297 research outputs found

    The main problems of the students’ electronic portfolio formation in terms of the higher educational programs

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    The aim of the study is the description of the main problems of formation of the student’s electronic portfolio in the conditions of realization of Federal State Educational Standards of the Higher Education (FSES of HE). Methods. Theoretical analysis of scientific literature concerning the subject under discussion; monitoring of existing practices in modern Russian Universities procedures for the formation and maintenance of students electronic portfolio. Results. The author describes the main problems of the electronic students’ portfolio formation; some ways of solving described problems are offered.Scientific novelty concludes in the formation of key ideas of the electronic students’ portfolio based on the understanding of requirements of Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education for the results of mastering educational programs. They are the formation of general cultural, general professional and professional competences. Practical significance. The researching results will become the theoretical basis for the systematic organization of the process of creating and maintaining an electronic students’ portfolio during the whole period of their studying at the university; the researching results can become a basis for methodological developmentsЦель статьи – описание основных проблем формирования электронного портфолио в условиях реализации федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов высшего образования (ФГОС ВО). Методы. Теоретический анализ научной литературы по рассматриваемой теме, мониторинг существующих в современных российских вузах процедур формирования и ведения электронного портфолио обучающихся. Результаты. Вскрыты и описаны основные проблемы формирования электронного портфолио, предложено авторское видение решения некоторых проблем этого процесса. Научная новизна заключается в разработке ключевой идеи формирования электронного портфолио обучающегося, основывающейся на понимании сущности требований ФГОС ВО к результатам освоения образовательной программы как сформированности общекультурных, общепрофессиональных и профессиональных компетенций. Практическая значимость. Результаты исследования для многих вузов могут стать теоретической базой для планомерной организации формирования и ведения электронного портфолио своих обучающихся в течение всего периода освоения ими образовательной программы; материалы могут быть использованы также для создания методических разработо

    The role of the Internet in formation of the protest mood of the region’s population

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    This article analyses the degree of Internet penetration and the level of involvement of the Vologda region residents in the information and communication space. The author made an attempt to establish the existence of a connection between the protest moods of the residents of the region and the use of Internet resources, including for participation in public life. The information and empirical base of the study was the data of the monitoring of public opinion conducted by the Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the territory of the region.The results of the study showed that in recent years there has been a significant increase in the use of Internet technologies and social networks. According to calculations, the demand for information provided by the electronic mass media is increasing among the residents of the region who show protest moods, and the level of trust in this communication channel is growing. However, there is no direct correlation between the dynamics of the growth of Internet engagement and protest moods. The Internet and social media are not a factor of protest potential. They act as an information and communication platform that creates a technical opportunity for public discussion and facilitates the organization of protest moods. At the same time, the Internet can strengthen the effect of other factors, such as: dissatisfaction of the population with their own material well-being and the general economic situation in the country and the region, disapproval of the activities of the authorities, uncertainty of prospects and uncertainty in the future

    Helicobacter Pylori Infection Rate Decreases in Symptomatic Children: A Retrospective Analysis of 13 Years (1993-2005) from a Gastroenterology Clinic in West Virginia

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    Background: The rate of Helicobacter pylori is decreasing in the developed countries, but few long-term studies are available from the United States. We retrospectively assessed the annual H. pylori infection rate in symptomatic children seen in our clinic over a 13-year study period. Study: A retrospective analysis of all children who had histologic diagnosis of H. pylori infection between January 1993 and December 2005 in our pediatric gastroenterology clinic was performed. The annual infection rate and the overall infection rate were calculated. Results: A total of 1743 upper endoscopy reports were reviewed, of which 212 (12.1%) were diagnosed with H. pylori infection. A significant decrease in mean annual H. pylori infection rate was noted in the last 6 years of the study period (2000 to 2005), compared with the first 7 years (1993 to 1999) (18.2% vs. 7.3%, respectively; P=0.001). Conclusions: The incidence of H. pylori infection in symptomatic children in our clinic is decreasing. A national multicenter study will be needed to assess whether this drop is a local phenomenon or a national trend

    Media Communications of the Region in Context of Globalization and Glocaliza-tion of Information Space (on Example of Mass Media of the Republic of Mordovia)

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    The article analyzes the impact of globalization processes on the development of information and communication potential of mass media in the Republic of Mordovia. Such concepts as “globalization,” “information and communication globalization,” “content of the epoch,” “acceleration of the rhythm of time,” “glocalization” are clarified and justified. The positive and negative consequences of the impact of glocal processes on the development of the region are presented. The author summarizes the research on new media and the processes of digitalization of the information system and highlights the main factors of globalization in regional media. There is a quantitative growth of mass communication media in the Republic of Mordovia and the development of the entire system of media communications. It is proved that globalization in the media of the Republic of Mordovia, as well as in other regions, is carried out through digitalization, which is represented in all information processes, while glocalization is manifested in the preservation of regional and national characteristics. Based on the thematic analysis of the media texts of Mordovia, it is shown that the vast majority of materials are devoted to events in the region, that is, on the one hand, the audience remains highly interested in regional topics, and on the other hand, regional news reaches the federal and even global level. It is noted that the federal network media does not manage to take a significant place in the region and this gives scope for the development of the local press

    Detecting Text Formality: A Study of Text Classification Approaches

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    Formality is an important characteristic of text documents. The automatic detection of the formality level of a text is potentially beneficial for various natural language processing tasks, such as retrieval of texts with a desired formality level, integration in language learning and document editing platforms, or evaluating the desired conversation tone by chatbots. Recently two large-scale datasets were introduced for multiple languages featuring formality annotation. However, they were primarily used for the training of style transfer models. However, detection text formality on its own may also be a useful application. This work proposes the first systematic study of formality detection methods based on current (and more classic) machine learning methods and delivers the best-performing models for public usage. We conducted three types of experiments -- monolingual, multilingual, and cross-lingual. The study shows the overcome of BiLSTM-based models over transformer-based ones for the formality classification task. We release formality detection models for several languages yielding state of the art results and possessing tested cross-lingual capabilities

    Public sentiment of the population in the new social reality: a municipal cross-section

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    The article analyses the dynamics of public sentiment of residents of the Vologda Region. The author’s methodology for index analysis of public sentiment of the region, using the results of sociological monitoring, has been presented. At the same time, the main emphasis has been made on assessing the peculiarities of public sentiment of residents of municipalities – the cities of Vologda and Cherepovets in the context of changing social reality. The results of the study showed that the analysis of public sentiment in the monitoring regime makes it possible to obtain important information about the quality of state and municipal administration and determine the areas for improving their effectiveness, which is particularly relevant in the context of the socio-economic and epidemiological crisis

    Peculiarities of the mental state of student youth of Ukraine during quarantine restrictions

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    The work was intended to generalize both world statistics and our own experimental study aimed at detecting changes in mental states during the introduction of quarantine restrictions caused by the prevalence of COVID-19. During quarantine restrictions we observed a high level of anxiety in almost 45% of young respondents, severe and extreme depression from 2% to 7% of respondents, and moderate from 40% to 50% of respondents. Impressive are also rates of explicit suicidal ideation – 10-13%. Thus, the situation with the mental state of the younger generation requires the intervention of specialists, the development of programs that allow them to provide timely assistance under quarantine restrictions and maintain a normal psychological state of young people. Identifying the peculiarities of mental states of young people provides an opportunity to develop programs of both prevention of suicidal ideation and support for people who are experiencing uncontrolled anxiety or are depressed. It should be noted that quarantine restrictions require special approaches to the provision and implementation of such programs, meaning their transference from real life to cyberspace. Given that programs quality should not suffer, assistance should be provided by expert professionals at a high level


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    There is a hypothesis that professional experience has a significant impact on the safety and with its increase professional competence and mastery of employees grow, and hence the risk of an accident reduces. The objective of the author is to investigate the impact of professional work experience on the industrial injuries on the example of the track maintenance section of Kuibyshev Railway. The findings, presented in the paper, are based on statistical analysis and calculation of the degree of correlation between the average length of service and the number of victims of accidents. Variables, measured in the interval scale, and Pearson correlation coefficients were taken into account.The author drew an unpredictable conclusion that the number of victims of accidents at work in no way depends on their professional work experience. To support her statement, the author provided certain explanations.Editorial note: the authors’ technique could be applied to larger sample to verify the correctness of those conclusions.В статье дается оценка влияния стажа работы по специальности на показатели производственного травматизма в хозяйстве дистанции пути Куйбышевской железной дороги. Выводы, которые делает автор, основаны на статистическом анализе и расчетах степени корреляционной зависимости между средним стажем работы и количеством пострадавших от несчастных случаев. При этом учитывались переменные, измеренные в интервальной шкале, и коэффициенты корреляции Пирсона