425 research outputs found

    Можливості і перешкоди на шляху розвитку біопалива для транспорту в Польщі - досвід для України

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    The development of the biofuels sector largely depends on the political factors. The European Union decision, concerning the reduction of the share of the 1st generation biocomponents in transport fuels is a threat to the Polish industrial production of biofuels, which is 100 per cent based on the first-generation biofuels. Distilleries, producing bioethanol added to gasoline are particularly at risk. The difficult situation touches the oil pressing plants (esters added to diesel). The hazard primarily affects smaller plants of the biofuel sector. National giants, who intend to invest in the second and third generation biofuels that are not derived from food products are in a slightly better situation.Polish example, which has invested substantial financial resources in the development of the 1st generation biofuels, reaching its highest share in transport fuels in Europe, shows that in the case of Ukraine, the choice of strategy in the production of biofuels should be preceeded by a thorough analysis of the trends that are taking place in the European Union, including Poland. Therefore, there is a need to further study the situation in the EU biofuels, as well as for close scientific cooperation with Polish academics.Развитие возобновляемых источников энергии в производстве транспортного биотоплива имеет важное значение как для экономики Польши, так и Украины. Развитие сектора биотоплива зависит от ряда экономических и экологических факторов, в том числе политических решений. В статье представлено текущее состояние развития производства биотоплива в Польше, а также возможности и препятствия на пути развития этого сектора. Розвиток відновлювальних джерел енергії у виробництві транспортного біопалива має важливе значення як для економіки Польщі, так і України. Розвиток сектора біопалива залежить від ряду економічних та екологічних чинників, у тому числі політичних рішень. У статті представлено поточний стан розвитку біопалива в Польщі, а також можливості та перешкоди на шляху розвитку цього сектора

    Analytical evaluation of the rapeseed market in Ukraine

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    In the article is analysed the rapeseed market in Ukraine. Strengths and weaknesses of the rapeseed market are defined as well as its prospects and threats of the external environment. The balance of rapeseed and its vegetable oil were estimated, in particular the internal processing of rape seeds and further exports, and the use of these products as raw materials for biodiesel. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research are the provisions of economic theory, scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists, legislative and regulatory acts of Ukraine, as well as statistical data. Keywords: rapeseed market, rape oil, Ukraine, balance, export, import, biodiese

    Quantum interference from sums over closed paths for electrons on a three-dimensional lattice in a magnetic field: total energy, magnetic moment, and orbital susceptibility

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    We study quantum interference effects due to electron motion on a three-dimensional cubic lattice in a continuously-tunable magnetic field of arbitrary orientation and magnitude. These effects arise from the interference between magnetic phase factors associated with different electron closed paths. The sums of these phase factors, called lattice path-integrals, are ``many-loop" generalizations of the standard ``one-loop" Aharonov-Bohm-type argument. Our lattice path integral calculation enables us to obtain various important physical quantities through several different methods. The spirit of our approach follows Feynman's programme: to derive physical quantities in terms of ``sums over paths". From these lattice path-integrals we compute analytically, for several lengths of the electron path, the half-filled Fermi-sea ground-state energy of noninteracting spinless electrons in a cubic lattice. Our results are valid for any strength of the applied magnetic field in any direction. We also study in detail two experimentally important quantities: the magnetic moment and orbital susceptibility at half-filling, as well as the zero-field susceptibility as a function of the Fermi energy.Comment: 14 pages, RevTe

    Перспективы наращивания производства биогаза в Украине и Польше

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    У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан забезпеченості України та Польщі природним газом. В контексті зменшення залежності від вичерпних мінеральних ресурсів оцінено потенціал відновлюваних джерел енергії, зокрема виробництва біогазу в обох країнах. При цьому визначено, що важливу роль для подальшого його нарощування виробництва відіграє законодавче регулювання. Теоретичною і методичною основою даного дослідження є положення економічної теорії, наукові розробки вітчизняних і зарубіжних інженерів, економістів, експертів з питань розвитку біоенергетичної галузі, законодавчі та нормативні акти України та Польщі, а також статистичні дані обох країн.In the article is analyzed the current state of natural gas provision in Ukraine and Poland. In the context of reducing dependence on mineral resources are considered potential of renewable energy sources, including biogas production in both countries. There is determined that an important role for further increase production plays legislative regulation. Theoretical and methodological basis for this study found on economic theory, scientific development of domestic and foreign engineers, economists, experts in the field of bioenergy, legislative and normative acts of Ukraine and Poland, as well as statistics in both countries.В статье проанализировано современное состояние обеспеченности Украины и Польши природным газом. В контексте уменьшения зависимости от исчерпывающих минеральных ресурсов рассмотрен потенциал возобновляемых источников энергии, в частности, производства биогаза в обеих странах. При этом оценено, что важную роль для дальнейшего его наращивания производства играет законодательное регулирование. Теоретической и методической основой исследования являются положения экономической теории, научные разработки отечественных и зарубежных инженеров, экономистов, экспертов по вопросам развития биоэнергетической отрасли, законодательные и нормативные акты Украины и Польши, а также статистические данные обеих стран

    Mobility impairment is associated with reduced microstructural integrity of the inferior and superior cerebellar peduncles in elderly with no clinical signs of cerebellar dysfunction☆

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    While the cerebellum plays a critical role in motor coordination and control no studies have investigated its involvement in idiopathic mobility impairment in community-dwelling elderly. In this study we tested the hypothesis that structural changes in the cerebellar peduncles not detected by conventional magnetic resonance imaging are associated with reduced mobility performance. The analysis involved eighty-five subjects (age range: 75–90 years) who had no clinical signs of cerebellar dysfunction. Based on the short physical performance battery (SPPB) score, we defined mobility status of the subjects in the study as normal (score 11–12, n = 26), intermediate (score 9–10, n = 27) or impaired (score < 9, n = 32). We acquired diffusion tensor imaging data to obtain indices of white matter integrity: fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD). Using a parcellation atlas, regional indices within the superior, middle, and inferior cerebellar peduncles (ICP, MCP, SCP) were calculated and their associations with mobility performance were analyzed. Subjects with impaired mobility showed reduced FA and AD values in the ICP and SCP but not in the MCP. The ICP-FA, ICP-AD and SCP-FA indices showed a significant association with the SPPB score. We also observed significant correlation between ICP-FA and walk time (r = − 0.311, p = 0.004), as well as between SCP-AD and self-paced maximum walking velocity (r = 0.385, p = 0.003) and usual walking velocity (r = 0.400, p = 0.002). In logistic regression analysis ICP-FA and ICP-AD together explained 51% of the variability in the mobility status of a sample comprising the normal and impaired subgroups, and correctly classified more than three-quarters of those subjects. Our findings suggest that presence of microstructural damage, likely axonal, in afferent and efferent connections of the cerebellum contributes to the deterioration of motor performance in older people

    An exchange-correlation energy for a two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field

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    We present the results of a variational Monte Carlo calculation of the exchange-correlation energy for a spin-polarized two-dimensional electron gas in a perpendicular magnetic field. These energies are a necessary input to the recently developed current-density functional theory. Landau-level mixing is included in a variational manner, which gives the energy at finite density at finite field, in contrast to previous approaches. Results are presented for the exchange-correlation energy and excited-state gap at ν=\nu = 1/7, 1/5, 1/3, 1, and 2. We parameterize the results as a function of rsr_s and ν\nu in a form convenient for current-density functional calculations.Comment: 36 pages, including 6 postscript figure

    Exchange and correlation energies of ground states of atoms and molecules in strong magnetic fields

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    Using a Hartree-Fock mesh method and a configuration interaction approach based on a generalized Gaussian basis set we investigate the behaviour of the exchange and correlation energies of small atoms and molecules, namely th e helium and lithium atom as well as the hydrogen molecule, in the presence of a magnetic field covering the regime B=0-100a.u. In general the importance of the exchange energy to the binding properties of at oms or molecules increases strongly with increasing field strength. This is due to the spin-flip transitions and in particular due to the contributions of the tightly bound hydrogenic state s which are involved in the corresponding ground states of different symmetries. In contrast to the exchange energy the correlation energy becomes less relevant with increasing field strength. This holds for the individual configurations constituting the ground state and for the crossovers of the global ground state.Comment: 4 Figures acc.f.publ.in Phys.Rev.

    Density-functional calculation of ionization energies of current-carrying atomic states

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    Current-density-functional theory is used to calculate ionization energies of current-carrying atomic states. A perturbative approximation to full current-density-functional theory is implemented for the first time, and found to be numerically feasible. Different parametrizations for the current-dependence of the density functional are critically compared. Orbital currents in open-shell atoms turn out to produce a small shift in the ionization energies. We find that modern density functionals have reached an accuracy at which small current-related terms appearing in open-shell configurations are not negligible anymore compared to the remaining difference to experiment.Comment: 7 pages, 2 tables, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Methodological research of financial sector digital transformation trends in banking

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    The article analyzes the current problems of the financial sector within the framework digital transformation and the gradual transition to digital service financial transactions. The object of research is the Ukrainian financial banking sector, the peculiarities of which functioning at this stage crisis economy Ukraine require finding adaptation ways for the introduction digital transformation procedures. The subject is financial relations in the digital adaptation sphere and innovative development banking through the prism involvement of tools and information technologies in financial system, in general, and financial operations and procedures, in particular. The problems domestic financial sector transformation became more acute in connection with the mass transition to remote channels interaction with clients, first due to the restrictions that were applied as a result the COVID-19 pandemic, and then due to the armed aggression of russia to Ukraine. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive assessment dynamic changes in the financial environment and the creation a basis for modeling predictive scenarios and strategies based on the study existing situation, theoretical basis development and financial and banking sector development directions for effective interaction in Ukrainian economy conditions. The Ukrainian banking system trends changes are outlined. The peculiarities of the international development financial and banking sphere are defined, a comparison with the world experience is outlined, analytical studies best global cases are carried out for the possibility introducing the results to the Ukrainian financial space. The research results about digital capabilities banking sphere in Ukraine are presented, the essential content banking, the properties system, the peculiarities building a banking digital architecture and architectonics through the prism of components and tools for a banking strategy model are presented. Attention is paid to the innovative development of the banking sector and directions for attracting investment resources. Procedures for creating digital opportunities transition financial sector and reengineering business processes for companies when transitioning to a digital format commercial activity have been worked out, that will be of theoretical and applied importance for further research by scientists from different countries. The authors offer recommendations to solving the digitization problems of the Ukrainian financial sector. The research results of the digital transformation direction in banking sector are presented for further use in modeling Ukrainian`s business post-war recovery scenarios

    Quantum Hall effect in single wide quantum wells

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    We study the quantum Hall states in the lowest Landau level for a single wide quantum well. Due to a separation of charges to opposite sides of the well, a single wide well can be modelled as an effective two level system. We provide numerical evidence of the existence of a phase transition from an incompressible to a compressible state as the electron density is increased for specific well width. Our numerical results show a critical electron density which depends on well width, beyond which a transition incompressible double layer quantum Hall state to a mono-layer compressible state occurs. We also calculate the related phase boundary corresponding to destruction of the collective mode energy gap. We show that the effective tunneling term and the interlayer separation are both renormalised by the strong magnetic field. We also exploite the local density functional techniques in the presence of strong magnetic field at ν=1\nu=1 to calculate renormalized ΔSAS\Delta_{SAS}. The numerical results shows good agreement between many-body calculations and local density functional techniques in the presence of a strong magnetic field at ν=1\nu=1. we also discuss implications of this work on the ν=1/2\nu=1/2 incompressible state observed in SWQW.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures (figures are not included