706 research outputs found

    Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of traditional Kirklareli meatballs with added cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) flour

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    The effects of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) flour on some physical, chemical, textural and sensory properties of Kirklareli meatballs were investigated. For this purpose, cowpea flour was added to the traditional Kirklareli meatball formulation in four different proportions (2, 4, 6 and 8%). As a result of the analysis on cowpea flour; pH, water activity (a(w)), moisture, protein, fat, ash, carbohydrate, acidity, starch, total dietary fiber, total monounsaturated fatty acids, total polyunsaturated fatty acids, total unsaturated fatty acids and total saturated fatty acids were found as 6.25, 0.52, 10.20, 20.35, 0.53, 2.94, 65.43%, 0.06, 45.09, 20.90, 5.86, 59.88, 65.74 and 34.26%, respectively. Depending on the increase in incorporation rate of cowpea flour, changes in L* (43,40-53,88), b* (13,92-18,11), pH (5,83-5,94), a(w) (0,96-0,98), moisture (44,03-50,63%), protein (17,70-21,89%), fat (19,49-22,97%), carbohydrate (6,77-12,11%), salt (1,28-1,74%), total dietary fiber (2,81-5,08%) values of the raw samples and a* (5,64-9,44), b* (9,77-18,06), moisture (39,27-45,24%), protein (19,92-23,45%), fat (23,08-26,19%), carbohydrate (5,92-11,30%), total dietary fiber (3,28-5,40%) values of the cooked Kirklareli meatball samples were statistically significant (P 0.05). Total saturated, total unsaturated and trans fatty acid contents of cowpea flour added meatball samples were significantly (P < 0.05) different from the control samples. In the sensory analysis, meatball samples with 4% cowpea flour received the highest general acceptability score. According to the obtained data, cowpea flour can be added up to 4% on basic meat values without changing the textural and sensory properties of Kirklareli meatballs. Cowpea flour could be added as a functional ingredient in meatballs

    Investigation of the Effect of Climate Change on Extreme Precipitation: Capital Ankara Case

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    This study examines the potential impacts of climate change on extreme precipitation. Rainfall analysis with stationary and nonstationary approach for observed and future conditions is performed for (1950-2015 period) observed data of 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes and 1, 2, 3, 6 hour and projections (2015-2098 period) of 10, 15 minutes and 1, 6 hour for Ankara province, Turkey. Daily projections are disaggregated to finer scales, 5 minutes storm durations, then five minutes time series aggregated to the storm durations that are subject of interest. Nonstationary Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) models and stationary GEV models for observed and future data are obtained. Nonstationary model results are in general exhibited smaller return level values with respect to stationary model results of each storm duration for observed data driven model results. Considering the projected data driven model results; on average nonstationary models produce mostly lower return levels for mid and longer return periods for all storm durations and return periods except one hour storm duration. Depending on the models and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP), there are different results for the future extreme rainfall input; yet all results indicate a decreasing extreme trend

    Adaptation in p300 and motor imagery-based BCI systems

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    Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is an alternative communication tool between human and computer. Motivation of BCI is to create a non-muscular communication environment for the use of external devices. Electroencephalography (EEG) signals are analyzed for understanding the user's intent in BCI systems. The nonstationary behavior of brain electrical activity (such as EEG), caused by changes in subject brain activities, environment conditions and calibration issues, is one of the main challenges of BCI systems. Another set of challenges involves limited amount of training data and subject-dependent characteristics of EEG. In this thesis, we suggest a semi-supervised adaptation approach for P300 based BCI speller systems to address these types of problems. The proposed approach is applied on a P300 speller which also incorporates a language model using Hidden Markov Models (HMM). The estimated labels from the classifier are used to retrain the classifier for adaptation. We have analyzed the effects of this adaptation approach on BCI systems with non-stationary EEG data and small size of training data. We propose to solve both problems by updating the BCI system with labels obtained from the classifier. We have shown that such an adaptation approach would improve BCI performance around 30% for systems with limited amount of training data, and 40% for transferring the system subject-to-subject. Moreover, we have investigated the potential use of error related potential (ErrP) signals in the P300-based BCI systems. The detection and classification of ErrP signals in BCI setting are presented along with the experimental analysis of ErrP

    Morphological and histological structure of the interdigital gland in Awassi sheep (Ovis aries)

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    We investigated the effects of sex and breeding season on the morphological and histological structures of the interdigital gland in Awassi sheep (Ovis aries). Forelimbs and hind limbs were collected from 10 males and 10 females in both the breeding (June-July) and nonbreeding (November-December) seasons. The interdigital glands were located between the first and second phalanxes and were present on all of the limbs. The mean weight of the gland was 1.03 +/- 0.03 g. Mean body length, body thickness, duct length, duct diameter, and duct opening diameter were 17.42 + 0.23 mm, 8.12 + 0.08 mm, 26.81 + 0.31 mm, 4.65 + 0.05 mm, and 3.53 + 0.03 mm, respectively. All of the parameters had higher values in males than in females. In the breeding season, values were generally higher than those in the nonbreeding season. Gland secretions were pink and necrotic cell debris was observed in the gland lumen. The morphometric and histological data from this study indicate that the structure of the interdigital gland in Awassi sheep is similar to that in other sheep breeds. The results also suggest that this gland may play a role in sexual communication in sheep

    Synthesis of tris-(2,2'-bipyridyl)copper(II)perchlorate, {[Cu(bpy)3](ClO4)2} and redetermination of the crystal structure

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    2,2'-bipiridin ligandı ve bakır(II)asetat tuzu ile elde edilen kompleks, sulu sodyum perklorat çözeltisi ile çöktürülerek, perklorat tuzu haline getirildi. İzole edilen mavi renkli {Cu(bipy)3(C104)2} kompleksi, dimetilformamit (DMF)’de yeniden kristallendirildi. Kompleksin molekül yapısı, tek kristal x-ışını kırınımı yöntemi ile yeniden belirlendi. Çarpık-oktahedral geometride olan kompleks; triklinik kristal yapıda, P1 uzay grubunda, a = 7.920(4) Å, b = 10.970(6) Å, c = 18.374(11) Å, α=100.43(3) °, β=90.05(2) °, γ=97.84(2)° ve Z=2 birim hücre parametrelerinde kristallenmiştir. Ekvatoryel pozisyondaki Cu-N bağları hemen hemen aynı uzunlukta olup (Ort. 2,025 Å), eksenel pozisyonundaki Cu-N(2) ve Cu-N(4) bağ uzunlukları ise sırasıyla 2.224(3) ve 2.440(3) Å’ dur. Kompleksin kristal istiflenmesi; C–H⋯O ve π⋯O etkileşimleri ile kararlı bir 3D ağ oluşturmuştur.The complex obtained with 2,2'-bipyridine ligand and copper(II) acetate was precipitated with aqueoussodium perchlorate solution to become the perchlorate salt. The isolated blue colored{Cu(bipy)3(C104)2} complex was recrystallized in dimethylformamide (DMF). The molecular structure ofthe complex was redetermined by single crystal x-ray diffraction method. Crystals in distortedoctahedral geometry are triclinic, space group P-1, with Z=2 in a unit cell of dimensions: a = 7.920(4) Å,b = 10.970(6) Å, c = 18.374(11) Å, α=100.43(3 ) °, β=90.05(2) °, γ=97.84(2)°. Cu-N bonds in the equatorialposition are almost the same length (average 2.025 Å), while the Cu-N(2) and Cu-N(4) bond lengths inthe axial position are 2.224(3) and 2.440(3) Å, respectively. Crystal packaging of the complex; It formeda stable 3D network with C–H⋯O and π⋯O interactions

    Role of Mg doping in the structural, optical, and electrical characteristics of ZnO-based DSSCs

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    ZnO- and Mg-doped ZnO samples are prepared by spray pyrolysis on conducting glass substrates to fabricate ZnO-based dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). In uences of Mg-doping content on the power conversion efficiencies of ZnO-based DSSCs are investigated. X-ray diffraction results show that all the samples exhibit a hexagonal wurtzite structure. Scanning electron microscopy data indicate that the ZnO sample has uniform rods with 1 ? m diameter. With respect to ZnO, the band gap value of 4 at.% Mg-doped ZnO samples improves to the value of 3.27 eV and a further increase in Mg level up to 6 at.% gives rise to a decline in the band gap value of 3.22 eV. Photoluminescence measurements illustrate that intensities of the ultraviolet peak and a red luminescence peak take their maximum values for 4 at.% Mg doping. From solar cell performance measurements, the best power conversion efficiency of 0.08% is obtained for the doping amount of 4 at.% Mg

    An introduction to causes and consequences of Cretaceous sea-level changes (IGCP 609)

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    The International Geoscience Programme Project IGCP 609 addressed correlation, causes and consequences of short-term sea-level fluctuations during the Cretaceous. Processes causing several ka to several Ma (third- to fourth-order) sea-level oscillations during the Cretaceous are so far poorly understood. IGCP 609 proved the existence of sea-level cycles during potential ice sheet-free greenhouse to hothouse climate phases. These sea-level fluctuations were most probably controlled by aquifer-eustasy that is altering land-water storage owing to groundwater aquifer charge and discharge. The project investigated Cretaceous sea-level cycles in detail in order to differentiate and quantify both short- and long-term records based on orbital cyclicity. High-resolution sea-level records were correlated to the geological timescale resulting in a hierarchy of sea-level cycles in the longer Milankovitch band, especially in the 100 ka, 405 ka, 1.2 Ma and 2.4 Ma range. The relation of sea-level highs and lows to palaeoclimate events, palaeoenvironments and biota was also investigated using multiproxy studies. For a hothouse Earth such as the mid-Cretaceous, humid-arid climate cycles controlling groundwater-related sea-level change were evidenced by stable isotope data, correlation to continental lake-level records and humid-arid weathering cycles

    Milli İktisattan İslam İktisat Düşüncesine: Ekonomik Çağdaşlaşmada Özgünlük Arayışı

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    Bu çalışma Osmanlı’nın son dönemlerinden başlayarak günümüze değin Müslüman toplumlarda giderek artan ekonomik çağdaşlaşma arayışlarını ve bu alandaki entelektüel katkıları ele almaktadır. Sanayi devrimi sonrası kapitalizmin küresel bir boyut kazanması ile Batıda ortaya çıkan yüksek refah üretimi karşısında Osmanlı’nın son dönemlerinde, özellikle Tanzimat dönemi sonrasında, başlayan ve günümüzde halen devam etmekte olan iktisadi özgünlük arayışları çağdaş Müslüman toplumların siyasi ve ekonomik geleceklerini belirlemede oldukça kritik bir önem kazanmıştır. Tanzimat sonrasında sıklıkla dile getirilen milli iktisat söylemi ile sömürge sonrası küresel düzende artan İslam iktisadı söylemi bu açıdan kapitalizme alternatif olabilecek ortak bir arayışın son yüzyılın farklı dönemlerindeki benzer çözüm arayışları olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışma, her iki söylemin de kapitalizmin geçirdiği evrelerden, sanayi kapitalizmi ve finans kapitalizminden bağımsız düşünülemeyeceğini iddia etmektedir. Dönemin önemli aydınlarından Ahmet Midhat ekseninde geliştirilen milli iktisat vurgusu da finans piyasalarının küresel boyut kazandığı çağda ortaya çıkan İslami finans da bu anlamda kapitalizme bir alternatif olmaktan çok İslami bir soft kapitalist çözüm sunmanın ötesine geçememiştir. Çalışma yöntem itibariyle Ahmet Midhat’ın iki temel eseri üzerinden milli iktisat söylemi ile çağdaş İslam iktisadı arasında mukayeseli bir söylem analizi benimser

    Yüzey modifikasyonu yardımıyla CdS toz bazlı hibrit güneş pillerinde performans artışı

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    The effects of surface modification of CdS through organic Eosin-Y, indoline D205, and Ru-based complex N719 and N3 dyes on CdS-based hybrid solar cells were studied. Chemical bath deposition (CBD) and doctor blade methods were in turn employed to fabricate the CdS specimens on Indium-Tin Oxide (ITO) covered glass substrates. P3HT material with and without dye coatings was covered through a spin-coater on the surface of CdS specimens. Ag paste was then deposited on the surface of P3HT to obtain hybrid solar cells. Structural analysis indicated that CdS powders showed a cubic growth with the preferred orientation of (111). Morphological analysis demonstrated that CdS powders exhibited hierarchical morphology and the morphology turned to granular structure with some porosity upon deposition of both N3 dye and P3HT layers. Absorption plots indicated that Eosin-Y dye loading led to a rise in the absorbance values of CdS specimens. After dye loading, photoluminescence data of CdS-based heterostructure illustrated a decrement in the luminescence intensity, implying that effective exciton dissociation was obtained. Current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics of the hybrid solar cells depicted that the best overall efficiency was observed for Eosin-Y-modified cell as 0.135%. This proved that surface modification by Eosin-Y dye led to a better interfacial contact between CdS and P3HT bilayer due to the enhancement in the charge separation.CdS-tabanlı hibrit güneş pillerinde, CdS'nin yüzey modifikasyon etkileri organik Eosin-Y, indolin D205 ve Ru bazlı N719 ve N3 boyaları vasıtasıyla incelendi. CdS örneklerini İndiyum-Kalay Oksit (ITO) kaplı cam altlıklar üzerinde büyütmek için, sırasıyla kimyasal banyo çökeltme (CBD) ve doktor bıçak yöntemleri kullanıldı. Boya kaplamaları olan ve olmayan CdS örneklerinin yüzeyine P3HT materyali, spin kaplama (spin-coater) cihazı yardımıyla kaplandı. Devamında Ag pasta, hibrit güneş pillerini tamamlamak için P3HT yüzeyine çökeltildi. Yapısal analiz, CdS tozlarının kübik yapıda ve (111) tercihli yönelime sahip olduğunu gösterdi. Morfolojik analiz, CdS tozlarının hiyerarşik morfolojide olduğunu ve morfolojinin hem N3 boyası hem de P3HT tabakasının çökeltilmesiyle birlikte taneli ve gözenekli yapıya döndüğünü gösterdi. Soğurma (absorbsiyon) grafikleri, Eosin-Y boya kaplamasının CdS örneklerinin soğurma değerinde bir artışa yol açtığını gösterdi. Boya kaplamasının, CdS tabanlı heteroyapının fotolüminesans şiddetinde azalma oluşturması, etkin bir eksiton ayrışması elde edildiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Hibrit güneş pillerinin akım yoğunluğu-voltaj (J-V) karakteristiklerinden, Eosin-Y modifikasyonlu güneş pilinin veriminin % 0,135 olarak en yüksek değerde olduğu tespit edildi. Bu durum, Eosin-Y boyası ile yapılan yüzey modifikasyonunun, yük ayrışmasında oluşturduğu iyileşmeden dolayı, CdS ve P3HT ikili yapısının arasında daha iyi bir ara yüzey teması sağladığını ispatlamaktadır

    Incidence and predictors of radial artery injury following transradial procedures: Yet another benefit of renin–angiotensin system blockade?

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    Background: Vasodilatory function of radial artery (RA) declines following the transradial catheterization. However, it is uncertain whether impaired vasodilatory function develops in every patient. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence and predictive factors of impaired vasodilatory function following transradial procedures. Methods: Consecutive patients undergoing elective transradial procedures were prospectively enrolled. Ultrasound examination of RA was recorded just before and 1 week after the procedure. RA diameters and flow velocities were measured at baseline, after flow mediated vasodilation (FMD) and after nitrate mediated vasodilation (NMD). Results: Fifty-one patients were included (62 ± 11 years, 55% male, 41% hypertensive, 20% diabetic, 65% with coronary artery disease). Overall FMD and NMD were significantly impaired after 1 week. However, deterioration of FMD and NMD was observed in 67% and 71% of patients, respectively. Absolute change in FMD was significantly different in patients using a renin– angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitor compared to those who were not (1.9 ± 12.9 vs. –7.7 ± ± 12.7%, respectively, p = 0.025). Additionally, there was a moderate but significant correlation between baseline RA diameter and absolute change in NMD (r = 0.419, p &lt; 0.001). RAS blockade was independently associated with protection against FMD deterioration (OR 0.241, 95% CI 0.066–0.883, p = 0.032), whereas RA diameter (OR 0.079, 95% CI 0.009–0.720, p = 0.024) and procedure time (OR 1.156, 95% CI 0.989–1.350, p = 0.068) were associated with NMD deterioration, although the latter had borderline significance. Conclusions: Vasodilatory function of RA gets impaired in most patients following transradial procedures. RAS blockade seems to exert a protective role against deteriorating endothelium- dependent vasodilation, whereas smaller RA diameter and potentially longer procedure time are associated with impaired endothelium-independent vasodilation.