12,593 research outputs found

    Experimental demonstration of cap transmitter using very high speed IC hardware description language (VHDL)

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    Carrierless Amplitude Phase (CAP) Modulation is a multidimensional and multilevel of modulation scheme which it is strongly inspired by QAM modulation scheme. CAP does not depend on a carrier and it is much simpler. Lots of CAP modulation experiments have been proposed and demonstrate but none of them were introduced in real time system. Therefore Very High Speed IC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) has been chosen as a method to investigate the modulation of CAP transmitter in real time. This project focused on 2D CAP transmitter implementation in VHDL. The aim of this project is to investigate the CAP transmitter modulation by using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and implement the core signal processing blocks using VHDL. Therefore 4 selected blocks of CAP transmitter: random generator, constellation mapper, modulation and Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) were designed and analyzed. Then they were compared to the theory of CAP modulation and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM).The transition table was created based on modulation theory for proofing purposed. Quartus II has been used for simulation in implementing 4 RAMs, 1 radix butterfly and designing an IFFT. 3 stages were connected with each other using CORDIC algorithm and 23 multiplexers. We believe that this project is a good start for implementing 2D-CAP in the real time. Real time is good because it is timeliness, fast, low loss rate, low end to end delay and very cost effectively

    The growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) and soyabeans (Glycine max. (L) Merrill) grown as intercrops : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Agricultural Science in Plant Science at Massey University

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    The effect of plant population maize (Zea mays L.) cultivar (Pioneer 3901) and AMT and Matara cultivars of soyabeans (Glucine max (L) Merill) grown together in an intercropping system was studied. In the experiment three rows of maize were sown at populations of 6, 8, 10 plants/m2 and three rows of soyabeans were planted between the rows of maize at either 50 or 75 plants/m2 replacing one of the three rows of maize. Plants were sampled for vegetative analysis during the growth of the crops and at final harvest. Total dry matter, grain yield and the components of yield and leaf area index were determined. Grain yield of maize increased from 794 to 1522 g/m 2 as the population of maize increased. However the yield of the maize was not affected by either the cultivar or the populations of the soyabeans grown among it. Grain yield and the component of yield of the intercropped soyabeans were not affected when population of maize in the mixture was increased. Matara produced higher yields than AMT when grown with maize and this was associated with production of more grain per plant and larger seeds. As the plant population of the soyabeans was increased the grain yield of Matara increased and up to 336.9 g/m2 was obtained, however the yield of AMT was not affected by a similar increase in plant population, possibily Matara had greater temporal difference and was more competative than AMT when grown in the mixture. Three methods were used to evaluate the yield of intercropped plots. These were the seed yield summed for both crops, Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) and a yield ratio based on maize. Although the results obtained depended on the method used all the three methods indicated intercropping could be more advantageous than growing maize and soya­ beans as pure stands. All the three methods indicated that the highest yield was obtained when the highest population of maize was combined with the highest population of soyabeans. Higher yields were obtained when Matara rather than AMT was grown in the intercropped plots

    Malaysian bilateral exports and bilateral real exchange rates

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    This paper analyzes the performance of Malaysian bilateral exports to its major importing countries: the United States, Japan, and Singapore and then investigates whether the export performance could be improved through depreciation or devaluation of domestic currency using co-integration technique and VECM. The co-integration test suggests that real exports, real exchange rates, real imports, and foreign income are co-integrated. The estimated long-run export equations indicate that the real exchange rates, real foreign income, and real imports are important determinants of exports. The major policy implication from this study is that a devaluation or depreciation of ringgit could improve the competitiveness of Malaysian exports

    Electronic government procurement adoption behavior amongst Malaysian SMEs

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between a model of electronic procurement (e-procurement) adoption behavior and the level of Government e-procurement adoption amongst Small Medium Enterprise (SME) in Malaysia. Data was collected through questionnaires that were distributed to SME selected randomly in all SME in Malaysia.The data were analyzed using factor analysis, reliability analysis, independent-sample t-test, descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation and multiple regressions. Regression results reveals that ‘power’, ‘trust’ and ‘value’ have a positive relationship with the level of e-procurement adoption amongst SME in Malaysia.All dimensions, namely; the power of supplier, power of procurement, trust on supplier, trust on information technology, value of implementation system efficiency and value of cost efficiency were also correlated with the level of e-procurement adoption amongst SME. Past studies on e-procurement are beset by problems of buyer-seller relationship perspective.In addition, these studies are skewed towards Government-SME relationship perspective which the Government possesses more power than SME and provide a better incentive to educate and influence SME to adopt e-procurement.In investigation the relationship between a model of e-procurement adoption behavior and the level of Government e-procurement adoption amongst SME in Malaysia, this study also tries to provides recommendation to Malaysian government for improving the level of e-procurement adoption amongst SME

    System identification and pid control of toothbrush simulator system

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    Toothbrush simulator was invented for industry and dentist researchers to do research related to plaque removal. The toothbrush simulator system repeatedly has a problem in achieving the desired speed control. The brushing movement is inconsistence and stops eventually if there is a force exerted on the toothbrush holder. Further research is required to increase the reliability and controllability of the speed response achievable from the toothbrush simulator system. In this study, a PID controller is designed and embedded in the system. A real-time experiment has been conducted on the real system via the Matlab Simulink environment to construct the model. The model parameters are optimized with model order 2, 3 and 4 where each model order has been analyzed for ten (10) times iteration by the genetic algorithm in obtaining the accurate transfer function. The model has been validated through correlation analysis. The PID controller was tuned through the PID tuner and Ziegler-Nichols method. Simulated and real-time system response from both tuning methods was compared. The simulated response with the selected PID controller is then compared with the response from the real-time experiment. The closed-loop system without controller was compared with the response with the PID controller. The PID controller was then deployed into the real system by uploaded into the microcontroller. The brushing simulator remote control was created to control the desired speed through a smartphone. Genetic algorithm model based on model order 4 has been selected as the best model as it able to achieve the minimum MSE value of 0.0176 and past all the validation tests. The selected PID parameters was from PID tuner tuning method with gain values of; Kp= 17.9287, Ki= 40.751 and Kd= -0.52705. Both results of simulation and real-time tests were compared, and they show about similar performances. The controlled system response had achieved all five desired speed of 175, 195, 215, 235 and 255 rpm with the percentage of improvement 67%, 65%, 65%, 65%, and 68%. Throughout this study, a genetic algorithm model based and tuned PID controller parameters has been applied to the real system improvised in better system response

    Continuous biodiesel process using ultrasonic in-line reactor for Jatropha Curcas Oil (JCO)

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    Biodiesel is an alternative fuel for replacing diesel fuel in compression ignition engines. Due to the complexity of the diesel fuel production and exhaust emissions from petroleum-fuelled engines will give negative impact to the environment. In this study, the sodium hydroxide as the catalyst was used to react with methanol for obtaining chemical compound that is called methyl ester which is known as biodiesel. The method used are Ultrasonic. Basically, this method will reduce the reaction time on the conversation of jatropha curcas oil (JCO) into biodiesel. The experiment was to determine the effect of esters contents by reaction time, molar ratio methanol (MeOH) to JCO, the amount of catalyst, frequency and power output of ultrasonic using ultrasonic in-line reactor. The optimum production of biodiesel was achieved at 7 minutes of reaction time, 1%wt of catalyst concentration and molar ratio methanol to oil 12:1, frequency ultrasonic of 20 KHz and ultrasonic output 600 Watt at temperature 65°C. The biodiesel produced by this method has been referred according to ASTM D6751. From the result, the biodiesel produced from this method has satisfied the requirement biodiesel standard. This optimum result in this research can be used to run larger pilot plant designed for industry

    Combustion and Society: A Fire-Centred History of Energy Use

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    Fire is a force that links everyday human activities to some of the most powerful energetic movements of the Earth. Drawing together the energy-centred social theory of Georges Bataille, the fire-centred environmental history of Stephen Pyne, and the work of a number of ‘pyrotechnology’ scholars, the paper proposes that the generalized study of combustion is a key to contextualizing human energetic practices within a broader ‘economy’ of terrestrial and cosmic energy flows. We examine the relatively recent turn towards fossil-fuelled ‘internal combustion’ in the light of a much longer human history of ‘broadcast’ burning of vegetation and of artisanal pyrotechnologies – the use of heat to transform diverse materials. A combustion-centred analysis, it is argued, brings human collective life into closer contact with the geochemical and geologic conditions of earthly existence, while also pointing to the significance of explorative, experimental and even playful dispositions towards energy and matter. © 2014, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved

    Settlement and unsettlement in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Antarctica

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    This paper is concerned with Aotearoa/New Zealand’s changing relationship to Antarctica, and the Ross Dependency in particular. Through a consideration of post-colonial theory in the Ross Dependency, it is argued that a productive dialogue about the cultural politics of mainland Aotearoa/New Zealand can be opened up. After some reflections on the post-1945 political and cultural trajectory of the country, attention is given to the place of the Maori and their involvement in the polar continent and Southern Ocean. The adoption of Maori place-names on New Zealand maps of the Ross Dependency is considered further because it helps to illuminate the country’s awkward and incomplete post-colonial transformation. Arguably, such an adoption of Maori place-names in Antarctica contributes to a vision of bicultural harmony. However, this is not a view shared by all observers. Developments affecting the crown agency Antarctica New Zealand, alongside recent heritage projects, are scrutinised further in order to consider how Maori–Pakeha relations influence and define contemporary understandings of New Zealand’s presence in Antarctica. Finally, the paper briefly contemplates how a trans-Tasman dialogue with Australian scholars might enable further analysis into how geographically proximate settler colonies engage with Antarctica and their associated territorial claims to the continent and surrounding ocean

    Open source in libraries: Implementation of an open source ILMS at Asia e-University library

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    Open source systems for libraries have improved significantly to gain the confidence of librarians. The main focus of the paper is to describe the selection process and criteria that led to the implementation of Koha the first open source Integrated Library Management System at the AeU Library. A study was made based on the set criteria used to compare and contrast with the more popular propriety library management systems. The paper presents the findings of the study which led to the selection of Koha, and a brief introduction to features of open source systems for libraries. The reasoning and conditions for accepting Koha are discussed. A brief account of the implementation process and related experience of the open source ILMS are given. AeU library implemented the various modules of the system: cataloging, online public access (OPAC), circulation, patron management and acquisitions. The expanding influence and acceptance of OSS in libraries is here to stay. Malaysian libraries may need to look into the credible options and benefits of utilizing open source systems and harness this development in ILS