364 research outputs found

    The idea of the university : a philosophical analysis of its vital principles in the middle ages and its change from the thought of Martha Nussbaum

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    Hoy podría resultar provocador intentar indagar sobre el declinar de la idea de universidad, ya que se puede argumentar exactamente lo contrario. En efecto, tanto su crecimiento cuantitativo como sus progresivas conquistas de espacios de influencia podrían mostrarse como hechos indiscutibles del éxito de la idea de universidad a partir de su modesto nacimiento en la edad media. El objeto de este trabajo es indagar en la dimensión cualitativa de la idea de universidad, específicamente en aquel principio que signó su origen respecto a la formación del estudiante y mostrar su posterior decaimiento actual. En efecto, a partir de Bolonia tal formación se asemeja más a una escuela profesional que a un proceso reflexivo abierto y dialógico en búsqueda de la verdad. En tal sentido, Martha Nussbaum muestra importantes aportes críticos a la actual idea de Universidad y propone principios y un enfoque novedoso para una educación universitaria que muestra cierta semejanza con aquello que constituyó la originaria idea de universidad medievalToday could be provocative attempt to inquire into the decline of the idea of the university. Since you can argue the exact opposite. Indeed, both its quantitative growth and its progressive achievements of areas of influence may be displayed as indisputable facts of the success of the idea of the university from its modest birth in the middle ages. However, the object of this work is to investigate the qualitative dimension of the idea of the university, specifically sign that principle which originated on the formation of the student and show subsequent decay to the present. Indeed, from Bolonia such training is more like a professional school to open and dialogic in search of truth reflective process. In this regard, Martha Nussbaum shows important critical input to the current notion of higher education and proposes principles and approach for a college education that show some resemblance to those which formed the original idea of medieval universityFil: Bicocca, Mauricio . Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela

    Importancia de la estabilidad de la muñeca y de la mano en los gestos técnicos de pases

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    El propósito de ésta ponencia es revalorizar aquellos aspectos anatómicos y biomecánicos imprescindibles para el correcto funcionamiento de la muñeca y mano en los movimientos deportivos en los pases. Es imprescindible una revisión y una revalorización de la anatomía funcional desde el movimiento para su interpretación en relación a los soportes dinámicos de la muñeca y mano. La función de la muñeca y de la mano es importante en los gestos técnicos de los pases aunque muchas veces pase inadvertido y es importante entender el ajuste que realiza este complejo articular en los diferentes tipos de pases que hay y en los diferentes gestos técnicos deportivos que lo involucren (arqueros de futbol, voleibolistas, lanzamientos, etc.), que despliegan concretamente fuerzas de tensión de circunducción, de abducción-aducción y de flexo-extensión en la muñeca. A partir de aquí, es de vital importancia destacar el papel que desarrollan los músculos y ligamentos tanto en la estabilización de las estructuras que forman parte de la muñeca, como también en la prevención de lesiones a las que está expuesta cuando se la pone en funcionamiento durante la ejecución de movimientos que implican la coordinación y de manera explosiva como se produce en los deportes (en el atletismo, o en deportes de conjunto). La funcionalidad de la muñeca se constituye a través de segmentos con funciones de soporte estática y dinámica y segmentos óseos pasivos y motores que posibilita la relación entre los segmentos donde aparecen elementos anatómicos imprescindibles para entender los movimientos que se producen. Se intenta describir, no solo la importancia funcional de la muñeca y mano en los movimientos de pases, sino también determinar la importancia de las estructuras que la protegen ante las exigencias deportiva

    Design for sustainable coffee (post)consumption

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    Coffee is the second largest traded commodity in the world after oil. The worldwide annual generation of Spent Coffee Grounds (SCG) is about 6 million tons, but up till now they are practically unutilized, being discharged to the environment or burned. Nowadays, many universities have worked to find new solutions for coffee grounds. There are many projects and scientific articles on the properties of SCG that describe how to extract lipids and many other precious elements. This project is carried out by Politecnico di Torino (DAD) in collaboration with the biggest Italian coffee roasted company, and has the goal to evaluate the feasibility of SCG valorisation at home and at restaurants and cafés. The first result is a communication about how to reuse SCG from moka at home (remove odors, keep pests out or whip up a coffee dye) and increase the consumer awareness. The second outcome deals with SCG from cafés. This includes both logistic and productive phases, that can give many different products such as paper, cosmetics or mushrooms. This project has also a strong educative aspect because it allows not only to be aware of the environmental problem, but also to be part of the solutio

    Systemic approach applied to a Mexican rural area, in order to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of people

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    Promote economic diversification combining traditional agricultural skills and new technical know- how. Support and develop agro-food systems, thus contributing to sustainable, inclusive and economic growth in rural regions

    Systemic Design approach in policy making for sustainable territorial development

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    The era of transition that we are experiencing need a radical change also in the structure of society. This must be reflected in political commitment to find a new structure of rules able to facilitate participatory processes and to support initiatives than can bring social innovation. For this reason, cooperation between design, technology, economics and sociology is fundamental. As the society is currently undergoing a profound change it is necessary that the policies outcome from a commitment arising from a multidisciplinary team. An example of coordinated work between universities, local authorities, government offices, associations, public bodies is the RETRACE project (Systemic Approach for Transition towards a Circular Economy). RETRACE’s aim is to drive EU policies applying the SDA (Systemic Design Approach), which means by using the output of a system as an input of another system. Applying CE to define a strategy in order to look forward to a regional development allows to reach fundamental social benefits: “[...] the circular economy will offer a number of societal benefits for European countries not least in terms of carbon emissions reductions and job gains” (Wijkman, Skanberg, 2015)

    Design for sustainable coffee (post)consumption

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    Coffee is the second largest traded commodity in the world after oil. The worldwide annual generation of Spent Coffee Grounds (SCG) is about 6 million tons, but up till now they are practically unutilized, being discharged to the environment or burned. Nowadays, many universities have worked to find new solutions for coffee grounds. There are many projects and scientific articles on the properties of SCG that describe how to extract lipids and many other precious elements. This project is carried out by Politecnico di Torino (DAD) in collaboration with the biggest Italian coffee roasted company, and has the goal to evaluate the feasibility of SCG valorisation at home and at restaurants and cafés. The first result is a communication about how to reuse SCG from moka at home (remove odors, keep pests out or whip up a coffee dye) and increase the consumer awareness. The second outcome deals with SCG from cafés. This includes both logistic and productive phases, that can give many different products such as paper, cosmetics or mushrooms. This project has also a strong educative aspect because it allows not only to be aware of the environmental problem, but also to be part of the solution