and soursop leaves.. The study design using the experimental method with completely randomized factorial design that is a factor of 1 combination of mangosteen peel extract and extract of soursop leaf with F1 ratio: 75%: 25%, F2: 50%: 50% and F3: 25%: 75%. Factor 2 is the concentration of sugar that is G1: sugar concentration of 80%, G2: 90% sugar concentration. From the research that has been conducted on the highest antioxidant activity assay F2G1 treatment is 71.76%. In F1G1 treatment is the most preferred treatment Mindless panelists have attractive color, sweet taste and not air scent of rotten with mangosteen skin ratio and soursop leaves 75: 25% and variations in sugar concentration of 80%. From this research proves the effect of sugar concentration of the syrup of antioxidant activity, organoleptic and acceptance in the community

    Pemanfaatan Daun Lamtoro Dan Ekstrak Tauge Dengan Penambahan Urine Sapi Untuk Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair

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    Liquid organic fertilizer is a fertilizer in the form of a solution from the decomposition of organic materials derived from crop residues and animal dung haranya element content of more than one element. Leucaena leaf extract, extract of bean sprouts and cow urine can be combined to produce a liquid organic fertilizer. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium is a compound contained in leucaena leaf extract, extract of bean sprouts and cow urine. The purpose of this study to determine the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in liquid organic fertilizer from leucaena leaf extract and extract of bean sprouts with the addition of cow urine. This research method completely randomized design (RAL) with two factors, a factor of 1: leaf extract volume leucaena 82 ml: extract bean sprouts 168 ml (K1), the volume of leaf extract leucaena 125 ml: extract bean sprouts 125 ml (K2), the volume of leaf extract leucaena 168 ml: 82 ml extract of bean sprouts (K3) and a factor of 2: volume urine cows 75 ml (I1), 80 ml (I2), 85 ml (I3). Parameters observed that the content of N and P in the liquid organic fertilizer. The results showed that the highest nitrogen content contained in K3I1 treatment is 0.40% and the nitrogen content was lowest for the treatment K1I1 0.15 ml. While phosphorus content is highest at treatment K2I1 is 185.61 ppm and phosphorus content was lowest for the treatment K3I2 of 118.46 ppm

    Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Rhoeo discolor sebagai Indikator Asam Basa Alternatif Berupa Kertas dengan Variasi Jenis Pelarut dan Jenis Kertas

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    The pH indicator is very important in its existence to support the preoccupation of certain material concepts that require practicum, especially on Classification of Substance materials in science teaching in secondary schools. Some plant species can be used as alternative acid-base indicators because they contain anthocyanins. Rho-discolor leaves contain pigment which is a flavonoid compound that is anthocyanin. This study aims to determine the effect of discoloration and pH of Rhoeo discolor leaf extract as a natural base acid indicator with variation of solvent type and paper type. This research used experimental method with Randomized Complete Random (RAL) using two treatment factors that are variation of solvent type (96% ethanol and 96% ethanol + 1% HCl) and paper type (strainer, opaque, HVS). Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the best quality is indicated by acid-base indicator paper with 96% ethanol + 1% HCl solvent using filter paper, because it is able to show more contrast color degradation after being tested in strong acidic, acidic solutions weak, strong base and weak base

    Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Jati Muda sebagai Pewarna Alami dengan Lama Perendaman dan Jenis Pelarut yang Berbeda pada Preparat Batang Cabai

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    The tissue of plant preparation has not been owned by some school because the price of plant preparation is relative expensive and to make it self constrained price of substance from dyeing chemistry, then it take dyes substitute which have the same function with synthetic dyes. The utilization of natural dyes are cheap and easy to get it, so the use of leaves of teak young as alternative of natural dye can be used to replace dyes synthetic. This research was descriptive qualitative research. The purpose of this research is to analyse the quality natural dyes of teak leaves extract also develop biology learning resource. This research is experiment method with Complete Randomized design with 2 factors treatment that was solvent type (citric acid 14% and etanol 96%) and long soaking (24 hour, 25 hour and 26 hour) also safranin as comparison. The manufacture plant preparation used sliced transverse method to chili plant stem with dyes of teak leaves extract. From the result of research, plant preparation quality of tissue which the better and closer safranin dyes was used by dyes of teak leaves extract with etanol solvent 96% with long soaking 26 hour

    Kadar Protein Dan Sifat Organoleptik Es Krim Tape Sukun Dengan Penambahan Sari Kacang Kedelai Dan Ubi Ungu Sebagai Pewarna Alami

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    Ice cream is a solid food made from milk combined with flavorings, sweeteners and other frozen foods. In this study the manufacture of ice cream using a mixture of cow’s milk, soy bean extract, tape breadfruit and purple potato extract. This study aims to determine the levels of soluble protein, speed and organoleptic melted ice cream tape breadfruit with the addition of soy bean extract and purple potato extract. Levels of soluble protein in the ice cream was measured by using the method lowry. Research design using a completely randomized design 2 factor. Factor 1 : soy bean extract comparison with cow’s milk K0 : 0:100%, K1 : 40:60%, K2 : 50:50%. Factor 2 : purple potato extract concentration P1 : 30%, P2 : 40%, P3 : 50% with 3 repetitions. The highest protein content in treatment K2P2 (soy bean extract 50%, cow’s milk 50%, breadfruit tape 20%, purplr potato extract 40%) as much 1,105%, treatment K1P1 (Soy bean extract 40%, cow’s milk 60%, breadfruit tape 20%, purple potato extract 30%) has a melt speed for 12 minutes, and organoleptic treatment K1P3 (Soy bean extract 40%, cow’s milk 60%, breadfruit tape 20%, purple potato extract 50%) an ice cream products are the most dominant perple, distinctive odor tape, sweet taste, soft texture, and acceptance of their panelist like. Based on research result of high levels of protein, melt velocity, and organoleptic, influenced by the addition soy bean extract and purple yam ice cream

    Uji Organoleptik Dan Kadar Kalsium Es Krim Dengan Penambahan Kulit Pisang Dan Daun Kelor Sebagai Sumber Gizi Alternatif

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    Banana peels consist of 18.90 g carbohydrate and 31 mg of calcium per 100 g. The study of ice cream uses milk, banana peel extract and extract of leaves of Moringa. The purpose of the study is to find out the organoleptic properties, levels of calcium, and the speed of melting ice cream banana peel. The method is was experimental research with two factors completely randomized design. Factor 1 banana skin composition : cow's milk K0 = 0 ml : 200 ml, K1 = 100 ml : 100 ml, K2 = 140 ml : 60 ml. Factor 2 extract of leaves of Moringa S1 = 100 ml, S2 = 75 ml, S3 = 50 ml with 3 repetitions. The highest levels of calcium is in the treatment K0S1 (banana skin 0 ml, 200 ml milk, 100 ml Moringa leaves) as much as 2,258%. Treatment K1S3 (banana peels 100 ml, 100 ml milk, 50 ml of Moringa leaves) has a melt speed for 15 minutes 44 seconds. The highest organoleptic test is at treatment K0S1 (banana skin 0 ml, 200 ml milk, 100 ml Moringa leaves) with a green color, rich aroma, taste slightly sweet, slightly thick but coarse texture, acceptance like. Based on the research results, the addition of Moringa leaves in ice cream banana skin affect the high levels of calcium, melt velocity, and organoleptic tests
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