184 research outputs found

    Program Studi Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Kemanusiaan di Institut Teknologi Bandung - Ciri dan Kebutuhan Relevan

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    The following is the summary of paper presented by Professor Wiranto Arismunandar concerning the establishment of a study program spesialising in the social sciences and humanities in Institut Teknologi Bandung. The idea is stimulated by the fact that the appreciation of the society on the advances of technologies and sciences as well as their products and services has not been so satisfactory. He, therefore, suggests that ITB establish a study program in which the students specialize themselves in social sciences and humanities. The students are expected to be able to interact equally with the scientists and engineers and able to inform the society the developments and advances of technologies and sciences when they graduate. In order to produce competent graduates to carry out the above-mentioned expertises, he recommends that basic sciences and mathematics, communication skills, and other relevant social sciences and humanities be taught to this group of students

    Simulasi Regulator Tekanan Untuk Kendaraan Berbahan Bakar Gas Dengan Program Fire

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    A series of researches about characteristic of stability and performance of conversion kits shows that imported conversion kits manufactured by several vendors that are used by public in Indonesia still need some improvement in their design. The conversion kits consist of CNG main tank, mixer and pressure regulator. In this research simulated pressure regulator which have three steps restriction which the change of valves position is influenced by pressure inlet and pressure in the chambers. The simulation of fluid flow in pressure regulator can be modelled with the aide of FIRE v70b_Pl3. In this modelling were done variation of inlet and outlet position. The varying made which aim to observe correlation of the change of pressure and outlet mass flow with position changing. Besides, were done varying outlet diameter of pressure regulator and the change of inlet pressure. The results show that the change of inlet and outlet position were done not shows significant changing both pressure in the chambers and outlet mass flow from pressure regulator

    Termodinamika teknik : beberapa soal dan penyelesaiannya

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    8a, 208 p. : il.; 21 cm

    Pengantar turbin gas dan motor propulsi

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    Termodinamika teknik : beberapa soal dan penyelesaiannya

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    Jilid 2xiii, 61 p.; 29 cm

    Termodinamika Teknik (Beberapa Soal dan Penyelesaiannya)

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    Penggerak mula motor bakar torak

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    178 p. : il.; 21 cm

    Penggerak Mula Motor Bakar Torak

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    Pengantar Turbin Gas Dan Motor Propulsi

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    Berbagai macam turbin gas dikemukakan dalam buku ini memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang berbagai variasi komponen dan sistem yang dapat diterapkan pada sistem turbin gas. Selanjutnya karena pada pesawat terbang motor propulsi merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari sistem pesawat terbang secara keseluruhan maka dalam Bab 5 dan Bab 6 diberikan sekadar pengertian umum tentang komponen pesawat terbang yang berfungsi menghasilkan gaya angkat serta prestasi terbang dan kaitannya dengan fungsi motor propulsi. Penggunaan turbin gas pada motor propulsi pesawat terbang dapat berfungsi sebagai pembangkit gas atau menghasilkan daya poros atau kombinasinya.28a + 666 hlm; 17.5 x 25 Cm

    Motor bakar torak

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