910 research outputs found

    Applied veterinary epidemiology

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    ORIGINAL PAPER mHealthMon: Toward Energy-Efficient and Distributed Mobile Health Monitoring Using Parallel Offloading

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    Abstract Although mobile health monitoring where mobile sensors continuously gather, process, and update sensor readings (e.g. vital signals) from patientā€™s sensors is emerging, little effort has been investigated in an energyefficient management of sensor information gathering and processing. Mobile health monitoring with the focus of energy consumption may instead be holistically analyzed and systematically designed as a global solution to optimization subproblems. This paper presents an attempt to decompose the very complex mobile health monitoring system whose layer in the system corresponds to decomposed subproblems, and interfaces between them are quantified as functions of the optimization variables in order to orchestrate the subproblems. We propose a distributed and energy-saving mobile health platform, called mHealthMon where mobile users publish/access sensor data via a cloud computing-based distributed P2P overlay network. The key objective is to satisfy the mobile health monitoring applicationā€™s quality of service requirements by modeling each subsystem: mobile clients with medical sensors, wireless network medium, and distributed cloud services. By simulations based on experimental data, we present the proposed system can achieve up to 10.1 times more energy-efficient and 20.2 times faster compared to a standalone mobil

    Misliti grad nakon industrije: socio-industrijsko sjećanje i ekoloÅ”ki problemi

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    Drawing on ethnographic studies of two postindustrial cities in Croatia, Sisak and Bakar, the authors analyse how the communities narrate their industrial pasts, address industry-related environmental fallouts and define the potentials of postindustrial urban life. They focus on diverse narrations and practices through which the formerly industrial communities make sense of industrialisation and deindustrialisation. Local understandings of (post)industrial urban life are grasped through the concept of socio-industrial memory. The concept highlights the fact that communities can have different ideas about similar socio-economic processes depending on the ways in which they conceptualise the present and futures of their postindustrial cities, but it also underlines that the process of industrialisation was orchestrated politically as an act of socialist modernisation. The article outlines shared features and investigates disparities of postindustrial city-making and, in doing so, underlines the significance of context-based interpretations of such transformations. In both cities, the shutting down of factories left the inhabitants without major providers of livelihood. In Sisak, deindustrialisation meant long-term unemployment, which triggered postindustrial nostalgia. For citizens of Bakar, socialist industrialisation is an environmental threat and a turn away from tourism-development prospects. The authors conclude that images of the industrial past change their meanings in relation to the present needs and fears of postindustrial communities, as well as their visions of alternative, hopefully brighter futures.Oslanjajući se na etnografska istraživanja dvaju postindustrijskih gradova u Hrvatskoj, Siska i Bakra, autorice analiziraju kako zajednice prikazuju svoju industrijsku proÅ”lost, nose se s njezinim ekoloÅ”kim posljedicama i vide potencijale postindustrijskog urbanog života. Rad se usmjerava na različite naracije i prakse kojima bivÅ”e industrijske zajednice pridaju smisao procesima industrijalizacije i deindustrijalizacije. Lokalno razumijevanje (post)industrijskog urbanog života zahvaća se konceptom socioindustrijskog sjećanja. Taj pojam polazi od stajaliÅ”ta da zajednice mogu imati različite ideje o sličnim druÅ”tveno-Ā­ekonomskim procesima, ali istodobno upućuje na to da je proces industrijalizacije bio politički diktiran kao čin socijalističke modernizacije. Autorice detektiraju i tumače zajednička obilježja, kao i razlike u stvaranju dvaju postindustrijskih gradova, pri čemu naglaÅ”avaju važnost kontekstualnog interpretiranja takvih transformacija. U obama istraživanim gradovima zatvaranje tvornica ostavilo je stanovnike bez gospodarskih temelja. U Sisku je deindustrijalizacija značila dugotrajnu nezaposlenost, Å”to je potaknulo postindustrijsku nostalgiju. S druge strane, za građane je Bakra socijalistička industrijalizacija ekoloÅ”ka prijetnja i odmak od razvojne strategije zasnovane na turizmu. Autorice zaključuju da slike industrijske proÅ”losti mijenjaju svoja značenja u odnosu na sadaÅ”nje potrebe i strahove postindustrijskih zajednica, kao i na njihove vizije alternativne, potencijalno svjetlije budućnosti

    Lightweight Digital Hardware Random Number Generators

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    Abstract ā€” Random Number Generator (RNG) plays an essential role in many sensor network systems and applications, such as security and robust communication. We have developed the first digital hardware random number generator (DHRNG). DHRNG has a small footprint and requires ultra-low energy. It uses a new recursive structure that directly targets efficient FPGA implementation. The core idea is to place or extract random values in FPGA configuration bits and randomly connect the building blocks. We present our architecture, introduce accompanying protocols for secure public key communication, and adopt the NIST randomness test on the DHRNGā€™s output stream. I


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    Cilj je ovog teksta kontekstualizirati rad Vida Vuletića Vukasovića s dominantnim etnoloÅ”kim idejama kraja 19. i početka 20. st. Å”to stoje u počecima profesionalizacije evropske etnologije i antropologije u anglosaksonskom svijetu, discipline koja se u svom povijesnom razvitku kretala od druÅ”tvenog pamćenja do druÅ”tvenog komentara. Primarno želim osvijetliti slične napore Odbora za narodni život i običaje, Američkog antropoloÅ”kog druÅ”tva, te Britanskog druÅ”tva za unapređenje znanosti, institucija koje se javljaju u počecima znanstvenosti etnologije tj. antropologije, a rade na intenziviranju prikupljanja etnografske i folklorističke građe, kao i njihove podudarne koncepcijske orijentiranosti na spaÅ”avanje materijalne i usmene kulture. U tekstu se posebno analizira Vuletićev doprinos etno-povijesnom poznavanju i \u27spaÅ”avanju\u27 znanja (o narodnom tekstilu) kao i njegova suradnja s Odborom za narodni život i običaje.This article is the contribution to better understanding of the ethnographic work of Vid Vuletić Vukasović. Firstly, this article puts Vukasović within the framework of dominant ethnological theories of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, which marked the beginnings of European and Croatian ethnology. This text is trying to analyse the idea of salvation ethnology and its impact on the rhetorics of ƞrst Croatian ethnologists, as well as to argument its universal rhetorical value in Anglo-Saxon anthropology and European ethnology. The article is following the development of institutionalisation of ethnology/anthropology in Croatia and abroad, and points to the related methodological directions towards the preservation of material and non-material culture of native peoples, and to the continual conceptual attempts towards the creation of an organic cultural identiƞcation of the investigated cultures. The article emphasises the long-term existence of the literary notion of salvation in ethnology/anthropology, and, as a consequence of that, the insistence on the strength and importance of the reconstruction of \u27authenticity\u27 of the cultures under research. In the same time, the text outlines the concept of ethnological utopias, and searches for the common name for the static perception of the culture life, which was dominant in the early ethnographic discourse. Special attention is given to the work of Vid Vuletić Vukasović, a Croatian ethnologist, whose institutional links with the Academy of Science and Art, Zagreb, were reconstructed through his correspondence with the members of the editorial board of Zbornik za narodni ivot i občiaje (Journal of folk life and customs). The article is also trying to establish to what extent did the conƟict between Vukasović and Antun Radić, who was then the president of the editorial board of the Journal of folk life and customs, inƟuence the bleak reception Vuletić had in early overviews of Croatian ethnology, and his professional orientation to different ethnological institutions and publishers in other South Slavic countries
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