1,232 research outputs found

    The Emotional Impact of Casino Servicescape

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    This study investigates the emotional impact of casino servicescape among Chinese table games gambling participants, and its impact on their approach/avoidance behavior. Data on casino servicescape, pleasure, arousal and dominance emotion (PAD) and approach/avoidance responses were obtained from 158 Chinese gamblers in Macau and analyzed using path analysis. The results of this study suggest that aesthetic factors within servicescape significantly influence the customers\u27 perception of the overall servicescape quality. While gambling facilitating factors within servicescape have significant impact on PAD emotions, they are not significant components of the perceived overall servicescape quality. Both overall servicescape quality and PAD emotions have significant positive influence on approach responses. The current study shows that besides inducing pleasure (satisfaction) emotion in customers, a successful strategy would include arousal and dominance emotions when designing and managing the casino servicescape. Casino operators could benefit from designing facilities that can make a customer feel satisfied, excited, and in control

    Keefektifan Model Search, Solve, Create, and Share Ditinjau Dari Prestasi, Penalaran Matematis, Dan Motivasi Belajar

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of teaching with the teaching model search, solve, create, and share (SSCS) and to describe whether teaching by teaching model SSCS better than by model conventional regarding students' achievement, mathematical reasoning, and mathematics learning motivation. This research was quasi-experimental with the non-equivalent control group design. The population was all students of class VIII SMP Muhammadiyah Banguntapan consisting of five classes. The sample taken at random consisted of two classes: classes VIII-D dan VIII-E. Class VIII-D was taught by using the model conventional, while class VIII-E was taught by using the SSCS teaching model. The data were analyzed by using a multivariate test Hotelling's T2, MANCOVA test, and tested further by using t-test procedures. Each analysis regarding at the significance level of 5%. The results showed that: the first, the teaching of mathematics by using the SSCS model is effective regarding students' achievement and students' mathematics learning motivation, but it is not effective in terms of mathematical reasoning Banguntapan Muhammadiyah junior high school students of class VIII. The second, the SSCS teaching model is better than the conventional teaching model regarding students' achievement and mathematical reasoning abilities, but not better terms of students' mathematics learning the mathematics of class VIII SMP Muhammadiyah Banguntapan

    Non-Invasive Diagnostic Imaging of Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    CTA could be improved by reducing the impact of vessel wall calcifications on image interpretation. With a 16-slice or recently introduced 64-slice MDCT scanner a higher resolution can be obtained compared to a 4-slice MDCT. This may result in less blooming of calcifications, which will improve image interpretation. However, the potential for radiation dose reduction with the 16- and 64-slice MDCT scanners, due to the differences in gantry geometry compared to a 4-slice MDCT, is lost when we obtain higher resolution images using thinner slices and lower pitch. Subtraction CTA is another approach to minimize the burden of vessel wall calcifications on image interpretation (55). However, this technique requires a high level of patient collaboration, is not feasible in 20% of the patients in spite of good collaboration, generates two times more images, and increases the radiation exposure. The possible solution for the calcification problem may be found in post-processing software or more likely in hardware improvements. A complete different solution lies not in the technique, but in selecting patients for whom CTA is contra-indicated due to extensive vessel wall calcifications. In this thesis we performed an initial evaluation of clinical predictors of vessel wall calcifications on CTA. A future study is needed to develop and validate a clinical prediction rule for this problem. The results from our study can help design such a future study and restrict the data collection to the most relevant variables. In summary, CTA is the optimal non-invasive imaging test for the initial evaluation of patients with PAD. In elderly patients, patients with diabetes mellitus, and those with cardiac disease a CTA is contra-indicated due to decreased clinical utility. In these patients a MRA should be considered as initial imaging test. With the current knowledge of the DIPAD trial it is not useful to perform another study on the costs and effects of non-invasive imaging test for PAD


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    This research aims to know students’ response about learning process using learning cycle 5E model assisted with multimedia on colloid matter. Pre-experiment method with one-shot case study design was used regarding to this. There are 79 students of SMAN 7 Pontianak who involved in this research. indirect communication techniques was used to collect data. Based on the research is obtained very good student response to learning using the 5E learning cycle model of multimedia-assisted colloid matter. The information that is obtained from this research is a very good response of students to learning using the 5E learning cycle model of multimedia-assisted colloid matter. Keywords: learning cycle 5E model, multimedia, students’ response, colloid. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan model siklus belajar 5E berbantuan multimedia pada materi koloid. Untuk menjawab permasalahan digunakan metode pra-eksperimen dengan desain one-shot case study. Sebanyak 79 siswa SMAN 7 Pontianak terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan komunikasi tak langsung.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa respon siswasangat baik terhadap pembelajaran menggunakan model siklus belajar 5E berbantuan multimedia pada materi koloid. Kata-kata kunci:Model siklus belajar 5E, multimedia, respon siswa, koloid


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    This study aimed to describe the conceptual change of student before and after being taught through 5E learning cycle on the rate of reaction. One group pretest-posttest design was chosen as research design. The population consists of three classes students during the academic year of 2016/2017. According to saturation sampling technique, all of population then was chosen as samples. CRI Aided Achievement test was utilized to collect data about students’ conceptual change. The result showed that the conceptual shift was successfully confirmed. It was described according to five objectives. They were 1) objective of determining of the order of reaction which students gained 18.75 % improvement; 2) objective of determining the rate law which students gained 46.88 % improvement; 3) objective of determining the rate constant which students gained 15.62 % improvement; 4) objectives of determining the rate of a reaction which students gained 9.37 % improvement; and 5) objectives of determining the half-life which students gained 62.50 % improvement

    The Celticism of James Stephens.

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    Testament to Home: Using the Cultural Landscape Report for Conserving Historic House Grounds

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    The cultural landscape report (CLR) is a document commissioned by historic sites for the purpose of confirming an historic landscape’s significance and integrity, assessing its defining characteristics, evaluating the condition of its features, and recommending present and future landscape treatments. In this study of six publicly owned historic home grounds in the Deep South, the contents and format of the respective CLR’s are reviewed and site directors interviewed to determine their use of the CLR for their sites. While CLR’s are valuable especially to support bids for funding and other appropriations, directors indicate needs not readily met by their respective CLR’s, such as cost and phasing of treatment plans; means of balancing visitor expectations, environmental sensitivity, and historical preservation; and treatment recommendations that realistically consider site resources

    Implementasimodel Pembelajaran Siklus Belajar 5E Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Mahasiswa PGMIPAU Pada Materi Hukum Dasar Kimia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa pada pembelajaran menggunakan model siklus belajar 5E materi Hukum Dasar Kimia.Bentuk penelitian adalahquasi experimental design dengan rancangan one group pretest-posttest design. Populasi dan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa PGMIPAUFKIP UNTAN Tahun Akademik 2014/2015 dengan menggunakan teknik sampling jenuh. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan pengukuran denganinstrumen tes hasil belajar.Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian diperoleh rata-rata pemahaman konsep mahasiswameningkat dengan kategori rendah berdasarkan skor gain ternormalisasi. Disimpulkan bahwa pemahaman konsep mahasiswa setelah melaksanakan pembelajaran yang menggunakan model siklus belajar 5E pada materi hukum dasar kimia mengalami peningkatan. Kata kunci: Model siklus belajar 5E, pemahaman konsep, hukum dasar kimia.   The aim of this study is to describe student conceptual understanding on learning cycle 5E model on law of fundamental chemistry. one of quasi experimental design “One group pretest-postest design” was used in this study. Population and sample on this study are pgmipau fkip untan students on academic year of 2014/2015. Tes of student achievement was used to get data. Descriptive qualitative technique was used to analyze data. Result of this study is student conceptual understanding isimproved with low chategory according to normalized gain score.  To conclude, student conceptual understanding after studying using learning cycle 5E model on law of fundamental chemistry was improved. Keywords: Learning cycle 5E, understanding of concepts,law of fundamental chemistry
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