5 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKEnergi listrik merupakan kebutuhan dasar bagi masyarakat pada modern sekarang ini, dimana keberadaanya sangat mempengaruhi berbagai sendi kehidupan. Keterbasan dalam penyaluran energi listrik disebabkan oleh faktor geografis yang sulit dijangkau mempengaruhi peningkatan biaya investasi dalam pemasangan instalasi dan distribusi jaringan listrik. Tujuan dari pengabdian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi tingkat kebutuhan energi listrik dan memberikan sosialisasi serta penyuluhan kepada masyarakat mengenai Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) sel surya. Upaya yang dilakukan adalah dengan penerapan energi terbarukan melalui konversi sumber energi matahari menjadi energi listrik secara langsung yang merupakan solusi alternatif dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan energi listrik sehari-hari untuk daerah-daerah yang belum terjangkau jaringan listrik PLN. Metode yang digunakan untuk penerapan teknologi sel surya ini dilakukan melalui kegiatan pelatihan, penyuluhan dan pendampingan kepada masyarakat di sekitar Desa Muara Enggelam, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Hasil dan kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat memperoleh wawasan dan kemampuan dalam mengoperasikan teknologi sel surya. Selain itu kegiatan ini juga menghasilkan prototipe Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) yang kompatibel, berdaya guna, dan mudah dioperasikan bagi pengguna listrik DC, AC dan gabungannya (DC+AC) untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan listrik sehari-hari. Penerapan jangka panjang dari prototipe TTG ini perlu dilakukan kajian, baik terkait kelayakan kinerja teknologi sel surya yang melibatkan banyak faktor maupun kajian kelayakan secara ekonomi terkait pembiayaan teknologi sel surya ini.           Kata kunci: : energi listrik; energi matahari; sel surya; prototipe TTG; kelayakan. ABSTRACTElectrical energy is a basic need for people in today's modern society, where its existence greatly affects various aspects of life. Limitations in the distribution of electrical energy caused by geographical factors that are difficult to reach affect the increase in investment costs in the installation and distribution of electricity networks. The purpose of this service is to identify the level of electrical energy needs and provide socialization and counseling to the community regarding appropriate technology (TTG) solar cells. The effort made is the application of renewable energy through the conversion of solar energy sources into electrical energy directly which is an alternative solution in meeting daily electrical energy needs for areas that have not been reached by the PLN electricity network. The method used for the application of solar cell technology is carried out through training, counseling and mentoring activities for the community around Muara Enggelam Village, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. The results and activities showed that the community gained insight and ability to operate solar cell technology. In addition, this activity also produced a prototype of Appropriate Technology (TTG) that is compatible, effective, and easy to operate for users of DC, AC and combined electricity (DC + AC) to fulfill their daily electricity needs. The long-term application of this TTG prototype needs to be studied, both related to the feasibility of solar cell technology performance involving many factors and economic feasibility studies related to the financing of this solar cell technology. Keywords: electrical energy; solar energy; solar cell; TTG prototype; feasibility

    Model simulator tomografi optis sinar terusan

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    Menentukan Intensitas Radiasi UV yang Diterima Pekerja Pengelasan dengan Titik Area Mata, Siku, dan Betis

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    The aim of this study is to measure the UV intensity received by the welders during working time and compare the results of measured radiation intensity which is obtained with the NAB in Regulation of the Minister of Manpower No. 05 of 2018 that is 0,0008 mW/cm2. The reason for using this NAB is for compare value while welding process with the value were allowed from Regulation of the Minister of Manpower. This study has been done in some workshops using the UV Meter and focused on the welders' eye, elbow and calf area with 10 repetitions in each area. The results for eye area were 0.0749 mW/cm2, for elbow area were 0.0843 mW/cm2and for calf area were 0.0934 mW/cm2and all the results obtained exceed the NAB. The high value is caused by the environmental conditions is open and also affected by indeterminate sunlight, the risks received the welders in watery eye and headache because of the welder are disobey in using PPE while welding process


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    We conducted theoretical, simulation and simplified experimental studies on Transmitted Light Optical Tomography (TLT) system. TLT was a concept in which light was used as a tracer with objects examined including materials which might interact optically. The studies were conducted in order to ascertain the foundation of TLT concept for possibly examining internal structures of a transparent body. Theoretical study aimed to identify the analytical physics quantity being able to represent optical properties of a transparent body as the internal structure of the body being examined. By studying both Maxwell equations on the interaction of a transparent isotropic body with light and Poynting vector concept, we found Beer-Lambert formulae. Then, by involving Fresnel law, we could use the formulae as the foundation of setting the fundamental variables in tomography, namely, raysum and projection. Results of the theoretical study showed that TLT images represented physics quantity, namely, imaginary refractive index. Simulation study aimed to examine the validity of the formulae in the case of virtual engineering system before constructing its real system. Hence, we developed a simulator to examine 2D numerical matrics object representing imaginary refractive index. In the simulator, light was passed through the object so that physics quantity within the object interacted with the light according to Beer-Lambert, Fresnel and Snellius laws. The simulator executed the tomography aquisition processes of ray-sum and projection by complying the assumption of paralel light beam. The projections from various angles were set in a sinogram form and then to be reconstructed to provide TLT image. Results of simulation study showed that the tomography images were structurally in accordance with their numerical shapes, but imaginary refractive index of the images still systematically deviated from their numerical values. Experimental study aimed to examine TLT concept in laboratory. Hence, we chose optical materials representing amorf materials, which were transparent of light (3800Ao-7400Ao) and had electrical conductivity ranging from 3.10-15 mho.m-1 to 86,065 mho.m-1, and for experimental purpose, we found an experimental object with components including air, glass and crude palm oil. Results of the experiment acquired with the developed TLT system showed that object structure of the reconstruction images was in accordance with that of the expected shapes, but we had yet to validate their imaginary refractive index