917 research outputs found

    The higher you climb: Dark side personality and job level

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the idea that there are dark side personality differences in the profiles of people at different levels in organizations. This study replicates and extends existing leadership research by focusing on self-defeating behavioral tendencies. A Danish consultancy provided data on 264 adults based on assessment reports. This paper explored linear and quadratic relationships between personality and de facto job level. More senior managers scored high on Cluster B/Moving Against Others scales of Bold, Colorful and Imaginative, and low on Cautious and Dutiful. These Danish data are compared to data from Great Britain and New Zealand which show very similar findings. Practice should take into account that dark side personality traits associated with an assertive, sometimes hostile, interpersonal orientation, predict leadership level up to a point

    Understanding noninferiority trials

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    Noninferiority trials test whether a new experimental treatment is not unacceptably less efficacious than an active control treatment already in use. With continuous improvements in health technologies, standard care, and clinical outcomes, the incremental benefits of newly developed treatments may be only marginal over existing treatments. Sometimes assigning patients to a placebo is unethical. In such circumstances, there has been increasing emphasis on the use of noninferiority trial designs. Noninferiority trials are more complex to design, conduct, and interpret than typical superiority trials. This paper reviews the concept of noninferiority trials and discusses some important issues related to them

    Health care professionals' preferences for extending mammographic breast screening to the over 70s

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    Background Breast screening improves survival in women aged 50–70. The relative benefits of screening in women over 70 are reduced but women up to age 80 may still benefit. In the UK the National Health Service provides screening by self referral to women >70. This research has investigated health care professionals' (HCPs') preferences for extending screening to older women and factors they consider when advising about screening. Materials and methods UK HCPs for breast or elderly care were recruited. A questionnaire relating to screening in the >70s was administered. A sample of respondents were also interviewed to give added insight. Results Questionnaires were distributed to 488 HCPs and 139 replies received, (29%). A total of 26 professionals were also interviewed. Most felt the current system of self referral was under-utilized due to poor user awareness. Predicted life expectancy, co-morbidity and patient preference were viewed as important factors influencing screening recommendation. Chronological age was thought less important. The present system was thought flawed, but there was little enthusiasm for extending screening due to perceived risks and reduced cost efficacy. Some form of selectivity for fitter women was advocated. Conclusions There was acceptance that fitter older women may benefit from screening whilst the less fit may be harmed suggesting that some form of selective invitation would be preferable to the present system but would be practically difficult and costly to administer. The present system of self referral was felt to be inadequate due to low levels of awareness and uptake

    The NHS breast cancer screening programme

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    The views of older women towards mammographic screening: a qualitative and quantitative study

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    Purpose: Mammographic screening has improved breast cancer survival in the screened age group. This improved survival has not been seen in older women (>70 years) where screening uptake is low. This study explores the views, knowledge and attitudes of older women towards screening. Methods: Women (>70) were interviewed about breast screening. Interview findings informed the development of a questionnaire which was sent to 1000 women (>70) to quantify their views regarding screening. Results: Twenty-six women were interviewed and a questionnaire designed. The questionnaire response rate was 48.3% (479/992). Over half (52.9%, 241/456) of respondents were unaware they could request mammography by voluntary self-referral and were unaware of how to arrange this. Most (81.5% 383/470) had not attended breast screening since turning 70. Most (75.6%, 343/454) felt screening was beneficial and would attend if invited. Most, (90.1%, 412/457) felt screening should be offered to all women regardless of age or health. Conclusions: There is a lack of knowledge about screening in older women. The majority felt that invitation to screening should be extended to the older age group regardless of age or health. The current under-utilised system of voluntary self referral is not supported by older women
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