52 research outputs found

    Critical Study On Comparison Between Reference And Personal Deixis In Fairy Tales Story By Hans Christian Andersen’s

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    This research focus on comparison between reference and personal deixis in fairy tales story by Hans Christian Andersen’s. The objectives of the research are to identify the meaning of pronoun which shows reference with personal deixis and to explain the comparison in use between references with personal deixis which are found in the tale story. The type of this study is descriptive qualitative research because it describes the comparison between reference and personal deixis. The data to analyze are text and utterances including the pronoun of reference and personal deixis in found the fairy tale story especially the story of The Tinder Box (1835). The writer uses documentation and observation method in collecting the data. To analyze this research, the writer uses the theory of deixis stated by Levinson (1983) and uses the theory of cohesion stated by Halliday and Hasan (1976). Based on the result of the data analysis, the writer found that the pronouns of reference, are 276 anaphoric reference, 30 cataphoric reference, and 11 person deixis in the story of The Tinderbox (1835) by Hans Christian Andersen’s. Moreover, the writer found that the pronoun “He” has the highest occurrence (18,66%), while the pronoun “We” and “Our” have the lowest occurrence (0,32%). It can be concluded that the pronoun “He” with reference to “Soldier” has significant meaning more important than other pronouns, because the story of The Tinderbox by Hans Christian Andersen’s had mostly presented the “Hero” who was referred to “Soldier”

    Compliments and Its Responses Used by the Users of Instagram

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    This research is focused on English compliment and its responses used by the users of instagram. The aims of this study are (1) to identify the topics of compliment, (2) to describe the functions of compliment, and (3) to classify the types of compliment responses that are used by the users of instagram. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, because the topics and functions of compliment, and also the types of response are revealed based on its context and researcher’s comprehensive quality. There are 40 selected English compliments and its responses as data of this research. Those are randomly taken from the posts of instagram users in 2017. The data are analyzed by using the theory of Wu (2008) and Herbert (1990). The result of this research shows that (1) there are 7 topics of compliment used by the users of instagram, i.e. appearance, possession, performance/ability/skill, personality trait and 3 other topics such as food/drink, place, and picture. The topic that is commonly used is appearance (37,5). It indicates that the addresser often praises the visible thing or external packaging of the addressee. (2) there are 4 functions of compliment, such as to express admiration, to replace gratitude/congratulation, to open conversation, and to reinforce desired behavior. Function that is frequently used is to express admiration (70%). It shows that the users of instagram mostly use the compliment to express the admiration of something that is being complimented. (3) there are 8 types of compliment response used by the users of instagram, such as appreciation token, comment acceptance, comment history, return, praise upgrade, scale down, questioning, and no acknowledgement. The dominant type of response used is comment acceptance (32,5%). The result indicates that the users of instagram often accepts the complimentary force and gives relevant comment or feedback related to the compliment given

    Power And Ideology Of Ashin Wirathu’s Speeches Toward Muslim In Rohingya: Critical Discourse Analysis

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    The research is Critical Discourse Analysis. The main aims of this research are: to describe the utterances intention that is used in Ashin Wirathu’s speeches about Muslim in Rohingya and to describe power and ideology that are represented in Ashin Wirathu’s speeches. The data are taken from Ashin Wirathu’s speeches entitled “Ashin Wirathu is saying bad things about muslims” and “Burmese! Buddhist monk,His name is Wirathu, he calls himself the Burmese Bin Laden.” The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research. The techniques of data collection of this research are documentation and observation, and the steps are: Searching for the video on Youtube, searching the script of the video and then downloading the video and the transcript. The underlying theory used in this research, they are Speech Act Theory proposed by John R. Searle and Critical Discourse Analysis Theory proposed by Thomas Huckin. The result shows that there are six kinds of intentions found in this research. They are informing, describing, stating, claiming, questioning and promising. The type of Wirathu’s first speech is argumentative. By using those kinds of speech Wirathu tried to explain his argument and idea towards Muslim and he tried to influence the listeners to hate Muslim. It can be analyzed from the genre analysis element. The type of his second speech is persuasive. By using those kinds of speech Wirathu tried to persuade his followers to follow his idea. It can be analyzed from the genre analysis element. Wirathu can influence his followers to hate Muslim easily because he has power as a Monk

    Interpersonal Meaning Analysis of Caption on Instagram Produced by Tertiary Students during 2017

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    This research investigates interpersonal meaning analysis of caption on instagram produced by tertiary students during 2017. The purpose of this study is to describe the configuration of interpersonal meaning elements and to explain speech function in caption on instagram produced by tertiary students during 2017. This research is descriptive qualitative research because the data will be analyzed descriptively based on interpersonal meaning. The data are taken from clauses in caption on instagram. In the technique of collecting data, the researcher uses observation, documentation and interview. The researcher finds 49 clauses of 20 captions on instagaram. In analyzing data, the researcher uses grammatical elements of interpersonal meaning based on SFL to answer problem statement number one. To answer problem statement number two, the researcher uses theory of pragmatics especially its context. Based on the result of the research shows that (1) there are two configurations of interpersonal meaning elements, namely Subject and Finite. Subject that consists of meaning as token (63, 41%) is mostly used in caption on instagram produced by tertiary students. Meanwhile finite that often appears are finite with tense especially present (48, 7%). Subject and Finite indicates the make up of mood. (2) There are three speech function that used in caption on instagram expressing, namely statement, question, and command. Statement which has a function giving of information (34,7) frequently used in caption on instagram. The writer uses statement which has a function giving information because the writer expects that the reader receives about what they talk

    Social Deixis in The Movie King Arthur: Legend of The Sword 2017

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    This study discusses the social deixis analysis found in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Movie. The objectives of the researcher are: 1) to find social dexis that can be identified in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Movie, 2) to describe social relationships between speakers and hearers based on social factors at King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Movie. In this study, the writer used descriptive qualitative research as a type of research. The data are a speech that contains social deixis found in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Movie. The author uses the method of observation and documentation analysis to collect data. Based on the results of data analysis, the writer analyzed 151 expressions containing social deixis found in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Movie. From the analysis, the authors found that: 1) There are two types of social deixis found in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Movie, it relational deixis and absolute deixis, The resulted study that, 55% relational deixis and also identified 45% absolute deixis found in The King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Movie 2) social relationships between speaker and hearers based on social factors in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Movie. The result that, there are Clan is 13%, Title is 32%, and Friendship is 55%

    Interpersonal Meaning Analysis On The Star-Child By Oscar Wilde

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    DINI ASTUTI/ A320140253. INTERPERSONAL MEANING ANALYSIS ON THE STAR-CHILD BY OSCAR WILDE. Research Paper. School of Teacher Training and Education. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. July, 2018. This research investigates interpersonal meaning analysis on “The Star- Child” by Oscar Wilde. The purpose of this research is to find out mood types that characterize short story of The Star-Child by Oscar Wilde and to describe how interpersonal meanings are realized in short story of The Star-Child by Oscar Wilde. This research is qualitative research because the data will be described based on interpersonal meaning. The data of this research are taken from utterances and clauses of The Star-Child short story written by Oscar Wilde. The researcher collects the data by observation and documentation in collecting data. The researcher finds 96 utterances and 117 clauses in the short story. In analyzing data, the researcher uses interpersonal meaning of lexicogrammar on Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) framework to answer problem statement number one. To answer problem statement number two, the researcher uses the context used in the short story on SFL framework. Based on the result of this research shows that (1) there are one mood type on the short story that is indicative mood type. Indicative mood type that characterizes in the short story is declarative type. The clauses that belong to declarative are 98 clauses. (2) Interpersonal meaning in the short story is realized through finite. After analyzing data, the researcher found that there are three form of finite. It is tenses, polarity, and modality

    Analysis Of Directive Utterances In The Movie The Theory Of Everything By Jane Hawking

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    This study aims to (1) identify the type of speech, (2) to describe the background reasons of participants in influencing the spoken language found in the film The Theory of Everything. The researcher took data from directive speech acts in dialogues in the movie The Theory of Everything.Type of qualitative descriptive research. The data are analyzed by Kreidler’s theory of speech act (1998). The result of the study shows that: (1)there are four sub directive acts uttered by the characters in the movie The Theory of Everything. It implies that command 4.75%, request 2%, suggestion 2%, and warning 0.75% of 100% data. Prominently, the speaker’s meaning exploits directive utterances in the movie The Theory of Everything is command.(2)The intentions of using sub directive utterances in the movie The Theory of Everything have higher power of control, the social status, and background of knowledge than hearer.The result is 27 data from 38 data or 9%of the speaker has a degreeof control and social status than the hearer are (Stephen’s father (Frank), Husband (Stephen), Mr. Sciama), the speaker has a lower degree of control than hearer are (The Wife (Jane), The Technician, Elaine) finds data from 38 data 2.6%, and the speaker has a higher status on the background knowledge are (The Doctor , Mr. Sciama) finds 3 data from 38 data or 1%. The most influential of the data is the speaker has a higher social status than the hearer

    Overlap Analysis in The Conversation of "The Graham Norton Show"

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    PRIA BIJAKSANA, A320090314, OVERLAP ANALYSIS IN THE CONVERSATION OF “THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW”. research paper. School of Teacher Training and Education. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2020. Advisor: Dr. Malikatul Lila, M.Hum. In a communication, the speakers or the listeners make something we call turn taking. Turn taking is the time for the speaker taking the turn or past the floor in conversation. They make some overlapping, self initiations or back channels. Overlapping is the condition where a speaker speaks equal or at the same time to the other speaker. Overlapping is a really unique condition because they never know when overlapp hapenned.In this research, the writer finds the types of overlapping happen among the speakers in “Graham Norton Show”. Those types of overlaps are: (1) terminal Overlap; (2)Continuers; (3) Conditional acces to the turn; and (4) Chordal or Choral. Beside that, the writer finds the reasons of overlap happen in this research. they are: (1) Asking for help; (2) Breaking up; (3) completing; (4) correcting; (5) Disagreeing; (6) seeking clarification; and (7) showing agreement.Based on the research, the writer finds that the type of overlap most often found is chordal or choral. And for the reason most ofen found is breaking up

    Analysis of Slogan Used in Fashion Advertisement in Magazine High End Teen

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    This research investigates the linguistic forms and social function of slogan used in fashion advertisement in magazine High End Teen. This research aimed to: 1) identify the linguistic forms of slogan used in fashion advertisement in magazine High End Teen, edition August 2016 – July 2017, and 2) describe the functions of slogan used in fashion advertisement in magazine High End Teen, edition August 2016 – July 2017. This research is qualitative research that describes the linguistic forms and social function found in fashion advertisement in magazine High End Teen. The data of this research are the utterances consisting of slogan used. In the technique of collecting data, the writer uses the documentation and observation. In analyzing the data, the writer uses the theory about linguistic form and theory from Roman Jackobson (1987) about function of language. The result of this research shows that 1) there are 3 forms linguistically in the slogan used which are represented as word, phrase, and sentence. The types of word are single word (7,7%) and compound (blend) word (7,7%). Then, the forms of phrase are noun phrase (38,5%) and adverb phrase (7,7%). The sentences found in this research are two of types: declarative (7,7%) and imperative sentence (30,8%); 2) the functions found in slogan used (based on Jackobson) are conative function (46,2%), referential function (38,5%), and expressive function (15,4%)

    Analysis Of Swear Words Used By The Characters In Chips Movie

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    This study aims to identify the types of swear words used by the characters in CHIPS movie and to explain the function of swear words used. The type of the study is qualitative research. This study uses documentation and observation as method of collecting data. The data in this study is the dialogue uttered by the chracters while the data source of this study is CHIPS movie and its script. In collecting data, the first step done by the researcher is replaying the film at least five times by using computer, transcribing data from the film into the form of dialogue lists, fixing the dialogue lists with movie script downloaded from internet, reading the dialogue lists carefully to determine whether the dialogues contain swearing or not, the last identifying the listed dialogues which contain swear words. In technique of analyzing data, the researcher uses theory from Magnus Ljung to analyze the type of swear words and theory from Andersson and Trudgills to analyze the function of swearing. First, the result of the study shows that there are 5 types of swear words used by the characters: religious theme, scatological theme, sex organs theme, sexual activity theme, and mother theme. Agent Castillo is the most character who uses swear words in his utterance and sexual activity theme and scatological theme are the most type of swear words used by all characters. Second, this study shows there are 4 function of swearing: expletive swearing, abusive swearing, humorous swearing and auxiliary swearing. The researcher finds that all characters use swear words to express their own feeling or emotion and to emphasize their utterances
