1,296 research outputs found

    Taskcheck--An Employee Task Tracking Android Mobile Application

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    Tracking of employee tasks is a very important part of the supervisor’s job. Assigning all the employees their respective tasks and making sure they are performing them can be a very tedious process if it is performed manually. Therefore, this application can help the employer automate this process by simply downloading the app on their phones. With this application, the employer can create an account and make checklists for their employees. Similarly, the employees can sign up and use the checklists necessary. This application also provides several other functionalities to the employers such as searching the lists, reading the employees summary and editing the previously created checklists. It was developed using Java in Android Studio and is currently linked to SQLite database using APIs. By using this application, every small-scale organization employer can track the employee activities and make sure all the tasks get done on time, which in turn can help them ensure the quality of the products and the employee involvement

    Energy Efficient Bandwidth Management in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Understanding the Molecular Mechanism of Single-Strand Annealing Homologous DNA Recombination in Viruses, by Cryo-Electron Microscopy

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    The single-strand annealing homologous recombination (SSA) is one of the dsDNA break repair pathways, and albeit its importance from bacteria to bacteriophages, its molecular function is still unknown. The SSA reaction is catalysed by the enzyme complexes known as Exonuclease Annealase Two-component Recombinase (EATRs). The RecT and ORF6 proteins are single-stranded DNA-binding and annealing proteins expressed in E. coli and Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), respectively. RecT has already been shown to catalyse the SSA reaction. Although ORF6 has been shown to bind to ssDNA, further experimental evidence is needed to solidify its annealase activity. Since structure can dictate the function, this thesis aimed to determine the structure of the annealases RecT and ORF6 using a state-in-art cryo-electron microscopy technique. Furthermore, the shadow-casting EM technique has been established by optimising it for the equipment available at UOW, which is helpful for imaging the substrate DNA intermediates and the nucleoprotein complexes formed during SSA to better understand the molecular mechanistic details of this reaction. This thesis includes the details about RecT and ORF6 proteins’ cloning, expression, and purification, which were further optimised for purity and homogeneity for cryo-electron microscopy with the help of negative staining electron microscopy (NSEM). Additionally, based on several NSEM analyses, the C-terminal His-tag containing RecT (RecTCH) oligomerisation on ssDNA was studied, and a general mechanism of its oligomerisation is described. Unfortunately, during the RecTCH protein’s cryo-EM sample optimisation, the LiRecT structure was published by another group. Therefore, work on that project was ceased at that point. Several novel findings on ORF6 are reported in this thesis. Primarily, the concentration of the purified protein was increased 3 times more than the reports in the literature. Based on the NSEM and preliminary cryo-EM map of ORF6, it is shown that the ORF6 structure overall resembles the HSV1-ICP8 protein. Further, based on the steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments, a model for the ORF6 annealing mechanism is suggested. Towards generating a high-resolution structure, ORF6 monomers and filaments were optimised and imaged by using cryo-EM. Processing a data set obtained from a monomeric ORF6 sample showed the presence of conformational heterogeneity in the particles, which was expected as the ORF6 AlphaFold model shows that the N-terminal and C-terminal domains are connected by an 18 amino acids long loop, allowing C-terminal domain to be relatively flexible to move around. Processing of another data set obtained from a sample containing ORF6 filaments generated 2-dimensional averages that look promising for generating a high-resolution structure. This thesis also shows the details related to the installation and optimisation of the shadowing technique using a modern material, graphene oxide (GO), as a support film. This technique involves optimising both sample preparation and instrumentation for metal evaporation and deposition. For sample preparation, GO was deposited on cryo-EM holey grids, on which the sample was mounted. For instrumentation optimisation, a DENTON brand evaporator was used. The grid stage was re-engineered using AutoCAD to achieve the finest metal evaporation, and parameters such as amperage, vacuum, metal thickness, and angles were optimised. The optimised parameters were used to shadow-cast different lengths of DNA and their complexes with proteins, and good contrast images were acquired for qualitative and quantitative analyses. Overall, this thesis presents two main novel findings. First, RecTCH monomers oligomerise into an open ring-shaped structure, which stacks together to generate short filaments. Second, to anneal two complementary ssDNA strands, ORF6 first forms filaments with both ssDNA, which then come in contact with each other rapidly to anneal the complementary strands. Once the annealing finishes, the annealed dsDNA is released from the filaments as the filaments fall apart into monomers. We also found that ORF6 monomers oligomerise to form the helical and non-helical filaments in the presence of DTT+Mg2+ and DTT-containing buffer, respectively

    Ayurveda Description of Grahani Roga in Children and its Management: A Literary Review

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    Grahani Roga a gastrointestinal tract disease, is influenced by various factors, such as Aparipakvadhathu, Asampurnabalam and Shleshmadhathuprayam, etc. Aniyatha Agni means variable digestive fire also play vital role in this regards. Immature tissue, incomplete strength and imbalance in bodily humors, etc. considered responsible for the disturbed functioning of digestive fire in children. Various etiological factors can impair Agni, particularly in children who frequently consume bakery items like biscuits, chocolates, ice-cream and junk foods, etc. Atisara, a condition related to gastroenteritis, may contribute to Grahani Roga and should be considered during the treatment plan. Abdominal pain, bloating and abdominal spasm, etc. are major features of Grahani Roga. Treatment includes a combination of medications, nutrition adjustments and dietary changes, etc. Herbal combinations are also beneficial due to their properties in improving digestion and removing blockages

    Evaluation of pedestrian countdown signals in the Las Vegas metropolitan area

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    An evaluation of the effectiveness of pedestrian countdown signals is presented in this thesis. This is based on an evaluation of the behavior of pedestrians and motorists at selected intersections in the Las Vegas metropolitan area. A series of surveys and pedestrian interviews were used to evaluate the behavior of pedestrians and motorists. Statistical analyses of the data indicated that the countdown signals are able to provide pedestrians valuable information that enhances the safety of the crossing maneuver. The study also indicates that the presence of a countdown timer helps the pedestrians to better understand the meaning of the Flashing Don\u27t Walk sign. The study indicates that the countdown timers have helped reducing the number of pedestrians trapped in the middle of the street. The pedestrian interviews revealed that most of the pedestrians correctly interpreted the meaning of the Flashing Don\u27t Walk sign and the countdown clock . Analysis of data pertaining to motorist behavior was inconclusive. No conclusion can be made on the affect of countdown timers on the motorist behavior

    Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of Acquired Maxillofacial Defects

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    ABSTRAKKURNIA DWI MANTRI ABI,PEMENUHAN HAK NARAPIDANA DI RUMAH TAHANAN NEGARA KLAS IIB SIGLI MENURUT UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 12 TAHUN 1995 TENTANG PEMASYARAKATAN2017Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala(v,61),pp.,tabl.,bibl.,app.(Nursiti, S.H., M.Hum.)Negara Republik Indonesia mengakui dan menjunjung tinggi adanya hak asasi manusia yang telah di atur di dalam UUD 1945 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 Tentang Hak Asasi Manusia. Perlindungan terhadap hak asasi manusia ini tidak hanya diberlakukan kepada setiap manusia yang berada dalam keadaaan bebas, tetapi hak asasi manusia juga diakui kepada setiap manusia yang sedang berstatus narapidana seperti amanah Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1995 Tentang Pemasyarakatan. Dengan demikian narapidana juga dipandang sebagai warga Negara yang harus diperlakukan sama dimata hukum tanpa ada perbedaan. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya perlakuan yang diberikan kepada narapidana di Rumah Tahanan Negara (Rutan) Klas IIB Sigli tidak seperti yang diharapkan dan sangat banyak terdapat kendala seperti kurangnya daya tampung, terbatasnya sumber daya manusia dari petugas yang menghambat proses pembinaan terhadap narapidana yang diberikan tidak efektif dan terbatasnya anggaran operasional di Rutan Klas IIB Sigli. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemenuhan hak narapidana di Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas IIB Sigli dan Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi petugas Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas IIB SIgli dalam pemenuhan hak narapidana.Untuk memperoleh data dalam skripsi ini dilakukan penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan guna memperoleh data primer yang bersifat teoritis, sedangkan penelitian lapangan dilakukan guna memperoleh data lapangan melalui wawancara dengan responden dan informan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, menunjukkan bahwa pemenuhan hak narapidana di Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas IIB yang persentase paling tinggi hak mendapatkan informasi awal, hak kebutuhan sanitasi daan kebersihan personal, hak makanan dan air minum, hak bebas dari perlakuan kekerasan. Sedangkan yang persentase paling rendah seperti hak perawatan kesehatan, hak reintegrasi sosial dan hak atas pakaian dan tempat tidur.Disarankan kepada pihak Kementerian Hukum dan HAM RI perwakilan Aceh agar bisa membuat Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LAPAS) baru di Sigli. Selain itu pihak Rutan klas IIB Sigli harus memperbaiki kinerjanya agar lebih baik lagi

    Building A Malware Finding System Using A Filter-Based Feature Selection Algorithm

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    Flexible Mutual Information Feature Selection is another supervised filter-based feature selection formula that has recently been proposed. With FMIFS, there's no doubt about it, MIFS and MMIFS are outdated. According to FMIFS, a revision to Battiti's formula would help cut down on redundancy among features. Redundancy parameters are no longer required in MIFS and MMIFS because of FMIFS. MIFS and MMIFS are unquestionably better alternatives to FMIFS. Based on the advice of FMIFS, Battiti's formula should be updated to minimize redundancy. In FMIFS, the redundant parameter is eliminated and it results in MIFS and MMIFS. None of the existing technologies are capable of fully safeguarding the internet software and operating networks against threats like DoS attacks, spyware, and adware. Incredible amounts of network traffic pose a major obstacle to IDSs. Our function selection formula contributed significantly more important functionality to LSSVM-IDS in regards to improving LSSVM-IDS' accuracy while minimizing the use of computation in comparison to other approaches. This feature selection method is especially suitable for features that are dependent on either a linear or nonlinear relationship. To provide accurate classification, we have provided a formula based on mutual knowledge, which mathematically selects the perfect function. Its utility is measured by taking into account the use of network intrusion detection. Data with redundant and irrelevant functionality has created a long-term traffic condition. It not only slows the overall classification process, but it also impedes classifiers from making correct decisions, specifically when handling large amounts of data
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