928 research outputs found

    Embodied Intelligence in Soft Robotics Through Hardware Multifunctionality

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    The soft robotics community is currently wondering what the future of soft robotics is. Therefore, it is very important to identify the directions in which the community should focus its efforts to consolidate its impact. The identification of convincing applications is a priority, especially to demonstrate that some achievements already represent an attractive alternative to current technological approaches in specific scenarios. However, most of the added value of soft robotics has been only theoretically grasped. Embodied Intelligence, being of these theoretical principles, represents an interesting approach to fully exploit soft robotic’s potential, but a pragmatic application of this theory still remains difficult and very limited. A different design approach could be beneficial, i.e., the integration of a certain degree of continuous adaptability in the hardware functionalities of the robot, namely, a “flexible” design enabled by hardware components able to fulfill multiple functionalities. In this paper this concept of flexible design is introduced along with its main technological and theoretical basic elements. The potential of the approach is demonstrated through a biological comparison and the feasibility is supported by practical examples with state-of-the-art technologies

    Sinonasal Malignancies and Charged Particle Radiation Treatment: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Background. Paranasal and nasal cavity malignancies are rare tumors that frequently present at advanced stages. Tumor extension and anatomic complexity pose a challenge for their treatment. Due to their peculiar physical and biological properties particle radiation therapy, i.e. protons and ions can have a role in their management. We performed a systematic literature review to gather clinical evidence about their use to treat sinonasal malignancies. Materials and Methods. We searched the browsers PubMed and Medline as well as specific journals and conference proceedings. Inclusion criteria were: at least 10 patients, English language, reporting outcome and/or toxicity data. Results. We found six studies with data on clinical outcome. Carbon and helium ions were each used in one study, protons in four. Toxicity was specifically described in five studies. One reported acute toxicity of carbon ions, one dealt with brain toxicity from both carbon ions and protons. Three papers reported on visual toxicity: one from carbon ions, one from protons and one from both. Specific data were extracted and compared with the most pertinent literature. Conclusion. Particle radiation therapy is in its early phase of development. Promising results achieved so far must be confirmed in further studies

    Granulocyte markers in hypertonic and isotonic saline-induced sputum of asthmatic subjects

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    Studio, progettazione e realizzazione di un sistema di attuazione per un robot biomimetico ispirato all'anatomia dell'octopus vulgaris

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    L’octopus vulgaris ha sempre destato una grande curiosità nel campo della robotica biomimetica. Da un punto di vista ingegneristico, infatti, i suoi tentacoli presentano caratteristiche molto particolari, come la sua elevata capacità di curvatura in tutte le direzioni, la velocità di estensione e la capacità di variare la sua rigidezza. Questa curiosa creatura, nonostante l’apparente semplicità sembra dare molte risposte a robotici impegnati nel campo del controllo e della cinematica, soprattutto riguardo a materiali e sistemi di attuazione per una nuova generazione di robot. Nell’octopus queste capacità motorie sono ottenute grazie alla caratteristiche idrostatica dei suoi muscoli e dalla loro disposizione all’interno del tentacolo. Prendendo ispirazione da questo, è stato avviato un ampio progetto di studio e di analisi sul design e che potrebbe influire sullo sviluppo di nuovi principi di attuazione, sensorizzazione e controllo per robot con prestazioni incrementate in termini di destrezza, controllo e flessibilità. In particolare, è stato disegnato un robot compliante di materiale cedevole, composto da elementi attivi disposti seguendo la scelta compiuta dalla Natura ed in grado di contrarsi così da riprodurre le performance del tentacolo. In questo lavoro di tesi è stato svolto uno studio preliminare sulle caratteristiche passive del materiale biologico, come parte integrante di una caratterizzazione biomeccanica completa dei tessuti del tentacolo. Le prove sono state eseguite su porzioni di tentacolo di octopus vulgaris usando metodi e strumenti ingegneristici quali la misura dell’elasticità attraverso curve di sforzo – deformazione. I dati provenienti da questa indagine sono stati poi utilizzati come riferimento per la scelta dei materiali da utilizzare in quanto in grado di riprodurre il comportamento del tentacolo naturale. Infine sono presentati i modelli ed i tentativi compiuti nella fabbricazione di un sistema di attuazione che, sfruttando i principi dei polimeri elettroattivi (EAP) e la disposizione anatomica naturale, fornisce al tentacolo robotico un range di movimento ed una forza incrementati rispetto ai risultati ottenuti seguendo approcci roboticamente più tradizionali

    A bistable soft gripper with mechanically embedded sensing and actuation for fast closed-loop grasping

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    Soft robotic grippers are shown to be high effective for grasping unstructured objects with simple sensing and control strategies. However, they are still limited by their speed, sensing capabilities and actuation mechanism. Hence, their usage have been restricted in highly dynamic grasping tasks. This paper presents a soft robotic gripper with tunable bistable properties for sensor-less dynamic grasping. The bistable mechanism allows us to store arbitrarily large strain energy in the soft system which is then released upon contact. The mechanism also provides flexibility on the type of actuation mechanism as the grasping and sensing phase is completely passive. Theoretical background behind the mechanism is presented with finite element analysis to provide insights into design parameters. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate sensor-less dynamic grasping of an unknown object within 0.02 seconds, including the time to sense and actuate

    The Morphological Computation Principles as a New Paradigm for Robotic Design

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    A theory, by definition, is a generalization of some phenomenon observations, and a principle is a law or a rule that should be followed as a guideline. Their formalization is a creative process, which faces specific and attested steps. The following sections reproduce this logical flow by expressing the principle of Morphological Computation as a timeline: firstly the observations of this phenomenon in Nature has been reported in relation with some recent theories, afterward it has been linked with the current applications in artificial systems and finally the further applications, challenges and objectives will project this principle into future scenarios

    Epileptic seizures and headache/migraine: A review of types of association and terminology

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    Abstract Purpose There are different possible temporal associations between epileptic seizures and headache attacks which have given rise to unclear or controversial terminologies. The classification of the International League Against Epilepsy does not refer to this type of disorder, while the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-2) defines three kinds of association: 1. migraine-triggered seizure ("migralepsy"), 2. hemicrania epileptica, and 3. post-ictal headache. Methods We performed an extensive review of the literature, not including "post-ictal" and "inter-ictal" headaches. Results On the basis of well-documented reports, the following clinical entities may be identified: (A) "epileptic headache (EH)" or "ictal epileptic headache (IEH)": in this condition headache (with or without migrainous features) is an epileptic manifestation per se , with onset, and cessation if isolated, coinciding with the scalp or deep EEG pattern of an epileptic seizure. EH maybe followed by other epileptic manifestations (motor/sensory/autonomic); this condition should be differentiated from "pure" or "isolated" EH, in which headache/migraine is the sole epileptic manifestation (requiring differential diagnosis from other headache forms). "Hemicrania epileptica" (if confirmed) is a very rare variant of EH, characterized by ipsilateral location of headache and ictal EEG paroxysms. (B) "Pre-ictal migraine" and "pre-ictal headache": when a headache attack is followed during, or shortly after, by a typical epileptic seizure. The migraine attack may be with or without aura, and its seizure-triggering role ("migraine-triggered seizure") is still a subject of debate. A differentiation from occipital epilepsy is mandatory. The term "migralepsy" has not been used uniformly, and may therefore led to misinterpretation. Conclusions On the basis of this review we suggest definitions and a terminology which may become the basis of a forthcoming classification of headaches associated with epileptic seizures

    A general method for the design and fabrication of shape memory alloy active spring actuators

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    Shape memory alloys have been widely proposed as actuators, in fields such as robotics, biomimetics and microsystems: in particular spring actuators are the most widely used, due to their simplicity of fabrication. The aim of this paper is to provide a general model and the techniques for fabricating SMA spring actuators. All the steps of the design process are described: a mechanical model to optimize the mechanical characteristic for a given requirement of force and available space, and a thermal model for the estimation of the electrical power needed for activation. The parameters of both models are obtained by experimental measurements, which are described in the paper. The models are then validated on springs manufactured manually, showing also the fabrication process. The design method is valid for the dimensioning of SMA springs, independently from the external ambient conditions. The influence on the actuator bandwidth was investigated for different working environments, providing numerical indications for the utilization in underwater applications. The spring characteristics can be calculated by the mechanical model with an accuracy of 5%. The thermal model allows one to calculate the current needed for activation under different ambient conditions, in order to guarantee activation in the specific loading conditions. Moreover, two solutions were found to reduce the power consumption by more than 40% without a dramatic reduction of bandwidth

    A Self-sensing Inverse Pneumatic Artificial Muscle

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    In recent years, the inverse pneumatic artificial muscles attained great attention in soft robotics, especially for the wider motion range compared to traditional positive pneumatic actuators. Besides self-sensing is a recognized highly desirable property for soft actuators to enable proprioception and to facilitate the soft robots control, a self-sensing strategy for a soft inverse pneumatic muscle was still missing. In this paper, we present the first self-sensing inverse pneumatic artificial muscle in which the reinforcing but compliant element that guides the actuator motion during actuation has not only a mechanical function but, being also electrically conductive, it endows the actuator with self-sensing. Here, the actuator design and manufacturing are described, together with an electro- mechanical characterization. In addition, we demonstrate its self-sensing capability in a dynamic setting, by predicting the actuator strain from its electric resistance variation, through a calibration model