685 research outputs found

    UA68/17/4 Caricature of Russell Miller

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    Caricature of Russell Miller by Mason Ploch during production of Bye Bye Birdie. Ploch signed his work on the back: Dr. Miller, Thought you might like to have the artist\u27s proof. Break a leg on Birdie, I know it will be great! Mac

    Dimensions of the voluntary service of disabled students in the social environment

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    W ramach wolontariatu studenckiego uwzględnia się aktywność charytatywną na rzecz osób potrzebujących zainteresowanych nią wszystkich wolontariuszy, także studentów z niepełnosprawnością. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na udział w wolontariacie właśnie tej grupy studentów oraz poziom ich zaangażowania na co dzień. Studenci z niepełnosprawnością podejmujący regularnie swoją codzienną aktywność charytatywną mają świadomość, że ich wkład na rzecz otoczenia jest dobrowolny, bezinteresowny, użyteczny, ciągły i wewnętrznie przemyślany. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych dotyczących udziału studentów w działaniach na rzecz osób potrzebujących zarówno wolontariuszy sprawnych, jak i wolontariuszy z niepełnosprawnością. Uzyskane wyniki badań dają podstawę dla przekonania, iż w większości przypadków studenci z niepełnosprawnością poprzez udział w wolontariacie studenckim odnoszą osobistą satysfakcję, lepsze rezultaty w readaptacji społecznej, a ich jakość dokonywanych czynności w niczym nie różni się od jakości pracy studentów sprawnychThe notion of student voluntary service involves charitable activity for those needing performed by all volunteers interested in it, including disabled students. This paper focuses on participation in the voluntary service of this group of students and the level of their commitment on an everyday basis. The disabled students who regularly perform their daily charitable activity are aware that their contribution to the environment is voluntary, selfless, useful, permanent and internally deliberate. The paper presents the author's findings concerning the participation of both able-bodied and disabled volunteer students in activities for those in need. The obtained findings provide the basis for the conviction that in most cases disabled students through participation in student voluntary service gain personal satisfaction, better results in social re-adaptation, and the quality of their activities is not at all different from the quality of able-bodied students' wor

    B820: Inmigration to Maine: 1975-1983

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    This publication is the capstone report of a series of research studies, begun in 1976, of inmigration to Maine. During the 1976-1984 period, three separate, but coordinated, studies were conducted by the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. The impetus for the studies was the release in 1974 and 1975 of a series of population estimates by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. These data, and especially their analysis by Calvin Beale of the USDA, were confirmation that rural areas throughout the United States were growing as a result of inmigration from urban areas. Moreover, Maine, which had endured net outmigration and slow population growth for many decades, was one of the northern states that was gaining population most rapidly. This knowledge became the basis for the subsequent research. In it we attempted to determine who the migrants were, where they were coming from, and what the consequences were of their movement to Maine, particularly to its rural and small town communities. Maine communities will be affected for years to come by this influx of primarily young adults with high levels of managerial and professional training and experience. In addition to presenting the data from the three studies, the body of this report also explores the consequences of inmigration to Maine.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1049/thumbnail.jp

    B824: Turner—A Study in Persistence and Change

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    This study of Turner, Maine, is one of four research projects sponsored jointly by the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station and the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development. The purpose of the research series is to trace the processes of persistency and change in four northern New England towns. Easton, Addison, and Turner, Maine, were studied by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in conjunction with the Maine Cooperative Extension Service in 1948 (Hay et al. 1949). Landaff, New Hampshire, was one of six communities comprising the series entitled Culture of a Contemporary Rural Community conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the post-depression era (MacLeish and Young 1942).https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1038/thumbnail.jp

    B828: Landaff—Then and Now

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    This study of Landaff, New Hampshire, is one of four research projects sponsored jointly by the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station and the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development. The purpose of the research series is to trace the processes of persistency and change in four northern New England towns. Easton, Addison, and Turner, Maine, were studied by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in conjunction with the Maine Cooperative Extension Service in 1948 (Hay et al. 1949). Landaff, New Hampshire, was one of six communities comprising the series entitled Culture of a Contemporary Rural Community conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the post-depression era (MacLeish and Young 1942).https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1027/thumbnail.jp

    B829: Addison—Its Persistencies and Changes

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    In 1947, at the request of the Maine Agricultural Extension Service, personnel of the USDA and Extension Service studied three Maine towns: Addison, in Washington County; Easton, in Aroostook County; and Turner, in Androscoggin County. The purpose of the studies was to determine the factors related to participation in Extension and other community-based activities; results of the research were summarized in Hay et al. (1949). The 1986-89 study of Addison analyzed in this publication is a component of a research project that focuses also on Easton and Turner and Landaff, New Hampshire. The current study is not, per se, a duplication of the earlier research. The two projects employed different research methodologies. In the 1986-1989 series of studies, the author relied on key informants to obtain data related to the structure and functioning of key institutions in the four communities and focused on social change in each of the communities. To obtain the necessary data for each of the major social institutions—economics, education, family, government, religion, and the process of social stratification—the author interviewed residents of the town and personnel of relevant institutions and agencies. During the three-year observation and interviewing process, the author interviewed more than 50 Addison residents. All formal interviews were tape recorded and later transcribed. The author also used town reports, a published history, local documents, and newspapers.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1026/thumbnail.jp

    B750: Community Services in Randolph, Vassalboro, and Rome, Maine

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    This study of three Kennebec County towns - Randolph, Vassalboro, and Rome - is a part of the Northeast cooperative project titled Community Services for Nonmetropolitan People in the Northeast, (Kuehn, 1977). In 1974 and 1975, researchers from nine university-related agricultural experiment stations, functioning as Northeast Regional Committee NE-77 conducted studies to determine variations in community services and reactions of residents to them. It was originally hypothesized by the NE-77 researchers that in a study of the availability, use of, and satisfaction with services in the Northeast, counties would serve as the most useful unit of analysis. The utility of this approach is demonstrated in Kuehn (1977). In this report, however, the analysis is at the level of the town rather than the county. This course has been taken for two reasons. First, the county data for the region are well analyzed in Kuehn ( 1977) and it was our objective to provide data - in effect, case studies - for those with a particular interest in small New England communities. Secondly, as recognized by community scholars and the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the town is the effective legal, political, and social unit in New England; therefore, it was deemed appropriate to provide the data at the town level.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1101/thumbnail.jp

    Strategic Management and Crises Management as the Main Pillars of Recovery in the International Tourism and Civil Aviation Transport

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    Tourism and air transport are among the sectors most affected by the covid-19 crisis. The pandemic lasting almost two years has been reflected in short-term effects in both sectors, but there are also serious long-term consequences including the impact on quantitative and qualitative employment change. National authorities will have to set recovery plans in accordance with the relevant policies and in international cooperation with public and private entities. The aim of the paper is to identify a set of strategic and crises measures to recover the international tourism and international civil aviation transport in the context of the long-term human resource management and the optimisation of future quality and quantity of human resources in both mentioned sectors. These strategic recommendations are intended for application in national tourism and transport policies. The methodology of the paper is based on current statistical data and strategic documents at the national and international level represented by the international organisations (esp. UNWTO, WTTC, IATA, ICAO, ECAC). Attention is focused on crises management of the public sector entities in terms of the definition and implementation of reconstruction strategies, on private sector stakeholders, on the interconnection of the tourism and air transport sectors, as well as cooperation in the international environment. Methods and tools for the renewal of both sectors are based on a strategic approach of the public sector, support for the introduction of new business models in the private sector, change in the product and marketing mix, digitization, innovation and education

    Methods of Covid-19 Crisis Management in the International Tourism and Civil Aviation Transport

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    Tourism and air transport are among the sectors most affected by the Covid-19 crisis. The pandemic lasting more than a year is reflected in short-term effects in both sectors, but there are also severe long-term consequences. National authorities will have to set recovery plans following the relevant policies and encompass international cooperation with public and private entities. The article aims to identify the methods and procedures that can be implemented, which can mitigate the consequences of the crisis and initiate the renewal of international tourism and air transport in particular. The paper\u27s methodology is based on current statistical data and strategic documents at the national and international level represented by the international organizations (esp. UNWTO, WTTC, IATA, ICAO, ECAC). The focus is on the crisis management of the public sector entities in terms of the definition and implementation of reconstruction strategies, on private sector stakeholders, on the interconnection of the tourism and the air transport sectors, and cooperation in the international environment. Methods and tools for the renewal of both sectors are based on a strategic approach of the public sector, support for the introduction of new business models in the private sector, change in the product and marketing mix, digitization, innovation, and education

    Social and Economic Consequences of the Dickey-Lincoln School hydro-electric power development on the Upper St. John Valley, Maine: Phase 1, Preconstruction

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    The intention of this report is to present a still picture of the selected area as of the summer of 1966. The emphasis is on empirical relationships. The data contained herein will provide a base for subsequent analysis. Thus little attempt is made to cast the findings of the study in a theoretical framework. Later publications will utilize relevant theory and research to analyze the social and economic changes in an area related to the building of the Dickey and Lincoln School Dams. It is presumed that this particular report and its statistical supplement will be of particular interest to decision makers at the local, state and national levels who have expressed a desire for more information about the area in order to provide them with a better basis for making decisions associated with the Dickey-Lincoln School project