157 research outputs found

    We want a mom and a dad! political and religious articulations in the opposition to same-sex marriage in Córdoba (Argentina, 2010)

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    En Argentina en julio de 2010, se aprobó una ley que modificó el Código Civil extendiendo el reconocimiento de la institución matrimonial a parejas conformadas por personas del mismo sexo. El contexto sociopolítico de discusión de la ley estuvo signado por una intensa movilización social. En este escenario se pusieron en escena sentidos compartidos socialmente en una disputa que, por un lado, pone en tensión diferentes interpretaciones que se traducen en prácticas directas buscando influir el posicionamiento de los legisladores respecto al rechazo o aprobación de la ley y, por otro, visibiliza los complejos entramados que lo religioso y lo político adquieren en el campo de la sexualidad. En esta presentación abordamos las movilizaciones en oposición a la ley que centraron su posicionamiento en la ?defensa de la familia?. Para ello, hacemos hincapié en la primera movilización realizada en la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina) en el mes de mayo de 2010. Indizaciones: LATINDEX- Catálogo / EBSCO / PUBLINDEX / COPERNICUSOn July 2010, in Argentina, a law that modified the Civil Code extending the recognition of the institution of marriage to same-sex couples was passed. The social-political context of discussion of the law was marked by an intense social mobilization. In this context, socially shared meanings, were brought to the forefront in a dispute that, on one hand, generates stress between different interpretations that are translated into direct practices which try to influence the legislators’ positions about the rejection or approval of the law and, on the other hand, makes visible the complex interweave the religious and the political acquire on the field of sexuality. In this presentation, we approach the mobilization in opposition to the law which focused its position in the “defence of the family”. To do this, we emphasize on the first mobilization that took place in the city of Cordoba, Argentina in May 2010.Fil: Sgro Ruata, María Candelaria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentin

    The Role of Servant Leadership in Developing Spiritual Formation of Teachers

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    Leadership is the ability of an individual who holds a position and capacity to lead. Logically, a leader who leads must have others to lead and/or who will be led. Leadership can be examined from two aspects, namely religious/spiritual leadership and secular/natural leadership. The leadership to be addressed in this research is Christian Leadership with an emphasis on Servant Leadership. The aim of this research is to explore the phenomenon of Servant Leadership and explain its impact on spiritual growth. In this case, the role of Servant Leadership to be explored is the Servant Leadership of the Principal of SMP Dian Harapan Holland Village Manado, and its impact on the spiritual growth of fresh graduate teachers as individuals or followers who are led, based on a case study conducted on an object and subject of research. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. From the results of this research, it was found that fresh graduate teachers with less than one year of teaching experience can see, experience, and feel the Servant Leadership of the Principal of SMP Dian Harapan Holland Village Manado, which is considered as a humble person, through relationships, interactions, and communication with the Principal. The role of the Servant Leadership of the Principal is also perceived by fresh graduate teachers as helpful in their spiritual formation through mentoring, encouragement, and spiritual activities at school.Leadership is the ability of an individual who holds a position and capacity to lead. Logically, a leader who leads must have others to lead and/or who will be led. Leadership can be examined from two aspects, namely religious/spiritual leadership and secular/natural leadership. The leadership to be addressed in this research is Christian Leadership with an emphasis on Servant Leadership. The aim of this research is to explore the phenomenon of Servant Leadership and explain its impact on spiritual growth. In this case, the role of Servant Leadership to be explored is the Servant Leadership of the Principal of SMP Dian Harapan Holland Village Manado, and its impact on the spiritual growth of fresh graduate teachers as individuals or followers who are led, based on a case study conducted on an object and subject of research. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. From the results of this research, it was found that fresh graduate teachers with less than one year of teaching experience can see, experience, and feel the Servant Leadership of the Principal of SMP Dian Harapan Holland Village Manado, which is considered as a humble person, through relationships, interactions, and communication with the Principal. The role of the Servant Leadership of the Principal is also perceived by fresh graduate teachers as helpful in their spiritual formation through mentoring, encouragement, and spiritual activities at school

    Intensitas Komunikasi Pembelajaran dalam Mengukur Keberhasilan Program Pendidikan Paket B di Desa-desa Pesisir Kecamatan Belang

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    The research aimed to investigate the communication intensity, learning result, and the relationship between the communication intensity and learning result in the Packet B education program at the coastal villages, Belang district, South East Minahasa regency. Samples investigated in the research were the students of Packet B education program of academic year 201212013. Method used in the research was the quantitative descriptive. The research result indicates that there is the relations'hip between the communication intensity and learning result. The result of the simple linear regression analysis indicates the R Square value of 0.433. This indicates that the variation of the independent variable of the communication intensity gives the contribution as much as 43.3% on the dependent variable of the learning result

    Espacio de lo público y construcción de la amenaza. El caso de las dictaduras en Argentina, Chile y Uruguay

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    En la década de los sesentas se establecieron en diversos países de Latinoamérica regimenes dictatoriales ejercidos por las fuerzas armadas. Estas tomaron el poder político con la intención de corregir los que consideraban males de la democracia. Si bien, en cada país se vislumbran diferencias en el ejercicio, existen puntos comunes, muchos relacionados con el contexto sociopolítico global. En esta exposición nos proponemos, en primer lugar, marcar las líneas generales que atraviesan el clima mundial y que conforman el escenario en el que se establecen las dictaduras en la región latinoamericana y realizar un punteo de los que consideramos temas centrales en el ejercicio de las dictaduras de América del Sur, como manera de reconstruir el contexto socio político ideológico en el que se instauran. En segundo lugar, realizar una lectura que privilegie la forma en que las dictaduras van construyendo la noción de enemigo/amenaza en el espacio público y cómo esta tiene sus consecuencias en el derecho a la comunicación haciendo hincapié en las medidas tomadas sobre el espacio mediático. Asimismo y como instancia articuladora del trabajo buscamos contrastar –cuando sea válido- las experiencias de cada uno de los países considerados para este trabajo.Fil: Sgro Ruata, María Candelaria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Guzman, Victor Humberto. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    Pengaruh Online Trust Dan Purchase Intention Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Thrift Shop Di Facebook

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    Masyarakat pada zaman ini memiliki prioritas utama dalam berpenampilan tidak terkecuali remaja. Perilaku konsumtif merupakan salah satu contoh dampak yang timbul akibat perilaku remaja yang berkonformitas.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara konformitas dengan perilaku konsumtif pada  remaja akhir. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah 51 orang perempuan dan 21 orang laki-laki. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan google form / skala konformitas oleh Kurniasari (2017) sebanyak 13 aitem, skala perilaku konsumtif oleh Faradhila (2018) sebanyak 23 aitem. Berdasakan hasil uji korelasi product moment-Pearson dan didapatkan r = 0,629 dengan sig. = (p > 0,05), artinya hipotesis dalam penelitian ini terdapat hubungan positif antara konformitas dengan perilaku konsumtif pada remaja akhir

    Penyelenggaraan Good Governance di Desa Sea Kecamatan Pineleng Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This research there are problems in implementing Good Governance at the village of Sea, have not gone wellaccording law No. 8 of 1999 on the implementation of good governance. The researchers used a qualitative researchmethod. The data was collected starting from the stage of observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Onthe data collection was completed by using the guidelines of the interview, where there are 10 informantsinterviewed.After being interviewed, the researchers analyzed the results of interviews with several phases. The first of themwith the data collection was done through observation or interviews, then do record keeping and typing and editingas necessary, both the reduction i.e. elections against existing data, sharpen data analysis, summarize and discarddata that is not needed, the third provides data and simplifying data have been obtained in order to facilitate researchin the conclusion, the fourth withdrawal i.e., verify their conclusions with a review the records or data retrieved aswell as analyze causal including brainstorm with friends and supervising professors and take conclusion.The results showed that organizing Good Governance have not applied optimally as expected by law No. 8 in 1999and the theory of Inu Kencana, 1994.The conclusion that can be drawn through the results of this research is that found there are some principles of GoodGovernance that has not gone well. Of which public participation is still very lacking in the process management ofthe KTP & KK, law enforcement has been running fine but for the better should the existence of PERDES,transparency needs to be improved in terms of disclosure for financial management to the community. Responsifitasthe Government is still lacking in terms of service the rice still need for renewing the data community who deservethe rice, RKPdesa village and Profile updates need to be made in accordance with the year 2016, the lack of aGovernment response, information boards, still less to embrace the community in order to make KK and ID CARD.Consensus is already well underway, however, Equality with regard to note what\u27s special in service of rice, theGovernment should give the rights of the underprivileged community, lest not right on target, effectiveness andefficiency can not be rated good because there are problems that have been described above so that the communitycan be felt yet. Accountability has been running good since the village was already running task for reporting to theDistrict about financial management and already inform the community about the program that will be implemented.With this research is expected to be the subject of study of the theory of society and contribute as well as input forthe Government in realizing Good Governance effectively and efficiently

    Dos pinturas de Francisco Bayeu en Vergara

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    Se presentan dos pinturas inéditas de Francisco Bayeu existentes en la iglesia de Santa Marina de Oxirondo, en Vergara (Guipúzcoa), dedicadas ambas a San Roque y San Sebastián. Son dos versiones del mismo tema por haber tenido que repetirse la obra. Two unpublished paintings by Francisco Bayeu are presented, located in the church of Saint Marina in Oxirondo (Vergara, Guipúzcoa). Both are dedicated to Saint Roch and Saint Sebastian, as they are two versions of the same subject because the work had to be repeated

    Aproximación al pintor dieciochesco Diego Gutiérrez

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    Diego Gutiérrez Fita, nacido en Barbastro, desarrolló su principal actividad en Aragón durante el último tercio del siglo XVIII. Pintor poco conocido, se documenta ahora su ingreso como académico supernumerario de San Carlos (1778) y un pleito que se le puso con motivo de haber pintado en el santuario de la Virgen del Pueyo de Barbastro (1786). Se estudian varias obras, documentadas o atribuidas, existentes en Zaragoza (iglesia de la Santa Cruz), Tarazona (catedral), Barbastro (santuario del Pueyo y palacio episcopal) y Abay (lugar de Jaca)

    Multi-scale representation of differential profiles for high-throughput biomarker datasets

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    High-throughput screening (HTS) is a set of measurement techniques relevant in the fields of biology, chemistry and medicine. Since the publication of the human genome project, HTS has become a key technology allowing a researcher to quickly conduct millions of chemical, genetic and pharmacological tests. Results obtained from these tests are usually represented in form of networks and similar type of diagrams in order to facilitate biological interpretation. However, it is difficult to find tools which display and manage the massive number of biomarkers involved without crashing, requiring a lot of computer memory and showing a complex framework to understand and use. Therefore, this project specifies, designs and builds methods for the representation of large datasets from high throughput screening, concretely metabolomics and Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). The methodology is based on applying clustering algorithms to these datasets to visualize the networks they form at different scales. It uses external information from databases such as KEGG Pathways, Reactome and the Human Metabolome Database in order to include curated information of signalling pathways and reactions in human biology. Finally, a lightweight application is developed in order to display and manipulate both small and large networks, for the latter applying the mentioned methods. This program also includes extra functionalities which have been requested and specified by potential users through interviews