1,267 research outputs found

    On Berry--Esseen bounds for non-instantaneous filters of linear processes

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    Let Xn=i=1aiϵniX_n=\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}a_i\epsilon_{n-i}, where the ϵi\epsilon_i are i.i.d. with mean 0 and at least finite second moment, and the aia_i are assumed to satisfy ai=O(iβ)|a_i|=O(i^{-\beta}) with β>1/2\beta >1/2. When 1/2<β<11/2<\beta<1, XnX_n is usually called a long-range dependent or long-memory process. For a certain class of Borel functions K(x1,...,xd+1)K(x_1,...,x_{d+1}), d0d\ge0, from Rd+1{\mathcal{R}}^{d+1} to R\mathcal{R}, which includes indicator functions and polynomials, the stationary sequence K(Xn,Xn+1,...,Xn+d)K(X_n,X_{n+1},...,X_{n+d}) is considered. By developing a finite orthogonal expansion of K(Xn,...,Xn+d)K(X_n,...,X_{n+d}), the Berry--Esseen type bounds for the normalized sum QN/N,QN=n=1N(K(Xn,...,Xn+d)EK(Xn,...,Xn+d))Q_N/\sqrt{N},Q_N=\sum_{n=1}^N(K(X_ n,...,X_{n+d})-\mathrm{E}K(X_n,...,X_{n+d})) are obtained when QN/NQ_N/\sqrt{N} obeys the central limit theorem with positive limiting variance.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/07-BEJ112 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Connectivity of coral reefs between marine park and non-marine park islands in the Malacca Straits

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    This study investigates the genetic population and gene flow in the clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris), across the Langkawi and Payar Archipelago by analysis of molecular markers in the mitochondrial region

    On central and non-central limit theorems in density estimation for sequences of long-range dependence

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    AbstractThis paper studies the asymptotic properties of the kernel probability density estimate of stationary sequences which are observed through some non-linear instantaneous filter applied to long-range dependent Gaussian sequences. It is shown that the limiting distribution of the kernel estimator can be, in quite contrast to the case of short-range dependence, Gaussian or non-Gaussian depending on the choice of the bandwidth sequences. In particular, if the bandwidth h(N) for sample of size N is selected to converge to zero fast enough, the usual √Nh(N) rate asymptotic normality still holds

    Personal well-being : issues vital to longevity and faithfulness in the pastoral ministry in the Trinity Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Malaysia

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    Practicing Scrum in Institute Course

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    Scrum is one of the most popular agile methods following \textit{Manifesto for Agile Software Development}, and is a value-driven software development approach which focuses on maximizing the values of the customers. Many top software companies like Amazon.com, Apple, and Microsoft directly apply Scrum and other Agile methods for developing great software products. To raise the talents required by industry, teaching agile methods in university is necessary. However, with the limits of time, space, and experts in agile development, it can be difficult for students to learn the practices of agile methods in college. In this paper, we describe an experimental course in Feng Chia University that practices Scrum for term projects among five teams composed of 34 students. To the best of our knowledge the practices is the few attempts to practically apply all the factors described in Scrum framework such as sprint planning, daily scrum, review, retrospective meetings, product owner, and scrum master in institutional agile education. In this paper, the design and the process of the term projects based on Scrum are described, and the lessons learned from practicing Scrum in college are presented as discussion

    Communication Problems Experienced by African Graduate Students in Their Interaction with Malaysians in a Local University

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    The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the intercultural communication problems and difficulties experienced by African graduate students when they interact with Malaysians in a local public university in the Klang Valley, and how they cope with these problems. The study aimed to answer to three research questions: (a) What are the communication problems and difficulties faced by African students when interacting with Malaysians in the university? (b) What are the factors that contribute to the problems and difficulties? and (c) How do the international students cope with these problems? Data were collected from twelve African informants from Eastern and Western Africa and six Malaysians through semi-structured interviews and observation. There are three general conclusions derived from the findings of the study. The first conclusion is that the intercultural communication experience of the African students while interacting with Malaysians is problematic in nature. There are five categories of problems found in the interaction, namely: (a) Reservations towards foreigners; (b) Issue of greetings; (c) Indirectness; (d) Interrogations; and (e) Gender issues. The second conclusion of the study is that there are four possible factors that contribute to the communication problems and difficulties experienced by the African students in their interaction with the locals, which are: (a) Cultural differences; (b) Language; (c) Prejudices and Stereotypes; and (e) Limited exposure to Africans. And the final conclusion is that the Africans use two coping strategies to regulate the psychological discomfort and stress when encountering these difficulties - problem-focused and emotion-focused strategies. The problem-focused strategies include active coping, restraint coping, confrontive coping, and seeking instrumental social support. The emotion-focused strategies include acceptance, positive reinterpretation and growth, self-control, seeking emotional social support, distancing, and behavioural disengagement