1,074 research outputs found

    L'esame incrociato del teste: teoria e prassi dell'Italian style

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    Il Codice Vassalli ha introdotto nel nostro ordinamento la tecnica di tradizione anglo-americana di escussione diretta del teste ad opera delle parti, che si avvale del metodo dialettico come strumento gnoseologico, con conseguente messa in discussione del ruolo di dominus precedentemente riconosciuto al giudice nel Codice Rocco. Le regole concernenti le modalità di conduzione di esame, controesame e riesame, enucleabili dagli art.498 e 499 c.p.p., richiedono necessarie integrazioni da parte di dottrina e giurisprudenza. Ciò soprattutto in ordine alla determinazione delle sanzioni processuali da applicare in caso di violazione delle regole ed alla ridefinizione delle attribuzioni del presidente in termini di controllo “in negativo” della corretta formazione della prova e di garanzia del rispetto della persona. Un punto focale è quindi rappresentato dalla discussa ammissibilità del potere di formulazione di domande suggestive in capo al giudice, quando esamina ex. art. 506 comma 2 c.p.p.. L'importanza di esame e controesame si coglie in relazione all'intento di convincimento del giudicante, fine ultimo delle tecniche e strategie messe a punto dalla dottrina sulla base dell'osservazione della prassi forense e adottate dalle parti per dispensare messaggi persuasivi, non solo attraverso le abilità retoriche tradizionali, ma, anche, attraverso input metalinguistici afferenti al canale comunicativo non verbale. Se gli esami dibattimentali rappresentano un momento saliente dell'interazione argomentativa con il giudice, dovrà attribuirsi grande importanza alla loro “pianificazione”, imparando anche a padroneggiare gli espedienti che avvalorano la “credibilità” dell'esaminatore agli occhi di costui


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    Suggested resources for the Penn Alumni Travel excursion to Turkey. See the Library Guide for this bibliography here


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    Suggested resources for the Penn Alumni Travel excursion to Turkey. See the Library Guide for this bibliography here

    Moroccan Discoveries: From the Imperial Cities to the Sahara

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    Suggested readings for the Penn Alumni Travel trip to Morocco. See the Library Guide for this bibliography here

    The Cosmopolitan Epics of 2004: A Case Study

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    In 2004 Hollywood produced three purportedly blockbuster epic films:Troy, King Arthur and Alexander. Many critics suggested a direct linkbetween the 1950s “sword and sandal” epic and this new crop of movies.Similarities between the two cycles certainly exist but in this essay I want to emphasize a crucial difference between the contemporary,cosmopolitan, epic and the previous, more nation-bound, 1950s cycle.Rather than being in tune with key elements of American foreign policy, the new cycle of “sword and sandal” films offers a somber assessment of American imperial adventures. I shall contend, in fact, that the new crop of epic films had to choose between two generic conventions that are, at present, not compatible. On the one hand, epic films had traditionally been the bearers of the foreign policy vision of the country that produced them. On the other, their inflated budgets made them dependent on an international market. Deeply aware of a globalized and rising opposition to US foreign policy and of the fact that foreign box office now exceeds the domestic take of a blockbuster, it may be no wonder that the makers of these films chose to craft them into citizens of the world

    A New Anisotropic Four-Parameter Turbulence Model for Low Prandtl Number Fluids

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    Due to their interesting thermal properties, liquid metals are widely studied for heat transfer applications where large heat fluxes occur. In the framework of the Reynolds-Averaged Navier– Stokes (RANS) approach, the Simple Gradient Diffusion Hypothesis (SGDH) and the Reynolds Analogy are almost universally invoked for the closure of the turbulent heat flux. Even though these assumptions can represent a reasonable compromise in a wide range of applications, they are not reliable when considering low Prandtl number fluids and/or buoyant flows. More advanced closure models for the turbulent heat flux are required to improve the accuracy of the RANS models dealing with low Prandtl number fluids. In this work, we propose an anisotropic four-parameter turbulence model. The closure of the Reynolds stress tensor and turbulent heat flux is gained through nonlinear models. Particular attention is given to the modeling of dynamical and thermal time scales. Numerical simulations of low Prandtl number fluids have been performed over the plane channel and backward-facing step configurations

    Assessing Educational Needs of FIRST Robotics

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    This project is aimed at assessing the educational needs of students new to the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) and developing a set of requirements for an educational website. Using data collected by surveying students and mentors from the FRC community, this project provides recommendations for an online robotics learning resource designed to improve the retention rates of the competition through a support system for FRC Rookie teams

    Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Conservation Project on Two Threatened Birds: Applying Expert-Based Threat Analysis and Threat Reduction Assessment in a MediterraneanWetland

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    We applied two recent approaches largely used in biological conservation: Threat Analysis (TAN) and Threat Reduction Assessments (TRAs), assessing the effectiveness of a project focused on two water-related bird species (common tern, Sterna hirundo and little tern, Sternula albifrons), commonly breeding in some wetlands of Italy. We used the IUCN standardized lexicon for the classification of threats, utilizing a panel of experts to assess a set of regime attributes (extent, severity and magnitude) of each human-induced disturbance. Our aims were: (i) through the TAN approach, to carry out an arrangement and quantification of the main threats acting on our focal species and select the priority ones; (ii) through the TRA approach, to test the effectiveness of an operational project focused on mitigating the threats and improving the breeding success of species (i.e., building rafts and floating islands to encourage their nesting). Using the TAN approach, experts identified the following human-induced threats (IUCN code): 6.1—Generic disturbance; 7.2—Water stress; 7.3—Salinization; 8.8—Vagrant dogs; 8.8—Mediterranean gulls; 8.8—Wild boars, all significantly different in their magnitude. Among them, wild boars and Mediterranean gulls appeared the priority threats with the greatest extent, intensity and magnitude. Using the TRA approach, after the project, we assessed an overall decrease in the threat magnitude of 23.08% (21.42% when considering only the threats directly affected by our project). These data suggest that further efforts should be devoted to achieving greater effectiveness of conservation actions focused on our target species. With limited time and resources to quantify threats, expert-based approaches could be useful for rapidly assessing the effectiveness of small conservation projects by providing a range of scores obtained following an analytical procedure. In this regard, Threat Analysis and Threat Reduction Assessment could be considered useful tools to support adaptive management in project management cycles
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