512 research outputs found


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    Opportunity recognition is one of the most important skills an entrepreneur and business owner needs to acquire (Wasdani & Manimala, 2015). One of the way an entrepreneur could understand this skill is through a research. Since the key part that needed to be highlighted in implementing this kind of entrepreneurial research is to explain the discovery and development process of opportunities as mentioned by (Venkataraman, 1997). This research will utilize (Ardichvili & Cardozo, 2000) proposed framework due to the aim of this framework is to capture the early phases of ontogenesis in opportunity recognition and describe how each factor determine the success of it. This framework’s factors includes alertness, prior knowledge or experience, and social network This framework will be implemented on PT.XYZ an IT tech support company based in Jakarta, Indonesia to capture and study the early phases of ontogenesis in opportunity recognition that occurs in the organization. Where currently PT.XYZ is at the phase where the demand to create new breakthrough is critical for the company’s future growth. With cybersecurity being the growing trend in the IT industry, PT.XYZ wanted to use this business environment changes to search for its new opportunity. By gathering selected workers to find creative idea that will be the foundation of their new project. The sample that were used to test-on in this research comes from those selected few that handles the project. The objective of this study is to describe what impact the three factors does in determining the success of opportunity recognition process. The research founds out that those three factors are the determination factors that acts as a guide in opportunity searching. In short explanation alertness acts like a train, while prior knowledge and social network are the rails that guides alertness to stay on track


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    Modelo de forças não centrais para dinâmica de redes de metais B.C.C.

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    Orientador: Madan Mohan ShuklaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb WataghinResumo: Foi proposto um modelo de força elástica para metais cúbicos, considerando-se interações de curto alcance entre íons do tipo central no esquema de Born-von Kármán, e do tipo angular no esquema de Clark, Gazis e Wallis, juntamente com interação de longo alcance do potencial de Coulomb blindado. O presente modelo foi aplicado para estudar a dinâmica de redes e algumas propriedades térmicas de metais alcalinos e de transição. Foi obtido bom acordo, em geral, entre os resultados calculados e experimentais. As característicasmais notáveis do presente modelo são: 1. As interações angulares entre íons formam parte do módulo de rigidez volumétrico do gás de elétron, em contradição à hipótese de Fuchs. 2. O presente modelo com apenas cinco parametros ajustáveis, fornece resultados muito melhores que aqueles obtidos por outros modelos com grande número de parâmetrosAbstract: An elastic force model for cubic metals has been proposed by considering the short range interactions in metal ions ie. central one on BVK scheme and angular one on CGW scheme together with the long range interaction on the screened Coulomb potential. The present model has been applied to study the lattice dynamics and some thermal properties of alkali and b.c.c. transition metals. An overall agreement between the calculated and experimental results has been achieved. The noteworthy features of the present model are: 1. The angular ionic interactions form a part of the bulk modulus of the electron gas. This is in contradiction to the Fuchs' hypothesis. 2. The present model with only five adjustable parameters gave results much better than those offered so far by other models with large number of parametersMestradoFísicaMestre em Físic

    Evaluation of Kentucky Bluegrass (\u3ci\u3ePoa pratensis\u3c/i\u3e L.) for Creating Sustainable Grazing Swards in Hokkaido

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    Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) is generally considered to be a weed in the meadows of Hokkaido. However, a revaluation of this species should be undertaken in terms of its useful characteristics for labor-saving management on farms in marginal areas. The performance of steers (Holstein-Friesian) and botanical composition of Kentucky bluegrass swards were investigated under the stocking methods of set and rotational grazing and compared with timothy (Phleum pratense L.) swards. Kentucky bluegrass was stable over the grazing season under both methods, although timothy decreased rapidly. The average daily gain of steers raised on Kentucky bluegrass swards was lower than that on timothy swards. In Kentucky bluegrass swards, however, a well-regulated number of steers under set grazing can maintain as high an animal performance rate as that under rotational grazing. Kentucky bluegrass was considered to be useful for beef production under labor-saving grazing management

    A Technique for Measurement of Cattle Form Using a Trail 3D Digital Camera

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    Measurement of weight and form are important for the management of grazing cattle; however, form measurement is seldom carried out. Recently, use of 3D digital cameras has been increasing, and 3D-technology for reconstruction of 3D pictures has been developed. The measurement of withers and hip height of cattle from 3D pictures using the image-analysis technique has been reported (Kida et al. 2012). However, time and effort are required to obtain 3D images of grazing cattle in pastures. Here, we examined an automatic photographic technique using a sensor camera


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    Pascasarjana Telkom University memiliki tiga program magister, yaitu (1) Magister Teknik Telekomunikasi, (2) Magister Informatika, dan (3) Magister Manajemen. Berdasarkan data diketahui bahwa tahun 2015 terdapat penurunan jumlah mahasiswa yang sangat drastis. Hal ini sangat berbanding terbalik dengan permintaan strata satu (S1) yang menembus angka 26.000 pendaftar pada tahun 2015. Salah satu program magister yang akan diteliti pada penilitian ini adalah program Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis. Jumlah mahasiswa program Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis yang didirikan pada tahun 1999 memiliki jumlah yang tetap, dan tidak terlalu meningkat. Pada tiga tahun terakhir jumlah mahasiswa Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis semakin menurun. Untuk itu pihak Magister Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis berencana untuk melakukan peningkatan pelayanan untuk mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya dibutuhkan oleh customer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui masalah apa saja yang belum sesuai dengan keinginan mahasiswa dengan menggunakan integrasi Education Quality dan Model Kano dengan mencari atribut kebutuhan setiap pelanggan terhadap layanan produk Magister Manajemen Telkom University untuk dilakukan peningkatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi 24 atribut yang digunakan untuk menentukan atribut kebutuhan yang perlu dikembangkan dan diprioritaskan dalam peningkatan kualitas layanan Magister Manajemen Telkom University. Pengidentifikasian atribut kebutuhan pelanggan dilakukan dengan wawancara secara mendalam. Responden untuk penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa dan alumni Magister Manajemen karena mereka sudah pernah merasakan pelayanan yang diberikan oleh Magister Manajemen Telkom University. Jumlah responden untuk penggalian Voice of Customer berjumlah 12 orang sedangkan jumlah responden untuk pengisian kuesioner berjumlah 120. Semua responden berdomisili di Bandung dan sekitarnya. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data pada kuesioner Education Quality diperoleh bahwa 6 atribut kebutuhan merupakan atribut lemah dimana atribut ini belum bisa memenuhi harapan pelanggan, sedangkan 18 atribut kebutuhan merupakan atribut kuat yang berarti atribut ini telah memenuhi harapan pelanggan. Selanjutnya, berdasarkan pengklasifikasian Model Kano, diperoleh 5 atribut berkategori must-be, 14 atribut berkategori attractive, 4 atribut berkategori Indifferent dan 1 atribut berkategori One Dimensional. Dari hasil integrasi hasil pengolahan data Education Quality dan Model Kano, diperoleh 8 atribut yang dipertahankan, 15 atribut yang ditingkatkan dan 1 atribut yang diabaikan. Rekomendasi diperoleh berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data serta analisis yang melibatkan data Magister Manajemen Telkom University. Rekomendasi berisi atribut kebutuhan Magister Manajemen Telkom University yang diprioritaskan untuk ditingkatkan sebagai True Customer Needs. True Customer Needs yang terdiri dari 9 atribut yang dipertahankan dan 6 atribut yang perlu ditingkatkan. True Customer Needs yang berjumlah 15 tersebut terdiri dari, penyampaian materi oleh dosen mudah dipahami mahasiswa,dosen yang interaktif, dosen yang ahli dalam bidang yang diajarkan, ketersediaan tenaga pengajar pengganti jika dosen berhalangan hadir, dosen yang menyediakan materi e-learning, perpustakaan dengan buku referensi yang lengkap, perpustakaan dengan kumpulan jurnal yang mudah diakses, fasilitas AC di ruangan kelas institusi, fasilitas internet institusi yang memadai, keramahan staff administrasi, keterbukaan staff administrasi terhadap kritik dan saran, ketanggapan staff administrasi dalam memberikan respon terhadap kebutuhan mahasiswa, institusi memberikan pengakuan atas prestasi yang sudah dicapai mahasiswa, institusi memberikan penghargaan atas prestasi yang sudah dicapai mahasiswa, dan institusi menyediakan seminar atau pelatihan untuk mengembangkan potensi mahasiswa. Dari 15 atribut True Customer Needs 14 atribut termasuk dalam kategori Attractive dan 1 masuk dalam ke kategori Must-be

    Emission of continuous coherent terahertz waves with tunable frequency by intrinsic Josephson junctions

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    We present a mechanism for emission of electromagnetic terahertz waves by simulation. High TcT_{c} superconductors form naturally stacked Josephson junctions. When an external current and a magnetic field are applied to the sample, fluxon flow induces voltage. The voltage creates oscillating current through the Josephson effect and the current excites the Josephson plasma. The sample works as a cavity, and the input energy is stored in a form of standing wave of the Josephson plasma. A part of the energy is emitted as terahertz waves.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure