179 research outputs found


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    Ekstrakurikuler merupakan kegiatan pendidikan diluar mata pelajaran untuk membantu pengembangan peserta didik sesuai dengan kebutuhan, potensi, bakat dari minat mereka melalui kegiatan yang secara khusus diselenggarakan tenaga kependidikan yang berkemampuan dan berkewenangan di sekolah. Melalui Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler Palang Merah Remaja di sekolah diharapkan siswa dapat mampu memiliki keterampilan sosial sosial yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dan metode yang digunakan adalah metode studi deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan studi literatur. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, pembina ekstrakurikuler Palang Merah Remaja, pelatih ekstrakurikuler Palang Merah Remaja, dan siswa anggota ekstrakurikuler Palang Merah Remaja. Temuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu 1) kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh ekstrakurikuler palang merah remaja SMP Negeri 1 Bandung dalam upaya pembentukan katerampilan sosial siswa yaitu kegiatan latihan rutin, penyuluhan kesehatan, bakti sosial, serta pendidikan dan pelatihan dasar. 2) kendala yang dihadapi ekstrakurikuler palang merah remaja dalam membentuk keterampilan sosial siswa yaitu berasal dari faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. 3) upaya yang dilakukan ektrakurikuler palang merah remaja dan sekolah dalam membentuk keterampilan sosial siswa yaitu dengan adanya pembinaan kepada siswa, pendidikan lanjutan, dan melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan luar sekolah. 4) Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler palang merah remaja SMP Negeri 1 Bandung mampu berhasil membentuk keterampilan sosial siswa menjadi lebih baik. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari adanya perubahan sikap pada diri siswa ketika siswa ikut terlibat secara langsung dalam berbagai kegiatan sosial.;---Extracurricular activities are educational activities beyond the subjects to assist the development of learners in accordance with the needs, potentials, talents of their interests through activities that are specifically organized educators who have the ability and authority in the school. Through Extracurricular Activities such as, Red Cross Youth at school is expected that students can have good social skills. This research used qualitative approach and the method used is descriptive study method. Data collection is used observation techniques, interviews, documentation studies, and literature studies. the research subjects in this study are Civic Education subject teachers, extracurricular Red Cross Youth coaches, extracurricular trainers of Youth Red Cross, and students of extracurricular members of Youth Red Cross. The findings in this research are 1) activities conducted by extracurricular red cross teen junior SMP Negeri 1 Bandung in the effort of forming social skills of students that is routine exercise activities, health counseling, social service, as well as basic education and training. 2) the constraints in extracurricular red cross teenagers in shaping the social skills of students are came from internal and external factors. 3) efforts made by adolescent and school adolescents red cross extracurricular in forming the students' social skill that is with the guidance to students, further education, and involving students in activities outside school. 4) Extracurricular activities of juvenile red cross SMP Negeri 1 Bandung able to successfully form the social skills of students for the better. This can be seen from the change of attitude in students when the students get involved directly in various social activities, the involvement of students in social activities successfully shows a good attitude change in students, students have more high awareness, have the skills to cooperate in the social field, the helpful attitude, the cooperative skills in the social field, the skills of sharing togetherness, social solidarity, social responsibility, and sacrifice

    Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Fungsi Sumber Daya Manusia pada Restoran Kapin di Surabaya

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    Dengan berjalannya waktu, persaingan dalam dunia bisnis menjadi semakin ketat sehingga Perusahaan keluarga harus dikelola dan dikembangkan dengan baik agar tidak kalah dengan Perusahaan publik. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan metode wawancara pada Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri restoran Chinese Food. Peneliti membahas pengelolaan Perusahaan keluarga kemudian melakukan analisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal sehingga diperoleh kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, ancaman lalu membuat matriks SWOT sehingga didapat beberapa strategi alternatif. Setelah itu, dibuat formulasi strategi yang mengacu pada strategi pengembangan bisnis pada fungsi Sumber Daya Manusia. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan pengelolaan Perusahaan keluarga ini memiliki kendala pada fungsi Sumber Daya Manusia. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan strategi diferensiasi pada produk dan jasa untuk memperbaiki kualitas karyawan melalui kebijakan perekrutan, seleksi, orientasi, kompensasi, evaluasi, pelatihan dan pengembangan yang tepat


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    Background : Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) was widely found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. WHO noted Indonesia as a country with the highest DHF cases in Southeast Asia. DHF was an endemic disease, discovered in1954, entered Indonesia in 1968. In Sleman Regency, the number of DHF cases in2017 was 427 (IR 46.31 of 100,000 population with 3 deaths (CFR 0.7%). The number of cases was decreased, compared to 2016. That was recorded at 880 cases (IR 82.7 of 100,000 population with 9 deaths (CFR 1%). Larva-free number (ABJ)  in Sleman Regency was 91.79%, below standard 95%. But the incidence of DHF was decreased. The general objective of study was determined the relationship between ABJ with the Incidence Rate of DHF in Sleman Regency in2013-2017.Method : The population was the incidence of DHF in Sleman Regency in 2013 - 2017, using secondary data. The independent variable was ABJ and the Incidence Rate of DHF as the dependent variable. Univariate analysis was done to get a decription of ABJ and IR DHF. Bivariate analysis was performed to examine the relationship between ABJ and DHF Incidence Rate. The strength of relationship was obtained by regression and correlation analysis.Result : these results was showed a very low relationship and a positive pattern. A coefficient of determination was closed to zerro, indicated no relationship.Conclusion : between 2013-2017, the Larva-free Numbers in Sleman Regency was fluctuated, in 2016-2017 it was below standard. Incidence Rate in Sleman Regency 2013-2017 was fluctuated, the lowest case occurred in 2017. There was a weak negative relationship between ABJ and IR DHF in Sleman Regency namely 2013-2017, but statistically not meaningful


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    Background : Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) was widely found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. WHO noted Indonesia as a country with the highest DHF cases in Southeast Asia. DHF was an endemic disease, discovered in1954, entered Indonesia in 1968. In Sleman Regency, the number of DHF cases in2017 was 427 (IR 46.31 of 100,000 population with 3 deaths (CFR 0.7%). The number of cases was decreased, compared to 2016. That was recorded at 880 cases (IR 82.7 of 100,000 population with 9 deaths (CFR 1%). Larva-free number (ABJ)  in Sleman Regency was 91.79%, below standard 95%. But the incidence of DHF was decreased. The general objective of study was determined the relationship between ABJ with the Incidence Rate of DHF in Sleman Regency in2013-2017.Method : The population was the incidence of DHF in Sleman Regency in 2013 - 2017, using secondary data. The independent variable was ABJ and the Incidence Rate of DHF as the dependent variable. Univariate analysis was done to get a decription of ABJ and IR DHF. Bivariate analysis was performed to examine the relationship between ABJ and DHF Incidence Rate. The strength of relationship was obtained by regression and correlation analysis.Result : these results was showed a very low relationship and a positive pattern. A coefficient of determination was closed to zerro, indicated no relationship.Conclusion : between 2013-2017, the Larva-free Numbers in Sleman Regency was fluctuated, in 2016-2017 it was below standard. Incidence Rate in Sleman Regency 2013-2017 was fluctuated, the lowest case occurred in 2017. There was a weak negative relationship between ABJ and IR DHF in Sleman Regency namely 2013-2017, but statistically not meaningful


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    Background : Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) was widely found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. WHO noted Indonesia as a country with the highest DHF cases in Southeast Asia. DHF was an endemic disease, discovered in1954, entered Indonesia in 1968. In Sleman Regency, the number of DHF cases in2017 was 427 (IR 46.31 of 100,000 population with 3 deaths (CFR 0.7%). The number of cases was decreased, compared to 2016. That was recorded at 880 cases (IR 82.7 of 100,000 population with 9 deaths (CFR 1%). Larva-free number (ABJ)  in Sleman Regency was 91.79%, below standard 95%. But the incidence of DHF was decreased. The general objective of study was determined the relationship between ABJ with the Incidence Rate of DHF in Sleman Regency in2013-2017.Method : The population was the incidence of DHF in Sleman Regency in 2013 - 2017, using secondary data. The independent variable was ABJ and the Incidence Rate of DHF as the dependent variable. Univariate analysis was done to get a decription of ABJ and IR DHF. Bivariate analysis was performed to examine the relationship between ABJ and DHF Incidence Rate. The strength of relationship was obtained by regression and correlation analysis.Result : these results was showed a very low relationship and a positive pattern. A coefficient of determination was closed to zerro, indicated no relationship.Conclusion : between 2013-2017, the Larva-free Numbers in Sleman Regency was fluctuated, in 2016-2017 it was below standard. Incidence Rate in Sleman Regency 2013-2017 was fluctuated, the lowest case occurred in 2017. There was a weak negative relationship between ABJ and IR DHF in Sleman Regency namely 2013-2017, but statistically not meaningful

    Pengaruh Kebijakan Dividen, Struktur Modal, serta Profitabilitas terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Sub Sektor Farmasi yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The Research aims to determine the influence of the dividend policy, capital structure and profitability on the value of the companies of the pharmaceutical sub sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2011 to 2018. The analytical techniques in this study used multiple linear regression. Sampling techniques using purposive sampling, with several criteria specified, have obtained as many as 5 companies samples. Research data is a secondary data obtained from the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2011 to 2018. The results of this study partially indicate that the dividend policy has a positive and insignificant effect on the company's value, a partial capital structure that is positively and insignificant to the company's value, and Profitability has been partially positive and significant to the value of the company. This indicates that the entire independent variable affecting the dependent variable is 21.5% and the remaining 78.5% is affected by other variables that are not researched


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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD is a disorder in a child who has difficulty paying attention or is known as hyperactivity. Children with ADHD in this study were motivated by the daily role of parents in accompanying children with the initials KPW. Condition of this child has obstacles to paying attention, high anxiety, and lack of concentration in various activities. While Sundanese is the mother tongue used by the West Java region. One of the methods used is singing to focus attention on ADHD children. This study aims to determine how the role of parents in stimulating Sundanese language skills with the singing method. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews, observations, and documentation. This study also uses qualitative data analysis, namely the process of systematically searching for compilers. The results of this study are successful because the role of great parents is to provide support in the form of emotional support and material support to children. When the researcher observed the parents accompanying the children in learning, patiently directing the children to follow the lesson, giving examples of Sundanese language by using the tone of the song that was exemplified by the teacher so that the child was able to do what was exemplified by the parents. The results of this study indicate that parents can stimulate the Sundanese language through the singing method.Anak merupakan  makhluk sosial yang harus bisa menyelesaikan setiap permasalahan akibat dari interaksi dengan lingkungan sosialnya serta harus bisa menujukkan dirinya sesuai norma yang berlaku. Akibat dari tuntutan sosial tersebut  maka anak harus mencapai kematangan sosial dan keterampilan pada aspek sosial. Peneliti menyadari bahwa aspek sosial ialah hal yang harus dipelajari sejak dini.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menstimulus aspek sosial melalui kedisiplinan hidup sehat dengan cara melakukan pembiasaan sehari-hari seperti berinteraksi dengan orang tua di pagi hari, mandi sendiri, membereskan tempat tidur sendiri, dan makan sendiri. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Kelompok B usia 6 tahun sebanyak 10 anak menjadi subjek penelitian. Data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan analisis data menggunakan reduksi, display dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan menstimulus aspek sosial anak usia dini melalui kedisiplinan hidup sehat dengan pembelajaran daring pada Kelompok B Di Kober Kadeudeuh mengalami peningkatan, dilihat dari hasil anak yang Berkembang Sangat Baik (BSB) pada Pertemuan ke-1 sekitar 2 sampai 3 anak berkembang meningkat hingga di Pertemuan ke-8 menjadi 6 hingga 7 anak berkembang meningkat

    Przypadek dwujamowej prawej komory rozpoznanej na podstawie badania metodą rezonansu magnetycznego i cewnikowania

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    A double-chambered right ventricle (DCRV) is a heart defect, typically congenital, in which the right ventricle is separated into a proximal high-pressure (anatomically lower) chamber and distal low-pressure (anatomically higher) chamber. Commonly ventricular septal defect is found concomitantly in patients with DRCV. In this case report, we present a 20-year- -old female patient who was found to have a DRCV without any concomitant congenital heart disorder.Dwujamowa prawa komora (DCRV) to wada serca, zwykle wrodzona, w której prawa komora jest podzielona na dwie części — proksymalną (położoną anatomicznie niżej), wysokociśnieniową oraz dystalną (położoną wyżej), w której ciśnienie jest niskie. U pacjentów z DRCV często wykrywa się równocześnie ubytek w przegrodzie międzykomorowej. W niniejszej pracy kazuistycznej przedstawiono przypadek 20-letniej chorej, u której wykryto DRCV bez innych współistniejących wad serca