395 research outputs found

    What is Gorgias’ ‘not being’? A brief journey through the Treatise, the Apology of Palamedes and the Encomium of Helen

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    Assuming that a nihilist reading of Gorgias’ thought is to be ruled out, the issue of ‘not being’ remains one of the thorniest in his philosophy; indeed, it is fair to conclude that Gorgias is deeply concerned with ‘not being’. But what, after all, is Gorgias’ ‘not being’? This paper aims to answer this crucial question, by taking into consideration Gorgias’ main texts (i.e. the Treatise, the Apology of Palamedes and the Encomium of Helen). Each of them provides a serious – although not always explicit – account of ‘not being’. Overall, the aim is to show that Gorgias’ account of ‘not being’ is not concerned with ‘non-existence’ at all. It is deeply concerned, however, with falsehood and language. The paper will, therefore, be structured as follows: in part 1, the Treatise and specifically the the first section of the Particular Proof will be addressed and its ‘linguistic’ conception of ‘not-being’ fully exploited; in part 2, the Apology of Palamedes will be taken into account, in order to enucleate its ‘not-being-as-falsehood’ argument; the results from part 1 and part 2 will allow us, in part 3, to provide an analysis of the Encomium of Helen which points at its underlying conception of ‘not-being’

    Enduring Indigeneity: Community Consultation as a Process for Indigenizing Curriculum at a College in Ontario

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    In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) released its report which included 94 Calls to Action to address the legacy impacts of the Indian Residential School System in Canada. With education at the forefront of reconciliation, Call to Action #62 calls on post-secondary educators to integrate First Nations, MĂ©tis and Inuit content into their curriculum, to Indigenize teaching and learning within an education system built on Eurocolonial worldviews. A post-secondary institution located in southern Ontario (referred to by the pseudonym SCAAT) is making decolonization an institutional priority, especially as it is aligned with their Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) initiatives. Therefore, this Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) aims to address the deficit of Indigenous worldviews represented across curriculum within the Faculty of Arts (FOA) at SCAAT through a process of Indigenization. Change agents will implement a consultation process with members of the local First Nation on whose traditional territory the college resides, so that curriculum reform for Indigenous education is informed by place-based stories, histories, knowledge and perspective; this underscores the objective of Indigenization. The author of this OIP identifies as Anishinaabe and the change is approached in an Indigenous wholistic framework, where it is pertinent that the writing privileges Indigenous perspectives, epistemologies, and methodologies. Through meaningful Indigenization, the FOA demonstrates a commitment to the authentic resurgence of Indigenous identity across curriculum offerings which will contribute to mutually respectful Indigenous-settler relations in support of reconciliation

    A Business School Living Learning Community: A Complexity Theory Study of Collaborative Engagement Using Network Analysis

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    As funding for institutions of higher education becomes tighter, state and federal entities have turned to student retention and graduation rates as measures of success to determine levels of financial support. A concept, supported by student development theories, used to increase retention and graduation rates is creating living learning communities (LLCs). Researchers previously concluded that student participation in an LLC positively affects student academic performance, engagement, and retention. The purpose of this study was to investigate how networks developed in a living learning community and what, if any, network variables contributed to academic performance. Specifically, dynamic network analysis using ORA software provided network statistics to determine how network density, component statistics, and cliques developed over the course of the semester. Additionally, ORA software determined social, advice, and study network Newman groupings to study how clusters of students developed during the semester. Finally, a regression analysis using JMP software and ORA derived network measures was accomplished to determine what network variables contributed to positive academic performance. Results found students who are well connected are likely to have better GPAs and consequently higher retention rates than students who are not well connected in the network. It was also interesting to note that residence hall living configurations restricted networking among LLC participants. Specifically, networking did not seem to take place between resident hall occupants who lived on different floors in the residence hall. Practitioners should schedule and promote and students should participate in activities that further network development

    Pharmacogenomics: What is Next?

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    Pharmacogenomics is moving from a candidate gene strategy to large scale approaches. This is in line with the new paradigm of linking a trait to (a) pathway(s) rather than to single genes. In addition, breakthroughs in genomics offer a non-a priori assessment of implicated genes, expanding the possibilities in pharmacogenomics research. In this review, we discuss the pros and cons of new concepts in study design and on high throughput approaches to be implemented in the near future

    Il ristorante italiano tra ethnoscapes e mediascapes

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    Il contributo costituisce l’introduzione al numero monografico di Comunicazionepuntodoc n. 19 2018, Il ristorante italiano. Memoria, cultura, identità, esperienze. Mentre molti studi internazionali si concentrano sul ruolo dei ristoranti italiani nel cambiamento dei Paesi di destinazione migratoria, gli studi italiani sul ristorante italiano all’estero e nel nostro Paese risultano a oggi carenti, sia pur con autorevoli eccezioni (Montanari 2002; Cipolla 2008). Il contributo introduce il particolare “ristorante etnico” che ù il ristorante italiano in Italia e fuori d’italia e le sue pratiche di iper-ritualizzazione dei tratti della tradizione (cibo, arredi, identità visiva del locale, ecc.) di modo da offrire – come ha spiegato Erving Goffman (1979, p. 37) – non “una immagine di come stanno le cose, bensì una guida esortativa alla loro percezione”

    Rehabilitative devices for a top-down approach

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    In recent years, neurorehabilitation has moved from a "bottom-up" to a "top down" approach. This change has also involved the technological devices developed for motor and cognitive rehabilitation. It implies that during a task or during therapeutic exercises, new "top-down" approaches are being used to stimulate the brain in a more direct way to elicit plasticity-mediated motor re-learning. This is opposed to "Bottom up" approaches, which act at the physical level and attempt to bring about changes at the level of the central neural system. Areas covered: In the present unsystematic review, we present the most promising innovative technological devices that can effectively support rehabilitation based on a top-down approach, according to the most recent neuroscientific and neurocognitive findings. In particular, we explore if and how the use of new technological devices comprising serious exergames, virtual reality, robots, brain computer interfaces, rhythmic music and biofeedback devices might provide a top-down based approach. Expert commentary: Motor and cognitive systems are strongly harnessed in humans and thus cannot be separated in neurorehabilitation. Recently developed technologies in motor-cognitive rehabilitation might have a greater positive effect than conventional therapies

    Aspetti meccanicistici della coordinazione di [(PPh3)3Ru(CO)(H2)] com Timina Acido Acetico

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    Ruthenium complexes have proved to exhibit antineoplastic activity related to the interaction of metal ion with DNA nucleobases. It is indeed of great interest to provide new insights on theses cutting-edge studies, such as the identification of distinct coordinative modes of DNA binding sites. During the investigation on the reaction between [(PPh3)3Ru(CO)(H)2], 1, and the Thymine Acetic Acid (THA) as model for nucleobases, we identified an unstable monohapto hydride acetate complex 2, which rapidly evolves into elusive intermediates whose nature was evidenced by NMR spectra and DFT calculations. We obtained crystals of [(PPh3)2Ru(CO)(k1-THA)(k2-THA)] 17, and [Ru(CO)(PPh3)2(k2-N,O)-[THA(A)];(k1-O)[THA(B)]2 18, phosphine ligands assuming cis conformation. The thesis deals on the analogue reactions of 1 with acetic acid by varying different parameters and operating conditions. The reaction yields to the hydride dihapto-acetate [(PPh3)2RuH(CO)(k2-Ac)] 8 through the related meridian monohapto, by releasing of phosphine ligand. However, the reaction yields a mixture of compounds, in which the dihapto hydride complex 8 is prevailing in any cases and does not provide any disclosure for the proposed mechanistic aspects. The reaction with two equivalents of acetic acid, affords the complex [(PPh3)2Ru(CO)(k1-Ac)(k2-Ac)] 11, exhibiting mutual trans:cis locations in 2:1 ratio for the phosphine. Such evidence agrees with the results obtained DFT calculations in vacuo, whereas it is in contrast with those obtained with the THA. Therefore we can inferred that the products obtained from the latter reaction is intermolecularly ruled by the hydrogen binding interactions between the functions [-NH‱‱‱(O)C-] in the two coordinated thymine ligands

    Lev Manovich, The Language of New Media

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    Y a-t-il d’inĂ©dit dans les formes de reprĂ©sentation utilisĂ©es dans les nouveaux mĂ©dias ? remĂ©diation », selon laquelle chaque nouveau mĂ©dia englobe, traduit et rĂ©forme les mĂ©dias existants, Lev Manovich, professeur associĂ© au DĂ©partement d’Arts visuels de l’UniversitĂ© de Californie, San Diego, analyse les Ă©lĂ©ments de continuitĂ© et de rupture entre les anciennes et les nouvelles formes de communication. Le but de l’ouvrage est de « dĂ©crire et comprendre la logique qui dirige le dĂ©veloppement d..

    Publicité et territoires: Une analyse comparative de la publicité transnationale en France et en Italie

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    Recent decades have seen profound changes in the relationship between the local, national and worldwide contexts. Traditional geopolitical boundaries are becoming more and more porous, and the complex web of territorial interconnections is more conspicuous than ever.The advertising sector has been strongly affected by the transformations occurring in the geography of markets and cultures. This study focuses on the structural rationale behind the strategies and organisation of the advertising industry on a transnational scale. It endeavours to demonstrate that transnational advertising – as an industry and as an ensemble of strategies and messages – is characterised by constant interactions between the economic pressures that encourage standardisation and the national socio-cultural differences that imply diversification.The analysis is twofold. First, the text traces the expansion of the advertising industry beyond national boundaries. The author examines the forms that this expansion has taken in France and in Italy and analyses the development of the theories and techniques of transnational advertising that have been elaborated by professionals. Secondly, the analysis looks at the ways in which transnational advertising messages have been adapted to fit different national contexts. The comparison of a group of commercials transmitted in France and Italy fir mass-consumer goods distributed in both countries shows that transnational advertising doesn’t escape territorial constraints. On the contrary, it assimilates territorial differences to the point of making them part of its discourses.Les derniĂšres dĂ©cennies ont connu un changement profond des relations entre sphĂšre locale, nationale, mondiale. Les frontiĂšres gĂ©opolitiques sont devenues de plus en plus poreuses et l'enchevĂȘtrement des diffĂ©rentes dimensions territoriales apparait plus que jamais manifeste.La communication publicitaire participe activement aux transformations qui affectent la gĂ©ographie des marchĂ©s et des cultures. Cette Ă©tude se concentre sur les logiques qui orientent l’organisation et les stratĂ©gies de l’industrie publicitaire Ă  l’échelle transnationale. Elle se propose de montrer que la publicitĂ© transnationale – en tant qu’industrie et en tant qu’ensemble de stratĂ©gies et de messages – se caractĂ©rise par des interactions constantes entre des instances Ă©conomiques visant Ă  la standardisation et des tendances Ă  la diffĂ©renciation entrainĂ©es par les spĂ©cificitĂ©s socio-culturelles propres Ă  chaque contexte national.L’analyse suit deux pistes majeures. Tout d’abord, le texte reconstruit l’expansion de l’industrie publicitaire au delĂ  des frontiĂšres nationales. L’auteur examine les formes que cette expansion a prises en France et en Italie et l’évolution des thĂ©ories et des techniques de publicitĂ© transnationale Ă©laborĂ©es par les professionnels. Ensuite, l’analyse se focalise sur les modalitĂ©s d’adaptation des messages publicitaires dans les divers contextes nationaux. La comparaison d’un corpus de spots diffusĂ©s en France et en Italie pour des produits de large consommation distribuĂ©s dans ces deux pays rĂ©vĂšle que la publicitĂ© transnationale n’échappe pas aux contraintes territoriales. Au contraire, elle Ă©pouse la diversitĂ© des Ă©chelons territoriaux jusqu’à l’intĂ©grer dans ces discours
