189 research outputs found

    〔報文〕パッケージの消費者情報処理に与える効果について- 「感性記憶型パッケージング」の事例と仮説モデルの検討-

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    Though its importance has been recognized, there has been too little research on how product package design functions as a medium of communication, and how it affects consumers. An examination of the method known as "Sensibility-to-mind type packaging," developed mainly by cosmetic makers, will shed some light on this issue. In this paper, the authors introduce the `Sensibility-to-mind type packaging\u27 method and explain how it works, reexamine the hypothetical process model of reactions for consumer behavior and decision-making underlying it, and review earlier studies in this area. This study will help to elucidate how to make product packages an effective medium of communication, and thus lays the groundwork for a theoretically-sound understanding of product packaging and how it can be used effectively in marketing mix modeling in the future


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    Cyclophosphamide (Endoxan) 700-1000mg was administered by drip infusion on an outpatient basis, at an interval of 3-4weeks to 13 patients confirmed to have clinical stage D prostatic cancer. All of the cancers were progressing and had failed to respond to endocrine therapy or were relapse cases. The following results were obtained. According to Karnofsky's efficacy evaluation standards, 1 case was 1-B, 4 cases were 1-A, 1 case was 0-B, 2 cases were 0-A, and 5 cases were 0-0. Five cases (38.5%) showed objective responses, and 3 cases showed subjective responses. According to NPCP efficacy evaluation standards, there was partial regression in 1 case and progression in 5 cases; and, 7 cases were stable. The effective rate was 61.5% (8 out of 13), when stable or better was judged as effective. As to the principal toxicity of Endoxan, reduction of WBC to 3000-4000/mm3 was noted in 5 cases, and gastrointestinal symptoms were seen in 11 cases. But these were mild; and, no treatment was considered necessary


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    顎関節脱臼に対する治療報告として関節結節削除術は習慣性,陳旧性顎関節脱臼に有用と報告されている.しかし関節結節削除術の合併症に関する報告は少ない.本研究の目的は関節結節削除術の合併症や問題点について検討することである.対象は2012年から2020年までに関節結節削除術を施行した12症例である.12症例中11症例は認知症,パーキンソン病,脳血管疾患,心疾患などを有する患者であった. 3 例は発病後 2 週以上経過し,外来での徒手整復が困難な陳旧性症例であった.12例中11例は関節結節削除術単独での処置, 1 例は関節結節削除術に下顎頭切除を追加した.関節結節削除術を施行した患者はすべての症例で再脱臼を認めていない.合併症として, 2 例は術後感染し,1 例は顔面神経麻痺を生じたが 3 ヶ月で完治した.関節結節削除術は最小限の外科的侵襲で有用性があり,自己整復が困難な症例や習慣性顎関節脱臼症例に信頼がおける方法であるはあるが,患者の基礎疾患やADLなどを考慮して感染制御を十分に行わなければならない

    ジッセンテキ シドウリョク オ ソナエタ キョウイン ノ ヨウセイ ニムケテ ガクセイ ニオケル ジュギョウカン ト タイジンカンケイ スキル ニカンスル ジッタイハアク

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    Nowadays, a teacher is expected to perform a practical leadership. The authors assumed a practical leadership to be composed of two factors. One is a practical ability for a lesson worth learning ; the other is a coordinative skill of human relations as a teacher. From this perspective, the surveys used questionnaires which were designed for evaluating a practical leadership were done and the analysis was preceded about the tendency of students belonged to department of J, majority of which were aspirants to a teacher. It was expected that the suggestion was got for carrying out educational reforms through the analysis. The results were as follows. 1. When the student\u27s viewpoint about a lesson which was the foundation of a practical ability was analyzed, the positive tendencies of upper grades were identified regarding not only the viewpoint emphasized contents, but also the viewpoint emphasized a lesson format. Their tendencies were implicated by the experience as a teacher trainee and the achievement of understanding contents learned in lectures. 2. When a coordinative skill of human relations was analyzed, the tendencies of students belonged to department of J were more positive than students belonged to department of others about compassion, sympathy and confidence in coordinating with children\u27s relations. However, the difference was not identified about the tendencies of an assertion which was clearly expressing his/her opinion and a fair caution for children. The reform of their tendencies is a remaining challenge in our educational activities


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    各々異なるポリアミン合成系を持つ細菌4菌種が,作用機構が異なる7系統の化学構造 を有する抗生物質によって増殖阻害を受けた場合の,菌体内ポリアミン構成やポリアミン含量 の変動を調べた。数種の培地にて,正常増殖した対照菌体と50%増殖阻害を受けた菌体とから 過塩素酸抽出したポリアミン画分のHPLC 分析を比較した。大腸菌はプトレスシン,カダベ リン,アグマチン,スペルミジン,アセチルスペルミジンを,緑膿菌はプトレスシン,カダベ リン,スペルミジンを,枯草菌はプトレスシン,スペルミジンとアグマチンを合成。腸球菌は ポリアミンを合成せず,培地中よりスペルミジンを取り込む。グリコペプチド系のバンコマイ シンでは,枯草菌と腸球菌のスペルミジンやアグマチン含量への影響は認められなかった。阻 害効果の低い大腸菌に対してもポリアミンレベルに影響しなかった。β-ラクタム系のペニシ リン系(ベンジルペニシリン,ピペラシリン)とセファマイシン系(フロモキセフ)では,大 腸菌のプトレスシン,カダベリン,アセチルスペルミジンの低下を認めた。枯草菌や腸球菌で はスペルミジンレベルの低下を認めた。アミノ配糖体系のストレプトマイシン,カナマイシン, アミカシンにより,大腸菌ではスペルミジンのアセチル化が抑制され,緑膿菌ではカダベリン 合成が阻害された。感受性菌と耐性菌の比較分析においても同様であった。エリスロマイシン (マクロライド系),テトラサイクリン,クロラムフェニコールでは,共通して大腸菌のアセチ ルスペルミジンの低下と枯草菌と腸球菌のスペルミジンの低下を認めた。オフロキサシン,ノ ルフロキサシン(ピリドカルボン酸系ニューキノロン)では大腸菌のアセチルスペルミジン, プトレスシン,カダベリンの低下,枯草菌でのスペルミジンの低下があるが,腸球菌のスペル ミジン含量に影響しなかった。大腸菌でのスペルミジンのアセチル化はアミノ配糖体系,マク ロライド系,テトラサイクリン,クロラムフェニコール,ピリドカルボン酸系により抑制され ていた。β-ラクタム系ではポリアミンレベル全体が低下していた。枯草菌でのスペルミジン 合成はグリコペプチド系以外で低下した。腸球菌でのスペルミジンの取り込みは7系統の抗生 物質の影響を受けなかった