415 research outputs found

    Public Sector Information: Identification of Exclusive Agreements in Czech Republic

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    In 2009, European Commission awarded the survey in some of member states of the EU, in order to identify potential Exclusive Agreements, in terms of the PSI Directive. This paper describes the course and the results of the survey in Czech Republic, which led to the identification of two potential Exclusive Agreements. It was very interesting to delve in public sector bodies as all the survey was made with the highest transparency with using of the FOIA requests

    Současný stav a výhledy v oblasti vývoje centralizovaného katalogu informací veřejného sektoru ČR

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    Article introduces the topic of public sector information re-use and decribes current state-of-art in the area of public sector information catalogues in European Union and Czech Republic. It introduces the basic typology of such catalogues, based on the report of European Commission. It suggests possible phases of the project of unified catalogue of public sector information of Czech Republic and finally it shows some examples and conditions for the project’s real implementation

    Non-Thermal Plasma Ozone Generation

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    This paper reviews ozone properties, ozone applications and the mechanism of ozone production in non-thermal plasma. An analysis is made of the influence of a reduced electric field and discharge space temperature on ozone production. The phenomenon of discharge poisoning is also explained. Finally, a modern ozone production system based on dielectric barrier electrical discharge is described

    Manufacuring Order Management in the Company

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    V mé bakalářské práci se budu zabývat Řízením průběhu zakázky výrobou. Ve své práci jsem spolupracoval s konkrétní mnou vybranou firmou, ze které jsem čerpal veškeré podklady a informace, které mi pomohly při sestavení postupu realizace zakázky ve firmě. Poté jsem provedl analýzu současného stavu ve firmě a přišel s inovací, kterou jsem následně aplikoval do výrobního procesu a změřil její přínos pro firmu.In this thesis the author goes into details of processing an order within a firm. The work is based on cooperation with a selected company, which provided all necessary information and materials. Moreover, the author analyses the present situation in stated firm and comes up with an innovation that he applies to the manufacturing process and finally measures its benefit for the firm.

    The Hierarchy of Hereditary Sorting Operators

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    We consider the following general model of a sorting procedure: we fix a hereditary permutation class C\mathcal{C}, which corresponds to the operations that the procedure is allowed to perform in a single step. The input of sorting is a permutation π\pi of the set [n]={1,2,,n}[n]=\{1,2,\dotsc,n\}, i.e., a sequence where each element of [n][n] appears once. In every step, the sorting procedure picks a permutation σ\sigma of length nn from C\mathcal{C}, and rearranges the current permutation of numbers by composing it with σ\sigma. The goal is to transform the input π\pi into the sorted sequence 1,2,,n1,2,\dotsc,n in as few steps as possible. This model of sorting captures not only classical sorting algorithms, like insertion sort or bubble sort, but also sorting by series of devices, like stacks or parallel queues, as well as sorting by block operations commonly considered, e.g., in the context of genome rearrangement. Our goal is to describe the possible asymptotic behavior of the worst-case number of steps needed when sorting with a hereditary permutation class. As the main result, we show that any hereditary permutation class C\mathcal{C} falls into one of five distinct categories. Disregarding the classes that cannot sort all permutations, the number of steps needed to sort any permutation of [n][n] with C\mathcal{C} is either Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2), a function between O(n)O(n) and Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}), a function betwee O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) and Ω(logn),or\Omega(\log n), or 1$, and for each of these cases we provide a structural characterization of the corresponding hereditary classes