4,597 research outputs found

    Supercomputer implementation of finite element algorithms for high speed compressible flows

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    Prediction of compressible flow phenomena using the finite element method is of recent origin and considerable interest. Two shock capturing finite element formulations for high speed compressible flows are described. A Taylor-Galerkin formulation uses a Taylor series expansion in time coupled with a Galerkin weighted residual statement. The Taylor-Galerkin algorithms use explicit artificial dissipation, and the performance of three dissipation models are compared. A Petrov-Galerkin algorithm has as its basis the concepts of streamline upwinding. Vectorization strategies are developed to implement the finite element formulations on the NASA Langley VPS-32. The vectorization scheme results in finite element programs that use vectors of length of the order of the number of nodes or elements. The use of the vectorization procedure speeds up processing rates by over two orders of magnitude. The Taylor-Galerkin and Petrov-Galerkin algorithms are evaluated for 2D inviscid flows on criteria such as solution accuracy, shock resolution, computational speed and storage requirements. The convergence rates for both algorithms are enhanced by local time-stepping schemes. Extension of the vectorization procedure for predicting 2D viscous and 3D inviscid flows are demonstrated. Conclusions are drawn regarding the applicability of the finite element procedures for realistic problems that require hundreds of thousands of nodes

    Locating the gamma-ray emission site in Fermi/LAT blazars from correlation analysis between 37 GHz radio and gamma-ray light curves

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    We address the highly debated issue of constraining the gamma-ray emission region in blazars from cross-correlation analysis using discrete correlation function between radio and gamma-ray light curves. The significance of the correlations is evaluated using two different approaches: simulating light curves and mixed source correlations. The cross-correlation analysis yielded 26 sources with significant correlations. In most of the sources, the gamma-ray peaks lead the radio with time lags in the range +20 and +690 days, whereas in sources 1633+382 and 3C 345 we find the radio emission to lead the gamma rays by -15 and -40 days, respectively. Apart from the individual source study, we stacked the correlations of all sources and also those based on sub-samples. The time lag from the stacked correlation is +80 days for the whole sample and the distance travelled by the emission region corresponds to 7 pc. We also compared the start times of activity in radio and gamma rays of the correlated flares using Bayesian block representation. This shows that most of the flares at both wavebands start at almost the same time, implying a co-spatial origin of the activity. The correlated sources show more flares and are brighter in both bands than the uncorrelated ones.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures and 4 tables. Published in MNRAS. Online-only Figure 6 is available as ancillary file with this submissio

    Spotlight on zebrafish:translational impact

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    In recent years, the zebrafish has emerged as an increasingly prominent model in biomedical research. To showcase the translational impact of the model across multiple disease areas, Disease Models & Mechanisms has compiled a Special Issue that includes thought-provoking reviews, original research reporting new and important insights into disease mechanisms, and novel resources that expand the zebrafish toolkit. This Editorial provides a summary of the issue’s contents, highlighting the diversity of zebrafish disease models and their clinical applications

    Multi-wavelength observations of the gamma-ray flaring quasar S4 1030+61 in 2009-2014

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    We present a study of the parsec-scale multi-frequency properties of the quasar S4 1030+61 during a prolonged radio and gamma-ray activity. Observations were performed within Fermi gamma-ray telescope, OVRO 40-m telescope and MOJAVE VLBA monitoring programs, covering five years from 2009. The data are supplemented by four-epoch VLBA observations at 5, 8, 15, 24, and 43 GHz, which were triggered by the bright gamma-ray flare, registered in the quasar in 2010. The S4 1030+61 jet exhibits an apparent superluminal velocity of (6.4+-0.4)c and does not show ejections of new components in the observed period, while decomposition of the radio light curve reveals nine prominent flares. The measured variability parameters of the source show values typical for Fermi-detected quasars. Combined analysis of radio and gamma-ray emission implies a spatial separation between emitting regions at these bands of about 12 pc and locates the gamma-ray emission within a parsec from the central engine. We detected changes in the value and direction of the linear polarization and the Faraday rotation measure. The value of the intrinsic brightness temperature of the core is above the equipartition state, while its value as a function of distance from the core is well approximated by the power-law. Altogether these results show that the radio flaring activity of the quasar is accompanied by injection of relativistic particles and energy losses at the jet base, while S4 1030+61 has a stable, straight jet well described by standard conical jet theories.Comment: accepted by MNRAS, 16 pages, 14 figures, 8 tables, 5 pages of supplementary materia

    Homogeneous Relaxation at Strong Coupling from Gravity

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    Homogeneous relaxation is a ubiquitous phenomenon in semiclassical kinetic theories where the quasiparticles are distributed uniformly in space, and the equilibration involves only their velocity distribution. For such solutions, the hydrodynamic variables remain constant. We construct asymptotically AdS solutions of Einstein's gravity dual to such processes at strong coupling, perturbatively in the amplitude expansion, where the expansion parameter is the ratio of the amplitude of the non-hydrodynamic shear-stress tensor to the pressure. At each order, we sum over all time derivatives through exact recursion relations. We argue that the metric has a regular future horizon, order by order in the amplitude expansion, provided the shear-stress tensor follows an equation of motion. At the linear order, this equation of motion implies that the metric perturbations are composed of zero wavelength quasinormal modes. Our method allows us to calculate the non-linear corrections to this equation perturbatively in the amplitude expansion. We thus derive a special case of our previous conjecture on the regularity condition on the boundary stress tensor that endows the bulk metric with a regular future horizon, and also refine it further. We also propose a new outlook for heavy-ion phenomenology at RHIC and ALICE.Comment: 60 pages, a section titled "Outlook for RHIC and ALICE" has been added, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    An algorithm for generating quasiperiodic patterns and their approximants

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    An algorithm for projecting the interior of a hypercube in N-dimensions on to an m-dimensional subspace has been developed and incorporated into a computer program for generating quasiperiodic and periodic patterns in an n-dimensional subspace. Some aspects of the resulting orthorhombic approximants to Penrose tiling patterns are discussed and illustrated

    Coulomb Interactions and Nanoscale Electronic Inhomogeneities in Manganites

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    We address the issue of endemic electronic inhomogeneities in manganites using extensive simulations on a new model with Coulomb interactions amongst two electronic fluids, one localized (polaronic), the other extended (band-like), and dopant ions. The long range Coulomb interactions frustrate phase separation induced by the strong on site repulsion between the fluids. A single quantum phase ensues which is intrinsically and strongly inhomogeneous at a nano-scale, but homogeneous on meso-scales, with many characteristics (including colossal responses)that agree with experiments. This, we argue, is the origin of nanoscale inhomogeneities in manganites, rather than phase competition and disorder related effects as often proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    A Pathwise Ergodic Theorem for Quantum Trajectories

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    If the time evolution of an open quantum system approaches equilibrium in the time mean, then on any single trajectory of any of its unravelings the time averaged state approaches the same equilibrium state with probability 1. In the case of multiple equilibrium states the quantum trajectory converges in the mean to a random choice from these states.Comment: 8 page
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