46 research outputs found

    Reuse of Treated Wastewater in Metal-Mechanics Industry: A Technical-Economic Evaluation

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    Metal-mechanical industries are intensive in the consumption of water and, consequently, in the wastewaters production. Thus, reuse is essential because it preserves the environmental resources, diminishing the water footprint of the obtained products. Despite the advanced techniques, the economic cost limits the wastewater treatment to the most common techniques. This study evaluated the technical potential and costs involved in the reuse of wastewater in a metal-mechanical industry. Mistakes were found in the reagents dosage, what precluded reuse of the treated wastewater. The optimum condition for coagulation/flocculation was evaluated using the bench scale jar test. The parameters of wastewater, such as turbidity, pH, alkalinity, hardness, electrical conductivity, chloride and total solids were evaluated. The ideal condition was tested at the plant and some adjustments were made. The improvements resulted in 50.96% cost reduction of wastewater treatment without new investments. Also, the treatment became faster and more efficient. The wastewater achieved the standards for reuse in toilet flushing and floor washing.As indústrias metalúrgicas são intensivas no consumo de água e, conseqüentemente, na produção de águas residuárias. Assim, a reutilização é essencial porque preserva os recursos ambientais, diminuindo a pegada de água dos produtos obtidos. Apesar das técnicas avançadas, o custo econômico limita o tratamento de águas residuais às técnicas mais comuns. Este estudo avaliou o potencial técnico e os custos envolvidos na reutilização de águas residuais em uma indústria metal-mecânica. Foram encontrados erros na dosagem de reagentes. A condição óptima para coagulação/floculação foi avaliada por Jar test. Foram avaliados os parâmetros, tais como: turbidez, pH, alcalinidade, dureza, condutividade elétrica, cloreto e sólidos totais. A condição ideal foi testada na planta e alguns ajustes foram feitos. As melhorias resultaram em 50,96% de redução de custos do tratamento de águas residuais sem novos investimentos. Além disso, o tratamento tornou-se mais rápido e eficiente. As águas residuais atingiram os padrões de reutilização em lavagem de banheiros e lavagem do piso

    Thermal paint production: the techno-economic evaluation of muscovite as insulating additive.

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    Muscovite is known by its thermal and electrical insulating properties. Based on this, it was hypothesized that its addition on paints should increase the thermal resistance. The use of muscovite as mineral insulating is pointed out as advantageous due to its low cost compared to other materials used for this purpose, such as the ceramic microsphere. The use of a low cost material could open the access to the medium and low income families, implying two aspects: the life quality increase by thermal comfort and the increase of energy saving. Thus, this part of the population could open a new market to thermal paints. Aiming to contribute to this issue, this work evaluated the thermal insulation performance of commercial paints containing muscovite additions and determined the economic evaluation for its industrial production. The thermal paint was formulated by adding 10%, 20% and 40% of muscovite to the commercial paint. This was applied on steel reinforced mortar boards. Thermal insulation tests were carried out in bench scale using an adapted box. The economic evaluation of the industrial production of muscovite-based thermal paint was conducted, considering the Brazilian economic market in this activity. The results showed its ability as an insulating agent due to a reduction of 0.667 °C/mm board by the addition of 40% muscovite. The economic analysis also demonstrated the feasibility of the thermal paint industrial production. The payback is favorable to 5 years when compared to the Selic short-term lending rate, with 21.53% of internal rate return and a net present value of US$ 15,085.76

    Determination of the electron densities of breast neoplasias using the Compton scattering of X-rays

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    Neste trabalho foram realizadas medidas de espalhamento Compton em tecidos mamários normais e neoplásicos (benignos e malignos) em experimentos usando radiação síncrotron e tubo de raios X, com o objetivo de determinar as densidades eletrônicas destes tecidos. As energias e ângulos de espalhamento utilizados foram respectivamente 14,0 keV e 150º (x = 1,09 Å-1) para as medidas usando radiação síncrotron e 17,44 e 90º (x = 0,99Å-1) para as medidas usando um tubo de raios X. Os resultados de densidades eletrônicas obtidos foram comparados com dados experimentais e teóricos previamente publicados, mostrando considerável concordância entre eles (diferenças menores que 5%). Comparações estatísticas foram realizadas nas distribuições obtidas, verificando-se que os tecidos normais adiposos se diferenciam de todos outros tipos de tecidos investigados (P<0,001). Também se observou a tendência de as neoplasias malignas apresentarem maior densidade eletrônica que os tecidos normais fibrosos e neoplasias benignas, fato relacionado às características histológicas e metabólicas de seu crescimento. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que é possível utilizar esta técnica para caracterizar e diferenciar os tipos de tecidos, apontando a possibilidade de sua utilização como ferramenta complementar ao diagnóstico do câncer de mama.In this work we have been measured Compton scattering from normal and neoplastic (benign and malignant) in experiments using synchrotron radiation and X-rays tube, in order to determine of electronic densities of these tissues. The energies and scattering angles used were respectively 14,0 keV and 150º (x = 1,09 Å-1) for the measurements using synchrotron radiation and 17,44 and 90º (x = 0,99Å-1) for the measurements using a X-ray tube. The results of electronic densities obtained were compared with experimental and theoretical data published previously, showing considerable agreement among them (differences smaller than 5%). Statistical comparisons were accomplished in the obtained distributions, showing that the adipose normal tissue differ of all other types of tissues (P<0.001). Moreover, our results show a tendency of the malignant neoplasias to have an elevated electronic density higher than the fibrous normal tissues and benign neoplasias, fact related to histological and metabolic characteristics of its growth. The obtained results suggest that it is possible to use this technique to characterize and to differentiate the breast tissues, pointing the possibility of its use as complementary tool to the diagnosis of the breast cancer

    The Compton scattering of X-rays in the diagnosis of breast neoplasia

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    Neste trabalho foram realizadas medidas de espalhamento elástico e inelástico em tecidos mamários normais e neoplásicos (benignos e malignos) usando uma energia de 17,44 keV (radiação K? ¬- Mo) e um ângulo de espalhamento de 90º (x = 0,99Å-1) com o objetivo de determinar as densidades eletrônicas (?e), número atômico efetivo (Zef) e largura a meia altura (LMA) do pico de espalhamento inelástico destes tecidos. Também foram estudadas por meio de simulações computacionais imagens obtidas por técnica de tomografia de espalhamento Compton. As metodologias experimentais foram verificadas através da análise de materiais de referência. Os valores de densidades eletrônicas e números atômicos efetivos obtidos foram comparados com dados experimentais e teóricos previamente publicados, mostrando uma boa concordância com estes (diferenças menores que 5%). Os valores de LMA obtidos indicam a possibilidade de uso deste parâmetro para obter informação sobre composição dos tecidos e se mostraram correlacionados com os valores de Zef. Os resultados também mostram que existem diferenças de ?e, Zef e LMA entre os grupos de tecidos, as quais estão associadas à composição e à histologia dos tecidos investigados. Por fim, os resultados do estudo técnica de imagem por espalhamento Compton permitiu avaliar a influência de diferentes fatores relacionados ao feixe de radiação, à geometria e à amostra, que determinam a qualidade das imagens obtidas.In this work we have been measured elastic and inelastic scattering from normal and neoplastic (benign and malignant) breast tissues using a photon energy of 17.44 keV (K? radiation ¬- Mo) and a scattering angle of 90º in order to determine the electron densities (?e), effective atomic number (Zef) and full width at half maximum (FWHM) of inelastic peak of these tissues. Compton scattering imaging techniques was also studied using computational simulation. The experimental methods were checked by analyzing of standard reference materials. The values of electron densities and effective atomic numbers obtained were compared with theoretical and experimental data previously published, showing good agreement between them (differences smaller than 5%). The values of FWHM indicate the possibility of using the FWHM for obtain information about the composition of tissues showing correlation with the values of Zef. The results also show that there are differences of ?e, Zef and FWHM between groups of tissues which are associated with the composition and histology of the investigated tissues. Finally, the results of the study of the Compton scattering imaging technique allowed assessing the influence of various factors, related to the radiation beam, geometry sample, which determine the image quality

    Analysis of breast cancer by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)

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    Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) images of normal breast tissue and benign and malignant breast tumour tissues, fixed in formalin, were measured at the momentum transfer range of 0.063 nm(-1) <= q (=4 pi sin(theta/2)/lambda) <= 2.720 nm(-1). Four intrinsic parameters were extracted from the scattering profiles (1D SAXS image reduced) and, from the combination of these parameters, another three parameters were also created. All parameters, intrinsic and derived, were subject to discriminant analysis, and it was verified that parameters such as the area of diffuse scatter at the momentum transfer range 0.50 <= q <= 0.56 nm(-1), the ratio between areas of fifth-order axial and third-order lateral peaks and third-order axial spacing provide the most significant information for diagnosis (p < 0.001). Thus, in this work it was verified that by combining these three parameters it was possible to classify human breast tissues as normal, benign lesion or malignant lesion with a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 100%

    Breast phantom design for X-ray phase-contrast imaging

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    Purpose: Breast cancer is one of the most diffuse diseases and its incidence rate is increasing. Mammography is the gold standard exam for screening breast cancer. Nevertheless, to provide better conditions for visualization and detection of tumors, in particular to young women, techniques exploiting the X-ray phase contrast to generate images have been studied and proposed for clinical use. As every imaging modality clinically implemented, the capabilities and limitations of an X-ray phase-contrast system dedicated to breast imaging should be evaluated by a phantom. Although for mammography, there are several commercial phantoms, for tomographic X-ray phase-contrast imaging systems dedicated to breast screening, they are absent. Therefore, this study aimed to design a breast phantom for application in phase-contrast computed tomography (PC-CT) imaging.Methods: A breast phantom dedicated to X-ray phase-contrast imaging was designed. The phantom has a cylindrical shape and is composed by PMMA, to mimic the breast of a young woman, with some inserts filled with tissue substitutes to normal and pathological breast tissues, such as ethanol and glycerol. These materials were chosen due to the similarity in the attenuation and scattering properties of normal and pathological human breast tissues.Results: A comparison between tomographic X-ray absorption imaging and tomographic X-ray phase-contrast imaging showed a significant increase in edges definition, even with materials with similar attenuation properties.Conclusion: The results of this work reinforce the need for dedicated phantoms to exploit the features of each imaging modality more realistic. In particular, the breast phantom–designed breast screening by PC-CT allows exploiting the features of this new imaging modality

    Influência da secagem do pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) na qualidade do óleo extraído Influence of pequi drying (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) on the quality of the oil extracted

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    O pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb. ) tem se destacado por ser um fruto oleaginoso e rico em carotenoides. A secagem é um processo utilizado na extração do óleo por hexano, mas a degradação dos carotenoides e óleo podem ocorrer. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de diferentes métodos de secagem (ao sol, estufa ventilada a 40 e a 60 °C) e do tempo (4 horas e até peso constante) no rendimento e na qualidade do óleo extraído por hexano no extrator Soxhlet. Quando a polpa de pequi foi seca, 3% ou conteúdo menor de umidade e maior rendimento do óleo foi obtido (52 a 59%, base seca). Carotenoides totais foram maiores e índice de peróxido menores para a polpa desidratada a 40 °C em estufa ventilada, quando comparada com a secagem da polpa em estufa a 60 °C e ao sol. Estes resultados indicaram que a secagem em estufa a 40 °C por 19 horas resultou num maior rendimento do óleo e menor degradação térmica.<br>Pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb) has stood out for being an oleaginous fruit rich in carotenoids. Drying is widely used technique in the oil extraction process using hexane, but the degradation of oil and carotenoids may occur. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different drying methods (sun, air-circulated drier at 40 and 60 °C) and time (4 hours and up to constant weight) on the yield and quality of the oil extracted using hexane using a soxhlet apparatus. When the pequi pulp was dried up to 3% or even lower, more oil yield was obtained (52-59%, dry basis). The total carotenoids contents obtained were higher and the peroxide index was lower for the pulp dried at 40 °C in an air-circulated drier when compared to drying at 60 °C in an air-ventilated drier and to sun drying technique. These results indicate that drying in an air-circulated drier at 40 °C for 19 hours resulted in higher oil yields with less heat degradation


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    Muscovite is known by its thermal and electrical insulating properties. Based on this, it was hypothesized that its addition on paints should increase the thermal resistance. The use of muscovite as mineral insulating is pointed out as advantageous due to its low cost compared to other materials used for this purpose, such as the ceramic microsphere. The use of a low cost material could open the access to the medium and low income families, implying two aspects: the life quality increase by thermal comfort and the increase of energy saving. Thus, this part of the population could open a new market to thermal paints. Aiming to contribute to this issue, this work evaluated the thermal insulation performance of commercial paints containing muscovite additions and determined the economic evaluation for its industrial production. The thermal paint was formulated by adding 10%, 20% and 40% of muscovite to the commercial paint. This was applied on steel reinforced mortar boards. Thermal insulation tests were carried out in bench scale using an adapted box. The economic evaluation of the industrial production of muscovite-based thermal paint was conducted, considering the Brazilian economic market in this activity. The results showed its ability as an insulating agent due to a reduction of 0.667 °C/mm board by the addition of 40% muscovite. The economic analysis also demonstrated the feasibility of the thermal paint industrial production. The payback is favorable to 5 years when compared to the Selic short-term lending rate, with 21.53% of internal rate return and a net present value of US$ 15,085.76

    Thermal paint production: the techno-economic evaluation of muscovite as insulating additive.

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    Muscovite is known by its thermal and electrical insulating properties. Based on this, it was hypothesized that its addition on paints should increase the thermal resistance. The use of muscovite as mineral insulating is pointed out as advantageous due to its low cost compared to other materials used for this purpose, such as the ceramic microsphere. The use of a low cost material could open the access to the medium and low income families, implying two aspects: the life quality increase by thermal comfort and the increase of energy saving. Thus, this part of the population could open a new market to thermal paints. Aiming to contribute to this issue, this work evaluated the thermal insulation performance of commercial paints containing muscovite additions and determined the economic evaluation for its industrial production. The thermal paint was formulated by adding 10%, 20% and 40% of muscovite to the commercial paint. This was applied on steel reinforced mortar boards. Thermal insulation tests were carried out in bench scale using an adapted box. The economic evaluation of the industrial production of muscovite-based thermal paint was conducted, considering the Brazilian economic market in this activity. The results showed its ability as an insulating agent due to a reduction of 0.667 °C/mm board by the addition of 40% muscovite. The economic analysis also demonstrated the feasibility of the thermal paint industrial production. The payback is favorable to 5 years when compared to the Selic short-term lending rate, with 21.53% of internal rate return and a net present value of US$ 15,085.76