6 research outputs found

    Normalization of high pulmonary vascular resistance with LVAD support in heart transplantation candidates

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    Objective: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) and elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) lead to poor outcome after heart transplantation due to postoperative failure of the non-conditioned right ventricle. The role of continuous flow left ventricular assist device (LVAD) support in the reduction of elevated PVR was evaluated in a series of clinical implants. Methods: Among 17 patients with terminal heart failure receiving a MicroMed DeBakey LVAD as bridge to transplant, there were six patients with pulmonary hypertension (mean systolic PAP 47mmHg) and high PVR (398dynes/cm5), previously not considered suitable for heart transplantation, who underwent serial right heart catheters during their LVAD support period. Results: In these patients mean systolic pulmonary pressure dropped to 29mmHg and PVR decreased to a mean 167dynes/cm5 under LVAD support. Clinical improvement was significant in all patients. Four patients were successfully transplanted without major postoperative difficulties (mean duration 130 days support) and all are doing well to date. Post-transplant-PVR remained in the normal range in all transplanted patients. Conclusions: Elevated PVR and severe PH were both previously considered as contraindication for heart transplantation. A period of LVAD pumping leads to a progressive decrease of PVR and normalization of pulmonary pressures, making these patients amenable for heart transplantation. LVAD as bridge to heart transplantation is safe and highly beneficial for terminal heart failure patients with severe P

    NMR Spectroscopic Study of Chemical Reactions in Mixtures Containing Oleic Acid, Formic Acid, and Formoxystearic Acid

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    Oleic acid (OA) and formic acid (FA) react to formoxystearic acid (FSA), in the presence of acidic catalysts. This reaction is of interest as OA can be obtained from renewable resources and FSA is a potential precursor for biopolymers. We have recently studied the liquid−liquid equilibrium (LLE) in the uncatalyzed nonreacting system OA + FA + FSA. This work is extended here to the reactive system, in which a reactive liquid−liquid equilibrium (RLLE) exists. The reaction equilibrium is studied by quantitative NMR spectroscopy at temperatures between 333 and 353 K in homogeneous OA-rich mixtures. This information is combined with that on the LLE to determine the RLLE. The physicochemical equilibria are modeled in a thermodynamically consistent way using the associating lattice cluster theory (ALCT). Furthermore, data on the chemical equilibrium of the formation of the OA-isomer elaidic acid (EA) is supplied. Also the decomposition of FA and the formation of estolides (EL), which are oligomers of OA and EA, was observed and quantified

    Normalization of high pulmonary vascular resistance with LVAD support in heart transplantation candidates

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    Objective: Pulmonary hypertension (PH) and elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) lead to poor outcome after heart transplantation due to postoperative failure of the non-conditioned right ventricle. The role of continuous flow left ventricular assist device (LVAD) support in the reduction of elevated PVR was evaluated in a series of clinical implants. Methods: Among 17 patients with terminal heart failure receiving a MicroMed DeBakey LVAD as bridge to transplant, there were six patients with pulmonary hypertension (mean systolic PAP 47mmHg) and high PVR (398dynes/cm5), previously not considered suitable for heart transplantation, who underwent serial right heart catheters during their LVAD support period. Results: In these patients mean systolic pulmonary pressure dropped to 29mmHg and PVR decreased to a mean 167dynes/cm5 under LVAD support. Clinical improvement was significant in all patients. Four patients were successfully transplanted without major postoperative difficulties (mean duration 130 days support) and all are doing well to date. Post-transplant-PVR remained in the normal range in all transplanted patients. Conclusions: Elevated PVR and severe PH were both previously considered as contraindication for heart transplantation. A period of LVAD pumping leads to a progressive decrease of PVR and normalization of pulmonary pressures, making these patients amenable for heart transplantation. LVAD as bridge to heart transplantation is safe and highly beneficial for terminal heart failure patients with severe P

    Infection prevention and control for COVID-19 response in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh: an intra-action review

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    Abstract Background Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) is critical in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic and is one of the pillars of the WHO COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan 2020. We conducted an Intra-Action Review (IAR) of IPC response efforts to the COVID-19 pandemic in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, to identify best practices, challenges, and recommendations for improvement of the current and future responses. Methods We conducted two meetings with 54 participants purposively selected from different organizations and agencies involved in the frontline implementation of IPC in Cox's Bazar district, Bangladesh. We used the IPC trigger questions from the WHO country COVID-19 IAR: trigger question database to guide the discussions. Meeting notes and transcripts were then analyzed manually using content analysis, and results were presented in text and quotes. Results Best practices included: assessments, a response plan, a working group, trainings, early case identification and isolation, hand hygiene in Health Facilities (HFs), monitoring and feedback, general masking in HFs, supportive supervision, design, infrastructure and environmental controls in Severe Acute Respiratory Infection Isolation and Treatment Centers (SARI ITCs) and HFs and waste management. Challenges included: frequent breakdown of incinerators, limited PPE supply, inconsistent adherence to IPC, lack of availability of uniforms for health workers, in particular cultural and gender appropriate uniforms and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Recommendations from the IAR were: (1) to promote the institutionalization of IPC, programs in HFs (2) establishment of IPC monitoring mechanisms in all HCFs, (3) strengthening IPC education and training in health care facilities, and (4) strengthen public health and social measures in communities. Conclusion Establishing IPC programmes that include monitoring and continuous training are critical in promoting consistent and adaptive IPC practices. Response to a pandemic crisis combined with concurrent emergencies, such as protracted displacement of populations with many diverse actors, can only be successful with highly coordinated planning, leadership, resource mobilization, and close supervision

    Epidemiological modelling in refugee and internally displaced people settlements: challenges and ways forward

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    The spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19 presents many challenges to healthcare systems and infrastructures across the world, exacerbating inequalities and leaving the world’s most vulnerable populations at risk. Epidemiological modelling is vital to guiding evidence-informed or data-driven decision making. In forced displacement contexts, and in particular refugee and internally displaced people (IDP) settlements, it meets several challenges including data availability and quality, the applicability of existing models to those contexts, the accurate modelling of cultural differences or specificities of those operational settings, the communication of results and uncertainties, as well as the alignment of strategic goals between diverse partners in complex situations. In this paper, we systematically review the limited epidemiological modelling work applied to refugee and IDP settlements so far, and discuss challenges and identify lessons learnt from the process. With the likelihood of disease outbreaks expected to increase in the future as more people are displaced due to conflict and climate change, we call for the development of more approaches and models specifically designed to include the unique features and populations of refugee and IDP settlements. To strengthen collaboration between the modelling and the humanitarian public health communities, we propose a roadmap to encourage the development of systems and frameworks to share needs, build tools and coordinate responses in an efficient and scalable manner, both for this pandemic and for future outbreaks