217 research outputs found

    What makes learning mathematics an enjoyable experience: listening to estonian pupils’ voices

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    Research has shown that affective factors, including liking the subject, influence pupils’ mathematical performance and future decision-making. The aim of this paper is to reveal the factors that influence one’s liking of mathematics. The study, based on semi-structured interviews amongst pupils from 7th, 9th and 11th grades in Estonia, tried to find answers to the questions why pupils like or dislike mathematics as a subject and why pupils like or dislike the mathematics teacher. The study concluded that mathematics is liked because of specific activities that pupils are engaged with in the lesson (e.g. figuring things out); of specific content (e.g. word problems); of feeling competent in mathematics and understanding the subject, and because the teacher displayed the following characteristics: being polite, caring, funny, professional and reasonably strict, creating a good learning environment, explaining the subject well, relating mathematics to real life and being a sensible evaluator

    Organized Chaos: mapping the definitions of social entrepreneurship

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    Over the last 20 years, social entrepreneurship has attracted the attention of researchers from a wide variety of disciplines which, in turn, has generated a large variety of understandings of the meaning of social entrepreneurship. This paper maps the existing definitions, using a citation map and cluster analysis methods. Studying 307 documents that contain social entrepreneurship definitions, the analysis reveals that - contrary to what has been commonly believed -there does, in fact, exist widespread consensus within the academic community on the definition and meaning of the term social entrepreneurship and it is primarily centred on the combination of social and financial goals, community ideals and innovation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Сохранение целостности отображаемого на пути вербализации отдельного фрагмента действительности

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    Проаналізовано ланцюжок перетворення «дійсність-текст» як непорушення цілісності відтворюваного фрагмента дійсності на шляху трансляції цієї інформації з образного на мовний рівень. Розглянуто структурно-функціональний рівень нейроорганізації зорового тракту, який забезпечує адекватне сприйняття довкілля (триєдиного у часі, просторі та дії), шляхом виокремлення з нього окремих ситуації, диференціації їх за статичними/динамічними прикметами та однозначної ідентифікації всіх їхніх складників. Проаналізовано мовні засоби та їх організацію для адекватного відтворення окремого фрагмента.The chain of transformation «reality-text» is analysed as an unviolation of the integrity of the displayed fragment of reality on the way of translation of this information from the graphic to linguistic level. The structural-functional level of neuron organization of visual track, which provides adequate perception of the environment (triune in time, space and action) is considered by force of a selection of separate situations, differentiation them by statistical or dynamical features with the unique identification of their components. Linguistic means and their organization are analysed in order to adequately display a separate fragment of reality.Проанализирована цепочка преобразования «действительность-текст» как ненарушение целостности отображаемого фрагмента действительности на пути трансляции этой информации с образного на языковой уровень. Рассмотрен структурно-функциональный уровень нейроорганизации зрительного тракта, обеспечивающий адекватное восприятие внешнего мира (триединого во времени, пространстве и движении), путем выделения отдельных ситуации, дифференциации их по статическим/динамическим признакам и с однозначной идентифицией их составляющих. Проанализированы языковые средства и их организация для адекватного отображения отдельного фрагмента

    On the way to solving the problem of «Semantic Web – Data Base»

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    The present state of the problem of "Semantic Web – Data Base" is analyzed. "Semantic Web" is analyzed from the standpoint of the integration approach, covering the results of research in the fields of neurophysiology, psychology, philosophy; it allows to formally define the quantum of knowledge as a separate situation of the visual level and clearly define the scheme of its verbalization in the form of a basic semantic-syntactic structure. The main result of the integration approach is presented by the following thesis: “The structural level of the linguistic organization is derived from the structural and functional level of the neural organization of the visual path”. From here we have a productive conclusion: the structural and functional level of the language organization will be the same for all languages. The second component of the "Data Base" covers (should cover) the entire social cognitive potential of knowledge, presented by a plurality of accumulated texts. The structured level of knowledge base organization is presented by a very small fragment of the neural network, which reproduces a separate situation of text information, but which, through a plurality of separate tokens, of its constituents (with corresponding references to other structural formations) forms a practically cognitive neural network of a certain knowledge area

    Речевая деятельность и ее моделирование

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    Робота присвячена питанням формування інформаційних природно-мовних технологій, які намагаються моделювати окремі прояви мовленнєвої поведінки людини – однієї з найскладніших форм її інтелектуальної діяльності. Аналізується сучасний стан справ у вказаному напрямі, окреслюються перспективи розвитку таких технологій на шляху інтеграції наукових досягнень у всіх помежованих напрямах.Work is devoted the questions of forming of information naturally-linguistic technologies which try to design the different aspects of human speech activity – one of to most difficult forms of its intellectual activity. The modern consisting of businesses into indicated direction is analysed, the prospects of development of such technologies are outlined on the way of integration of scientific achievements in all of human speech activity directions.Работа посвящена вопросам формирования информационных естественно-языковых технологий, которые пытаются моделировать различные аспекты речевого поведения человека – одной из самых сложных форм его интеллектуальной деятельности. Анализируется современное состояние дел в указанном направлении, очерчиваются перспективы развития таких технологий на пути интеграции научных достижений во всех пограничных направлениях

    Adaptive Impact Factor Research Concerning Effectiveness of the Introduction and use of Digital Twins for Oil and Gas Deposits

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    In recent years, there have been significant changes in the conditions of oil production leading to an increase in its cost and wasteful use of resources. This necessitates the search for a system of adaptive factors that can adapt to environmental changes, affect the cost reduction and increase in the efficiency of oil and gas fields. Studies show that this problem needs to be solved on the basis of the creation of digital oil or gas fields being digital counterparts of existing enterprises, which allow preserving nature and use resources economically due to the existing field development at a new qualitative level. However, the transformation of existing fields through their transformation into digital oil or gas fields requires serious justification, and above all, from a financial and economic points of view. At the same time, one should in no case ignore the natural factor contributing to saving, restoring the used oil and gas resources and preserving the external space being the human environment. The purpose of this study is to develop recommendations for assessing the economic efficiency of the implementation of the project concerning a digital oil or gas field being a digital twin of oil or gas enterprise, and their use in practice. Such an assessment will be carried out based on the analysis of the ratio between capital investments and operating costs necessary to create a digital oil or gas field, as well as by comparing the expected costs and benefits derived from its use

    Host species determines egg size in Oriental cuckoo

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    © 2018 The Zoological Society of London.The Oriental cuckoo Cuculus optatus is an obligate brood parasite associated with species of the genus Phylloscopus. Four distinct phenotypes of Oriental cuckoo eggs, matching eggshell colour patterns of Arctic warbler Phylloscopus borealis, common chiffchaff (Siberian) P. collybita tristis, yellow-browed warbler P. inornatus and Pallas's leaf warbler P. proregulus, have been identified in the Russian part of its breeding area. We compared egg length, breadth and volume of Oriental cuckoo egg phenotypes with eggs of the corresponding hosts from three geographical regions in Russia: the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. We found significant oometric differences between Oriental cuckoo egg phenotypes. Egg breadth of each cuckoo group matched the egg breadth of the host species, while the length of cuckoo eggs did not match egg length in host species. Our results can be explained in terms of clutch geometry. An egg sticking out above the clutch is likely to be rejected by the host and so breadth should match the host's egg. This constrains cuckoos in maintaining large egg volumes, which are essential for providing a cuckoo chick with the energy required to eject the host eggs and chicks. An increased egg length might compensate for breadth constraints. We suggest that the size of cuckoo eggs might also be affected by parental care - when only one parent is involved in feeding, eggs need to be larger. This might explain why the longest cuckoo eggs belonged to the phenotype parasitizing the smallest host, Pallas's leaf warbler, where only one parent feeds the chicks. In our view, differences in egg sizes of Oriental cuckoo phenotypes provide evidence of their adaptations to brood parasitism on small leaf warbler species.Peer reviewe


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    The approach to the allocation of climate factors, that influence on gas consumption with consideration of their interdependence, nonlinearity and inertia of factors has been reviewed. In addition to the classical approach of linear consideration of the dependence on the degree-days of heating and air conditioning, an additional consideration of the factors of lighting and precipitation level has been offered. The nonlinearity of dependences has been modelled by power functions, and the inertia effect by averaging data for the previous few months. The proposed mechanism makes it possible to exclude climatic factors from the actual data of gas consumption and, as a consequence, to allocate the influence of macroeconomic factors and the energy saving factor


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    An approach to the allocation of economic and macroeconomic factors, affecting the final energy consumption, taking into account the seasonal unevenness of industrial production and the inertia of changes in the production of final products relative to the consumption of energy required for their production, has been considered in the article. In addition, factors have been reviewed not only at the end of the value chain on the basis of gas-consuming industries, but also taking into account the indicators of the raw material sector of the economy, which determines the beginning of the value chain