
Compliments and Its Responses Used by the Users of Instagram


This research is focused on English compliment and its responses used by the users of instagram. The aims of this study are (1) to identify the topics of compliment, (2) to describe the functions of compliment, and (3) to classify the types of compliment responses that are used by the users of instagram. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, because the topics and functions of compliment, and also the types of response are revealed based on its context and researcher’s comprehensive quality. There are 40 selected English compliments and its responses as data of this research. Those are randomly taken from the posts of instagram users in 2017. The data are analyzed by using the theory of Wu (2008) and Herbert (1990). The result of this research shows that (1) there are 7 topics of compliment used by the users of instagram, i.e. appearance, possession, performance/ability/skill, personality trait and 3 other topics such as food/drink, place, and picture. The topic that is commonly used is appearance (37,5). It indicates that the addresser often praises the visible thing or external packaging of the addressee. (2) there are 4 functions of compliment, such as to express admiration, to replace gratitude/congratulation, to open conversation, and to reinforce desired behavior. Function that is frequently used is to express admiration (70%). It shows that the users of instagram mostly use the compliment to express the admiration of something that is being complimented. (3) there are 8 types of compliment response used by the users of instagram, such as appreciation token, comment acceptance, comment history, return, praise upgrade, scale down, questioning, and no acknowledgement. The dominant type of response used is comment acceptance (32,5%). The result indicates that the users of instagram often accepts the complimentary force and gives relevant comment or feedback related to the compliment given

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