240 research outputs found

    A compliance risk regulation study of Chinese commercial banks’ Overseas Institutions After RMB into the SDR basket

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    经济全球化和新自由主义经济思潮带动了整个国际金融体系的高速发展,金融创新和金融改革无时无刻不在发生。这种创新和改革交互进行的趋势印证了事物螺旋式上升的发展规律,金融机构经营模式由传统粗放型混合经营到精细化分业经营再到如今保证风险可控下的混业经营历程,与之对应,监管模式也有着由自由放任到严格监管再到今天保证合规前提下交由市场进行主要约束的新自由型监管发展轨迹。市场发展所孕育的经营模式决定了监管模式的形态。人民币国际化多年来实施稳健,带动了中资银行境外机构的发展。伴随着人民币加入特别提款权货币篮子,我国商业银行境外人民币业务又迎来了新一轮的发展高潮。但同时,受限于我国商业银行监管滞后、规则混乱等缺...Economic globalization and neo-liberal economic thought led to the rapid development of the international financial system as a whole, financial innovation and financial reform are happening all of the world. This innovative and reform trend confirms the interactions of things spiraling developing rule, the operating mode, fostered by the market development, determines the shape of regulation. In...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_国际法学学号:1362015115092

    Establishment of DNA methylation-related gene mutation detection method and analysis of clinical significance on acute myeloid leukemia

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    目的:建立基于探针熔解曲线法的检测DNA甲基化相关基因突变的PCR体系,了解DNA甲基化相关基因突变在急性髓系白血病(Acutemyeloidleukemia,AML)患者中的发生率和类型,分析伴有DNA甲基化相关基因突变的患者的临床特征和突变在AML中的预后价值。 方法:利用重叠延伸法构建相应质粒,设计探针、引物,优化检测体系的相关参数,建立一种可快速检测DNA甲基化相关基因突变的方法。 收集133例急性髓系白血病患者的骨髓标本,提取细胞RNA,逆转录成cDNA,采用所构建的检测体系,对AML患者骨髓标本的cDNA进行IDH1,IDH2,DNMT3A基因突变检测,且将阳性结果测序验证。同...Objective: To establish a method to detect DNA methylation-related gene mutations by probe melting curve, which is based on real-time fluorescent PCR platform. To detect the frequency and forms of DNA methylation-related gene mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and to investigate the relationship among DNA methylation related gene mutations, prognostic significance, and clinic...学位:医学硕士院系专业:医学院_内科学学号:2452010115328

    Research on Problems and Resolving Measures of Financial Leasing Business of Commercial Banks in China

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    从1981年第一个金融租赁公司成立算起,金融租赁在我国的发展已经有28年的历史了。金融租赁在我国发展的初期阶段,成功的引进外资,为当时经济的发展起到了推动作用。1997年我国实行分业经营,银行全部撤出金融租赁业,给金融租赁造成重创,致使我国的租赁业发展水平至今远远低于世界平均水平,也使得我国商业银行不够强大,没有竞争力。2007年《金融租赁公司管理办法》的修订,是对银行参与金融租赁业的解禁,给我国金融租赁业的发展注入了新的血液。 修订稿刚一出台,便有许多商业银行纷纷申请成立金融租赁公司,其中工商银行、建设银行、招商银行、民生银行和交通银行成为首批获得批准的5家商业银行。传统的金融租赁公司面临...Ever since the foundation of the first financial leasing company, financial leasing has had a history of 28 years. At the early stages of financial leasing, it has introduced foreign investment successfully and has played a catalytic role for economic development at that time. When the banks totally withdrawal of financial leasing industry in 1997, it caused a big damage to the financial leasing, ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:1752006115124

    Are You Experienced? Trading Experience and Asset Market Bubbles

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    本文主要研究了交易者在资产市场中活动的时间分布如何影响他们在交易中的定价效率、交易量和最终所持有的资产组合。本文第一次使用了关于实验参与时间间隔的可控实验,比较了在一次实验中连续参与三个资产市场的实验组和在三周的时间内间隔地参与三个资产市场的实验组的表现。在第一和第二个资产市场中连续和间隔的实验组并未显示出明显的差异,但是在第三个资产市场中连续参与资产市场的实验组比间隔参与资产市场的实验组产生了更多的定价失误和更大的价格泡沫。进一步的实验说明了,相对于从连续的资产市场参与中获得的交易经验,从间隔的资产市场参与中获得的交易经验在未来相似但不完全相同的资产市场中会带来相对较小的价格泡沫。此外,我们...We evaluate how the time distribution of traders' asset market activities impacts their pricing efficiency, trade volume, and individual portfolio holdings. By conducting the first controlled experiment on such timing, we compare cohorts who participate in a sequence of three markets in a single experimental session, massed, and cohorts whose three markets are spaced a week apart, spacing. There i...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_金融学(含保险学)学号:2772012115262

    Network Externalities、Compatibility Strategy and Technonoloy Progress

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    在网络经济时代,网络外部性是网络经济的一个重要特征。它对企业的决策,社会福利等方面都有深刻的影响。文章研究了在网络外部性下,企业产品兼容策略的最优选择问题;网络外部性对市场竞争和技术创新的影响等问题。本文应用博弈论和霍特林模型,分析并构建了关于具有网络外部性的产品的三阶段博弈模型。通过对模型的分析,得出生产具有网络外部性产品的企业的竞争结果将是相互之间的产品互相兼容。当市场达到均衡时,企业的利润增加,消费者的福利状况变差,社会的总体福利状况也变差,因此,出现了某种程度的“市场失灵”。并分析了为什么有的产品市场具有网络外部性产品的市场会出现“赢者通吃”,而有的产品市场则没有。论文进一步指出,企业...At the network economic ages, the network externalities are the most important characteristic of the network economy. It has a deep influence on the decision of enterprises and social welfare etc. In this article, it mainly discussed under the network externalities, what is the superior choice about compatibility; and how it influence the competition and technology innovation. In this article, ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院管理科学系_技术经济及管理学号:20023700

    On China's Coastal Wetland Management and The Legal Protection

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    Research on MEMS-Based Rb-85 Filter in Miniaturized Passive Rubidium Atomic Clock

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    研究并提出一种分析设计rb气泡原子钟微型rb-85滤光泡的方法。从量子物理出发,通过为rb灯的发射光谱引入lOrEnTzIAn线形函数,得到一个滤光泡内的光强与入射光强的关系式,其中包含了跃迁系数,频移,谱线宽度等参数,通过研究确定这些参数并最终建立一个具有高吸收效率的滤光泡的理论模型。基于这种方法,我们设计了MEMS滤光泡,rb-87灯射出的光谱经过该滤光泡后,90%多的α线被吸收,而β线则只衰减不到3%,因此,MEMS滤光泡不仅可以大幅度减小体积与功耗,其滤光效果也更为优越。This paper presents an analysis and design of a micromachined Rb-85 filter for passive rubidium atomic clock.By introducing the Lorentzian shape functions into the derived output light intensity equation of the filter for a monochromatic light,a formula of light intensity in a filter with a light spectrum input is set up,and parameters in this formula involving transition coefficient,frequency shifts and linewidth are studied and determined.Based on these,a micromachined Rb-85 filter with high filtering performance is designed,in which more than 90% of α-line component in the light spectrum input from the Rb-87 lamp is filtered but β-line component is weakened less than 3%.Compared the MEMS filter with the conventional filter,the MEMS filter not only reduces the size and power consumption,but also acquires the better filter effect.福建省重大科技项目前期研究项目资助(2005HZ1021);厦门大学引进人才科研启动基金资助(0000-X07191


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    WTO Accession and Performance of Chinese Manufacturing Firms

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    王璐航系厦门大学经济学科2012年新引进的助理教授,博士毕业于加拿大多伦多大学经济系,主要研究兴趣为中国经济、国际贸易与应用微观经济学。其论文曾在比较经济学国际重要期刊Journal of Comparative Economics上发表。本次王璐航发表在《美国经济评论》的论文利用中国加入WTO带来的关税变化研究中国最终产品以及中间投入品的市场开放对于制造业绩效的影响。研究发现最终产品关税的降低一方面压缩了大企业的价格加成,另一方面推动了行业生产效率的提高。与其他国家的经验不同,中国行业效率提升的主要原因是竞争机制的强化进而筛选出了更好的新企业进入。伴随着中间品关税的降低,中国的中间品进口增长有限,但是中间品价格大幅下降。得益于由此带来的成本降低,企业提高了加成率。中间品市场的变化也对新进入企业的生产效率有正的贡献。该文也是厦大经济学科“海归”教师在国际顶级期刊发表研究中国经济问题的众多学术论文的一个典型代表。【Abstract】China’s policy-makers argued that WTO accession and the accompanying trade liberalization would have a beneficial impact on the domestic economy. China’s import tariffs differed tremendously across industry in the earlier years, but converged to an almost uniform low level after WTO entry. We exploit sectoral variation in the extent of tariff reduction to identify the impact of increased import competition on firm performance and its contribution to the significant productivity growth over the 1995–2007 period. We find evidence of strong downward pressure on prices and mark-ups, but limited evidence that imports took away market share from domestic firms. Furthermore, much of the effects on sectoral productivity come from changes at the extensive margin. Sectors that liberalized most tend to attract especially productive entrants, private firms in particular, which can be rationalized by an increase in the minimum productivity threshold needed to survive in these sectors.seminar participants at Columbia University, the Universities of Zurich, Nottingham, and Frankfurt, and several conferences for comments. Funding by SSHRC, ERC and CFI/OIT is gratefully acknowledged


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