421 research outputs found

    Binarne amorfne slitine visokotemperaturnih prijelaznih metala s metalima visoke električne vodljivosti

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    The amorphous alloys of refractory transition metals (Nb, Mo, Ta, W) and good electric conducting metals (Al, Cu, Ag, Au) are studied. The expected glass forming ability and range of amorphous phase formation in such binary systems is examined and compared to the range of actually formed amorphous alloys so far. Data on thermal stability are reviewed. Finally, a set of promising binary combinations is selected for technological application.Razmatraju se amorfne binarne slitine visokotemperaturnih prijelaznih metala (Nb, Mo, Ta, W) s metalima visoke električne vodljivosti (Al, Cu, Ag, Au). Procijenjena je izglednost stvaranja amorfne faze i istražen raspon sastava u kojem se ona realizira. Načinjena je usporedba s rasponima sastava amorfnih slitina pripravljenim raznim postupcima. Prikupljeni su dostupni podaci o toplinskoj stabilnosti razmatranih amorfnih slitina. Konačno, izdvojen je skup binarnih kombinacija razmatranih metala s očekivanim osobinama koje su prikladne za primjenu u visokotemperaturnoj mikroelektronici i antikorozivnoj zaštiti

    Discipleship in the Context of Judaism in Jesus’ Time - Part II

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    The usage of the terms “disciple” and “discipleship” are very common among Evangelical Christians and the meanings of these terms seem self-evident. However, although these circles adopted such language, it was already present in the Jewish culture of Jesus’ time. The purpose and the goal of this article is to analyze the concept of discipleship in its original context and see how much the meaning of this term is removed from the meaning that this term has today. This topic we will address in two parts. In the first part, we studied the Old Testament (OT) roots of discipleship and the Jewish educational system in Jesus’ time and analyzed whether Jesus himself, and in what measure, passed through that Jewish educational system and how and in what ways he used this model in the discipleship process of his disciples. In this part of the article, we will address the practice of discipleship in the first Church, and after that offer some guidelines on how to apply Jesus’ concept of discipleship in the Church today. The key focus of this article is the problematic of applying principles of discipleship that were present in the context of Jewish culture, on the Church today, since our analysis reveals that understanding of discipleship today does not correspond entirely to the understanding of that concept in Jesus’ time. Although discipleship then and now contained passing on information, it was more important to follow the rabbi and learn from him in a close relationship. It is concluded that a possible solution for this challenge must be sought first and foremost in the change of thinking about what discipleship truly is (change of focus), and then in the practice through mentoring or working in small groups purposefully expose both sides (both “teachers” and “students”) to the experience of teaching through example

    Strukturna svojstva a-Si1−xCx:H SAXS-om i IR spektroskopijom

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    The a-Si1-xCx:H thin films, with carbon concentrations up to x = 0.3 deposited by means of a DC magnetron sputtering source, using benzene vapour as the origin of carbon atoms, were analysed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and IR spectroscopy. The incorporation of carbon atoms in a-Si:H results in the appearance of IR absorption related to the Si-C and C-H bonds and a slight decrease of absorption related to Si-H bonds. By increasing the carbon concentration, stretching frequency of Si-H bonds increases. This frequency, which is related to the described changes, is considered to be the consequence of an increasing void volume ratio and/or void volume per each Si-H oscillator. The SAXS data of pure a-Si:H indicate ``particles" with the giro radius RG = 1.27 nm, which increases with the carbon content up to RG = 2.05 nm. These ``particles" are attributed to the clusters of small voids with dimensions up to several silicon vacancies.Primijenili smo raspršenje rendgenskog zračenja pod malim kutom (SAXS) i infracrvenu spektrometriju (IR) za analize tankih slojeva a-Si1−xCx:H, napravljenih DC magnetronskim izvorom čestica u prisustvu benzenskih para, za više koncentracija ugljika do x = 0.3. Ugradivanje ugljikovih atoma u a-Si:H ima za posljedicu pojavljivanje IR apsorpcije zbog Si-C i C-H vezanja i slabo smanjenje apsorpcije u području koje odgovara Si-H vezanju. S povećanjem koncentracije ugljika, povećava se frekvencija istezanja Si-H vezanja. Ta frekvencija, koja je u svezi s opisanim promjenama, smatra se posljedicom povećanog udjela praznina i/ili volumena praznine po Si-H oscilatoru. Podaci SAXS za čisti a-Si:H ukazuju na “čestice” sa žiro polumjerom RG = 1.27 nm koji se poveća za veće sadržaje ugljika do RG = 2.05 nm. Te se “čestice” pridjeljuju nakupinama malih praznina. Njihov je volumen reda veličine nekoliko jednoatomskih praznina u siliciju

    Discipleship in the Context of Judaism in Jesus’ Time - Part I

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    The usage of the terms “disciple” and “discipleship” are very common among evangelical Christians and meanings of these terms seem self-evident. However, although these circles adopted such language, it was already present in the Jewish culture of Jesus’ time. The purpose and the goal of this article is to analyze the concept of discipleship in its original context and see how much the meaning of this term is removed from the meaning that this term has today. This topic we will address in two parts. In the first chapter, we will study the Old Testament (OT) roots of discipleship, and in the second chapter, the Jewish educational system in Jesus’ time. In the third chapter, we will analyze whether Jesus himself, and in what measure, passed through that Jewish educational system, and how and in what ways he used this model in the discipleship process of his disciples. In the second part of the article, we will address the practice of discipleship in the first Church, and after that offer some guidelines on how to apply Jesus’ concept of discipleship in the Church today. The key focus of this article is the problematic of applying principles of discipleship that were present in the context of Jewish culture, on the Church today, since our analysis reveals that understanding of discipleship today does not correspond entirely to the understanding of that concept in Jesus’ time. Although discipleship then and now contained passing on information, more importantly was to follow the rabbi and learn from him in a close relationship. It is concluded that a possible solution for this challenge must be sought first and foremost in the change of thinking about what discipleship truly is (change of focus), and then in the practice through mentoring or working in small groups purposefully expose both sides (both “teachers” and “students”) to the experience of teaching through example

    Pravna praznina i/ili nedostatak analize kaznenih djela protiv Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske

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    Criminal offences committed against the Croatian Armed Forces constitute a special chapter of the Criminal Code, which consists of a total of 23 criminal offences. The specificity of these criminal acts lies in the possible circle of perpetrators and the conditioned state when the acts can be committed – a state of war or of immediate threat. This paper examines the available literature on the subject and analyses in detail the current state of affairs for the relevant chapter of the Criminal Code. The mentioned topic is not represented by other authors of criminal justice topics due to the low representation of the aforementioned criminal acts, as well as the underrepresentation of filed criminal reports concerning criminal offences from Chapter 34 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Croatia. The paper provides an overview of criminal offences against the armed forces using the examples of Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Germany, and the USA. This paper is product of authors’ efforts to investigate the topic and provide core basis for future research.Kaznena djela protiv Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske čine posebnu glavu Kaznenog zakona, koja je sačinjena od ukupno 23 kaznena djela. Specifičnost ovih kaznenih djela leži u mogućem krugu počinitelja i uvjetovanim stanju kada se djela mogu počiniti – ratnom stanju ili stanju neposredne ugroženosti. Ovaj rad analizira dostupnu literaturu o navedenoj problematici i detaljno analizira trenutno stanje za navedenu glavu Kaznenog zakona s obzirom na to da navedena tema nije zastupljena kod autora iz područja kaznenog prava. Mogući razlozi su niska zastupljenost navedenih kaznenih djela, kao i mali broj podnesenih kaznenih prijava u odnosu prema kaznenim djelima iz glave 34. Kaznenog zakona. Autori u radu daju usporedni prikaz kaznenih djela protiv Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske na primjeru Slovenije, Srbije, Mađarske, Njemačke i SAD-a. Ovaj rad rezultat je želje autorâ za istraživanjem teme i stvaranje osnove za daljnja istraživanja

    Strukturna svojstva a-Si1−xCx:H SAXS-om i IR spektroskopijom

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    The a-Si1-xCx:H thin films, with carbon concentrations up to x = 0.3 deposited by means of a DC magnetron sputtering source, using benzene vapour as the origin of carbon atoms, were analysed by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and IR spectroscopy. The incorporation of carbon atoms in a-Si:H results in the appearance of IR absorption related to the Si-C and C-H bonds and a slight decrease of absorption related to Si-H bonds. By increasing the carbon concentration, stretching frequency of Si-H bonds increases. This frequency, which is related to the described changes, is considered to be the consequence of an increasing void volume ratio and/or void volume per each Si-H oscillator. The SAXS data of pure a-Si:H indicate ``particles" with the giro radius RG = 1.27 nm, which increases with the carbon content up to RG = 2.05 nm. These ``particles" are attributed to the clusters of small voids with dimensions up to several silicon vacancies.Primijenili smo raspršenje rendgenskog zračenja pod malim kutom (SAXS) i infracrvenu spektrometriju (IR) za analize tankih slojeva a-Si1−xCx:H, napravljenih DC magnetronskim izvorom čestica u prisustvu benzenskih para, za više koncentracija ugljika do x = 0.3. Ugradivanje ugljikovih atoma u a-Si:H ima za posljedicu pojavljivanje IR apsorpcije zbog Si-C i C-H vezanja i slabo smanjenje apsorpcije u području koje odgovara Si-H vezanju. S povećanjem koncentracije ugljika, povećava se frekvencija istezanja Si-H vezanja. Ta frekvencija, koja je u svezi s opisanim promjenama, smatra se posljedicom povećanog udjela praznina i/ili volumena praznine po Si-H oscilatoru. Podaci SAXS za čisti a-Si:H ukazuju na “čestice” sa žiro polumjerom RG = 1.27 nm koji se poveća za veće sadržaje ugljika do RG = 2.05 nm. Te se “čestice” pridjeljuju nakupinama malih praznina. Njihov je volumen reda veličine nekoliko jednoatomskih praznina u siliciju

    Razlike v zahtevah digitalnih in tiskanih matematičnih učbenikov: poudarek na poglavjih o geometriji

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    Textbooks have always played an important role in mathematics education. Textbook tasks are widely used by students, so it is important to examine their requirements in order to identify the opportunities students have to learn mathematics. Publishers now produce both printed and digital versions of textbooks. While the requirements of the tasks in printed textbooks have been well examined all over the world, the tasks in digital textbooks are yet to be analysed and systematically developed. The research presented in this paper encompasses the analysis and comparison of the tasks in the printed and digital versions of the same mathematics textbook set. The examined set covers Grades 1 to 4 of primary education in Croatia. The aim was to find what task requirements are predominant in the printed and the digital textbooks, and to determine whether these textbook versions provide a wide variety of task features. In addition, the features and capacities typical of digital tasks, such as interactivity and dynamics, are examined. These task features are particularly important in geometry education for comprehending visual and dynamic geometrical objects and relations. The results show that both the printed and the digital textbook tasks have traditional requirements, with an emphasis on closed answer forms. Moreover, the new opportunities afforded by digital tasks are not realised. These findings reveal the potential of digital tasks as a new area to be explored and developed. (DIPF/Orig.

    Ciljevi postignuća u matematici budućih osnovnoškolskih učitelja i njihov pristup učenju i poučavanju matematike

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    In Croatia, as in many other countries, primary education teachers are trained as generalists and mathematics is only one of several different subjects that they teach, so when choosing their profession they are not necessarily drawn by their interest in becoming a mathematics teacher. Still, it is very important that they have a positive attitude towards mathematics and are motivated to teach it to their students. The aim of this study was to explore whether pre-service teachers with different achievement goal profiles have different beliefs about mathematics and teaching and learning mathematics. The participants were 325 pre-service primary education students. The research was conducted in three waves, during the students’ first, third and fifth year of study. In their first year of studies, we collected data on the achievement goals in mathematics that they had in high school, and selfefficacy in mathematics. Epistemic beliefs, subjective value of mathematics and mathematics anxiety were assessed at all measurement points. In their third and fifth year of study, we also collected data on the participants’ mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs and, in their fifth year, beliefs on teaching and learning mathematics. The results of the cluster analysis showed that we could group pre-service primary education teachers into three groups according to the profiles of their achievement goals in high school: (1) all goals high, (2) all goals low, (3) mastery orientation. The results showed differences between the groups in terms of motivation for learning mathematics at the beginning of their studies. However, these differences tend to be less prominent over time. At the end of their studies, they do not differ in their mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs or their beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics.U Hrvatskoj, kao i u mnogim drugim zemljama, osnovnoškolski učitelji korisnici su generaliziranoga obrazovanja i Matematika je samo jedan od nekoliko različitih predmeta koje poučavaju, tako da ih pri odabiru profesije nužno ne privlači interes da budu učitelji matematike. Ipak, njihov pozitivan stav prema matematici i motivacija za poučavanje učenika matematici vrlo su važni. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja ispitati imaju li učitelji s različitim profilima ciljeva postignuća različita uvjerenja o matematici i poučavanju i učenju matematike. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 325 studenata, budućih učitelja primarnoga obrazovanja. Istraživanje je provedeno u tri ciklusa: tijekom prve, treće i pete godine studija ispitanika. Na prvoj godini studija prikupljali smo podatke o ciljevima postignuća u matematici koje su sudionici imali u srednjoj školi i o samoučinkovitosti u matematici. Epistemološka uvjerenja, subjektivnu vrijednost matematike i tjeskobu procjenjivali smo u svim ciklusima mjerenja. Na trećoj i petoj godini studija sudionika također smo prikupljali podatke o njihovim uvjerenjima o učinkovitosti u poučavanju matematike i, na petoj godini, uvjerenja o poučavanju i učenju matematike. Rezultati klaster analize pokazali su da se budući učitelji, studenti primarnoga obrazovanja, mogu grupirati u tri skupine prema profilima ciljeva postignuća u srednjoj školi: (1) svi visoki ciljevi, (2) svi niski ciljevi i (3) orijentacija prema vještini. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su razlike između skupina s obzirom na motivaciju za učenje matematike na početku studija. Ipak, te su razlike manje uočljive tijekom vremena. Na kraju studija sudionici se ne razlikuju u svojim uvjerenjima o učinkovitosti u poučavanju matematike niti u svojim uvjerenjima o učenju matematike