193 research outputs found

    Congenital pancreatoblastoma: a case report

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    The literature describes 15 cases of congenital pancreatoblastoma (PB): 5 had prenatal diagnosis, none had metastases at diagnosis, 7 were associated with BeckwitheWiedemann syndrome (BWS). In 13 cases resection was radical, while in 2 there were macroscopic residues. Only one patient underwent chemotherapy after distant recurrence. All children are alive except one who died because of problems related to BWS. Our goal is to describe the approach adopted in an infant with congenital PB treated in our center. After a prenatal third semester diagnosis of abdominal anechoic lesion, the radiological investigations (ultrasound, MRI) performed at birth described a cystic lesion of unclear nature. We proceeded to laparoscopic exploration, transformed into open approach after the detection of a lesion located in the body of the pancreas; this lesion was resected, preserving the head and tail of pancreas. The histological diagnosis showed a completely excised PB. After excluding metastatic lesions, we decided to perform only careful follow-up without chemotherapy. The follow-up at 12 months is negative. Although PB is a malignant tumor that requires a multidisciplinary treatment, the congenital cases seem to have a less aggressive biological behavior. The treatment, therefore, in case of complete resection, could be only surgical, followed by a careful follow-up. These forms are often associated with congenital BWS, but in our case the patient did not have the typical characteristics of the syndrome

    The enduring influence of institutions on universal health coverage: an empirical investigation of 62 former colonies

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    In this paper, we argue that particular institutional arrangements partly explain the large and persistent differences in health systems and health outcomes observed in former colonies. Drawing on data from the World Health Organization for 62 countries, covering the period 2000–2014, we explore whether economic (risk of expropriation) and health (complete cause of death registries) institutions explain mortality rates and access to healthcare. To identify this relationship, we use settler mortality and the distance of the capital from the nearest major port – factors associated with institutional arrangements – to explain cross-national variation in health outcomes and the universality of health systems. We find that inclusive institutions arrangements – that protect and acknowledge the rights of citizens – are associated with better health outcomes (e.g. lower infant mortality and lower maternal mortality) as well as with better health systems (e.g. more skilled birth attendance and greater immunization). Inclusive institutions not only foster economic growth but improve health and well-being too

    Outsourcing cleaning services increases MRSA incidence: evidence from 126 English acute trusts

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    There has been extensive outsourcing of hospital cleaning services in the NHS in England, in part because of the potential to reduce costs. Yet some argue that this leads to lower hygiene standards and more infections, such as MRSA and, perhaps because of this, the Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Irish health services have rejected outsourcing. This study evaluates whether contracting out cleaning services in English acute hospital Trusts (legal authorities that run one or more hospitals) is associated with risks of hospital-borne MRSA infection and lower economic costs. By linking data on MRSA incidence per 100,000 hospital bed-days with surveys of cleanliness among patient and staff in 126 English acute hospital Trusts during 2010–2014, we find that outsourcing cleaning services was associated with greater incidence of MRSA, fewer cleaning staff per hospital bed, worse patient perceptions of cleanliness and staff perceptions of availability of handwashing facilities. However, outsourcing was also associated with lower economic costs (without accounting for additional costs associated with treatment of hospital acquired infections)


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    Territory and history: the justification of detachment from the land as a stage in the development of human agency

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    The aim of this thesis is to research the ontology of human agency that informs the structure of most contemporary theories of territorial rights. Rather than establishing a new normative approach to the issue of the allocation of territories to subjects, my work focuses on a descriptive conceptual analysis of the origin of our need to normatively justify attachment to the land. The main questions I seek to answer are: why do we feel the need to solve the issue of our relationship with the land from a normative standpoint? Can the very fact that such relationship appears to us as a problem enlighten us as to the (im)possibility of solving it? My approach to answering these questions moves from an examination of what it means to be agents who are embedded in the outside world and who seek to live through the outside by embedding it in their activity as they gain autonomy from it. I then show that, in their pursuit of autonomy, agents become part of a historical movement away from the outside. They therefore seek to justify not their attachment to the land, but their detachment from it. As they shift from being creatures shaped by the land to being creators of themselves by shaping the land, agents lose their immediate connection with the outside, which they seek to substitute with normative considerations. Finally, I develop a philosophy of history to prove the inevitability and necessity of this process of detachment, showing why we cannot reverse it, and arguing that the problem of detachment is not for us to solve, but to contemplate as a fundamental and necessary stage in our development as agents. This makes the field of territorial rights philosophically emblematic in its ontological/historical implications even more than from an immediately practical standpoint

    The quantification of the psychiatric revolution: a quasi-natural experiment of the suicide impact of the Basaglia Law

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    Abstract Background The Italian 180/1978 reform abolishing asylums is one of the most contested mental health programs ever implemented. It aimed to shift care of mental illness into the community improving outcomes and reducing expenditure. It was a model for successive deinstitutionalization initiatives across Europe and North America. However, there were longstanding concerns that, without expansion of community care, it may have deprived patients with mental illness access to support, placing them at increased risk of suicide. Methods Regression discontinuity models were used to quantify the association between the number of suicides and the introduction of the Basaglia Law, disaggregated by age-group and gender, covering 20 Italian regions during the period 1975–84. Models were adjusted for potential socio-demographic confounding factors, region-specific fixed effects and pre-existing time-trends. Results Italian regions implemented the Basaglia Law to varying degrees over time. We observed that, after adjusting for pre-existing time trends, the implementation was associated with a consistent increase in the number of suicides for all the age-groups [incidence rate ratio, age 15–44: 1.29, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.18–1.41; age 45–74: 1.45, 95% CI 1.37–1.54] and for both genders (males: 1.47, 95% CI 1.41–1.53; females: 1.36, 95% CI 1.25–1.47). Hospital closure appeared to be an important mediating mechanism. Conclusions The Basaglia Law was associated with a significant increase in the number of suicides, with evidence of an association with closures of facilities, leaving those with mental illness with nowhere to go, as the envisioned community care structures failed to be developed as originally planned. </jats:sec

    Austerity, measles and mandatory vaccination: cross-regional analysis of vaccination in Italy 2000-14.

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    Background: Italy has experienced a resurgence in measles since 2015. Although much emphasis has been placed on the role of individuals opting out of vaccination, here we test the hypothesis that large budget reductions in public health spending were also a contributing factor. Methods: Multi-variate statistical models were used to assess the relationship between measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) coverage and real public health expenditure per-capita across Italy's 20 regions covering the period 2000-14. Results: Between 2010 and 2014 Italy's public health expenditure fell by over 2%, although varying among regions. Fixed effects models estimate that each 1% reduction in per-capita public health expenditure was associated with a decrease of 0.5 percentage points (95% CI: 0.36-0.65 percentage points) in MMR coverage, after adjusting for time and regional-specific time trends. The consequences can be illustrated by comparing two regions, Lazio, where public health spending fell by 5% and MMR coverage by over 3 percentage points, and Sardinia, a historically deprived region, where public health spending partly rose and MMR rates remained approximately steady. Conclusion: Adoption of austerity policies in the Italian health system was found to be significantly associated with declining vaccination rates for MMR. However, the recent introduction of mandatory vaccination for Italian children may help counteract this trend

    How the internet increases modern contraception uptake: evidence from eight sub-Saharan African countries

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    Background Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries have the highest worldwide levels of unmet need for modern contraception. This has led to persistently high fertility rates in the region, rates which have had major adverse repercussions on the development potential there. Family planning programmes play a key role in improving the uptake of modern contraception, both by fostering women’s health and by lowering their fertility. Increasing awareness of contraception benefits is a major component of such programmes. Here, we ask whether internet access can bridge the gap between women’s need for modern contraception and women’s uptake of the same. Methods We use a compendium of data for 125 242 women, aged 15–49, from the Demographic Health Survey, Akamai and International Communication Union data, covering eight SSA countries, for the period 2014–2019. We apply a Two-Stage Least Square model, using as instruments for individual internet exposure the distance to the main server in the country and whether the backbone network in the country has been connected to at least one submarine cable. Results Internet exposure, measured as women access the internet at least monthly (almost daily), is associated with a positive, 11.4% (95% CI 10.6% to 12.2%) (53.8% (95% CI 13.4% to 94.1%)), increase in modern contraception uptake. Education is an important moderator. Poorly educated women benefit the most from internet exposure. Discussion Internet exposure appears to have significantly increased the uptake of modern contraception among sub-Saharan women. The poorly educated appear particularly to benefit. There are two mechanisms at play: the internet increases women’s knowledge of contraception; and, in parallel, fosters their empowerment

    Congenital pancreatoblastoma: a case report

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    The literature describes 15 cases of congenital pancreatoblastoma (PB): 5 had prenatal diagnosis, none had metastases at diagnosis, 7 were associated with BeckwitheWiedemann syndrome (BWS). In 13 cases resection was radical, while in 2 there were macroscopic residues. Only one patient underwent chemotherapy after distant recurrence. All children are alive except one who died because of problems related to BWS. Our goal is to describe the approach adopted in an infant with congenital PB treated in our center. After a prenatal third semester diagnosis of abdominal anechoic lesion, the radiological investigations (ultrasound, MRI) performed at birth described a cystic lesion of unclear nature. We proceeded to laparoscopic exploration, transformed into open approach after the detection of a lesion located in the body of the pancreas; this lesion was resected, preserving the head and tail of pancreas. The histological diagnosis showed a completely excised PB. After excluding metastatic lesions, we decided to perform only careful follow-up without chemotherapy. The follow-up at 12 months is negative. Although PB is a malignant tumor that requires a multidisciplinary treatment, the congenital cases seem to have a less aggressive biological behavior. The treatment, therefore, in case of complete resection, could be only surgical, followed by a careful follow-up. These forms are often associated with congenital BWS, but in our case the patient did not have the typical characteristics of the syndrome

    Evidence Points To 'Gaming' At Hospitals Subject To National Health Service Cleanliness Inspections.

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    Inspections are a key way to monitor and ensure quality of care and maintain high standards in the National Health Service (NHS) in England. Yet there is a perception that inspections can be gamed. This can happen, for example, when staff members know that an inspection will soon take place. Using data for 205 NHS hospitals for the period 2011-14, we tested whether patients' perceptions of cleanliness increased during periods when inspections occurred. Our results show that during the period within two months of an inspection, there was a significant elevation (2.5-11.0 percentage points) in the share of patients who reported "excellent" cleanliness. This association was consistent even after adjustment for secular time trends. The association was concentrated in hospitals that outsourced cleaning services and was not detected in those that used NHS cleaning services
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