321 research outputs found

    Active modes of the translocon

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    All proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm. However some proteins function outside of cells, in the cell membrane, in the endoplasmic reticulum or one of the connected vesicular systems and need to be sorted and accordingly transported. Consequently, the secretory pathway, a highly conserved protein targeting, translocation and membrane insertion system has evolved to cope with this task. The central actor in the secretory pathway is the heterotrimeric Sec61αβγ protein complex also known as the translocon. This protein complex has been shown to act as a transmembrane channel facilitating protein translocation into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, a starting point in protein secretion. The complex also contains a lateral opening, termed ‘lateral gate’ through which proteins have been suggested to insert into the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. The mechanics of translocon opening for protein secretion or membrane insertion has been a matter of debate. The results presented here show secondary structure level resolution cryo-electron microscopic structures of the translocon in complex with stalled ribosome-nascent chain complexes carrying substrates with propensity for either secretion or membrane insertion as well as ribosome-bound inactive translocon molecules. The observed differences in secondary structure suggest a model for translocon activity in protein sorting

    Prvi nalaz Solenosthedium bilunatum (Lefebvre) (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) u Hrvatskoj

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    Solenosthedium bilunatum (Lefebvre, 1827) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) is recorded for the first time for Croatia. It was found in the Korčula Island in 2000. This is also the first precise locality of this Mediterranean species in the Balkans, although it was recorded for Greece.Solenosthedium bilunatum (Lefebvre, 1827) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) nađen je prvi put u Hrvatskoj na otoku Korčuli 2000. godine. To je ujedno točna lokacija za ovu mediteransku vrstu na Balkanu, premda je bila nađena u Grčkoj

    Prvi nalaz Solenosthedium bilunatum (Lefebvre) (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) u Hrvatskoj

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    Solenosthedium bilunatum (Lefebvre, 1827) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) is recorded for the first time for Croatia. It was found in the Korčula Island in 2000. This is also the first precise locality of this Mediterranean species in the Balkans, although it was recorded for Greece.Solenosthedium bilunatum (Lefebvre, 1827) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) nađen je prvi put u Hrvatskoj na otoku Korčuli 2000. godine. To je ujedno točna lokacija za ovu mediteransku vrstu na Balkanu, premda je bila nađena u Grčkoj

    Living with a Severe Spinal Deformity: An Innovative and Personal Patient Account of Self-Management Using a Corset, Postural Correction, and Exercises

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    Conservative treatment of scoliosis using brace and exercises usually ends when growth stops. Scoliosis may, however, deteriorate in adulthood especially when curves are larger. The author decided to try to help himself when he was 43 years old. He had been diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic scoliosis when he was 7 years old, but his treatment with a Milwaukee brace ended when he was 11 years old. When his growth ended, the author had a severe scoliosis with a thoracic curve of around 100° Cobb. In adulthood, a corset from fabric with steel reinforcements was used for part of the day intermittently which also included days without wear. To derotate the rib cage, pressure to the rib hump was applied from behind. After some years it was obvious from photo documentation that some derotation had been achieved. The rib hump is smaller; ribs can now be seen on the concave side where they were not seen previously, and a skin mark which was located laterally before moved to the front side. Curves to the side as seen in anteroposterior X-ray images, however, did not improve. But the therapy proved helpful as marked cosmetic improvement was achieved and curve increase was most likely prevented

    Classification of two-and three-factor time-homogeneous separable LMMs

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    The flexibility of parametrizations of the LIBOR market model (LMM) comes at a cost, namely the LMM is high-dimensional, which makes it cumbersome to use when pricing derivatives with early exercise features. One way to overcome this issue for short- and medium-term time horizons is by imposing the separability condition on the volatility functions and approximating the model using a single time-step approximation. In this paper, we examine the flexibility of separable LMMs under the relaxed assumption that the driving Brownian motions can be correlated. In particular, we are interested in how the separability condition interacts with time-homogeneity, a desirable property of a LMM. We show that the two concepts can be related using a Levi-Civitá equation and provide a characterization of two- and three-factor separable and time-homogeneous LMMs and show that they are of practical interest. The results presented in this paper are also applicable to local-volatility LMMs. These separable volatility structures can be used for the driver of a two- or three-dimensional Markov-functional model — in which case no (single time-step) approximation is needed and the resultant model is both time-homogeneous and arbitrage-free

    Privzem kadmija, cinka, fosfor ja in rastlinskega hormona kinetina pri ektomikoriznih glivah

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    U članku je prikazana apsorpcija kadmija, cinka, fosfora i biljnog hormona kinetina u ektomikoriznih gljiva Amanita muscaria i Suillus variegatus. Primjenom radioaktivnih izotopa autori su utvrdili da je apsorpcija kadmija, cinka, fosfora i kinetina najveća u fazi intenzivnog rasta micelija u obih pokusnih vrsta gljiva i da micelij bez mikorizne veze s višom biljkom vrlo brzo apsorbira navedene elemente i hormon iz podloge.V članku je prikazan privzem kadmija, cinka, fosfor ja ter rastlin- skega hormona kinetina pri ektomikoriznih glivah rdeči mušnici (Amanita muscaria) in peščenki (Suillus variegatus). Z uporabo radioaktivnih izotopov smo ugotovili, da je privzem kadmija, cinka, fosforja in tuđi kinetina največji v fazi intenzivne rasti micelija pri obeh vrstah poskusnih gliv in da micelij brez mikorizne povezave z višjo rastlino lahko izredno hitro absorbira omenjene elemente in hormon iz gojišča

    Structural and functional analysis of the yeast protein Sec13 with an qmphasis on its protein interaction interface

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    Jezgra omeđena ovojnicom temeljna je osobina eukariota. Kako je kompleks jezgrine pore (NPC) jedini posrednik u transportu između jezgre i citoplazme, rasvjetljavanje njegove strukture važno je za razumijevanje eukariotskih stanica. Sec13 je komponenta NPC čija je uloga u održavanju i stabilizaciji kompleksa nejasna. Njegova dvojna uloga u vezanju proteina Nup145C u sklopu NPC te proteina Sec31 u sklopu vezikula tipa COPII otežava mutacijsku analizu. Cilj ovog projekta bio je riješiti strukturu Sec13 u kompleksu sa insercijskom regijom Nup145C, kako bi se dobila jasna slika veznog mjesta Sec13/Nup145C. Riješena struktura uspoređena je sa strukturama kompleksa Sec13/Sec31. Na temelju razlika među veznim mjestima osmišljen je mutirani Sec13 koji veže isključivo protein Sec31. Posljedica ove mutacije potvrđena je pokusima in vitro.Possession of an envelope-coated nucleus is the defining trait of eukaryotes. Since the nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the only known mediator of nucleo-cytoplasmic traffic, elucidating its structure is important for understanding eukaryotic cells. Sec13 is a component of the NPC whose importance for the stability of the complex is unclear. Its dual role in binding proteins Nup145 in the NPC and Sec31 in COPII vesicles makes mutational analysis of Sec13 function difficult. The goal of this project was solving a structure of Sec13 in complex with the Nup145C insertion blade that would provide a clear view of the Sec13/Nup145C interface. The obtained structure was compared to the structures of the Sec13/Sec31 complex. Based on the differences between the interaction sites of the structures, a mutant Sec13 protein was designed, that binds specifically to Sec31, but has lost affinity for Nup145C. The effect of this mutation was confirmed by in vitro experiments

    Latin tombstone inscription from the archaeological site of Rižinice

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    Na arheološkom nalazištu Rižinice kraj Solina pronađena je pred- nja strana sarkofaga na kojoj je uklesan ranokršćanski natpis. Bila je se- kundarno ugrađena u srednjovjekovni grob. Natpis donosi podatke o na- ručitelju i obrambenu formulu za zaštitu groba od oskvrnuća. U tekstu se primjećuju primjeri vulgarnog latiniteta, a osobito je zanimljiv podatak o svoti denara koji su označeni asteriskom. Autor također upozorava na mogućnost postojanja manje kasnoantičke nekropole na tom lokalitetu.The front of a sarcophagus with an early Christian inscription was found at the archaeological site of Rižinice near Solin. It was secondarily built into a mediaeval grave. The inscription provides information about the purchaser and a minatory formula against desecration of the grave. Examples of vulgar Latinity can be noted in the text, while the piece of in- formation on the amount of denarii, marked with an asterisk, are particularly interesting. The author also warns of the possibility of the existence of a small late antique necropolis at the site

    Med bioakustiko in glasbo

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    Med bioakustiko in glasb

    Latin tombstone inscription from the archaeological site of Rižinice

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    Na arheološkom nalazištu Rižinice kraj Solina pronađena je pred- nja strana sarkofaga na kojoj je uklesan ranokršćanski natpis. Bila je se- kundarno ugrađena u srednjovjekovni grob. Natpis donosi podatke o na- ručitelju i obrambenu formulu za zaštitu groba od oskvrnuća. U tekstu se primjećuju primjeri vulgarnog latiniteta, a osobito je zanimljiv podatak o svoti denara koji su označeni asteriskom. Autor također upozorava na mogućnost postojanja manje kasnoantičke nekropole na tom lokalitetu.The front of a sarcophagus with an early Christian inscription was found at the archaeological site of Rižinice near Solin. It was secondarily built into a mediaeval grave. The inscription provides information about the purchaser and a minatory formula against desecration of the grave. Examples of vulgar Latinity can be noted in the text, while the piece of in- formation on the amount of denarii, marked with an asterisk, are particularly interesting. The author also warns of the possibility of the existence of a small late antique necropolis at the site