3,850 research outputs found

    Eros in the first century’s Christian theology

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    For among most contemporaries, the concept of Eros seems to have nothing to do with Christianity. Sifting through the psychoanalysis of sexual fantasy, theologically it says nothing. Our study gives reasons showing that for theologians since the dawn of the Christian era, Eros-love plays a fundamental role.. The connotations of this concept, however, are different from those of today, when its sensory meaning is more restricted to sexuality. Greek theologians of the first centuries after Christ, taught the concept of Plato enshrined as a unifying enthusiasm, the attraction of inferior to superior states, as “hungry and thirsty” for something continuously higher, developing, and enriching the connotation. The work of Dionysius Areopagite, the Idea of Good, leads us step by step up the ascent of the erotically chaste, and is identified with the One-God, who is the very source of love. Consequently, Eros-love originates from God, Eros- love being not only an ascending but firstly a descending love, which calls for a reciprocal communion

    Localized solutions and filtering mechanisms for the discontinuous Galerkin semi-discretizations of the 1-d wave equation

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    We perform a complete Fourier analysis of the semi-discrete 1-d wave equation obtained through a P1 discontinuous Galerkin (DG) approximation of the continuous wave equation on an uniform grid. The resulting system exhibits the interaction of two types of components: a physical one and a spurious one, related to the possible discontinuities that the numerical solution allows. Each dispersion relation contains critical points where the corresponding group velocity vanishes. Following previous constructions, we rigorously build wave packets with arbitrarily small velocity of propagation concentrated either on the physical or on the spurious component. We also develop filtering mechanisms aimed at recovering the uniform velocity of propagation of the continuous solutions. Finally, some applications to numerical approximation issues of control problems are also presented.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    High frequency wave packets for the Schr\"odinger equation and its numerical approximations

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    We build Gaussian wave packets for the linear Schr\"odinger equation and its finite difference space semi-discretization and illustrate the lack of uniform dispersive properties of the numerical solutions as established in Ignat, Zuazua, Numerical dispersive schemes for the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, SIAM. J. Numer. Anal., 47(2) (2009), 1366-1390. It is by now well known that bigrid algorithms provide filtering mechanisms allowing to recover the uniformity of the dispersive properties as the mesh size goes to zero. We analyze and illustrate numerically how these high frequency wave packets split and propagate under these bigrid filtering mechanisms, depending on how the fine grid/coarse grid filtering is implemented.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Mboat7 down-regulation by hyper-insulinemia induces fat accumulation in hepatocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Naturally occurring variation in Membrane-bound O-acyltransferase domain-containing 7 (MBOAT7), encoding for an enzyme involved in phosphatidylinositol acyl-chain remodelling, has been associated with fatty liver and hepatic disorders. Here, we examined the relationship between hepatic Mboat7 down-regulation and fat accumulation. METHODS: Hepatic MBOAT7 expression was surveyed in 119 obese individuals and in experimental models. MBOAT7 was acutely silenced by antisense oligonucleotides in C57Bl/6 mice, and by CRISPR/Cas9 in HepG2 hepatocytes. FINDINGS: In obese individuals, hepatic MBOAT7 mRNA decreased from normal liver to steatohepatitis, independently of diabetes, inflammation and MBOAT7 genotype. Hepatic MBOAT7 levels were reduced in murine models of fatty liver, and by hyper-insulinemia. In wild-type mice, Mboat7 was down-regulated by refeeding and insulin, concomitantly with insulin signalling activation. Acute hepatic Mboat7 silencing promoted hepatic steatosis in vivo and enhanced expression of fatty acid transporter Fatp1. MBOAT7 deletion in hepatocytes reduced the incorporation of arachidonic acid into phosphatidylinositol, consistently with decreased enzymatic activity, determining the accumulation of saturated triglycerides, enhanced lipogenesis and FATP1 expression, while FATP1 deletion rescued the phenotype. INTERPRETATION: MBOAT7 down-regulation by hyper-insulinemia contributes to hepatic fat accumulation, impairing phosphatidylinositol remodelling and up-regulating FATP1. FUNDING: LV was supported by MyFirst Grant AIRC n.16888, Ricerca Finalizzata Ministero della Salute RF-2016-02,364,358, Ricerca corrente Fondazione IRCCS Ca\u27 Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico; LV and AG received funding from the European Union Programme Horizon 2020 (No. 777,377) for the project LITMUS- Liver Investigation: Testing Marker Utility in Steatohepatitis . MM was supported by Fondazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF) \u27Mario Coppo\u27 fellowship

    Interreligious dialogue before and after Nicholas of Cusa : an exegetical approach

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    In this article my aim is a philosophical reflection on a history of interreligious dialogue from the perspective of the dialectical relation between rites of different religions: given that rite is one of the most essential aspects of religions, it should be profitable to examine the significance of rites in light of interreligious dialogue. First, I will explain some theories about religions' difference. I will analyse texts written by Christian and Jewish authors from the Middle Ages to the Modern period in order to compare the crucial role of rite in philosophical and religious discourse among different chronological and cultural panoramas. Among the authors who wrote outstanding works focused on the relations between Islam and Christendom, I wish to mention in particular Nicholas of Cusa, who wrote the De pace fidei, one of the most famous interreligious dialogue in the Middle Ages. The following paragraph of my article is on a 12th century Jewish scholar, Judah Halevi, who wrote the book Kitab al Khazari (Sefer ha-Kuzari, in Hebrew), which is considered one of the most polemical and well-known medieval works and a source of Ramon Llull (1235-1315), the most relevant source of the De pace fidei. The second paragraph is on Aberlard, who, like Cusanus, wrote his Dialogus inter philosophum, Judaeum et Christianum in a period of conflicts and violence. Like De pace fidei Abelard’s dialogue is a work of the author’s maturity which deals with the theme of rational and intellectual knowledge as an instrument of confrontation between different confessions. I will analyse the theme of rites in this Abelard's work. I will also take a look of the work of Lessing, to highlight the fundamental role of transmission of traditions and rites for the construction of a specific religious identity

    La valutazione del merito creditizio secondo i nuovi principi di Basilea 2. Un'analisi sugli affidamenti della Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca.

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    A metà del gennaio del 2001 il gruppo dei dieci elaborò una proposta di revisione dell'Accordo di Basilea del 1988. Differenza fondamentale con la normativa precedente è una più attenta valutazione del rischio assunto dalla banca; Basilea 2 prevede infatti che ad ogni singola posizione venga asseganto un rating espressivo della rischiosità della controparte e che la dotazione patrimoniale minima richiesta alla banca sia funzione di tale giudizio. Conseguentemente il rapporto banca-impresa subisce dei cambiamenti, si rende infatti necessaria una maggiore trasparenza e comunicabilità tra i due soggetti. Come esempio pratico di tale innovazione viene analizzato il caso della Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca. In un primo momento si va a descrivere il sistema interno di assegnazione del rating da essa adottato e, successivamente, si focalizza l'attenzione sulle implicazioni che tale nuova modalità valutativa comporta nel tessuto imprenditoriale locale


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    Budući da se Zakonom o računovodstvu (ZOR) uređuje i regulira računovodstvo, svaku suštinsku promjenu koju donese novi Zakon o računovodstvu potrebno je uskladiti i primijeniti. Ovaj članak upravo objašnjava temeljne promjene u novom Zakonu o računovodstvu koji se primjenjuje od 01.siječnja 2016.godine i to kod tri ključna područja računovodstva: uređenje računovodstvenog procesa, izvještajni zahtjevi i proces izvještavanja te unapređenje elektroničkog poslovanja. Članak ujedno daje i kritički osvrt na neke odredbe novog Zakona : kod zakonskog određenja sadržaja kontnog plana, obvezne revizije GFI koji nisu na kotaciji, propisivanje primjene MSFI za nekonsolidirane financijske izvještaje, obvezno licenciranje knjigovodstvenih servisa, nadležnost Porezne uprave za kontrolu primjene ZOR-a, ne reguliranje računovodstvenih pravila društva u likvidaciji, u predstečaju i stečaju te definiranje svrhe GFI