788 research outputs found

    Romantic attachment and perception of partner support to explain psychological aggression perpetrated in couples seeking couples therapy

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    Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option cliniqueCette étude a examiné le rôle médiateur de la perception du soutien reçu du partenaire dans la relation unissant les insécurités d’attachement et la perpétration d’agression psychologique auprès de 210 couples qui consultent en thérapie conjugale. Après la première séance de thérapie, chaque partenaire a complété le Questionnaire de soutien conjugal, le Questionnaire sur les expériences d’attachement amoureux et la version française abrégée du Revised Conflict Tactics Scale, qui mesure la violence au sein du couple, individuellement. Tel que postulé, l’analyse acheminatoire basée sur le modèle d’interdépendance acteur-partenaire (APIM; Kenny, Kashy, & Cook, 2006) a révélé que les hommes et les femmes qui présentaient davantage d’évitement de l’intimité percevaient recevoir moins de soutien de leur partenaire. De plus, le fait de percevoir moins de soutien du partenaire était associé à une plus grande utilisation d'agression psychologique par l’individu et son partenaire. Cependant, les insécurités d'attachement n’étaient pas significativement liées à l'utilisation d'agression psychologique et par conséquent, la perception de soutien reçu ne peut être considérée comme variable médiatrice dans la relation unissant ces variables. Des réflexions méthodologiques et cliniques sont discutées.This study examined the mediational role of perceived partner support in the association between romantic attachment and the use of psychological aggression in 210 couples seeking couple therapy. Following the first therapy session, partners completed the Conjugal Support Questionnaire, the Experiences in Close Relationships and the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale individually. As expected, path analyses based on the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM; Kenny, Kashy, & Cook, 2006) revealed that, for both men and women, higher avoidance predicted their perception of lower partner support. Results also indicate that perception of lower partner support was related to more frequent use of psychological aggression in both the self and the partner. No significant association was found between attachment insecurities and the use of psychological aggression and, therefore, perceived partner support did not mediate this association. Methodological and clinical considerations of these results are discussed

    Blended Learning Across the Nursing Lifespan

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    Blended learning (BL) uses a combination of online and face-to-face instruction, with a reduction in face-to-face contact time. BL is intended to mitigate some of the challenges associated with online-only instruction, such as a lack of personalization, while improving flexibility when compared to face-to-face instruction. As the demographics of nurses and nursing students change, it is essential that nursing education is able to meet their needs. The purpose of this literature review is to examine the literature available on the use of BL as an instructional method for undergraduate, masters, and doctoral nursing programs as well as continued education of Registered Nurses (RNs) throughout their career. The results suggest that BL is at least as effective as traditional delivery methods and may offer additional advantages such as increased satisfaction and critical thinking for students. More rigorous research of BL in the field of nursing is required to further explore the effects. Discipline: Nursing Faculty Mentor: Keri-Ann Berga &nbsp

    The Relationship Between a Dimensional Ratings of Perceived Exertion Scale and Heart Rate in Young Children

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of a dimensional rating of perceived exertion scale (D-RPE) for young children while exercising. Sixteen boys and girls (ages 6-8 years) peiformed two incremental walking tests on a motorized treadmill. Each subject walked at 3.2 miles per hour until the subject was fatigued or voluntarily stopped the test. The intensity was increased by increasing the treadmill incline 2.5% every two minutes. Heart rate (HR) was monitored at each two minute interval by a heart rate monitor worn across the chest. Either a mouthpiece or oxygen face mask was used to collect and analyze expired gases by a Sensormedics V-29 metabolic cart. A poster of the D-RPE using circles of increasing size was presented to each subject at the end of each two-minute interval and the subject pointed to the circle they felt corresponded to their exercise effort level. Two identical exercise sessions were administered on different days to test reliability. The results indicated that the treadmill protocol used yielded valid and reproducible measures of HR, VOo, VCO2 and VeTPS. HR increased linearly with a % grade and reached maximal values in stages 5 through 9 for most subjects. D-RPE followed a similar pattern but the D- RPE response appeared to be curvilinear. This may have been due to a statistical mortality rate at the upper stages of exercise. The D-RPE scale utilized in this investigation appeared to be a valid, reliable and reproducible measure of young children’s exercise exertional levels

    “A Man Without a Country”: Experiences of Francophone Migration during the Quiet Revolution

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    There are numerous studies on shifting Francophone-Anglophone relations during the Quiet Revolution, and migration studies tend to focus on Anglophones who sought opportunity outside Québec (Pettinicchio 2012). However, less attention has been paid to the experiences of Francophones who migrated to English Canada during this period. Undeniably, these people had their own unique political, economic and social motivations for leaving Québec at this time. Their adopted communities brought experiences of cultural assimilation and language loss, which have been previously explored in relation to First Peoples in Canada and the indigenous groups of other countries (e.g. Hallett et al. 2007; Wanhalla 2007). Using the oral history of a Francophone whose family migrated from Québec to British Columbia during the 1960s, I reveal the roles of motivation, alienation, assimilation and language in his migration experience. I argue that (1) the motivations of these Francophone migrants were complex, involving not only politico-economic reasons but also social and personal ones, (2) their subsequent experiences of alienation and assimilation were intimately connected to language and were sometimes self-enforced to prevent low-level persecution, (3) this partial assimilation resulted in a lack of belonging in both their original and adopted communities. My informant’s narrative cannot speak for all interprovincial Francophone migrants, but it does provide insight into the intimate nuances and complexities of the situation that are often overlooked in generalized statistical approaches

    Heart Screenings in Young Athletes Identify Risk Factors for Sudden Cardiac Arrest

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    Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in the young is the leading cause of death in the U.S. afflicting over 300,000 individuals each year. SCA is also the leading cause of death in young athletes during sports participation, and typically the result of undiagnosed structural or electrical cardiovascular disease. Sport\u27s physical exams that include cardiac screenings (EKG, cardiac ultrasound if warranted, and review of family heart history) will assist in identifying those young athletes most at risk for a sudden cardiac arrest

    Changing Brains, Changing Lives: Researching the Lived Experience of Individuals Practicing Self-Directed Neuroplasticity

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    Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change and adapt both structure and function in response to sensory experiences. Self-directed neuroplasticity (SDN) specifically addresses the capacity to proactively modify cerebral function through volitional control and the intentional practice of focusing attention in desired ways. In other words, the mind can consciously change the brain. Self-directed neuroplasticity (SDN) approaches are successfully used to treat a range of challenges such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and emotional response regulation. However, no research describes the lived experiences of individuals practicing SDN across multiple modalities. Using semi-structured, in-depth interviews, this phenomenological inquiry describes the lived experiences of 13 participants practicing SDN. In addition to identifying SDN uses and multifaceted aspects to SDN practices outside of current academic literature, this study utilized thematic analysis to uncover four themes: Seeking, Empowerment, Growth in Relationships, and Transformation. Results offer insights into expanding SDN uses, broadening practice context, and life-changing transformation. Implications include the need to increase awareness, education, and integration of SDN within holistic health and other communities, as well as expand research regarding SDN uses, application among various populations, and longitudinal efficacy

    Reforming Predatory Payday Loan Practices in Minnesota

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    Since 1999 the payday lending industry has been draining millions of dollars from Minnesotans struggling to keep a roof over their heads, put food on the table, and provide for other basic needs. For many people, repeat borrowing is the only via options to meet their monthly expenses. People who use this short-term loan option often fall into a debt trap because of steep interest rates that make it nearly impossible pay off the original and subsequent loans. Predatory marketing and lack of available banking solutions force marginalized groups into a cycle of debt. Minnesota needs to invest in fair lending practices by implementing interest rate caps and investing in solutions that eliminate the cycle of debt

    Les effets de la dissolution de l'URSS sur les sciences soviétiques périphériques Lituanie, Biélorussie et Ukraine entre 1980 et 2000

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    La théorie de l’art pour l’art : étude généalogique d’un nouveau paradigme éthique de l’art

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    L’objectif de ce mémoire est de proposer une généalogie de la théorie de l’art pour l’art, élaborée dans le contexte historique du romantisme. En prenant pour point de départ le double mouvement d’autonomisation des beaux-arts et de l’esthétique du XVIIIe siècle, cette recherche vise à reconstituer les grands axes de cette nouvelle doxa artistique apparue sous la Monarchie de Juillet. S’inscrivant dans la même démarche de dissociation entre les notions du Beau et du Bien qui caractérise la naissance de la discipline esthétique au siècle des Lumières, la théorie de l’art pour l’art est généralement reconnue en raison de son rejet radical de toute forme de moralité. Or, derrière cet aspect, il apparaît que certains de ses tenants ont fait preuve d’une très forte rigueur éthique dans l’exercice de leur art. Cela est notablement le cas de Gustave Flaubert, dont la Correspondance déploie le programme complet d’une « morale de l’art ». La reconstitution des fondements de cette dernière occupera la seconde et dernière grande partie de ce travail. La première partie sera quant à elle pour une large part consacrée à la pensée esthétique de Karl Philipp Moritz. Personnage parfois méconnu, cet écrivain philosophe mérite sans l’ombre d’un doute d’être considéré dans la genèse des idées de l’art pour l’art. Sa conception autotélique du Beau offre très certainement l’une des versions les plus radicales de l’indépendance des beaux-arts à l’égard de la morale au XVIIIe siècle. De plus, son concept d’imitation formatrice du beau annonce les changements profonds qui affecteront la conception romantique de l’artiste et de l’acte de création au XIXe siècle.The aim of this study is to propose a genealogy of the theory of “l’art pour l’art”, elaborated in the historical context of Romanticism. Taking as a starting point the movement of autonomy of the Fine Arts and aesthetics of the 18th century, this research is an attempt to reconstruct the main lines of this new artistic doxa that appeared under the July Monarchy. Following the same approach of dissociation between the notions of Beauty and Good that characterized the birth of the aesthetic discipline in the Enlightenment, the theory of “l’art pour l’art” is generally recognized because of its radical rejection of all forms of morality. Yet, behind this aspect, it appears that some of its proponents have shown a very strong ethical rigour in the exercise of their art. Gustave Flaubert is definitely one of them. In his Correspondance, a complete program of a “moral of art” is deployed. Rebuilding the foundations of this program will occupy the second and final major part of this work when the first part will be largely devoted to the aesthetic thought of Karl Philipp Moritz, a character who is sometimes misunderstood. This philosophical writer undoubtedly deserves to be considered in the genesis of the ideas of the theory of “l’art pour l’art”. His autotelic conception of Beauty certainly offers one of the most radical versions of the independence of the fine arts from morality on the 18th century. Moreover, his concept of formative imitation of beauty announces the profound changes that will affect the romantic conception of the artist and the act of creation in the 19th century

    Le plurilinguisme et la marchandisation de la langue : des phénomènes explorés en relation avec le contexte de la migration au Québec

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    Le phénomène du plurilinguisme a pris une place importante dans la société québécoise au cours des dernières années. L'ascension du secteur tertiaire a entraîné une augmentation des formes de travail basées sur la communication et donc une marchandisation de la langue, qui se trouve dorénavant au cœur de la nouvelle économie. À l’ère de la mondialisation, une entreprise qui se trouve sur la scène internationale souhaitera intégrer à son équipe des locuteurs plurilingues qui serviront d’intermédiaires pour communiquer avec leurs partenaires économiques étrangers. Le fait de parler plusieurs langues s’avère un grand avantage sur le marché du travail, plus précisément, chez les locuteurs qui détiennent un niveau de compétence élevé en français et qui œuvrent au sein du secteur tertiaire. Ainsi, on octroie maintenant à la langue une valeur économique puisqu’elle est à la source des profits d’un grand nombre de travailleurs et d’entreprises
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