13,548 research outputs found

    Health service delivery and other HIV/AIDS related interventions in the fisheries sector in Sub-Saharan Africa: a literature review

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    The WorldFish Center and FAO are implementing a regional programme entitled "Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa; investing in sustainable solutions", funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As part of this project, the Overseas Development Group/School of Development Studies was asked to produce a literature review on 'Fisheries and HIV/AIDS in Africa: evidence from social science, medical and policy research'. The task was to collate available data from socio-economic and medical research to identify trends in fishing communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. This paper is the first of three parts of the literature review, which covers review of research on health service delivery and other HIV/AIDS related interventions in the fisheries sector in Sub-Saharan Africa.Fisheries, AIDS, Public health, HIV, Nutritive value

    Mortality in England and Wales attributable to current alcohol consumption.

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    STUDY OBJECTIVE: To estimate the number of deaths attributable to current alcohol consumption levels in England and Wales by age and sex. DESIGN: Epidemiological approach using published relative risks and population data. SETTING: England and Wales. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Numbers of deaths by age and sex and years of life lost for alcohol related conditions. RESULTS: Because of the cardioprotective properties of alcohol, it is estimated that there are approximately 2% fewer deaths annually in England and Wales than would be expected in a non-drinking population. This proportion varies greatly by age and sex and only among men aged over 55 years and women aged over 65 years is there likely to be found a net favourable mortality balance. It is also estimated that there were approximately 75 000 premature years of life lost in England and Wales in 1996 attributable to alcohol consumption. The main causes of alcohol attributable mortality among the young include road traffic fatalities, suicide and alcoholic liver disease. CONCLUSIONS: At a population level, current alcohol consumption in England and Wales may marginally reduce mortality. However, the benefit is disproportionately found among the elderly. Estimating alcohol attributable mortality by age and sex may be a useful indicator for developing alcohol strategies. More research into the possible effect modifications of pattern of consumption, beverage type, age and gender will enable these estimates to be improved

    The memory and expectation of aesthetics: a study of Adorno's aesthetic theory.

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    This study aims to clarify the underlying conceptual structure of Adorno’s theoretical position with regard to both philosophy and art and to examine the expectation of philosophical aesthetics. I introduce Aesthetic Theory from a morphological point of view and claim that the form and structure of this unfinished text reveals a great deal about the book, as it exemplifies Adorno’s theory of meaning. I claim that for Adorno dialectic is better thought of not in its Hegelian form but as a Kantian antinomy. This is because the dialectical oppositions he identifies cannot be resolved under the capitalist conditions of the administered world. I claim that philosophy understood as the construction of a form of totality, the constellation, provides the key to understanding Adorno’s theory of meaning. This theory consists of three linked concepts: midpoint, constellation and parataxis. I further claim that for Adorno art and philosophy are structured in the same way. Adorno has in effect developed a conception of art that depends for its ultimate justification on the concept of rank as explicated by the completion of the work of art by philosophy. Art and theory are thus entwined in a mimetic relationship. I claim there is a temporal dichotomy at the centre of Adorno’s conception of the work of art, that it is both transient and absolute. This antinomy is what makes the work of art a paradoxically absolute commodity precisely because Adorno’s concept of the work of art is modelled on the commodity form. I claim that Adorno’s conception of the artwork as an instant is clearly closely related, in a structural and conceptual sense, to his conception of how philosophy works. Truth for Adorno is always located in the present instant. My textual analysis leads me to claim that for Adorno a utopian element is involved in writing a negative dialectical text. Finally, I claim that a theory of the art form in all its different typologies is best suited to carry out detailed critique and theoretical reflection on contemporary art. Philosophical aesthetics can only supply an historical perspective

    Survey of the Reduviidae (Heteroptera) of Southern Illinois, Excluding the Phymatinae, With Notes on Biology

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    A survey of the nonphymatine reduviids of southern Illinois was con­ducted from April 1996 to November 1998. In addition to county distributions, information was collected on times of occurrence of adults and nymphs and associated habitats. These data were supplemented with label information associated with southern Illinois specimens housed in the Southern Illinois University Entomology Collection (SIUEC). Twenty-five species were collected during this survey. An additional six species housed in the SIUEC were collected previously in southern Illinois but not during the survey. Of the 31 species, nine are state records: Ploiaria hirticornis, Rocconota annulicornis, Sinea complexa, Microtornus purcis, Rasahus hamatus, Saica elkinsi, Oncocephalus geniculatus, Pnirontis languida, and Pnirontis modesta

    Design and use of a hackable digital instrument

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    This paper introduces the D-Box, a new digital musical instrument specifically designed to elicit unexpected creative uses and to support modification by the performer. Rather than taking a modular approach, the D-Box is a hackable instrument which allows for the discovery of novel working configurations through circuit bending techniques. Starting from the concept of appropriation, this paper describes the design, development and evaluation process lasting more than one year and made in collaboration with musicians and hackers.This work was funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under grant EP/K032046/1 (2013-14)

    Latency Performance for Real-Time Audio on BeagleBone Black

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    In this paper we present a set of tests aimed at evaluating the responsiveness of a BeagleBone Black board in real-time interactive audio applications. The default Angstrom Linux distribution was tested without modifying the underlying kernel. Latency measurements and audio quality were compared across the combination of different audio interfaces and audio synthesis models. Data analysis shows that the board is generally characterised by a remarkably high responsiveness; most of the tested configurations are affected by less than 7ms of latency and under-run activity proved to be contained using the correct optimisation techniques

    Artificial neural network prediction of weld distortion rectification using a travelling induction coil

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    An experimental investigation has been carried out to determine the applicability of an induction heating process with a travelling induction coil for the rectification of angular welding distortion. The results obtained from experimentation have been used to create artificial neural network models with the ability to predict the welding induced distortion and the distortion rectification achieved using a travelling induction coil. The experimental results have shown the ability to reduce the angular distortion for 8 mm and 10 mm thick DH36 steel plate and effectively eliminate the distortion on 6 mm thick plate. Results for 6 mm plate also show the existence of a critical induction coil travel speed at which maximum corrective bending occurs. Artificial neural networks have demonstrated the ability to predict the final distortion of the plate after both welding and induction heating. The models have also been used as a tool to determine the optimum speed to minimise the resulting distortion of steel plate after being subjected to both welding and induction heating processes

    A hybrid keyboard-guitar interface using capacitive touch sensing and physical modeling

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    This paper was presented at the 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.This paper presents a hybrid interface based on a touch- sensing keyboard which gives detailed expressive control over a physically-modeled guitar. Physical modeling al- lows realistic guitar synthesis incorporating many expres- sive dimensions commonly employed by guitarists, includ- ing pluck strength and location, plectrum type, hand damp- ing and string bending. Often, when a physical model is used in performance, most control dimensions go unused when the interface fails to provide a way to intuitively con- trol them. Techniques as foundational as strumming lack a natural analog on the MIDI keyboard, and few digital controllers provide the independent control of pitch, vol- ume and timbre that even novice guitarists achieve. Our interface combines gestural aspects of keyboard and guitar playing. Most dimensions of guitar technique are control- lable polyphonically, some of them continuously within each note. Mappings are evaluated in a user study of key- boardists and guitarists, and the results demonstrate its playa- bility by performers of both instruments