57 research outputs found

    Systematic errors in diffusion coefficients from long-time molecular dynamics simulations at constant pressure

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    In molecular dynamics simulations under periodic boundary conditions, particle positions are typically wrapped into a reference box. For diffusion coefficient calculations using the Einstein relation, the particle positions need to be unwrapped. Here, we show that a widely used heuristic unwrapping scheme is not suitable for long simulations at constant pressure. Improper accounting for box-volume fluctuations creates, at long times, unphysical trajectories and, in turn, grossly exaggerated diffusion coefficients. We propose an alternative unwrapping scheme that resolves this issue. At each time step, we add the minimal displacement vector according to periodic boundary conditions for the instantaneous box geometry. Here and in a companion paper [J. Chem. Phys. XXX, YYYYY (2020)], we apply the new unwrapping scheme to extensive molecular dynamics and Brownian dynamics simulation data. We provide practitioners with a formula to assess if and by how much earlier results might have been affected by the widely used heuristic unwrapping scheme.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. The following article has been accepted for publication at The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Kinetics of Atg2-mediated lipid transfer from the ER can account for phagophore expansion

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    The protein Atg2 has been proposed to form a membrane tether that mediates lipid transfer from the ER to the phagophore in autophagy. However, recent kinetic measurements on the human homolog ATG2A indicated a transport rate of only about one lipid per minute, which would be far too slow to deliver the millions of lipids required to form a phagophore on a physiological time scale. Here, we revisit the analysis of the fluorescence quenching experiments. We develop a detailed kinetic model of the lipid transfer between two membranes bridged by a tether that forms a conduit for lipids. The model provides an excellent fit to the fluorescence experiments, with a lipid transfer rate of about 100 per second and protein. At this rate, Atg2-mediated transfer can supply a significant fraction of the lipids required in autophagosome biogenesis. Our kinetic model is generally applicable to lipid-transfer experiments, in particular to proteins forming organelle contact sites in cells

    Simulation of FUS protein condensates with an adapted coarse-grained model

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    Disordered proteins and nucleic acids can condense into droplets that resemble the membraneless organelles observed in living cells. MD simulations offer a unique tool to characterize the molecular interactions governing the formation of these biomolecular condensates, their physicochemical properties, and the factors controlling their composition and size. However, biopolymer condensation depends sensitively on the balance between different energetic and entropic contributions. Here, we develop a general strategy to fine-tune the potential energy function for molecular dynamics simulations of biopolymer phase separation. We rebalance protein–protein interactions against solvation and entropic contributions to match the excess free energy of transferring proteins between dilute solution and condensate. We illustrate this formalism by simulating liquid droplet formation of the FUS low-complexity domain (LCD) with a rebalanced MARTINI model. By scaling the strength of the nonbonded interactions in the coarse-grained MARTINI potential energy function, we map out a phase diagram in the plane of protein concentration and interaction strength. Above a critical scaling factor of αc ≈ 0.6, FUS-LCD condensation is observed, where α = 1 and 0 correspond to full and repulsive interactions in the MARTINI model. For a scaling factor α = 0.65, we recover experimental densities of the dilute and dense phases, and thus the excess protein transfer free energy into the droplet and the saturation concentration where FUS-LCD condenses. In the region of phase separation, we simulate FUS-LCD droplets of four different sizes in stable equilibrium with the dilute phase and slabs of condensed FUS-LCD for tens of microseconds, and over one millisecond in aggregate. We determine surface tensions in the range of 0.01–0.4 mN/m from the fluctuations of the droplet shape and from the capillary-wave-like broadening of the interface between the two phases. From the dynamics of the protein end-to-end distance, we estimate shear viscosities from 0.001 to 0.02 Pa s for the FUS-LCD droplets with scaling factors α in the range of 0.625–0.75, where we observe liquid droplets. Significant hydration of the interior of the droplets keeps the proteins mobile and the droplets fluid

    Simulation of FUS protein condensates with an adapted coarse-grained model

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    Disordered proteins and nucleic acids can condense into droplets that resemble the membraneless organelles observed in living cells. MD simulations offer a unique tool to characterize the molecular interactions governing the formation of these biomolecular condensates, their physico-chemical properties, and the factors controlling their composition and size. However, biopolymer condensation depends sensitively on the balance between different energetic and entropic contributions. Here, we develop a general strategy to fine-tune the potential energy function for molecular dynamics simulations of biopolymer phase separation. We rebalance protein-protein interactions against solvation and entropic contributions to match the excess free energy of transferring proteins between dilute solution and condensate. We illustrate this formalism by simulating liquid droplet formation of the FUS low complexity domain (LCD) with a rebalanced MARTINI model. By scaling the strength of the nonbonded interactions in the coarse-grained MARTINI potential energy function, we map out a phase diagram in the plane of protein concentration and interaction strength. Above a critical scaling factor of αc ≈ 0.6, FUS LCD condensation is observed, where α = 1 and 0 correspond to full and repulsive interactions in the MARTINI model, respectively. For a scaling factor α = 0.65, we recover the experimental densities of the dilute and dense phases, and thus the excess protein transfer free energy into the droplet and the saturation concentration where FUS LCD condenses. In the region of phase separation, we simulate FUS LCD droplets of four different sizes in stable equilibrium with the dilute phase and slabs of condensed FUS LCD for tens of microseconds, and over one millisecond in aggregate. We determine surface tensions in the range of 0.01 to 0.4mN/m from the fluctuations of the droplet shape and from the capillary-wave-like broadening of the interface between the two phases. From the dynamics of the protein end-to-end distance, we estimate shear viscosities from 0.001 to 0.02Pas for the FUS LCD droplets with scaling factors α in the range of 0.625 to 0.75, where we observe liquid droplets. Significant hydration of the interior of the droplets keeps the proteins mobile and the droplets fluid

    GlycoSHIELD: a versatile pipeline to assess glycan impact on protein structures

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    More than 75% of surface and secreted proteins are modified by covalent addition of complex sugars through N- and O-glycosylation. Unlike proteins, glycans do not typically adopt specific secondary structures and remain very mobile, influencing protein dynamics and interactions with other molecules. Glycan conformational freedom impairs complete structural elucidation of glycoproteins. Computer simulations may be used to model glycan structure and dynamics. However, such simulations typically require thousands of computing hours on specialized supercomputers, thus limiting routine use. Here, we describe a reductionist method that can be implemented on personal computers to graft ensembles of realistic glycan conformers onto static protein structures in a matter of minutes. Using this open-source pipeline, we reconstructed the full glycan cover of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein (S-protein) and a human GABAA receptor. Focusing on S-protein, we show that GlycoSHIELD recapitulates key features of extended simulations of the glycosylated protein, including epitope masking, and provides new mechanistic insights on N-glycan impact on protein structural dynamics

    Computational epitope map of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.

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    The primary immunological target of COVID-19 vaccines is the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. S is exposed on the viral surface and mediates viral entry into the host cell. To identify possible antibody binding sites, we performed multi-microsecond molecular dynamics simulations of a 4.1 million atom system containing a patch of viral membrane with four full-length, fully glycosylated and palmitoylated S proteins. By mapping steric accessibility, structural rigidity, sequence conservation, and generic antibody binding signatures, we recover known epitopes on S and reveal promising epitope candidates for structure-based vaccine design. We find that the extensive and inherently flexible glycan coat shields a surface area larger than expected from static structures, highlighting the importance of structural dynamics. The protective glycan shield and the high flexibility of its hinges give the stalk overall low epitope scores. Our computational epitope-mapping procedure is general and should thus prove useful for other viral envelope proteins whose structures have been characterized

    Map of SARS-CoV-2 spike epitopes not shielded by glycans

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    The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, calls for the urgent development of a vaccine. The primary immunological target is the SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein. S is exposed on the viral surface to mediate viral entry into the host cell. To identify possible antibody binding sites not shielded by glycans, we performed multi-microsecond molecular dynamics simulations of a 4.1 million atom system containing a patch of viral membrane with four full-length, fully glycosylated and palmitoylated S proteins. By mapping steric accessibility, structural rigidity, sequence conservation and generic antibody binding signatures, we recover known epitopes on S and reveal promising epitope candidates for vaccine development. We find that the extensive and inherently flexible glycan coat shields a surface area larger than expected from static structures, highlighting the importance of structural dynamics in epitope mapping

    Insights into the conservation and diversification of the molecular functions of YTHDF proteins.

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    YT521-B homology (YTH) domain proteins act as readers of N6-methyladenosine (m6A) in mRNA. Members of the YTHDF clade determine properties of m6A-containing mRNAs in the cytoplasm. Vertebrates encode three YTHDF proteins whose possible functional specialization is debated. In land plants, the YTHDF clade has expanded from one member in basal lineages to eleven so-called EVOLUTIONARILY CONSERVED C-TERMINAL REGION1-11 (ECT1-11) proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana, named after the conserved YTH domain placed behind a long N-terminal intrinsically disordered region (IDR). ECT2, ECT3 and ECT4 show genetic redundancy in stimulation of primed stem cell division, but the origin and implications of YTHDF expansion in higher plants are unknown, as it is unclear whether it involves acquisition of fundamentally different molecular properties, in particular of their divergent IDRs. Here, we use functional complementation of ect2/ect3/ect4 mutants to test whether different YTHDF proteins can perform the same function when similarly expressed in leaf primordia. We show that stimulation of primordial cell division relies on an ancestral molecular function of the m6A-YTHDF axis in land plants that is present in bryophytes and is conserved over YTHDF diversification, as it appears in all major clades of YTHDF proteins in flowering plants. Importantly, although our results indicate that the YTH domains of all arabidopsis ECT proteins have m6A-binding capacity, lineage-specific neo-functionalization of ECT1, ECT9 and ECT11 happened after late duplication events, and involves altered properties of both the YTH domains, and, especially, of the IDRs. We also identify two biophysical properties recurrent in IDRs of YTHDF proteins able to complement ect2 ect3 ect4 mutants, a clear phase separation propensity and a charge distribution that creates electric dipoles. Human and fly YTHDFs do not have IDRs with this combination of properties and cannot replace ECT2/3/4 function in arabidopsis, perhaps suggesting different molecular activities of YTHDF proteins between major taxa
