796 research outputs found

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Kelas Satu Tunarungu Melalui Metode Struktural Analitik Sintetik

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh Metode SAS bagi siswa kelas satu tunarungu. Metodologi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan III siklus. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu adanya peningkatan yang signifikan, ketuntasan belajar dan hasil  belajar siswa setelah menggunakan metode SAS  pada siklus-III. Hal ini mengandung makna bahwa PTK dapat dinyatakan” berhasil”. Keberhasilan ini ditunjukkan  oleh indikator sebagai berikut : (a) Siswa berhasil mencapai kategori tuntas belajar (100%), bahkan 38% termasuk kategori “ sangat tuntas”. (b) Hasil belajar siswa mencapai nilai rerata 75, melebihi kriteria yang ditetapkan yaitu rerata 7


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    Anak tunarungu adalah Anak berkebutuhan khusus dengan hambatan pendengaran, memiliki keterbatasan-keterbatasan, khususnya dalam perkembangan bahasa dan bicara. Berdasarkan pengamatan di lapangan pada saat pra observasi bahwa anak tunarungu masih dapat mengikuti pelajaran matematika jika materi, metode, serta penunjang lainnya yang diberikan oleh guru disesuaikan dengan kebutuhannya. Berdasarkan permasalahan di atas, peneliti ingin mencoba untuk mengetahui dan menggali informasi secara obyektif dan mendalam mengenai “penerapan metode problem solving (pemecahan masalah) dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah soal cerita penjumlahan pada anak tunarungu kelas D4 di SLB BC Sukamandi”. Penelitian ini mengangkat permasalahan utama tentang kesulitan siswa tunarungu kelas D4 di SLB BC Sukamandi dalam menyelesaikan masalah soal cerita penjumlahan. Dalam penelitian ini diharapkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan siswa tunarungu kelas D4 dengan menggunakan metode problem solving (pemecahan masalah). Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini berupa RPP, observasi dan tes tertulis serta dokumentasi berupa hasil tes tertulis para siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), yang didalamnya dijelaskan mengenai perubahan kenaikan kemampuan siswa yang ditunjukkan melalui hasil tes pada tiap siklusnya. Hasil tes tersebut diolah yang menghasilkan data berupa nilai rata-rata kemampuan siswa pada siklus pertama yang digambarkan dengan kategori cukup yaitu 7,0. Terlihat adanya peningkatan dari nilai rata-rata kemampuan awal siswa yaitu 4,3 dengan kategori kurang. Pada siklus kedua, peningkatan kemampuan siswa digambarkan dengan nilai rata-rata 8,0 dengan kategori baik. Observasi berhenti pada siklus ketiga dimana siswa dipandang telah menguasai soal cerita penjumlahan dengan nilai rata-rata kemampuan siswa 9,2 dengan kategori baik sekali, dan hal tersebut menandakan siswa siap untuk menerima satuan pelajaran berikutnya. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut, peniliti merekomendasikan metode problem solving kepada rekan guru dan peneliti yang akan melanjutkan penelitian, dapat melanjutkannya dengan penggunaan hitungan pengurangan, pembagian atau perkalian. Kata kunci: metode problem solving, soal cerita, anak tunarungu

    Essays on the evaluation of land use policy: the effects of regulatory protection on land use and social welfare

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    Societies frequently implement land use policies to regulate resource extraction or to regulate development. However, two important policy questions remain unresolved. First, how effective are land use regulations? Second, how do land use regulations affect socioeconomic conditions? Three issues complicate the evaluation of land use policies: (1) overt bias may lead to incorrect estimates of policy effects if implementation is nonrandom; (2) the policy may affect outcomes in neighboring unregulated lands; and (3) unobservable differences between regulated and unregulated lands may lead to biased assessments. Previous evaluations of land use policies fail to address these sources of bias simultaneously. In this dissertation, I develop an approach, using matching methods, which jointly accounts for these complications. I apply the approach to evaluate the effects of Costa Rica s protected areas on land use and socioeconomic outcomes between 1960 and 2000. I find that: (1) protection prevented the deforestation of only 10 percent or less of protected forests; (2) protection resulted in reforestation of only 20 percent of non-forest areas that were protected; (3) protection had little effect on land use outside protected areas, most likely because, as noted above, protected areas had only small effects on land use inside protected areas; and (4) there is little evidence that protected areas had harmful impacts on the livelihoods of local communities: on the contrary, I find that protection had small positive effects on socioeconomic outcomes. Furthermore, the methods traditionally used to conduct such evaluations are biased. In contrast to the findings above, those conventional methods overestimated the amount of avoided deforestation and erroneously implied that protection had negative impacts on the livelihoods of local communities. This dissertation contributes to policymaking by providing empirical measures of protected area effectiveness. Although annual global expenditures on protected areas are about $6.5 billion, little is known to date about the returns on these investments. This study also indicates that policymakers should give careful consideration to current proposals to compensate communities living in or around protected areas: contrary to widely held assumptions, the findings suggest that protection may not have harmful effects on socioeconomic outcomes.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Paul J. Ferraro; Committee Member: Alex Pfaff; Committee Member: Douglas Noonan; Committee Member: Gary T. Henry; Committee Member: Gregory B. Lewi

    Asuhan Keperawatan Pada An.E Dengan Tindakan Apendiktomi Pada Apendisitis Akut Di Instalasi Bedah Sentral Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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    Perkembangan zaman saat ini mempengaruhi gaya hidup atau kebiasaan sehari-hari. Misalnya kurangnya mengkonsumsi makanan berserat dalam menu sehari-hari yang diduga sebagai salah satu penyebab apendisitis. Jumlah pasien yang menderita penyakit apendiksitis di Indonesia berjumlah sekitar 27% dari jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Komplikasi yang mungkin terjadi dapat dicegah dengan pengobatan dan perawatan yang optimal, salah satunya dengan melakukan tindakan apendiktomi. Tujuan umum dari penulisan Karya Tulis Ilmiah ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran asuhan keperawatan yang tepat bagi klien dengan tindakan apendiktomi pada apendisitis. Penyusunan karya tulis ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus yaitu metode ilmiah yang bersifat mengumpulkan data, menganalisis data dan menarik kesimpulan data. Kesimpulan dari Karya Tulis Ilmiah ini adalah pada klien An.E beberapa diagnosa yang muncul diantaranya saat pre operasi yaitu nyeri akut teratasi sebagian dengan pain control, ansietas teratasi dengan anxiety control, diagnosa resiko infeksi selama pre, intra dan post operasi teratasi sebagian dengan infection control dan infection protection, diagnosa saat intra operasi yaitu resiko cedera teratasi dengan pengawasan intensif dan manipulasi lingkungan, defisit volume cairan teratasi dengan pemantauan tanda-tanda vital, hidrasi selama intra. Diagnosa yang tidak muncul pada kasus ini adalah mual

    The pulse shape of optical cerenkov radiation from extensive air showers

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    This Thesis is concerned with the computation and interpretation of Cerenkov light pulse shapes from digitised pulses. The experiment to measure the characteristics of extensive air showers in the energy range 10(^15) eV - 10(^18) eV was conducted at the University of Durham EAS array in Dugway, UTAH, USA between 1977 and 1980. Systematic environmental monitoring of the experiment has been carried out to quantify weather conditions and assess data quality. Computer programs have been developed and tested to retrieve pulse shape information from digitised Cerenkov light data. Three main data fitting methods are investigated and compared, and the theories underlying them are outlined. A sample of the Dugway data has been analysed in detail after pulse shape reconstruction using unimodal quartic splines. The measured pulse shape parameters are interpreted to show the electron cascade development of the extensive air showers, and related to a proposed primary energy estimator. Suggestions are made for further pulse shape reconstruction techniques


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    Inthis study, the authors apply thelearning Polya steps to improve student learning outcomes. This study aimed to describe the planning, execution, and improved learning outcomes. This research was class room action research. Using qualitative and quantitative approaches.Subjects were teachers and students of class IV elementary School District 020/XI Koto Lebu Kota Sungai Penuh Kerinci. In thefirst cycleof teachersin designing learning skills 69.5%, 69.5% showed teacher activity and student activity 62.5%. Meanwhile, thesecondcycleis seen to rise. The abilityof teachersin designing learning to 86%. Activity to 87.5% of teachers, student activity to 83.5%. In short, action researchusing Polya steps to improve student learning outcomesDalam penelitian ini, penulis menerapkan pembelajaran polya untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan peningkatan hasil belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah guru dan peserta didik kelas IV SD Negeri 020/XI Koto Lebu Kota Sungai Penuh Kerinci. Pada siklus pertama guru mendesain kemampuan belajar 69,5%, 69,5% menunjukkan aktivitas guru dan aktivitas peserta didik 62,5%. Sementara itu, di siklus ini terlihat meningkat. Kemampuan guru merancang pembelajaran hingga 86%. Aktivitas menjadi guru menjadi 87,5% , dan aktivitas peserta didik menjadi 83,5%. Singkatnya, penelitian tindakan kelas ini menggunakan langkah-langkah Polya untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik

    The linkages between agriculture and malaria: Issues for policy, research, and capacity strengthening

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    "Malaria afflicts many people in the developing world, and due to its direct and indirect costs it has widespread impacts on growth and development. The global impact of malaria on human health, productivity, and general well-being is profound. Human activity, including agriculture, has been recognized as one of the reasons for the increased intensity of malaria around the world, because it supports the breeding of mosquitoes that carry the malaria parasite. Malaria can cause illness (morbidity), disability, or death; and all three effects have direct and indirect costs that can affect productivity. Since agriculture is the main activity of rural people in many endemic areas, it has been suggested that effective malaria control measures can be devised if attention was paid to the two-way effects of agriculture and malaria. There is the need to compute the direct costs of malaria treatment and control and the impacts of those costs on the ability of farm households to adopt new agricultural technology and improved practices, and keep farm and household assets. It is equally important to know the indirect costs of seeking health care and taking care of children and others who are afflicted by malaria and the relationship of the indirect costs to the farm labor supply and productivity. On the other hand, many agricultural activities like irrigation projects, water-harvesting and storage, land and soil management techniques, and farm work sequencing can lead to increase in mosquito populations and therefore increase the incidence of malaria in agricultural regions. This paper has raised issues on the two-way effects of agriculture and malaria and recommended areas that require policy actions and further research. The research findings can then be used in devising effective policies for controlling malaria in endemic areas of the world and assist in preparing a tool kit for capacity development on agriculture and malaria." from authors' abstractMalaria, Agriculture, Development, technology, Impact, Research, Policy, Capacity strengthening, Innovation, Institutional change, Science and technology,

    Interactions between health and farm-labor productivity:

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    In the 21st century, agriculture remains fundamental to economic growth, poverty alleviation, improvement in rural livelihood, and environmental sustainability (World Bank 2007). Three-quarters of the world's poor live in rural areas, particularly in Asia and Africa (Ravallion, Chen, and Sangraula 2007), and depend on agriculture as their primary source of livelihood. This report provides an overview of current knowledge of the impact of health issues on farm-level productivity and decisionmaking, and the impact of agriculture on health. Findings are based on a review of the relevant studies of agricultural regions throughout the developing world. Two conceptual frameworks are used to frame this research: (1) Examining the two-way linkages between agriculture and health (2) Tracking the pathway from a disease condition to its effects, including impacts on household decisionmaking and ultimate impacts on livelihood. Agriculture underpins the health of rural households. It provides income that makes households resilient to health shocks; it provides food to meet their nutrient and energy needs; and it provides medicinal plants for treating ailments. But agricultural systems can also have negative effects on health. Agricultural development may lead to environmental change with adverse health impacts: for example, irrigation dams that create suitable conditions for mosquitoes may lead to increased incidence of malaria locally. The use of agricultural inputs such as pesticides by untrained farm personnel often causes illness. Improper food harvesting and storage practices allow mycotoxins to flourish. Lack of diet diversity can lead to malnutrition. Certain animal diseases also can infect humans. Labor migration (including agricultural labor migration) can contribute to high incidence of HIV infection. The effects of ill health on farm households include three broad impacts: absenteeism from work due to morbidity (and eventual death); family time diverted to caring for the sick; and loss of savings and assets in dealing with disease and its consequences. The long-term impacts of ill health include loss of farming knowledge, reduction of land under cultivation, planting of less labor-intensive crops, reduction of variety of crops planted, and reduction of livestock. The ultimate impact of ill health is a decline in household income and possible food insecurity—that is, a severe deterioration in household livelihood. The research found that the household's ability to cope with a shock reflected both its asset portfolio—including human, physical, and financial assets—and its intangible social resources. Good health must be seen as both an investment and consumption asset, like agricultural production, in that it has compounding returns. Health problems, conversely, may trigger a cycle of lowered agricultural productivity and poor health. At the household level, the investment in health can improve resilience and enhance the ability to cope with emergencies, including ill health. But an investment in health in turn requires an adequate livelihood. Access to appropriate inputs (knowledge, land, tools, fertilizer, and seeds) and remunerative markets is necessary to improve the productivity, health, and resilience of farm households.health, Labor, productivity,