2,323 research outputs found

    Stock Exchange Competition in a Simple Model of Capital Market Equilibrium

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    This paper uses a simple model of mean-variance asset pricing with transaction costs to analyze one of the main empirical phenomena in stock market competition in the last years, the decrease of transaction costs. We endogenize transaction costs as variables strategically influenced by stock exchanges and model stock market integration as an increase in the correlation of the underlying stock market returns. Among other things, we find that market integration leads to a decrease of transaction costs and to an increase in long-term trading activity.Stock Exchange Competition; Capital Markets Equilibrium; Transaction Costs

    On a generalization of Jacobi's elliptic functions and the Double Sine-Gordon kink chain

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    A generalization of Jacobi's elliptic functions is introduced as inversions of hyperelliptic integrals. We discuss the special properties of these functions, present addition theorems and give a list of indefinite integrals. As a physical application we show that periodic kink solutions (kink chains) of the double sine-Gordon model can be described in a canonical form in terms of generalized Jacobi functions.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 3 table

    Quantum measurement problem and cluster separability

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    A modified Beltrametti-Cassinelli-Lahti model of measurement apparatus that satisfies both the probability reproducibility condition and the objectification requirement is constructed. Only measurements on microsystems are considered. The cluster separability forms a basis for the first working hypothesis: the current version of quantum mechanics leaves open what happens to systems when they change their separation status. New rules that close this gap can therefore be added without disturbing the logic of quantum mechanics. The second working hypothesis is that registration apparatuses for microsystems must contain detectors and that their readings are signals from detectors. This implies that separation status of a microsystem changes during both preparation and registration. A new rule that specifies what happens at these changes and that guarantees the objectification is formulated and discussed. A part of our result has certain similarity with 'collapse of the wave function'.Comment: 31 pages, no figure. Published versio

    Modalities and future prospects of gene therapy in heart transplantation

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    Heart transplantation is the treatment of choice for many patients with end-stage heart failure. Its success, however, is limited by organ shortage, side effects of immunosuppressive drugs, and chronic rejection. Gene therapy is conceptually appealing for applications in transplantation, as the donor organ is genetically manipulated ex vivo before transplantation. Localised expression of immunomodulatory genes aims to create a state of immune privilege within the graft, which could eliminate the need for systemic immunosuppression. In this review, recent advances in the development of gene therapy in heart transplantation are discussed. Studies in animal models have demonstrated that genetic modification of the donor heart with immunomodulatory genes attenuates ischaemia-reperfusion injury and rejection. Alternatively, bone marrow-derived cells genetically engineered with donor-type major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I or II promote donor-specific hyporesponsiveness. Genetic engineering of naïve T cells or dendritic cells may induce regulatory T cells and regulatory dendritic cells. Despite encouraging results in animal models, however, clinical gene therapy trials in heart transplantation have not yet been started. The best vector and gene to be delivered remain to be identified. Pre-clinical studies in non-human primates are needed. Nonetheless, the potential of gene therapy as an adjunct therapy in transplantation is essentially intac

    FSH prevents depletion of the resting follicle pool by promoting follicular number and morphology in fresh and cryopreserved primate ovarian tissues following xenografting

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    Background: Cryopreservation and transplantation of ovarian tissue is one option for re-establishing ovarian function, but optimal conditions for graft sustainment and follicular survival are still considered experimental. The present study aims to analyze the effect of FSH treatment on the resting follicle pool in fresh and cryopreserved primate ovarian tissues following xenografting. Methods: Ovarian tissues from adult marmosets were grafted freshly or following cryopreservation to ovarectomized nude mice treated with FSH 25 IU twice daily post transplantation or left untreated as controls. Grafts were retrieved 2 or 4 weeks after transplantation to evaluate the number and morphological appearance of follicles. Results: Early start of FSH treatment within 1 week following transplantation partly prevents primordial follicle loss in fresh and frozen-thawed tissues, whereas after a 3 weeks time interval this effect is present only in fresh tissues. A similar positive effect of early, but not later FSH treatment on primary follicles is seen in fresh tissues compared to only marginal effects in frozen-thawed tissues. The percentage of morphologically normal follicles is generally increased in FSH treated tissues, whereas the percentage of primary follicles over all primordial and primary follicles is increased by FSH only in freshly-grafted tissues. Conclusions: FSH treatment alleviates depletion of the resting follicle pool and promotes normal follicular morphology both in freshly and frozen-thawed grafted tissues. In previously cryopreserved tissues, applying to most of the tissues intended for clinical use in fertility preservation attempts, its positive effect on primordial follicle numbers and potential graft sustainment is dependent on an early start of treatment within one week of transplantation

    Positive-Operator-Valued Time Observable in Quantum Mechanics

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    We examine the longstanding problem of introducing a time observable in Quantum Mechanics; using the formalism of positive-operator-valued measures we show how to define such an observable in a natural way and we discuss some consequences.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, no figures. Some minor changes, expanded the bibliography (now it is bigger than the one in the published version), changed the title and the style for publication on the International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Protecting a quantum state from environmental noise by an incompatible finite-time measurement

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    We show that measurements of finite duration performed on an open two-state system can protect the initial state from a phase-noisy environment, provided the measured observable does not commute with the perturbing interaction. When the measured observable commutes with the environmental interaction, the finite-duration measurement accelerates the rate of decoherence induced by the phase noise. For the description of the measurement of an observable that is incompatible with the interaction between system and environment, we have found an approximate analytical expression, valid at zero temperature and weak coupling with the measuring device. We have tested the validity of the analytical predictions against an exact numerical approach, based on the superoperator-splitting method, that confirms the protection of the initial state of the system. When the coupling between the system and the measuring apparatus increases beyond the range of validity of the analytical approximation, the initial state is still protected by the finite-time measurement, according with the exact numerical calculations.Comment: REVISED VERSION: 37 pages, 3 figure

    Ashkin-Teller universality in a quantum double model of Ising anyons

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    We study a quantum double model whose degrees of freedom are Ising anyons. The terms of the Hamiltonian of this system give rise to a competition between single and double topologies. By studying the energy spectra of the Hamiltonian at different values of the coupling constants, we find extended gapless regions which include a large number of critical points described by conformal field theories with central charge c=1. These theories are part of the Z_2 orbifold of the bosonic theory compactified on a circle. We observe that the Hilbert space of our anyonic model can be associated with extended Dynkin diagrams of affine Lie algebras which yields exact solutions at some critical points. In certain special regimes, our model corresponds to the Hamiltonian limit of the Ashkin-Teller model, and hence integrability over a wide range of coupling parameters is established.Comment: 11 pages, minor revision

    Causal categories: relativistically interacting processes

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    A symmetric monoidal category naturally arises as the mathematical structure that organizes physical systems, processes, and composition thereof, both sequentially and in parallel. This structure admits a purely graphical calculus. This paper is concerned with the encoding of a fixed causal structure within a symmetric monoidal category: causal dependencies will correspond to topological connectedness in the graphical language. We show that correlations, either classical or quantum, force terminality of the tensor unit. We also show that well-definedness of the concept of a global state forces the monoidal product to be only partially defined, which in turn results in a relativistic covariance theorem. Except for these assumptions, at no stage do we assume anything more than purely compositional symmetric-monoidal categorical structure. We cast these two structural results in terms of a mathematical entity, which we call a `causal category'. We provide methods of constructing causal categories, and we study the consequences of these methods for the general framework of categorical quantum mechanics.Comment: 43 pages, lots of figure

    Long-Time Behavior of Macroscopic Quantum Systems: Commentary Accompanying the English Translation of John von Neumann's 1929 Article on the Quantum Ergodic Theorem

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    The renewed interest in the foundations of quantum statistical mechanics in recent years has led us to study John von Neumann's 1929 article on the quantum ergodic theorem. We have found this almost forgotten article, which until now has been available only in German, to be a treasure chest, and to be much misunderstood. In it, von Neumann studied the long-time behavior of macroscopic quantum systems. While one of the two theorems announced in his title, the one he calls the "quantum H-theorem", is actually a much weaker statement than Boltzmann's classical H-theorem, the other theorem, which he calls the "quantum ergodic theorem", is a beautiful and very non-trivial result. It expresses a fact we call "normal typicality" and can be summarized as follows: For a "typical" finite family of commuting macroscopic observables, every initial wave function ψ0\psi_0 from a micro-canonical energy shell so evolves that for most times tt in the long run, the joint probability distribution of these observables obtained from ψt\psi_t is close to their micro-canonical distribution.Comment: 34 pages LaTeX, no figures; v2: minor improvements and additions. The English translation of von Neumann's article is available as arXiv:1003.213