56 research outputs found

    Computability of a wedge of circles

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    We examine conditions under which a semicomputable set in a computable metric space is computable. In particular, we focus on wedge of circles and prove that each semicomputable wedge of circles is computable

    On the topological aspects of the theory of represented spaces

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    Represented spaces form the general setting for the study of computability derived from Turing machines. As such, they are the basic entities for endeavors such as computable analysis or computable measure theory. The theory of represented spaces is well-known to exhibit a strong topological flavour. We present an abstract and very succinct introduction to the field; drawing heavily on prior work by Escard\'o, Schr\"oder, and others. Central aspects of the theory are function spaces and various spaces of subsets derived from other represented spaces, and -- closely linked to these -- properties of represented spaces such as compactness, overtness and separation principles. Both the derived spaces and the properties are introduced by demanding the computability of certain mappings, and it is demonstrated that typically various interesting mappings induce the same property.Comment: Earlier versions were titled "Compactness and separation for represented spaces" and "A new introduction to the theory of represented spaces

    Tissue Reaction to Absorbable Endoloop, Nonabsorbable Titanium Staples, and Polymer Hem-o-lok Clip After Laparoscopic Appendectomy

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    The mildest inflammatory changes postoperatively were found in the staple group followed by those in the Hem-O-Lok group


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    Background: Sleep apnea is described as an isolated risk factor for stroke or recurrent stroke which could be cause of death. In our study, the aim was to determine whether sleep apnea affects the outcome of stroke patients. Subjects and methods: This is a prospective study in which a group of 110 patients in the acute phase of a stroke was evaluated sleep apnea. Acute stroke has been diagnosed either by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. There was no significant difference in patient\u27s age with or without sleep apnea neither in men nor women. Neurological, neuropsychiatric, pulmonary test were performed in all patients at five different time periods. In these time periods, all patients were evaluated: Glasgow scale, The American National Institutes of Health Scale Assessment, Mini Mental Test, The Sleep and snoring Questionnaire Test, The Berlin Questionnaire Test, The Epworth Sleepiness Scale, The Stanford Sleepiness Scale and The general sleep questionnaire. Results: One year after the onset of stroke, 91 (82.7%) of 110 patients with apnea survived. The survival rate of patients with sleep apnea is significantly lower than without sleep apnea (p=0.01). In men with apnea, the survival rate was significantly lower in patients without apnea (p=0.004). The largest number of survivors of apnea had diabetes mellitus, followed by survival of patients with heart disease, body mass index >29 kg/m2 and hypertension, with hyperlipoproteinemia and smoking. The highest number of survivors without apnea was body mass index >29 kg/m2, followed by survival of patients with hyperlipoproteinemia, heart disease, hypertension, smoking, and diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: Patients with sleep apnea have a significant correlation in survival rates compared with sexually and age-matched subjects, associated with concomitant risk factors such as hypertension, body mass index, and smoking

    iglD plays a crucial role in intracellular replication of F. tularensis in A. castellanii

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    Uvod: Francisella tularensis gram-negativna je fakultativna unutarstanična bakterija koja može uzrokovati teÅ”ku bolest, tularemiju, u ljudi i životinja. Izolirana je u viÅ”e od 250 divljih vrsta, uključujući ribe, ptice, vodozemce, zečeve, vjeverice, voluharice, krpelje i muhe. Podnosi teÅ”ke uvjete i dokazano je da preživljava u vodi i blatu viÅ”e od jedne godine. Prirodni rezervoar u vodi su praživotinje, uključujući mnoge vrste ameba. PrijaÅ”nji rezultati pokazali su preživljavanje i rast F. tularensis subsp. novicida u Acanthamoeba castellanii. Metode: U ovom radu ispitivano je unutarstanično razmnožavanje divljeg soja F. tularensis subsp. novicida te mutante iglD metodom CFU te konfokalnom mikroskopijom. Rezultati: Nema dokaza o ulozi IglD proteina u unutarstaničnom preživljavanju i razmnožavanju F. tularensis subsp. novicida unutar A. castellanii. NaÅ”i rezultati pokazuju da se F. tularensis subsp. novicida razmnožava u A. castellanii s pikom infekcije pri 48 sati. Mutanta iglD defektna je u razmnožavanju u stanicama A. castellanii. Rasprava: Ovi podaci sukladni su s prijaÅ”njim istraživanjima u stanicama sisavaca gdje je ovaj gen ključan za unutarstanično razmnožavanje F. tularensis subsp. novicida u stanicama makrofaga. Zaključak: NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju na sličnosti između dvaju okoliÅ”nih uvjeta koji utječu na preživljavanje i patogenost F. tularensis.Introduction: Francisella tularensis is a gram-negative facultative intracellular bacterium that can cause a fatal disease, tularemia, in human and animals. This organism has been isolated from over 250 wildlife species, including fish, birds, amphibians, rabbits, squirrels, hares, voles, ticks, and flies. It resists harsh environments, and has been shown to survive in water and mud for more than a year. The natural reservoirs in water are protozoa including many species of amoeba. Previous results have shown survival and growth of F. tularensis LVS strain in Acanthamoeba castellanii. Methods: In this work we tested the intracellular replication of F. tularensis subsp. novicida and mutant strains iglD by CFU and confocal microscopy. Results: There is no evidence about the role of IglD protein in intracellular survival and replication of F. tularensis subsp. novicida inside A. castellanii. Our results show that F. tularensis subsp. novicida replicates in A. castellanii cells with the peak of infection at 48 hours. The iglD mutant showed growth defect in A. castellanii. Discussion: This data are consistent with previous finding in mammalian cells where this gene is crucial for intracellular replication of F. tularensis subsp. novicida in macrophages cells. Conclusion: Our results pointed the similarities between two different environmental niche for F. tularensis survival and pathogenicity


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    Oleh Hornykiewicz was born on November 17, 1926 in Lamberg, Ukraine. After completing his studies in July 1951, he moved to "Pharmacological Institute of the University of Vienna". In 1958, he started his research on centrally acting drugs at the same institute and came up with the idea of linking laboratory observations with animals with the basal ganglia of the human brain. Soon, Hornykiewicz initiated a new question: L-DOPA as a therapy for Parkinson\u27s disease? Fortunately, after administration of this new drug, patients were able to perform motor activities which could not be prompted to any comparable degree by any known drug. In the following decades, initial fiction became an unavoidable fact. Dopamine, adapted and combined with carbidopa or benzerazide, has evolved into a drug that no longer recognizes the borders of countries and continents. Distinguished emeritus prof. Oleh Hornykiewicz died on May 26, 2020 at the age of 93 in Vienna, Austria. Unfortunately, despite everything he has done and deserved, the Nobel Prize was not received

    First Graduated Physician from Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    U ovom kratkom preglednom članku pokuÅ”ali smo prikazati život prvog diplomiranog liječnika u Bosni i Hercegovini, zaslužnog za razvoj medicinske zaÅ”tite u tuzlanskom kraju i državi u devetnaestom stoljeću.In this short hystoric article, the authors try to show life of first graduated physician in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the founder of medical care in Tuzlaā€˜s area and state in nineteenth century

    Acute cardiovascular events and watching football matches

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    Nogomet i FĆ©dĆ©ration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Svjetsko nogometno prvenstvo predstavljaju jedan od najraÅ”irenijih druÅ”tvenih fenomena u svijetu. Utakmice nacionalnih vrsta na prvenstvu praćene su velikim emocionalnim uključivanjem navijača. Poznato je kako emocionalni stres može biti okidač neželjenih kardiovaskularnih zbivanja. Cilj ovog retrospektivnog istraživanja bio je utvrditi da li je na objedinjenom bolničkom hitnom prijemu i Klinici za bolesti srca i krvnih žila Kliničkog bolničkog centra Sestre milosrdnice (KBC SM) doÅ”lo do povećanog broja prijama osoba sa kardiovaskularnim bolestima (KVB) za vrijeme praćenja utakmica hrvatske reprezentacije na Svjetskom nogometnom prvenstvu 2018. godine. Pregledana je baza podataka KBCa SM za datume dana utakmice te dva dana nakon u 2018. godini. Kao neizložena skupina uzeti su isti datumi u 2017. i 2019. godini. Izdvojena su 1093 slučaja, od toga 398 prijama u izloženom periodu. Nađeno je statistički značajno povećanje broja slučajeva koje je 1,15 (95% interval pouzdanosti[IP]; 1,02-1,31) puta veće u odnosu na neizloženi period. Kada se pogledaju omjeri odvojeno za muÅ”ki i za ženski spol, nije nađeno statistički značajno povećanje za muÅ”ki spol, dok je omjer za ženski spol 1,30 (95% IP; 1,1 ā€“ 1,54) značajan. Aritmije i angina pektoris su KV bolesti koje su se značajno čeŔće javljale u periodu prvenstva. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako je praćenje utakmica hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije predstavljalo dodatni rizik za KV incident, prvenstveno u osoba ženskoga spola.FIFA World Cup represents one of the worldā€™s greatest phenomena. The spectators watch the matches of national teams with great emotional involvement. It is well documented fact that emotional stress can be a trigger of unwanted cardiovascular (CV) event. The aim of this retrospective study was to determine whether there had been an increase in the number of the emergency admissions for CVD in the Emergency Room and Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases of the Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Centre during and after the matches that the Croatian national team played in the FIFA World Cup 2018. The hospitalā€™s database was examined for the dates when Croatia played its matches, plus two more days after each match. A non-exposed period that included the same dates in 2017 and 2019 was formed. 1093 cases were assessed. The incidence of CV admissions during the exposed period was 1.15 (95% confidence interval [CI]; 1.02 to 1.31) times higher than during the non-exposed period. There was a 1.30 (95% CI; 1.1 to 1.54) times higher incidence in women compared to the non-exposed period. Arrhythmias and angina pectoris were the CVDs that occurred more frequently in the exposed period. This study showed that watching Croatian national teamā€™s matches and cheering represented an additional risk for a CV incident, especially in women
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