9 research outputs found

    Tones in whispered Cantonese

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 28-30)."A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science (Speech and Hearing Sciences), The University of Hong Kong, June 30, 2010."Thesis (B.Sc)--University of Hong Kong, 2010.Acoustic analysis and perceptual experiments were carried out to investigate the acoustical characteristics of tones in whispered Cantonese and to identify possible perceptual cues for tone identification. The isolated vowel /a/ embedded in a framing sentence produced by 20 (10 male and 10 female) native Cantonese speakers using modal and whispered phonation was recorded. Formant frequencies, duration and intensity of the vowels were measured from the samples using signal analysis software. During tone identification tasks, the speech samples were presented to 20 listeners who were native Cantonese speakers. The listeners were instructed to identify the tone of the target vowels in the presented sentences, based on which percent correct identification of tones was calculated. Results of the study reveal the role of second formant, duration, average intensity and intensity contours in perception of Cantonese whispered tones. Speaker’s maneuvers in production of whispered tones were also discussed.published_or_final_versionSpeech and Hearing SciencesBachelorBachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science

    Breaking-up of the Form and the Image of Growth: A Study of the Poems for Children of Xiang Yang

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    The structure of higher education in Hong Kong during the transitionalperiod: determinants and implications

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    published_or_final_versionEducationMasterMaster of Educatio

    The Development of Open Construction Technology for 2x4 Wood Construction

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    [[abstract]]框組式(2x4)木構造為北美地區發展近150 年之主流構造型式,近年逐漸傳入日本及東亞一帶。台灣地區不論政府、學界或業界,對於這種構造方式皆相當陌生。從開放系統營建的角度觀之,框組式木構造存在著多處不具開放性的特徵,包括隔間牆受剪力牆限制而不易變動,尤其是上下樓層間之對應;門窗位置及開口受剪力牆之限制而不易變動;管線糾結於結構體內,須貫穿結構體時亦有嚴格限制等。此外如英制與公制之差異,在實務上亦會造成一定程度的界面問題。事實上,國人居住模式與北美地區差異很大,尤其在個性化與自主調適之趨勢下,有任意加蓋或裝修之特性。再加上近年來地震、颱風等異常天災之加劇,剪力牆等結構系統之要求更加嚴格。此兩種趨勢之間所存在的衝突或不協調,尚有待深入探討與解決。換言之,框組式木構造建築在因應生活變動而進行之裝修,其開放性或調適彈性仍須進一步作具體之性能檢驗與技術開發。上述看法於2006 年7 月CIB 在荷蘭Eindhoven 舉辦之International Conference On Adaptable Building Structures 國際會議上發表,受到與會學者之注意,其中W104 小組之召集人Steve Kendall 美籍教授並表示正從事相關研究,願意給予協助並共同研究。因此,本研究擬針對此系統platform 式木構造,以足尺之局部構造進行示範性實驗,並透過國際合作研究管道,深入掌握實務技術上之問題,以開發具開放性之新系統。[[note]]NSC96-2221-E327-03

    A case of bilateral synchronous renal cell carcinoma treated with left partial nephrectomy and laparoscopic right nephrectomy

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    70歳女.6年前より糖尿病にて経口血糖降下剤の服用を開始したが, 血糖コントロール不良の為精査目的で近医に入院したが, 腹部超音波, 腹部CT検査で両側腎腫瘍を指摘され転院となった.入院後の画像検査所見より, 両側腎腫瘍, 両側腎細胞癌の疑いで二期的に左腎部分切除術及び腹腔鏡下右腎摘出術を施行した.左右共, 腫瘍周囲の癒着と腎静脈の腫瘍塞栓を認めず, 腎門部のリンパ節腫脹も認めなかった.術後, 有意な腎機能の低下を認めず, 合併症もなく退院した.補助療法は施行せず, 術後1年4ヵ月経過現在も再発, 転移の兆候なく定期的外来通院を行っているWe describe a case of bilateral synchronous renal cell carcinoma. A 70-year-old female was admitted to our department because of further examination for bilateral renal masses. Computed tomographic scanning and ultrasound examinations revealed bilateral solid enhanced renal masses, and bilateral renal cell carcinomas were suspected. First, partial left nephrectomy was performed. On the 21th day after the first operation, we confirmed the recovery of the left kidney, and performed right nephrectomy laparoscopically. The histopathological diagnosis revealed bilateral renal cell carcinomas. The patient is alive with no metastatic lesions and no recurrence at 16 months after the operations

    Clinical evaluation of renal angiomyolipoma

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    腎血管筋脂肪腫(AML)症例20例23腎を臨床的に検討した.症状として疼痛や腫瘤を多く認めたが, 5例は無症状であった.腫瘍の局在は右側が11例と多かった.腫瘍径と症状の有無には明らかな相関関係は認めなかった.臨床的に画像上腎細胞癌(RCC)の鑑別が困難であった5腎に対して, 腎摘除術が施行された.腎部分切除術を施行した症例の術前診断は全例がAMLであり, 腫瘍径の平均は12.3cmであった.又, 術後の合併症は認めなかったBetween April 1980 and December 1999, 23 kidneys in 20 patients were diagnosed as having renal angiomyolipoma at our institution. The patients were 6 males and 14 females aged 24 to 79 years, with a mean age of 55.4 years. Two patients had associated tuberous sclerosis and 3 had bilateral disease. Of all patients the main clinical symptoms were pain (45%) and palpable mass (40%); 5 patients (25%) had asymptomatic lesions. The size of the tumor ranged from 1.3 to 24 cm (mean 7.7 cm). Treatment consisted of nephrectomy in 9 patients, partial nephrectomy in 6 and selective embolization in one. Pre-operative diagnosis was renal cell carcinoma in 5 of the 9 patients who underwent nephrectomy. Six patients with 7 diseased kidneys were followed radiologically. One patient underwent percutaneous biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. We suggest that nephron-sparing surgery for patients with renal angiomyolipoma should be the first step if tumor size is 4 cm < or = or increasing rapidly. Selective embolization is also a useful method. However, we need long-term follow-up to evaluate the effectiveness of embolization

    Clinical study of sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma

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    肉腫成分を含む腎細胞癌について, 臨床学的検討を行った.男性9例, 女性5例の14例に対し, 初診時現症, 転移巣, 血液検査所見, 病期分類, 病理学的所見, 予後について検討を行った.初診時に何らかの症状を認めたのは13例であり, 腹部疼痛, 食思不振が各4例見られ, 転移巣が確認されたのは11例であった.肺転移7例, 所属リンパ節転移5例であった.CRPは13例で陽性であった.病期分類ではI期が1例, II期が1例, III期が2例, IV期が10例であった.根治的腎摘出術を施行した最大腫瘍直径平均は12.3cmであり, 5例に結腸, 肝臓, 小腸, 横隔膜への浸潤が見られた.組織学的異型度はgrade IIが6例, grade IIIが7例であり, 予後におけるインターフェロン使用群と非使用群の間には有意差は認められなかったPatients with sarcomatoid renal cell carcinoma are rare and have poor survival. We evaluated 14 patients who had renal cell carcinoma with a sarcomatoid component between 1982 and 2000. There were 9 men and 5 women with a median age of 59.5 years (range 32 to 77). Seven patients had a tumor on the right side and 7 on the left side. Thirteen patients had some symptoms and 11 had metastases at the initial visit. Most of them were stage T4 and high nuclear grade cancer and showed elevated acute phase reactants. There were 7 patients followed by interferon therapy, and the cause-specific 5-year survival rate was less than 10%. We confirmed that renal cell carcinoma with a sarcomatoid component often showed local invasion, distant metastasis and poor prognosis

    Nitrogen Use Efficiency of the Japonica Rice Varieties Released in Taiwan

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    目前國內�稻品種均適應高氮肥栽培環境, 為求降低生產成本及保護生態環境,宜選育氮 素利用效率高的品種,並建立氮肥施用的決策 系統,逢機自台灣地區六十年來育成的品種中 選出二十個品種,在田間不施氮肥及每公頃150 公斤氮素處理下進行各品種的氮素利用效率之 評估:分別在分□始期之追肥前,幼穗分化期之 穗肥施用前,減數分裂盛期、抽穗期及收穫期 調查葉片、莖稈及穗等器官之總乾物重與氮素 濃度,並在成熟期調查產量及其構成因素.以了 解氮素利用效率的品種變異性及與其他農藝性 狀間的關係,盼能由此建立鑑別氮素利用效率 高的品種之判別函數

    Studies on the Applied Physiology and Culture of Rice

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    供試水稻品種為台中189號及台中秈10號,土 壤為紅壤及砂頁岩沖積土.採裂區設計,主區為 土壤,副區為品種,次副區為水分管理,分別以0 、0.02及0.04MPa三級土壤水分張力處理,以0MPa為 對照,利用自製張力計監控.小區為磷肥處理,三 要素施用量為100-60-90kg/ha,其中磷肥分為兩種方 式施用,包括集中條施及撒施,撒施處理將磷肥 與土壤充分攪拌,集中條施於10cm深土壤中,探討 提高局部磷肥濃度對磷的有效性及利用效率之 影響,以及水分變化的作用.本試驗部分採盆栽 試驗,每盆土壤用量為16kg,單本植、三重複.磷 肥集中施用處理係先將氮、鉀肥與土壤混勻, 再將磷肥置於栽植盆中心點,距土面10cm.灌水使 土壤處浸水至飽和狀態,隔夜插秧,並將抽取土 壤溶液之裝置插入盆中.插秧後七天開始進行 三個等級土壤水分張力處理,每天記錄土壤水 分張力,直到水分張力提高到0.02及0.04MPa後,復 行灌水使張力回復至0MPa,24小時後抽取土壤溶 液.為使土壤溶液分布均勻,抽取前先打氣並抽 取10分鐘,連續兩次,而後如收集抽出之土壤溶 液,測定土壤還原電位.此後每七天收集土壤溶 液一次,方法如前,重複二次,反覆處理至水稻成 熟期為止.抽取的土壤溶液進行氨態氮、硝酸 態氮及磷含量分析,水稻收穫後分析各種土壤 元素含量,調查水稻產量及產量構成要素