20 research outputs found

    CO2 streams containing associated components—A review of the thermodynamic and geochemical properties and assessment of some reactive transport codes

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    AbstractModelling of the impact on storage of “ CO2-associated components” has rarely been addressed so far. This review, performed within the European research project CO2ReMoVe, exposes a selection of CO2 streams compositions coming from thermal power plants emissions and those injected in pilot sites part of the CO2ReMoVe project. It highlights the lack of data coming from laboratory experiments to describe properly the physical properties of some relevant gas mixtures. The geochemical impact of only 2 components (SO2 and H2S) is evidenced by some geochemical studies. Concerning the numerical modelling, four reactive transport codes (PHREEQC, SCALE2000, TOUGHREACT and COORES) were assessed. Actual limitations lie mainly in the capacity of calculating the physical properties of the whole set of gases (CO2–O2–SO2–N2–Ar–NOx–H2S–COS–CO–H2–HCl–NH3–CH4–C2H6–H2O). The new data acquired within on-going French projects will complete the knowledge of such complex gas mixtures behaviour

    Vorlesungen ĂŒber darstellende geometrie /

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    "Etwa zwei drittel des buches [2. bde] betreffen die malerische perspektive."--Vorwort.1. Die methoden der parallelprojektion.--2. Perspektive, zentralkollineation und grundzĂŒge der photogrammetrie.Mode of access: Internet

    Carl von Dalwigk juristische AufsĂ€tze fĂŒr die gegenwĂ€rtige Zeit

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    EnthÀlt Widmung an Professor Leist in GöttingenDie Titel- und Widmungsseite sind einseitig bedrucktDie Vorlage enth. insgesamt 3 WerkeVorlageform der Veröffentlichungsangabe: "Frankfurt am Main in der AndreÀischen Buchhandlung 1796

    Commentatio Inavgvralis Complectens Selecta Ivris Bremensis Ratione Contractvs Emtionis Venditionis

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    Marburg, Univ., Jur. Diss., 1753Qvam Rectore Magnificentissimo Serenissimo Et Celsissimo Principe Ac Domino Domino Friderico Principe Hassiae Hereditario Reliq. Incliti Ivreconsvltorvm Ordinis Avctoritate Praeside Viro Illvstri D. Lvdovico Martino Kahle Serenissimo Principi Landgravio Hasso-Cassellano A Consiliis Avlicis, Antecessore Et Facvltatis Ivridicae H. T. Decano Pro Svmmis In Vtroqve Ivre Honoribvs Rite Capessendis Illvstris Atqve Amplissimi Senatvs Academici Disqvisitioni Svbiicit D. XX. Ivlii MDCCLIII. Avctor Respondens Dethardvs Shoene Brema-SaxoEnthĂ€lt 5 GlĂŒckwĂŒnsche der BeitrĂ€gerNicht identisch mit VD18 14883236, dort: Bogen F2 verso ohne KustodeVorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: Marbvrgi Typis Philipp. Casimir. MĂŒller., Academ. Typograph