
Cilj je ovog teksta kontekstualizirati rad Vida Vuletića Vukasovića s dominantnim etnološkim idejama kraja 19. i početka 20. st. što stoje u počecima profesionalizacije evropske etnologije i antropologije u anglosaksonskom svijetu, discipline koja se u svom povijesnom razvitku kretala od društvenog pamćenja do društvenog komentara. Primarno želim osvijetliti slične napore Odbora za narodni život i običaje, Američkog antropološkog društva, te Britanskog društva za unapređenje znanosti, institucija koje se javljaju u počecima znanstvenosti etnologije tj. antropologije, a rade na intenziviranju prikupljanja etnografske i folklorističke građe, kao i njihove podudarne koncepcijske orijentiranosti na spašavanje materijalne i usmene kulture. U tekstu se posebno analizira Vuletićev doprinos etno-povijesnom poznavanju i \u27spašavanju\u27 znanja (o narodnom tekstilu) kao i njegova suradnja s Odborom za narodni život i običaje.This article is the contribution to better understanding of the ethnographic work of Vid Vuletić Vukasović. Firstly, this article puts Vukasović within the framework of dominant ethnological theories of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, which marked the beginnings of European and Croatian ethnology. This text is trying to analyse the idea of salvation ethnology and its impact on the rhetorics of Þrst Croatian ethnologists, as well as to argument its universal rhetorical value in Anglo-Saxon anthropology and European ethnology. The article is following the development of institutionalisation of ethnology/anthropology in Croatia and abroad, and points to the related methodological directions towards the preservation of material and non-material culture of native peoples, and to the continual conceptual attempts towards the creation of an organic cultural identiÞcation of the investigated cultures. The article emphasises the long-term existence of the literary notion of salvation in ethnology/anthropology, and, as a consequence of that, the insistence on the strength and importance of the reconstruction of \u27authenticity\u27 of the cultures under research. In the same time, the text outlines the concept of ethnological utopias, and searches for the common name for the static perception of the culture life, which was dominant in the early ethnographic discourse. Special attention is given to the work of Vid Vuletić Vukasović, a Croatian ethnologist, whose institutional links with the Academy of Science and Art, Zagreb, were reconstructed through his correspondence with the members of the editorial board of Zbornik za narodni ivot i občiaje (Journal of folk life and customs). The article is also trying to establish to what extent did the conßict between Vukasović and Antun Radić, who was then the president of the editorial board of the Journal of folk life and customs, inßuence the bleak reception Vuletić had in early overviews of Croatian ethnology, and his professional orientation to different ethnological institutions and publishers in other South Slavic countries

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