15 research outputs found

    Editorial: A Reflective Take on The Government Decisions in Facing Global Uncertainty

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    Editorial: Refleksi Keputusan Pemerintah dalam Menghadapi Ketidakpastian Globa


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    Penelitian ini betujuan untuk, mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi program apa yang disiapkan untuk mengatasi masalah pembangunan dalam RPJMDes  Desa Dermaji,   Kecamatan Lumbir, Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2018-2024.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan distribusi frekwensi dan klasifikasi untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengidentifikasi kebijakan yang diformulasikan. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah teknik klaster sampling dipadukan dengan kuota sampling. Hasil penelitian adalah. Kesiapan program untuk mengatasi masalah pembangunan  yang diformulasikan dalam RPJM Desa Dermaji Tahun 2018-2024 cederung kurang siap. Hal ini terjadi karena dari ketiga dimensi yaitu; dimensi ekonomi, dimensi ekologi/ lingkungan dan dimensi sosial hanya dimensi ekonomi yang yang cenderung siap. Dua dimensi yaitu dimensi lingkungan dan sosial cenderungan kurang siap

    Apakah Partisipasi Masyarakat Dapat Mencegah Korupsi ?

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    The Indonesian government has developed policies aimed at encouraging village governments to learn to do business. Through the allocation of funds given to the village government, it is hoped that the village can develop a village-owned business. In its development, village governments in Indonesia have responded well to this policy, so that currently many villages have business units. However, as a public business, it is necessary to ask whether the village business has been carried out in an accountable manner. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the accountability system of village business management in Indonesia. This study uses a public governance approach, because village businesses use public funds, so public involvement is very important in its management. This research was conducted using quantitative methods, targeting BUMDes in Banyumas. The results of the study show how public participation can prevent corruption

    Spirit of Bureaucratic Change of Decision Makers in Banyumas District Facing Challenges in the VUCA Era

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    Decentralization requires the bureaucracy to be able to solve various problems faced by the community at the local level. Meanwhile, the context of social change in society is directly proportional to the complexity of opportunities. The greater the complexity of the opportunity, the greater the uncertainty. The VUCA Era created uncertainty in human civilization, including public administration. Public administration must ensure how far the uncertainties in the VUCA Era can be anticipated in efforts to organize public administration, particularly in the decision-making process. For this reason, this article aims to identify the spirit of change in decision-making bureaucrats in Banyumas Regency to face the VUCA Era. The method used is a descriptive quantitative approach. Data was collected using a survey method for decision-making bureaucrats within government agencies in Banyumas Regency. The results of the study show that the level of spirit of change in decision-maker bureaucrats in Banyumas Regency in facing challenges in the VUCA era is at a moderate level. This indicates that decision-making bureaucrats still need support and encouragement in facing challenges in the VUCA era, especially adaptability and sustainable positive change

    Formulasi Kebijakan Pembangunan Di Desa Dermaji Kecamatan Lumbir Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui formulasi kebijakan pembangunan di Desa Dermaji Kecamatan Lumbir, Kabupaten Banyumas. Dengan adanya kebijakan otonomi desa memberikan peluang bagi pemerintah desa dalam merencanakan pembangunan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat yang didasarkan pada pendekatan pertisipatif dan berkelanjutan. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui (1) Proses penyusunan kebijakan pembangunan di Desa Dermaji. (2) Mengidentifikasi faktor yang menetukan penyusunan kebijakan pembangunan di Desa Dermaji sehingga dapat memperoleh berbagai bentuk penghargaan prestasi pembangunan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model analisis interaktif. Sedangkan validitas data menggunakan pedekatan triangulasi untuk memperoleh data secara valid. Hasil penelitian menunjukan prose formulasi kebijakan yang meliputi aspek konseptualisasi masalah dan peranan kepemimpinan. Pengembangan opsi alternatif dalam proses pembangunan di Desa Dermaji dengan pendekatan partisipatif serta memadukan model elit dalam pengambilan keputusan sebagai pilihan alternatif kebijakan dan model partisipasi masyarakat pada keseluruhan tahapan pelaksanaan kebijakan melalui social collaborative action

    Punctuated Equilibrium Policy of Village Government Budget Following the Pandemic

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    The pandemic has resulted in changes to public policy, particularly in public budgeting. This is the case not only at the central level but also at local and village government levels. The challenge of changing public policy also occurs in the fiscal policy sector. Village governments are required to reallocate their budgets for activities to handle the pandemic and post-pandemic economic recovery. Hence, this article aims to describe changes in village government budgeting policy changes from the perspective of punctuated equilibrium in public policy studies. The data in this study were obtained through focus group discussions and secondary data collection. The study found that the political equilibrium of a policy cannot last forever. Policy changes occur if there is a change in the agreement between policy-making actors. Public policy changes have so far been understood to occur slowly and gradually. However, this article proves that it can occur drastically and within a short period of time. Keywords: fiscal decentralization, local autonomy, policy change, public finance, punctuated equilibrium public policy, rural local government budge

    Challenges to Local Public Service in the Post Pandemic

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    The relevance of the New Public Administration (NPA) Paradigm initiated by Frederickson shows its increasing power. Although this paradigm appeared far before the change in global post-pandemic conditions, the New Public Administration (NPA) Paradigm is capable of guiding the public administrative measures to respond to the challenge of post-pandemic social change, especially in the public service administration aspect. Public service before the pandemic, especially at the local government level, had found form and quality issues. The public service at the local level is attempting to respond to public needs and social changes that are always a big challenge for public administration. The pandemic suddenly worsened and was a blow to the process of public administration adjustment to the changes. The public service that needed modernization was badly hit by the pandemic. Therefore, this article aims to identify challenges to public administration in the context of post-pandemic changes in public service. This research used a focus group discussion method with stakeholders and documentation as the secondary data. This article successfully shows the important position of amplification of changes and responsiveness in public administration, especially in public service delivery. Keywords: new public administration, public service delivery, policy change, post-pandemic era, responsivenes

    Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Di Kabupaten Banyumas: Model Pergeseran Paradigma Pengelolaan Potensi Desa

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    AbstrackThe formation of BUMDes has been in accordance with the direction of the development of the paradigm of public administration, because there has been a paradigm shift from Old Public Administration to New Public Management which is implemented in the village government. Therefore, the establishment of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is one model of utilizing village financial capacity to utilize village potential and assets. The purpose of this study is to compare the traditional management of village potential through the village government and management based on public enterprises (public enterprise). The results of the study indicate that there are fundamental differences in the management of village potential. Therefore, the shift in the village potential management model from the government to a public enterprise for managing village potential has been on the right path. BUMDes as a form of public enterprise at the village level is moving from a bureaucratic paradigm to the business sector, but not just pure business but social business.  Keywords: Local Competitiveness, New Public Management, Public Enterprise, Social Businesses Model. AbstrakPembentukan BUMDes telah sesuai dengan arah perkembangan paradigma administrasi publik, karena terjadi pergeseran paradigma dari Old Public Administration ke New Publik Management yang diterapkan di pemerintah desa. Oleh karena itu, pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) merupakan salah satu model pemanfaatan kapasitas finansial desa untuk pemanfaatan potensi dan aset desa. Tujuan penelitian ini membandingkan pengelolaan potensi desa secara tradisional melalui pemerintah desa dan pengelolaan berbasis badan usaha publik (public enterprice). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan mendasar dalam pengelolaan potensi desa. Oleh karena itu, pergeseran model pengelolaan potensi desa dari pemerintah ke arah public enterprise untuk pengelolaan potensi desa telah berada di jalan yang benar. BUMDes sebagai bentuk public enterprise di level desa bergerak dari paradigma birokratik ke sektor bisnis, namun bukan sekadar bisnis murni melainkan bisnis sosial.  Kata Kunci: Local Competitiveness, New Public Management, Public Enterprice, Social Businesses Model.


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    The approach in economic development of rural communities is one of the goals in creating national development. The new paradigm is the economic development of rural communities initiated through strengthening economic institutions is one of the efforts carried out in a sustainable manner. This study aims to determine the management system and mechanism in the management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in an effort to develop and develop BUMDes and Increase village original income in the casestudy of BUMDes Ujug, Srowot Village, Kalibagor District, Banyumas Regency. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The focus of the research is the management model aspect which is focused on the management of BUMDes Ujug, Srowot Village, Kalibagor District, Banyumas Regency. The informants of this research are elements of the village government, BUMDes managers, community elements and other parties. Data collection techniques are interview, observation and documentation, while the validity of the data using triangulation to obtain valid data. The results of the study refer to the management aspect in termn of planning, organizing, implementing program, monitoring, budgetingBUMDes and evaluating. It is hoped that it can provide big impacts such as good BUMDes management and be able to ncerease the villages original income which is submitted every through deliberation with the parties involved in it.Keyword: Management, BUMDes, Community Empowerment. ABSTRAKSIPendekatan dalam pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat desa menjadi salah satu tujuan dalam menciptakan pembangunan nasional. Paradigma baru dalam pengembangan ekonomi masyarakat desa yang di inisiasi melalui penguatan kelembagaan ekonomi menjadi salah satu upaya yang dilakukan secara berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem dan mekanisme manajemen dalam pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) dalam upaya pengembangan dan pembangunan BUMDes serta peningkatan pendapatan asli desa dalam studi kasus BUMDes Ujug Desa Srowot Kecamatan Kalibagor Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Fokus penelitian adalah aspek model manajemen yang tertuju pada Pengelolaan BUMDes Ujug Desa Srowot, Kecamatan Kalibagor, Kabupaten Banyumas. Informan penelitian ini adalah Unsur pemerintah desa, pengelola BUMDes, unsur masyarakat dan pihak-pihak lainnya. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi, sedangkan validitas data menggunakan trianggulasi untuk memperoleh data secara valid. Hasil penelitian merujuk pada aspek manajemen yang dilihat dari sisi perencanaan, perngorganisasian, pelaksanaan program, pengawasan, penganggaran BUMDes, dan evaluasi. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa BUMDes Ujug Desa Srowot mampu mengembangkan manajemen dalam pengelolaan BUMDes seiring dengan besarnya penyertaan modal yang ditujukan kepada BUMDes dalam pengembangannya yang diharapkan dapat memberikan impek yang besar seperti pengelolaan BUMDes yang baik dan mampu meningkatkan pendapatan asli desa yang diserahkan setiap tahun melalui musyawarah bersama pihak-pihak yang terlibat didalamnya.Kata Kunci: Manajemen, BUMDes, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat2022 UPNVJT. All rights reserve


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    The Family Hope Program is a government program aimed at conditionally poor people with assistance in the form of social protection guarantees in various fields. The Social Protection Program was formed on the basis of the problem of poverty that continues to grow in Indonesia, so that it becomes an alternative step to overcome it. The aim of the Family Hope program in general is to overcome and overcome the problem of poverty that occurs in the community and to create a thriving economy in the community and specifically to help every family that has low income to meet all needs that could not be accessed before. This study aims to describe the evaluation process carried out from the implementation of the Family Hope Program in Gunung Lurah Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative method through a descriptive approach to describe the analysis of the evaluation of a problem based on the answer to the problem. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. In testing the validity of the data using the source triangulation technique, namely by checking the data that has been obtained through several sources. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the program evaluation process for the implementation of the Family Hope Program in Gunung Lurah Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency in general can run in the community which is carried out by implementing actors with the program's target group. The progress of the Family Hope program can be seen from the activity agenda in the program starting from the initial meeting, disbursement of aid, updating of data on Beneficiary Families and verification of the commitment of the Family Hope Program participants. The commitment built through this program requires an effort to increase public awareness of the use of social assistance in the education sector, which has not yet seen a real increase in this field. A serious effort that can be made is to carry out socialization and education activities on the importance of education in the future to serve as a generation and pioneer of community mobilization in accelerating poverty alleviation. AbstraksiProgram Keluarga Harapan merupakan program pemerintah yang diperuntukan kepada masyarakat miskin secara bersyarat dengan bantuan berupa jaminan perlindungan sosial diberbagai bidang. Program Perlindungan sosial dibentuk atas dasar masalah kemiskinan yang terus berkembang di negara Indonesia, sehingga menjadi langkah alternatif untuk menanggulanginya. Tujuan program keluarga harapan secara umum mengatasi dan menanggulangi Permaslahan kemiskinan yang terjadi dimasyarakat dan menciptakan perekonomian yang berkembang dimasyarakat dan secara khsusus membantu setiap keluarga yang meinim akan penghasilannya untuk mencukupi segala kebutuhan yang belum bisa diakses sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses evaluasi yang dilakukan dari pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Harapan di Desa Gunung Lurah Kecamatan Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode yang digunakandalam penelitian ini ialah metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan analisis evaluasi suatu masalah berdasarkan jawaban dari masalah tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui proses wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Dalam menguji keabsahan data menggunakan teknik triangulasi sumber yaitu dengan cara mengecek data yang telah diperoleh melalui beberapa sumber. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan menunjukan dalam proses evaluasi program terhadap pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Harapan di Desa Gunung Lurah Kecamatan Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas secara umum dapat berjalan di masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh para aktor pelaksana bersama kelompok sasaran program. Berjalannya program keluarga harapan dilihat dari agenda-agenda kegiatan dalam program mulai pertemuan awal, pencairan bantuan, pemutakhiran data Keluarga Penerima Manfaat dan verifikasi komitmen peserta Program Keluarga Harapan. Komitmen yang dibangu melalui program tersebut perlu adanya uapay peningkatan kesadaran bagi masyarakat terhadap pemanfaatan bantuan sosial pada bidang pendidikan yang masih belum terlihat secara nyata peningkatan pada bidang tersebut. Upaya serius yang dapat dilakukan ialah melakuak kegiatan sosialiasi dan edukasi pentingnya pendidikan dimasa mendatang untuk dijadikan sebagai generasi dan pionir penggerak masyarakat dalam mempercepat penanggulangan masalah kemiskinan