225 research outputs found

    A case study on portfolio management implementation for new products

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    Um dos aspectos relevantes no desenvolvimento de novos produtos é uma seleção adequada de projetos de desenvolvimento, visando uma tomada de decisão mais eficaz, o que a literatura usualmente denomina de gestão de portfolio. Nesse contexto, este trabalho objetiva apresentar a implantação da gestão de portfolio em uma empresa de processo contínuo, sendo uma das líderes no segmento que atua na América Latina. O trabalho adota o estudo de caso como abordagem metodológica, cujas evidências foram coletadas de diversas fontes. Os resultados indicam que a implementação trouxe maior facilidade na seleção dos projetos baseada em uma carteira representativa dos novos produtos, bem como proporcionou um maior rigor na tomada de decisão, sendo estes aspectos importantes identificados na literatura. O trabalho de campo demonstrou a existência de prática relevante em gestão de portfolio, suportado pela teoria vigente, embora limitado pela investigação de caso único.One of the relevant aspects of new product development is the adequate choice of development projects aiming at having a more effective decision making. The literature usually named that as portfolio management. In this context, the objective of paper is to demonstrate an implementation of portfolio management in a company that is one of the leaders in its business in Latin America. Case-based research is adopted as the methodological approach, from which data were collected from various sources of evidence. The results point out that the implementation has brought more facility to select product development projects as well as more rigour in the decision making process. The article concludes that the field research demonstrated a relevant practice of portfolio management, supported by the current theory, despite the limitation of a single case study

    Proposal of a Hotspot-based Approach to Identifying Social Impacts along the Product-Service Systems Life Cycle in the Early Design Phases

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    © 2017 The Authors. The potential for sustainability has been highlighted as one of the most important characteristics of product-service systems (PSS). Nevertheless, a PSS is not intrinsically sustainable. Methods and tools for PSS sustainability assessment should be developed to be integrated into the design process, especially in the early design phases, in order to conceive sustainable solutions. In addition, a PSS should be planned considering the three sustainability dimensions, from a life cycle perspective. However, PSS design and assessment considering the full life cycle is scarcely addressed in the literature, especially concerning the social dimension of sustainability. In this sense, this study proposes a streamlined life cycle assessment based approach to identify potential social impacts along the PSS life cycle that can be integrated into the early PSS design stages. The proposal is based on a hotspot analysis, which identifies where in the life cycle the most significant issues may occur. The proposal was developed in three main phases, anchored in both hotspots analysis and PSS literature. After developing it, 10 experts in PSS and sustainability assessed the proposal strengths and weakness. Some suggestions were offered by the researchers and improvements were introduced to the proposal regarding PSS life cycle phases and the social impact subcategories. The experts considered the hotspot analysis suitable to be applied in the early design stages when there is not much information yet regarding the system to conduct a complete life cycle assessment. The next step of this research is the proposal assessment by practitioners in industry. Further work will also integrate the environmental dimension of sustainability into the proposal

    A pilot case study of open innovation in a Brazilian company

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    Open innovation represents a powerful competitive aspect not only in developed countries but also in emerging economies. In this context, this paper aims at demonstrating some aspects of the introduction of an open innovation program in a company in Brazil. A unit of analysis that produces cosmetics was selected due to its practices of innovation management, which is considered as a benchmark in the country. Case-based research was used as the methodological approach. Data were collected mostly by document analysis but some questions were answered by electronic mail to construct a case description. The company performs activities related to scientific and technological as well as market knowledge. The organization applies the concept of open innovation since the 90’s and has increased its activity since then. This paper describes the open innovation program and discusses aspects of drivers and success factors for external collaborations. Results show that an infra-structure for innovation in addition to the initiatives of open innovation support company performance. There are also multiple ways of collaborations such as cooperation, co-creation, co-design, services, consulting, financing, etc. Conclusively, the results have found ground to the existing literature in the subject at some exten

    Exploring the Critical Factors for Sustainable Product-service Systems Implementation and Diffusion in Developing Countries: An Analysis of two PSS Cases in Brazil

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    AbstractThis paper aims at exploring how some factors identified in the PSS and product/service innovation literature can hinder or foster sustainable PSS implementation in developing countries, since there is a lack of knowledge concerning the characteristics of PSS transition processes in different contexts. The identified factors were investigated empirically, through two PSS solutions located in an emerging economy. The main results demonstrated the role of some potential factors in supporting the implementation and diffusion of PSS solutions, especially those related to the involvement of multiple actors in the value creation and the social embeddedness. However, the role of those factors still need to be investigated in future works, since only two cases were analyzed in this research. Analyses of successful and unsuccessful PSS cases as well as the identification of other factors and characteristics of PSS implementation in different contexts are directions for further research

    Análise da gestão da cadeia de valor da inovação em uma empresa do setor siderúrgico

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    A gestão da inovação é um processo estruturado que possibilita que uma organização perceba novas maneiras de criar valor e de antever demandas tecnológicas e mercadológicas. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho objetiva analisar como uma empresa do setor siderúrgico realiza a gestão da cadeia de valor da inovação, identificando quais são os fatores adotados para suportar a prática da inovação. Mais especificamente, busca fazer uma análise baseada em um modelo conceitual que representa a cadeia de valor da inovação. Também é diagnosticado se a empresa possui um processo estruturado de desenvolvimento de novos produtos como indutor da inovação e como esse processo se integra com as demais áreas (marketing, produção, engenharia do produto e P&D). Outros aspectos importantes abordados neste trabalho para demonstração das práticas organizacionais e gestão da cadeia de valor da inovação na empresa analisada são: se há um envolvimento da alta administração nesse processo; como as novas ideias se originam, são selecionadas e priorizadas; se o processo de inovação está alinhado com a estratégia da organização; se indicadores de desempenho são utilizados para a gestão da inovação; e se a organização desenvolve modelos de negócios a partir dos projetos de inovação desenvolvidos. A partir dos dados de campo, constata-se preliminarmente que na empresa analisada não existe uma metodologia estruturada para geração de novas ideias, bem como para a difusão dessas ideias em novos modelos de negócios. Assim, essas constatações devem ser aprofundadas em trabalhos futurosThis paper focuses on the analysis of how a company from the steel industry manages the innovation value chain, stressing the factors which are adopted to support this practice. More specifically, it intends to make a comparative analysis based on an innovation value chain proposal from the literature. In addition, the study examines whether the company has a structured PDP and how it integrates with other areas involved in this process. Other important aspects to understand the management practices of the innovation value chain are whether there is involvement of top management; how they originate, select and prioritize new ideas; whether the innovation process is aligned with the company’s strategy; how decisions are made; whether they use performance indicators for the management of innovation; and whether the organization advances business models from the innovation projects develope

    Innovación en la gestión de termoeléctricas en el Amazonas: Reducción del consumo y aumento de la eficiencia por medio del reaprovechamiento de residuos

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    Este estudio propone una innovación de proceso que, por medio del tratamiento y el reaprovechamiento de residuos de fueloil, reduce el consumo de combustible y aumenta la eficiencia en las plantas termoeléctricas. En el contexto habitual de plantas movidas con fueloil, el tratamiento del combustible genera residuos destinados al desecho.La innovación significa pasar todo el residuo oleoso delcombustible por una nueva estación de tratamiento que,por centrifugación separa el aceite tratado, el agua y loscontaminantes. Las termoeléctricas de fueloil en Brasil generan alrededor de 4000 MWh, cuando están en plena operación. Como promedio son producidas cerca de 150 toneladas de residuo de fueloil al mes. En este trabajo cerca del 65% de este volumen puede ser recuperado y reutilizado en la generación de energía eléctrica, aumentando en hasta un 2,7% la eficiencia de las plantas generadoras de electricidad. Con este nuevo tratamiento y modelo de gestión es posible generar economía en la adquisición de combustibles fósiles, así como obtener una reducción en la generación de residuos de desecho y consecuentemente los impactos ambientales causados por las termoeléctricas movidas con fueloil


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    On behalf of the Editorial Board, I am happy to deliver the second issue of volume 2 (2005) of the Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management. We appreciate all the people who support and contribute to the editorship. The accomplishment of this issue would not be possible without the work of our editorial review board. As always, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge them due to their contribution to the authors and to the journal referral process. We hope the readers fi nd the articles in this issue a useful source within the scope of production engineering and operations management. Please enjoy them

    Editorial Introduction

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    On behalf of the Editorial Board and ABEPRO, we are happy to deliver the second issue of volume 5 (2008) of the Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management. We appreciate all professionals who have supported and contributed to the editorship. The accomplishment of this issue would not be possible without the work of our editorial review board. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge their contribution to the journal referral process. We hope the readers find the articles in this issue a useful source within the scope of production engineering and operations management

    Um estudo de caso em uma empresa financeira que recebeu o PNQ por três vezes

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    Nas últimas décadas, os modelos de excelência em gestão têm demonstrado ser uma opção relevante rumo a excelência no desempenho organizacional. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desse trabalho é demonstrar um estudo preliminar em uma empresa de origem brasileira, que destacou-se por ser a primeira e única empresa no mundo a conquistar pela terceira vez o Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade - PNQ. O trabalho adota como abordagem metodológica o estudo de caso, por tratar-se de um caso revelador. A empresa em estudo é uma das maiores empresas do mundo em análises e informações para decisões de crédito e apoio a negócios, presente em todas as capitais e principais cidades do país. O artigo sumariza o enfoque adotado pela empresa em cada critério do PNQ e destaca algumas práticas de gestão relevantes, principalmente aquelas associadas a conscientização de seus colaboradores, disseminação da cultura de excelência e práticas relacionadas ao sistema de informação, elemento importante face a natureza da organização estudada. O trabalho concluí que estas práticas contribuíram com os resultados da empresa mas uma investigação mais aprofundada deve ser conduzida

    Editorial Introduction

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    On behalf of the Editorial Board, I am happy to deliver the second issue of volume 2 (2005) of the Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management. We appreciate all the people who support and contribute to the editorship. The accomplishment of this issue would not be possible without the work of our editorial review board. As always, we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge them due to their contribution to the authors and to the journal referral process. We hope the readers fi nd the articles in this issue a useful source within the scope of production engineering and operations management. Please enjoy them