98,387 research outputs found

    A note on lattice-face polytopes and their Ehrhart polynomials

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    We give a new definition of lattice-face polytopes by removing an unnecessary restriction in the paper "Ehrhart polynomials of lattice-face polytopes", and show that with the new definition, the Ehrhart polynomial of a lattice-face polytope still has the property that each coefficient is the normalized volume of a projection of the original polytope. Furthermore, we show that the new family of lattice-face polytopes contains all possible combinatorial types of rational polytopes.Comment: 11 page

    Moduli of Crude Limit Linear Series

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    Eisenbud and Harris introduced the theory of limit linear series, and constructed a space parametrizing their limit linear series. Recently, Osserman introduced a new space which compactifies the Eisenbud-Harris construction. In the Eisenbud-Harris space, the set of refined limit linear series is always dense on a general reducible curve. Osserman asks when the same is true for his space. In this paper, we answer his question by characterizing the situations when the crude limit linear series contain an open subset of his space.Comment: 13 page

    A combinatorial analysis of Severi degrees

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    Based on results by Brugall\'e and Mikhalkin, Fomin and Mikhalkin give formulas for computing classical Severi degrees Nd,δN^{d, \delta} using long-edge graphs. In 2012, Block, Colley and Kennedy considered the logarithmic version of a special function associated to long-edge graphs appeared in Fomin-Mikhalkin's formula, and conjectured it to be linear. They have since proved their conjecture. At the same time, motivated by their conjecture, we consider a special multivariate function associated to long-edge graphs that generalizes their function. The main result of this paper is that the multivariate function we define is always linear. A special case of our result gives an independent proof of Block-Colley-Kennedy's conjecture. The first application of our linearity result is that by applying it to classical Severi degrees, we recover quadraticity of Qd,δQ^{d, \delta} and a bound δ\delta for the threshold of polynomiality of Nd,δ.N^{d, \delta}. Next, in joint work with Osserman, we apply the linearity result to a special family of toric surfaces and obtain universal polynomial results having connections to the G\"ottsche-Yau-Zaslow formula. As a result, we provide combinatorial formulas for the two unidentified power series B1(q)B_1(q) and B2(q)B_2(q) appearing in the G\"ottsche-Yau-Zaslow formula. The proof of our linearity result is completely combinatorial. We define τ\tau-graphs which generalize long-edge graphs, and a closely related family of combinatorial objects we call (τ,n)(\tau, n)-words. By introducing height functions and a concept of irreducibility, we describe ways to decompose certain families of (τ,n)(\tau, n)-words into irreducible words, which leads to the desired results.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Major revision: generalized main results in previous version. The old results only applies to classical Severi degrees. The current version also applies to Severi degrees coming from special families of toric surface

    Combinatorial bases for multilinear parts of free algebras with double compatible brackets

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    Let X be an ordered alphabet. Lie_2(n) (and P_2(n) respectively) are the multilinear parts of the free Lie algebra (and the free Poisson algebra respectively) on X with a pair of compatible Lie brackets. In this paper, we prove the dimension formulas for these two algebras conjectured by B. Feigin by constructing bases for Lie_2(n) (and P_2(n)) from combinatorial objects. We also define a complementary space Eil_2(n) to Lie_2(n), give a pairing between Lie_2(n) and Eil_2(n), and show that the pairing is perfect.Comment: 38 pages; 10 figure

    Higher integrality conditions, volumes and Ehrhart polynomials

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    A polytope is integral if all of its vertices are lattice points. The constant term of the Ehrhart polynomial of an integral polytope is known to be 1. In previous work, we showed that the coefficients of the Ehrhart polynomial of a lattice-face polytope are volumes of projections of the polytope. We generalize both results by introducing a notion of kk-integral polytopes, where 0-integral is equivalent to integral. We show that the Ehrhart polynomial of a kk-integral polytope PP has the properties that the coefficients in degrees less than or equal to kk are determined by a projection of PP, and the coefficients in higher degrees are determined by slices of PP. A key step of the proof is that under certain generality conditions, the volume of a polytope is equal to the sum of volumes of slices of the polytope.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur

    Perturbation of transportation polytopes

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    We describe a perturbation method that can be used to reduce the problem of finding the multivariate generating function (MGF) of a non-simple polytope to computing the MGF of simple polytopes. We then construct a perturbation that works for any transportation polytope. We apply this perturbation to the family of central transportation polytopes of order kn x n, and obtain formulas for the MGFs of the feasible cone of each vertex of the polytope and the MGF of the polytope. The formulas we obtain are enumerated by combinatorial objects. A special case of the formulas recovers the results on Birkhoff polytopes given by the author and De Loera and Yoshida. We also recover the formula for the number of maximum vertices of transportation polytopes of order kn x n.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Journal of Combinatorial Theory Ser.

    Ehrhart polynomials of cyclic polytopes

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    The Ehrhart polynomial of an integral convex polytope counts the number of lattice points in dilates of the polytope. In math.CO/0402148, the authors conjectured that for any cyclic polytope with integral parameters, the Ehrhart polynomial of it is equal to its volume plus the Ehrhart polynomial of its lower envelope and proved the case when the dimension d = 2. In our article, we prove the conjecture for any dimension.Comment: 15 page
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