179 research outputs found


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    Immunization programs have contributed to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and mortality among children. Although Indonesia has experienced remarkable progress in reducing child mortality, universal immunization coverage has not been achieved. This paper aims to identify important factors affecting the incidence of child immunization in Indonesia using the Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) of 2012. By probit regression, I estimated the child immunization acceptance and analyzed the impact of location of households at the provincial level which divide the location of respondents both inside and outside of Java. I found that mother’s level of education, household assets, and urbanity are important factors affecting the uptake of vaccinations. In addition, significant regional differences in vaccination incidence indicated that local resources serve as bottlenecks in vaccination. By encouraging government policies that improve women’s schooling, household assets, and regional support for health, immunization coverage could increase and even become more universa

    Ressenya a Compagna, Anna Maria & Letizia, Michela & Puigdevall, Núria, La poesia oggettiva nella letteratura catalana medievale, Roma, Aracne, 2019.

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    Ressenya a Compagna, Anna Maria & Letizia, Michela & Puigdevall, Núria, La poesia oggettiva nella letteratura catalana medievale, Roma, Aracne, 2019, 334 pp., ISBN: 9788825523379 Ressenya a Compagna, Anna Maria & Letizia, Michela & Puigdevall, Núria, La poesia oggettiva nella letteratura catalana medievale, Roma, Aracne, 2019, 334 pp., ISBN: 978882552337

    The use of documentary sources for reconstructing flood chronologies on the Amalfi rocky coast (southern Italy)

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    Documentary source materials are essential for retrospective reconstruction of flood events occurring in past centuries. This paper presents methods of research and archiving of historical data from the 16th century to the present. The quality and completeness of the various original sources were evaluated and carefully analysed in their historical context, to avoid serious mistakes. Systematic investigation of about 3000 documents, mainly found in national State Archives and libraries, allows us to identify and localize at least 106 flood events occurring along the Amalfi coast (southern Italy) for five centuries between the years 1500 and 2000. The collected data provide useful details on flood dynamics, size of flooded areas, flood duration, damage level, number of victims and induced geological effects. When available in sufficient quantity, the flood data allow determination of very useful parameters such as the severity class, to identify large floods and their recurrence interval

    A discrete mathematical model for the dynamics of a crowd of gazing pedestrians with and without an evolving environmental awareness

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    In this article, we present a microscopic-discrete mathematical model describing crowd dynamics in no panic conditions. More specifically, pedestrians are set to move in order to reach a target destination and their movement is influenced by both behavioral strategies and physical forces. Behavioral strategies include individual desire to remain sufficiently far from structural elements (walls and obstacles) and from other walkers, while physical forces account for interpersonal collisions. The resulting pedestrian behavior emerges therefore from non-local, anisotropic and short/long-range interactions. Relevant improvements of our mathematical model with respect to similar microscopic-discrete approaches present in the literature are: (i) each pedestrian has his/her own dynamic gazing direction, which is regarded to as an independent degree of freedom and (ii) each walker is allowed to take dynamic strategic decisions according to his/her environmental awareness, which increases due to new information acquired on the surrounding space through their visual region. The resulting mathematical modeling environment is then applied to specific scenarios that, although simplified, resemble real-word situations. In particular, we focus on pedestrian flow in twodimensional buildings with several structural elements (i.e., corridors, divisors and columns, and exit doors). The noticeable heterogeneity of possible applications demonstrates the potential of our mathematical model in addressing different engineering problems, allowing for optimization issues as well

    Overall process analysis for on-farm production of bioethanol and protein from leguminous crops

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    One of the main challenges the current world must face is feeding its population. Focusing on the European Union, one of the commodities that suffer from a significant imbalance between local/regional production and consumption is high-protein crops, such as legumes. The advantages of decreasing import dependency are obvious, but a successful commercial production of selected high-value components from grain legumes - i.e. protein concentrate for direct food or feed use - will only be possible along with the exploitation of all fractions of the plant. At this point, the term “biorefinery” appears. “Peas on Earth” is a concept that aims to enhance the yield of feasible product outputs from leguminous crops, offering an opportunity for European farmers to make legumes more available as part of their crop rotation. The outputs of the proposed biorefinery are protein concentrate, sugar (and/or bioethanol) and biomass briquettes. In order to commercialize this technology, detailed calculations on product mass balance, energy use of the biorefinery and heat integration opportunities are required. The objective of this work was, therefore, to supply all this information. This was performed by describing, building and using a simulation model on Aspen Plus that calculates mass and energy balances of the overall process. Pinch analysis was chosen as the methodology for heat integration purposes. The results of the simulations provided the annual production of the plant and a considerably realistic basis for energy demand estimation and for gross profit calculations. The heat integration analysis indicated potential heat savings by transferring heat between specific process streams

    Nuevos modelos organizativos para la Transformación Social

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    Vivimos una época marcada por importantes retos sociales y medioambientales que requieren de respuestas colectivas y nuevos marcos de referencia para la Transformación Social. Desde el punto de vista empresarial, cada vez son más las empresas que deciden incorporar criterios sociales y medioambientales para paliar los efectos negativos que estas mismas generan sobre el entorno. A lo largo de las últimas décadas las empresas han adoptado diferentes estrategias siendo la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) la más extendida. Además de la RSC, en los últimos años están surgiendo otras iniciativas que podrían resultar más interesantes desde el punto de vista de la Transformación Social, como el modelo organizativo de las organizaciones TEAL, que será el objeto de estudio en el presente trabajo, así como el caso práctico de ner group, una organización acorde con los principios básicos de este nuevo modelo.; We live in an era which is marked by important social and environmental challenges that require collective responses and new frameworks of reference for social transformation. From a business point of view, more and more companies start to add social and environmental criteria in order to reduce the negative effects they cause. Over the last few decades, companies have adopted an array of different strategies. The most extended being Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In addition to CSR, in the last few years, other initiatives which might be more interesting from a social transformation point of view are emerging as the organizational model of the TEAL organizations, which will itself be the object of study in this work, as well as the case study of ner group, an organization according to the basic principles of this new model

    Web-based platforms in support of industrial symbiosis Initiatives. A bibliometric review

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    The main purpose of this contribution is to depict most promising web-based solutions in terms of best configuration for symbiotic network. By examining 10 existing and functioning Wb-platforms of which only some have been previously explored in the previous literature, the paper aims at underling main contributions that platforms can provide to industrial symbiosis. Thanks to a mixed research method, the paper shows that the most promising way for enhancing Wb-platforms within industrial symbiosis framework is to consider multiple platforms for integrating the results obtained from the different platforms and for assessing multi-criteria procedures

    Importancia del inicio del tratamiento precoz en la Enfermedad de Pompe Clásica de Inicio Infantil. Experiencia de un centro terciario de referencia

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    [ES] La Enfermedad de Pompe es un trastorno poco frecuente de depósito lisosomal causado por una deficiencia de la enzima lisosomal alfa-glucosidasa ácida (GAA). Existen dos fenotipos clínicos: la Enfermedad de Pompe Infantil (IOPD) considerada como la forma clásica y la Enfermedad de Pompe de aparición tardía (LOPD). La forma más grave de este trastorno es la IOPD en la cual hay muy poco residuo enzimático (<1% generalmente). Se caracteriza por una miocardiopatía hipertrófica severa, así como una profunda debilidad muscular en los primeros meses de vida. Sin tratamiento, la muerte ocurre dentro de los primeros 2 años de vida. Aunque la terapia enzimática sustitutiva (TES) con alglucosidasa alfa ha mejorado la supervivencia de estos pacientes, en muchos casos el resultado del tratamiento no es bueno y depende en gran medida de la edad de inicio. La finalidad del presente estudio es (a) analizar las diferentes etapas en el procedimiento diagnóstico e inicio del tratamiento específico en dos pacientes con IOPD seguidos en la Unidad Metabólica del Hospital Universitario Cruces y (b) comparar los resultados clínicos y bioquímicos en función de la edad de inicio de la TES (< 1 mes de edad vs. < 3 meses de edad). En este estudio mostramos resultados clínicos y bioquímicos satisfactorios en dos pacientes con IOPD después del inicio temprano del tratamiento antes de los 3 meses de vida con terapia inmunomoduladora inicial (ITI) previa a TES a dosis altas desde el principio. Además, el paciente que inició tratamiento antes del primer mes de vida presentó una evolución aún mejor que el paciente que inició tratamiento antes del tercer mes de vida