19 research outputs found

    The Innovation Resistance Model of Mobile Payments for Micro and Small Enterprises

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    The development of digital technology currently directs people to transact using mobile payments. An efficient payment process or one of them is known as Mobile Payment has its own market compared to the three other services offered by Fintech. This strongly supports the development of the digital economy in Indonesia. This study tries to formulate a conceptual framework and research model developed with the theory of innovation resistance. Methods and models of conceptual formulation are carried out in several stages; literature study, model adoption, and instrument development. Based on theoretical and empirical studies on Innovation Resistance, this study describes the constructs and propositions used as the basis for building a conceptual model. The results of the instrument development can be used for further research


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    The purpose of this edifying is to explain and analyze the influence of the competence ofsmall and medium industry actors to the adoption of IT through the readiness of small andmedium industries in entering the Industrial revolution of 4.0. This research uses aquantitative approach using explanatory research. The population of this research is thesmall and medium industry of the food and beverage sector in Blitar city totaling 2896 SMIactors. To determine the sample of the population, researchers used the formula of Yamaneto obtain a total number of respondents 97 people. The sampling technique of this researchis a random sampling technique with the number of samples taken proportionally followingthe number of SMI actors in Blitar City. The method of collecting data using questionnairesis distributed to respondents and is calculated on a Likert scale. Data is analyzed using thepath analysis using SPSS. Data analysis methods consist of instrument tests, descriptivestatistical analysis, inferential statistical analysis, and hypothesis testing with pathanalysis. The results of this study showed that the competency of SMI practitioners, SMIreadiness has a positive and significant influence on IT adoptio

    Marketplace Shopee Sebagai Media Promosi Penjualan UMKM di Kota Blitar

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    Marketplace Shopee merupakan salah satu marketplace yang sedang berkembang di Indonesia. Marketplace Shopee saat ini dimanfaatkan oleh Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) untuk promosi penjualan. Di kota Blitar sendiri UMKM yang sudah memanfaatkan Shopee sebagai media promosi penjualan yaitu UMKM Sambel Pecel dan Bumbu Gado-Gado Kuncit Kota Blitar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskrptif kualitatif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi, pemaparan data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa marketplace Shopee sebagai media promosi penjualan d UMKM Sambel Pecel dan Bumbu Gado-Gado Kuncit Kota Blitar masih belum maksimal. Marketplace Shopee sebagai media promosi penjualan di UMKM Sambel Pecel dan Bumbu Gado-Gado Kuncit Kota Blitar harus lebih ditingkatkan lagi agar admin dapat melayani para konsumen dengan lebih maksimal agar daya beli konsumen meningkat


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    ABSTRAKPengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar. Pengrajin kerupuk ini berpotensi untuk memanfaatkan potensi yang ada diwilayahnya. Hal ini dikarenakan sumber daya alam yang menjadi bahan baku tersedia. Tetapi selama ini proses produksi hanya dilakukan secara manual, terutama proses pengadukan adonan kerupuk singkong, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Sedangkan pasar untuk penjualan kerupuk singkong masih luas. Untuk itu akan dilakukan pendampingan dalam peningkatan kapasitas produksi dengan teknologi mixing double attack. Dampaknya akan scale up keterampilan mitra dalam produksi, kualitas produk akan meningkat, dan jumlah produksi meningkat. Selain itu juga mendukung RIRN dalam Bidang Pangan. Solusi yang dapat diterapkan dengan penerapan iptek kepada masyarakat proses produksi kerupuk singkong dengan mesin pengaduk adonan kerupuk singkong dengan teknologi mixing double attack dan manajemen pengelola pengrajin kerupuk singkong di Dusun Kedungsuruh Desa Dawuhan Kabupaten Blitar. Di akhir program dievaluasi dan pendampingan serta monitoring dalam menjalankan usaha. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah ketrampilan produksi kerupuk singkong dan produksi kerupuk singkong meningkat sebesar 30% setelah pendampingan pengabdian maka kualitas hasil produksi kerupuk singkong juga meningkat. Kata kunci: alat produksi; manajemen usaha; pengrajin krupuk; produksi ABSTRACTThis Community Service aims to increase production capacity to meet market demand. These cracker craftsmen have the potential to take advantage of the potential that exists in their region. This is because the natural resources that are raw materials are available. However, the production process has only been done manually, especially when mixing the cassava cracker dough, so it takes a long time. Meanwhile, the market for selling cassava crackers is still wide. For this reason, assistance will be carried out in increasing production capacity by mixing double attack technology. The impact will increase partners' skills in production, product quality, and production volume will increase. Besides that, it also supports RIRN in the Food Sector. The solution that can be applied is the application of science and technology to the community in the cassava cracker production process with a cassava cracker dough mixer machine with mixing double attack technology and management of cassava cracker craftsmen in Kedungsuruh Hamlet, Dawuhan Village, Blitar Regency, at the end of the program evaluation, assistance, and monitoring in running the business. This activity resulted in cassava cracker production skills, and cassava cracker production increased by 30% after the companion service, and the quality of cassava cracker production also increased. Keywords: cracker craftsmen; production tools; production; managemen


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    ABSTRAKKampung Opak Gambir, juga dikenal dengan kampung kreatif, terbentuk karena masyarakat di daerah tersebut mayoritas menjalankan Industri Rumah Tangga (IRT) dalam pembuatan opak gambir. Para pelaku usaha di kampung ini telah berusaha mengembangkan pasar dengan memanfaatkan teknologi digital, termasuk sosial media dan Google My Business. Namun, mereka menghadapi kendala karena kurangnya pengetahuan dalam mengoptimalkan digital marketing. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan upaya pendampingan dalam rangka scale up komersialisasi produk Kampung Opak Gambir. Pendampingan ini dilakukan dengan fokus pada peningkatan pengetahuan digital marketing melalui pesan visual, copywriting, dan SEO. Dengan pendampingan ini diharapkan ketrampilan para mitra dalam melakukan promosi secara digital meningkat. Pengabdian ini juga mengikutsertakan mahasiswa MBKM, yaitu mahasiswa Prodi Operasionalisasi Perkantoran Digital Akademi Komunitas Negeri Blitar untuk melakukan pendampingan di tempat mitra. Metode dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah 1). Pelatihan dan pendampingan penyampaian pesan visual melalui foto produk dan desain kemasan produk opak gambir, 2). Pelatihan dan pendampingan digital marketing untuk optimalisasi sosial media dan Google Business melalui teknik copyriting  dan SEO. 3). Evaluasi dan monitoring implementasi materi pelatihan selama 2 bulan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu adanya peningkatan ketrampilan para mitra dalam melakukan promosi secara digital, khususnya ketrampilan penyampaian pesan visual melalui foto produk dan desain kemasan, ketrampilan copywriting untuk promosi dan ketrampilan dalam peningkatan SEO.  Kata kunci: digital marketing; copywriting, SEO; pesan visual; opak gambir ABSTRACTKampung Opak Gambir, also known as the creative village, thrives as the majority of its residents are involved in the Home Industry specializing in crafting Opak Gambir. To expand their market, they have embraced digital technology such as social media and Google Business. Nevertheless, they encounter challenges stemming from their limited knowledge in optimizing digital marketing. To address this, we provide support and enhance the commercialization of Kampung Opak Gambir's products. The focus of this assistance lies in elevating digital marketing expertise through visual messaging, copywriting, and SEO. By receiving guidance in these areas, the partners are expected to bolster their digital promotion skills. Notably, MBKM students from Operasionalisasi Perkantoran Digital Akademi Komunitas Negeri Blitar actively participate in this initiative. The community service employs three key methods: 1) Training and mentoring on conveying visual messages via product photography and packaging design for gambir wrappers; 2) Training and mentoring in digital marketing, optimizing social media and Google Business using copywriting and SEO techniques; 3) A two-month evaluation and monitoring of training material implementation. The results of this program are evident in the partners' enhanced digital promotion skills, particularly in visual messaging through product photography and packaging design, as well as improved copywriting proficiency for effective promotion and SEO capabilities. Keywords: digital marketing; copywriting; SEO, visual messages; opak gambi


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    ABSTRAKKeterampilan menulis karya ilmiah merupakan kemampuan dasar yang harus dimiliki guru. Namun, pada praktiknya kemampuan ini masih sangat sulit dikuasai oleh guru. Analisis kebutuhan yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan menulis karya ilmiah menjadi hal yang urgent dilakukan sebagai upaya meningkatkan stimulus guru untuk menulis. Tujuan pengabdian ini yaitu: (1) meningkatkan pemahaman guru SMA/SMK terkait penulisan karya ilmiah pada jurnal ilmiah, (2) memberikan stimulus untuk merangsang semangat guru dalam mengembangkan kompetensi terutama dalam bidang penulisan karya ilmiah, serta (3) merangsang ide dan gagasan guru dalam menulis karya ilmiah untuk kepentingan pendidikan dan pengembangan profesi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara daring dengan peserta berjumlah 30 orang guru SMA/SMK yang tergabung pada Program Profesi Guru dalam Jabatan Tahun 2022 di Universitas Jember. Kegiatan pelatihan dibagi menjadi: pemaparan tentang berbagai tema yang dapat dikembangkan dalam penulisan karya ilmiah bidang pendidikan, presentasi tentang sistematika penulisan karya ilmiah dan prosedur penulisan di jurnal ilmiah, diskusi tentang berbagai hal terkait upaya meningkatkan keterampilan menulis karya ilmiah. Hasil pelatihan berkontribusi terhadap meningkatnya pemahaman guru SMA/SMK terkait penulisan artikel ilmiah, guru-guru peserta pelatihan memiliki semangat baru dalam mengembangkan kompetensi dalam bidang penulisan karya ilmiah, serta guru-guru menjadi lebih terstimulasi untuk mengembangkan ide dan gagasan dalam bentuk karya ilmiah untuk kepentingan pendidikan serta pengembangan profesi guru. Kata kunci: keterampilan menulis; karya ilmiah; guru-guru SMA/SMK. ABSTRACTThe skill of writing scientific papers is a basic ability that teachers must possess. However, this ability is still very difficult by teachers. The needs analysis carried out by the team shows that training in writing scientific papers is an urgent thing to do to increase teacher stimulus for writing. The objectives of this community service are: (1) to increase the understanding of high school/vocational school teachers regarding writing scientific papers in journals, (2) to provide a stimulus to stimulate teachers' enthusiasm in developing competencies, especially for writing scientific papers, and (3) to stimulate teachers' ideas in writing scientific papers for the benefit of education and professional development. This activity was carried out online with participants 30 SMA/SMK teachers who are members of the 2022 in office Teacher Professional Program at University of Jember. The training activities are divided into presentations on various themes that can be developed in writing scientific papers of education, presentations on the systematics of writing scientific papers and procedures for writing in scientific journals, and discussions on various matters related to efforts to improve scientific writing skills. The results of the training contributed to increasing the understanding of high school/vocational school teachers regarding writing scientific articles, participating teachers had a new enthusiasm in developing competence of writing scientific papers, and teachers became more stimulated to develop ideas in the scientific work for the benefit of education and professional development of teachers. Keywords: writing skills; scientific work; high school/ vocational school teachers


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    ABSTRAKAsesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM) merupakan asesmen yang mengukur kemampuan minimal yang dibutuhkan siswa untuk dapat belajar dan merupakan bentuk penyederhanaan dari Ujian Nasional yang begitu kompleks. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan memberikan  pendampingan pengembangan soal ekonomi/akuntansi berbasis Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM) pada guru SMA anggota MGMP Kabupaten Jember sebagai persiapan asesmen nasional pengganti UN 2021. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah metode Tutorial. Hasil yang didapat setelah dilakukannya kegiatan ini adalah peserta mampu menyusun soal-soal ekonomi/akuntansi berbasis Asesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM). Simpulan   hasil   pengabdian   adalah  guru SMA anggota MGMP dapat menambah pengetahuan tentang pembuatan soal berbasis AKM. Kata kunci: pendampingan; soal berbasis AKM ABSTRACTMinimum Competency Assessment (AKM) is an assessment that measures the minimum skills required by students to be able to learn and is a simplification of the complex National Examination. This activity was carried out to assist in the development of economic/accounting questions based on the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) for high school teachers who are members of the Jember Regency MGMP as a preparation for the national assessment to replace the 2021 UN. The method used in this community service is the Tutorial method. The results obtained after this activity was carried out were that participants were able to compile economic/accounting questions based on the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM). The service results conclude that high school teachers who are members of MGMP can increase knowledge about making AKM-based questions. Keywords: assistance; AKM-based questions.

    Role of innovative work behavior of vocational lecturer in Indonesia

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    One aspect that needs to be developed in work is competence. In this case, competence is knowledge, skills, and attitudes sufficient to meet needs, such as good job performance. One of the employee behaviors that has not been developed and improved is the behavior of innovation at work. This study aims to analyze the role of Vocational Lecturers’ innovative behavior. This study was conducted based on data about 1,494 lecturers from vocational higher education institutions in East Java, Indonesia (seven state polytechnics and two state community academies). Using the proportional random sampling method, the Slovin formula of 316 people was used. The questionnaire was conducted as through Google Forms, as a person by seeing research respondents, and by holding virtual meetings from March to April 2022. The collected data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis methods to determine the characteristics of the respondents and inferential statistics using the SmartPLS version 3.0 program. The results of this study indicate that organizational support and transglobal leadership characteristics significantly affect employee engagement, proactive personality, proactive work behavior, and performance. Transglobal leadership influences proactive personality and job engagement in positive and significant ways. Organizational support significantly and beneficially influences work engagement and proactive attitudes. Work engagement positively and meaningfully encourages innovative work behavior, with a path coefficient 0.22. The path coefficients of the relationship between inventive work style, proactive attitude, and employee performance are 0.55 and 0.617, respectively. In addition, job involvement has a statistically significant adverse effect on worker performance


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain the effect of perceived usefulness and trust on consumer satisfaction of Shopee e-commerce. This research conducted in Indonesia that targeted Shopee consumers. Data were collected from the survey by distributing questionnaires to the research respondents. The sample consisted of 86 people selected by a random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. Results showed that perceived usefulness and trust have a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction. The results of this study also proved that Shopee users assess that the perceived usefulness of the e-commerce applications could facilitate convenience during the online transaction. Meanwhile, trust, in the form of guaranteed transactions and recommendations and ratings from consumers, is a form of support and services provided by Shopee to build consumer trust in Indonesia. Keywords: customer satisfaction, e- commerce, perceived usefulness, Shopee, trus

    Pemahaman dan kepedulian dalam implementasi green accounting oleh UMKM produsen kain batik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman dan kepedulian para pelaku usaha UMKM produsen kain batik di Kabupaten Jember Provinsi Jawa Timur yang akan mendasari implementasi green accounting dalam menjalankan usahanya mereka. Green Accounting merupakan pengembangan dari ilmu akuntansi yang berperan melalui pengungkapan sukarela dalam laporan keuangan suatu usaha terkait dengan biaya lingkungan atau environmental cost. Kuesioner digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data penelitian. Menggunakan teknik proporsional dengan Random sampling yaitu dipilih 3 UMKM Produsen Batik yang berada di kecamatan sekitar wilayah Kabupaten Jember. Analisis data dalam penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini menggunakan model analisis data dari Miles and Huberman dalam Sugiyono (2017) yaitu Mereduksi data, Menyajikan Data, lalu melakukan Penarikan Kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dua dari tiga pelaku usaha UMKM produsen batik di wilayah Kabupaten Jember Provinsi Jawa Timur telah memiliki pemahaman dan kepedulian yang baik dalam menjaga lingkungan hidup sebagai bentuk implementasi green accounting. Meski untuk detail pengeluaran biaya usaha dan biaya lingkungan belum mereka pahami secara rinci tapi mereka telah sadari bahwa biaya lingkungan menjadi tanggung jawab yang dibebankan pada laporan keuangan usaha mereka. Pemahaman dan kepedulian yang belum sepenuhnya dimiliki salah satu pemilik UMKM produsen kain batik disebabkan kemampuan menjalankan usaha diperoleh secara otodidak, pengalaman menjalankan usaha masih kurang, rendahnya tingkat pendidikan, serta minimnya pengetahuan dan pengalaman dalam mengelola biaya usaha dan biaya lingkungan menjadi penyebab belum maksimalnya pelaku usaha melakukan implementasi green accounting dalam menjalankan usahanya