297 research outputs found

    Turbochargers for internal combustion engines.

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá tématem turbodmychadel spalovacích motorů, nabízí základní systematický pohled na tuto tematiku. Práce je rozdělena do tří hlavních částí. První kapitola se zabývá historií vývoje a užití turbodmychadel. Druhá kapitola se věnuje principu činnosti a transformaci energie v turbodmychadlech. V kapitole třetí jsou zmíněny základní řady turbodmychadel a jejich parametry s důrazem na největší světové výrobce.This bachelor thesis deals with theme of turbochargers for internal combustion engines and shows basic systematic view of this theme. The work is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter deals with historical development and usage of turbochargers. The second chapter attends to working principle and energy transformation in the turbochargers. In the third chapter there are mentioned main types of turbochargers and their parameters and worldwide producers.

    Pointer Race Freedom

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    We propose a novel notion of pointer race for concurrent programs manipulating a shared heap. A pointer race is an access to a memory address which was freed, and it is out of the accessor's control whether or not the cell has been re-allocated. We establish two results. (1) Under the assumption of pointer race freedom, it is sound to verify a program running under explicit memory management as if it was running with garbage collection. (2) Even the requirement of pointer race freedom itself can be verified under the garbage-collected semantics. We then prove analogues of the theorems for a stronger notion of pointer race needed to cope with performance-critical code purposely using racy comparisons and even racy dereferences of pointers. As a practical contribution, we apply our results to optimize a thread-modular analysis under explicit memory management. Our experiments confirm a speed-up of up to two orders of magnitude

    Optimizing an LTS-Simulation Algorithm (Technical Report)

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    When comparing the fastest algorithm for computing the largest simulation preorder over Kripke structures with the one for labeled transition systems (LTS), there is a noticeable time and space complexity blow-up proportional to the size of the alphabet of an LTS. In this paper, we present optimizations that suppress this increase of complexity and may turn a large alphabet of an LTS to an advantage. Our experimental results show significant speed-ups and memory savings. Moreover, the optimized algorithm allows one to improve asymptotic complexity of procedures for computing simulations over tree automata using recently proposed algorithms based on computing simulation over certain special LTS derived from a tree automaton

    Proteolytic Activity in Meadow Soil after the Application of Phytohormones

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    Phytohormones, similar to soil enzymes, are synthesized and secreted into the soil environment by fungi and microorganisms. Phytohormones are involved in regulating microbial community activity in the rhizosphere. This paper examines how auxins, cytokinins, ethephon and chlorocholine chloride a_ect the activity of native soil proteases in the organo-mineral horizon of an alpine meadow. In the meadow habitat, native soil proteases were inhibited by auxins whereas the e_ect of cytokinins on these enzymes was not statistically significant. A similar inhibitory e_ect on the activity of proteases was shown for ethephon and chlorocholine chloride, both of which also inhibited the activity of native soil proteases in the alpine meadow soil. Overall, the inhibitory e_ect of phytohormones on the activity of native protease activity may a_ect plant nutrition by retarding the nitrogen cycle in the soil. This work contributes to our understanding of the influence of substances produced by the rhizosphere that can actively participate in the activity of soil microorganisms and consequently influence the soil nitrogen cycle.O

    Optimizing an LTS-Simulation Algorithm

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    When comparing the fastest algorithm for computing the largest simulation preorder over Kripke structures with the one for labeled transition systems (LTS), there is a noticeable time and space complexity blow-up proportional to the size of the alphabet of an LTS. In this paper, we present optimizations that suppress this increase of complexity and may turn a large alphabet of an LTS to an advantage. Our experimental results show significant speed-ups and memory savings. Moreover, the optimized algorithm allows one to improve asymptotic complexity of procedures for computing simulations over tree automata using recently proposed algorithms based on computing simulation over certain special LTS derived from a tree automaton

    Living in the suburbs

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce bylo vytvoření nízkoenergetického/pasivního objektu nacházejícím se na okraji města Brna a který by sloužil pro trvalé bydlení. Pozemek, na kterém se má objekt nacházet, v současné době tvoří převážně zeleň. Poměr zelené plochy se z ptačího pohledu nezměnil, pouze se přesunul do jiných výškových úrovní. Převážnou část ploch navrhovaného tvoří tedy zeleň, a to v podobě zelených střech. Výsledný návrh je tvořen dvěma dvoupodlažními objekty, které od sebe odděluje zelená střecha garáží nacházejícími se pod úrovní terénu. Nicméně se jedná o jeden komplexní objekt, v němž se celkem nachází 8 na sobě nezávislých bytových jednotek o různých velikostech se zahrádkami a terasami. Jižní strany fasád obou objektů tvoří převážně prosklené plochy směřované do zahrádek jednotlivých bytových jednotek. Velké skleněné plochy zároveň využívají, co nejvíce jižního světla, jelikož východní i západní v návrhu nelze dostatečně využít. Tato bakalářská práce vychází z předmětu ateliérové tvorby ze druhého ročníku.The aim of this bachelor's thesis was to create a low-energy / passive building located on the suburbs of the city Brno and which would serve for permanent housing. The land on which the building is to be located is currently mostly green. The ratio of the green area did not change from a bird's eye view, it only moved to other height levels. The majority of the proposed area is therefore greenery, in the form of green roofs. The resulting design consists of two two-storey buildings, which are separated by a green roof of garages located below ground level. However, it is one complex building, in which there are a total of 8 independent housing units of various sizes with gardens and terraces. The southern sides of the facades of both buildings form mainly glazed areas facing the gardens of the individual housing units. At the same time, large glass areas use as much southern light as possible, as both eastern and western in the design cannot be sufficiently used. This bachelor's thesis is based on the subject of studio work from the second year.

    MHP application

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    Tato práce se zabývá návrhem interaktivní aplikace pro online sázení v prostředí digitální televize DVB-T. Aplikace je určena pro běh na multimediální platformě MHP a má umožnit sázení na sportovní zápasy vysílané prostřednictvím digitální televize. Celá aplikace je napsána v jazyce Java. Veškeré údaje o uživatelích a zápase, na který je možno sázet, jsou uloženy v MySQL databázi na serveru, která je přístupná prostřednictvím PHP skriptu. Aplikace komunikuje se skriptem prostřednictvím zpětného kanálu set-top boxu, na kterém je provozována. Komunikace mezi aplikací a serverem probíhá nezabezpečeným kanálem, proto je celá komunikace šifrována. Samotné šifrování probíhá symetrickou AES šifrou, šifrování a dešifrování se provádí se znalostí soukromého klíče. Tento soukromý klíč si vygeneruje každá aplikace při spuštění a na server ho zašle zašifrovaný veřejným klíčem serveru. K zašifrování klíče je využita asymetrická kryptografická metoda RSAThis Master Thesis is engaged in designing an interactive application for online betting in the DVB-T environment. The application is determined to running at Multimedia Home Plattform MHP and it allowes digital television viewers to make a bet on a sport match broadcasted on the television. The whole application is written in the Java language. All the information about users and the match are stored in a MySQL database, which is accessible through a php script placed on the server with the database. The applicaton is running in a set-top box and communicates with the script through the set-top box return channel. The channel between the server and the script is unsecure, so the communication has to be encrypted. The encryption process uses a symmetric-key cipher AES, which uses a shared secret key for encryption and decryption. Each application generates its own pseuodorandom and crypthographicaly strong AES key and sends it to the server. To secure the secret key transsmision is used the public-key cipher RSA.