2,105 research outputs found

    Consistent Application of Maximum Entropy to Quantum-Monte-Carlo Data

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    Bayesian statistics in the frame of the maximum entropy concept has widely been used for inferential problems, particularly, to infer dynamic properties of strongly correlated fermion systems from Quantum-Monte-Carlo (QMC) imaginary time data. In current applications, however, a consistent treatment of the error-covariance of the QMC data is missing. Here we present a closed Bayesian approach to account consistently for the QMC-data.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, 2 uuencoded PostScript figure

    Photoemission spectra of many-polaron systems

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    The cross over from low to high carrier densities in a many-polaron system is studied in the framework of the one-dimensional spinless Holstein model, using unbiased numerical methods. Combining a novel quantum Monte Carlo approach and exact diagonalization, accurate results for the single-particle spectrum and the electronic kinetic energy on fairly large systems are obtained. A detailed investigation of the quality of the Monte Carlo data is presented. In the physically most important adiabatic intermediate electron-phonon coupling regime, for which no analytical results are available, we observe a dissociation of polarons with increasing band filling, leading to normal metallic behavior, while for parameters favoring small polarons, no such density-driven changes occur. The present work points towards the inadequacy of single-polaron theories for a number of polaronic materials such as the manganites.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures; final version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Charge ordering in extended Hubbard models: Variational cluster approach

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    We present a generalization of the recently proposed variational cluster perturbation theory to extended Hubbard models at half filling with repulsive nearest neighbor interaction. The method takes into account short-range correlations correctly by the exact diagonalisation of clusters of finite size, whereas long-range order beyond the size of the clusters is treated on a mean-field level. For one dimension, we show that quantum Monte Carlo and density-matrix renormalization-group results can be reproduced with very good accuracy. Moreover we apply the method to the two-dimensional extended Hubbard model on a square lattice. In contrast to the one-dimensional case, a first order phase transition between spin density wave phase and charge density wave phase is found as function of the nearest-neighbor interaction at onsite interactions U>=3t. The single-particle spectral function is calculated for both the one-dimensional and the two-dimensional system.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Effective spinless fermions in the strong coupling Kondo model

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    Starting from the two-orbital Kondo-lattice model with classical t_2g spins, an effective spinless fermion model is derived for strong Hund coupling J_H with a projection technique. The model is studied by Monte Carlo simulations and analytically using a uniform hopping approximation. The results for the spinless fermion model are in remarkable agreement with those of the original Kondo-lattice model, independent of the carrier concentration, and even for moderate Hund coupling J_H. Phase separation, the phase diagram in uniform hopping approximation, as well as spectral properties including the formation of a pseudo-gap are discussed for both the Kondo-lattice and the effective spinless fermion model in one and three dimensions.Comment: Revtex4, 10 pages, 15 figures, typos correcte

    Doping dependence of spin and orbital correlations in layered manganites

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    We investigate the interplay between spin and orbital correlations in monolayer and bilayer manganites using an effective spin-orbital t-J model which treats explicitly the e_g orbital degrees of freedom coupled to classical t_{2g} spins. Using finite clusters with periodic boundary conditions, the orbital many-body problem is solved by exact diagonalization, either by optimizing spin configuration at zero temperature, or by using classical Monte-Carlo for the spin subsystem at finite temperature. In undoped two-dimensional clusters, a complementary behavior of orbital and spin correlations is found - the ferromagnetic spin order coexists with alternating orbital order, while the antiferromagnetic spin order, triggered by t_{2g} spin superexchange, coexists with ferro-orbital order. With finite crystal field term, we introduce a realistic model for La_{1-x}Sr_{1+x}MnO_4, describing a gradual change from predominantly out-of-plane 3z^2-r^2 to in-plane x^2-y^2 orbital occupation under increasing doping. The present electronic model is sufficient to explain the stability of the CE phase in monolayer manganites at doping x=0.5, and also yields the C-type antiferromagnetic phase found in Nd_{1-x}Sr_{1+x}MnO_4 at high doping. Also in bilayer manganites magnetic phases and the accompanying orbital order change with increasing doping. Here the model predicts C-AF and G-AF phases at high doping x>0.75, as found experimentally in La_{2-2x}Sr_{1+2x}Mn_2O_7.Comment: 23 pages, 21 figure

    Ferromagnetism in the Infinite-U Hubbard Model

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    We have studied the stability of the ferromagnetic state in the infinite-U Hubbard model on a square lattice by approximate diagonalization of finite lattices using the density matrix renormalization group technique. By studying lattices with up to 5X20 sites, we have found the ferromagnetic state to be stable below the hole density of 22 percent. Beyond 22 percent of hole doping, the total spin of the ground state decreased gradually to zero with increasing hole density.Comment: 13 pages, RevteX 3.0, seven figures appended in uuencoded form, correcting problems with uuencoded figure

    Probing the extreme realm of AGN feedback in the massive galaxy cluster, RX J1532.9+3021

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    We present a detailed Chandra, XMM-Newton, VLA and HST analysis of one of the strongest cool core clusters known, RX J1532.9+3021 (z=0.3613). Using new, deep 90 ks Chandra observations, we confirm the presence of a western X-ray cavity or bubble, and report on a newly discovered eastern X-ray cavity. The total mechanical power associated with these AGN-driven outflows is (22+/-9)*10^44 erg/s, and is sufficient to offset the cooling, indicating that AGN feedback still provides a viable solution to the cooling flow problem even in the strongest cool core clusters. Based on the distribution of the optical filaments, as well as a jet-like structure seen in the 325 MHz VLA radio map, we suggest that the cluster harbours older outflows along the north to south direction. The jet of the central AGN is therefore either precessing or sloshing-induced motions have caused the outflows to change directions. There are also hints of an X-ray depression to the north aligned with the 325 MHz jet-like structure, which might represent the highest redshift ghost cavity discovered to date. We further find evidence of a cold front (r=65kpc) that coincides with the outermost edge of the western X-ray cavity and the edge of the radio mini-halo. The common location of the cold front with the edge of the radio mini-halo supports the idea that the latter originates from electrons being reaccelerated due to sloshing induced turbulence. Alternatively, its coexistence with the edge of the X-ray cavity may be due to cool gas being dragged out by the outburst. We confirm that the central AGN is highly sub-Eddington and conclude that a >10^10M_Sun or a rapidly spinning black hole is favoured to explain both the radiative-inefficiency of the AGN and the powerful X-ray cavities.Comment: Accepted for publication to ApJ (minor corrections), 16 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables. Full resolution at http://www.stanford.edu/~juliehl/M1532

    Spatial kinematics of Brightest Cluster Galaxies and their close companions from Integral Field Unit spectroscopy

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    We present Integral Field Unit (IFU) spectroscopy of four brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) at z~0.1. Three of the BCGs have close companions within a projected radius of 20 kpc and one has no companion within that radius. We calculate the dynamical masses of the BCGs and their companions to be 1.4x10^11<M_dyn (M_solar)<1.5x10^12. We estimate the probability that the companions of the BCGs are bound using the observed masses and velocity offsets. We show that the lowest mass companion (1:4) is not bound while the two nearly equal mass (1:1.45 and 1:1.25) companions are likely to merge with their host BCGs in 0.35 Gyr in major, dry mergers. We conclude that some BCGs continue to grow from major merging even at z~0. We analyse the stellar kinematics of these systems using the \lambda_R parameter developed by the SAURON team. This offers a new and unique means to measure the stellar angular momentum of BCGs and make a direct comparison to other early-type galaxies. The BCGs and their companions have similar ellipticities to those of other early-type galaxies but are more massive. We find that not all these massive galaxies have low \lambda_R_e as one might expect. One of the four BCGs and the two massive companions are found to be fast-rotating galaxies with high angular momentum, thereby providing a new test for models of galaxy evolution and the formation of Intra-Cluster Light.Comment: 5 pages. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Hole-hole correlations in the U=∞U=\infty limit of the Hubbard model and the stability of the Nagaoka state

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    We use exact diagonalisation in order to study the infinite - UU limit of the two dimensional Hubbard model. As well as looking at single-particle correlations, such as nkσ=⟨ckσ†ckσ⟩n_{{\bf k}\sigma }=\langle c^\dagger _{{\bf k}\sigma }c_{{\bf k}\sigma } \rangle , we also study {\it N-particle correlation functions} which compare the relative positions of {\it all} the particles in different models. In particular we study 16 and 18-site clusters and compare the charge correlations in the Hubbard model with those of spinless fermions and hard-core bosons. We find that although low densities of holes favour a `locally-ferromagnetic' fermionic description, the correlations at larger densities resemble those of pure hard-core bosons surprisingly well .Comment: 15 pages, REVTE
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