1,486 research outputs found

    Creation in Silence: The Woman Listening

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    Our Slaps

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    Our Slaps raises the question of whether and at all traumatized mothers, who once used to be abused daughters, can confess and escape their psychic hinterlands without being tricked into becoming abusive by subconsciously switching their role identity from a victim to a persecutor. The poem achieves this by boldly offering that rare chance to one such mother who ultimately dares to lay the first cornerstone of intention for a healthy legacy of unabused women. Despite being trapped in a hopeless vicious cycle, this mother struggles to allow her young daughter to keep her innocence intact by deliberately curbing her demonic instincts and breaking the toxic pattern. Thus, we witness a woman- once a daughter, now a mother, earnestly trying to forgive and apologize for the years of abuse, collapsing the cycle of violence that feeds on itself for many generations

    Ensuring Optimal Screen Time in Children (0 to 11 Years): Hacks and Heuristics

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    Excessive screen time has emerged as a significant threat to child health. This communication lists various hacks and heuristics that can be used for children of varying age groups, to optimize their screen time. This information is useful for all health care professionals who manage children and/or counsel their patients

    Safeguarding Our Adolescents from Inappropriate Use of Smart Gadgets: Hacks and Heuristics

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    Adolescents (children aged 11-19 years) are at the greatest peril when it comes to use of smart gadgets. These gadgets are essential for literacy and development, but also have the potential to cause addiction and other unwanted effects. Finding the right balance is the key. Thus, there is a considerable need to devise, enlist and convey to parents, various hacks and heuristics that can be used by them to optimize the use of smart gadgets by their teenager children. This communication should prove helpful for all health care professionals who are directly or indirectly involved in adolescent health care

    Ensuring Optimal Screen Time in Children (0 to 11 Years): Hacks and Heuristics

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    Excessive screen time has emerged as a significant threat to child health. This communication lists various hacks and heuristics that can be used for children of varying age groups, to optimize their screen time. This information is useful for all health care professionals who manage children and/or counsel their patients

    Safeguarding Our Adolescents from Inappropriate Use of Smart Gadgets: Hacks and Heuristics

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    Adolescents (children aged 11-19 years) are at the greatest peril when it comes to use of smart gadgets. These gadgets are essential for literacy and development, but also have the potential to cause addiction and other unwanted effects. Finding the right balance is the key. Thus, there is a considerable need to devise, enlist and convey to parents, various hacks and heuristics that can be used by them to optimize the use of smart gadgets by their teenager children. This communication should prove helpful for all health care professionals who are directly or indirectly involved in adolescent health care

    Motivational Techniques and Hacks for Treating Childhood Obesity

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    Treating obesity in children and adolescents is not a cakewalk. Asking them directly to get up and run, or just serving them a four-quadrant plate won’t serve the purpose at all. An obese child is already under the repercussions of oppressive remarks by the society. If at home as well, their mental milieu is not taken care of, there are chances of them being trapped in the shackles of depression. To avoid such drastic consequences, one must be prudent enough, while conversing with their children/patients regarding their weight. Motivation enhancement is very crucial in childhood obesity management, as the required changes in diet, behavior and physical activity are difficult to carry out with an insufficient level of motivation.1 The motivational hacks presented here might be helpful for parents and health care professionals in convincing their children/patients to stride through the road to health

    Menstruation: The First Conversation

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    The lively outgoing girl becomes withdrawn and diffident when ‘the day’ arrives. This is the day when a girl’s body finallydecides to prepare itself for future, ironically though, without her own consent. This is that moment in her life which every girlendures silently. Though she might have been already taught this in school, but she fails to acknowledge the real gravity of thisphenomenon until she gets to experience it herself! “Why me?” is her first reaction. Now she likes to stay confined to her owndomains most of the times, cursing the Almighty for sending her to this planet as female. Unfortunately, similar is the plight ofthose girls who are rendered ignorant about the biological significance and the truth of menstruation. Had they been told thetruth in time, it would have been easier for them to come to grips with it. A healthy, warm, one to one conversation is all that isneeded. This piece is going to be helpful for parents, teachers, health care professionals and guardians of all such adolescent girl


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    Background: With the emergence of Covid 19 pandemic due to increased socio-economic curbs and increased uncertainty of life, psychological disorders are getting surged up. Due to restricted access and poor mental health care facilities, Yoga can be seen as possibility to give a respite to the vulnerable populations and individuals. Aims and Objectives: To establish the role of Yoga as an effective therapeutic modality for catering the need of emerging psychological health issues during Covid 19 pandemic. Material and Methods: (a) Narrative review of existing scientific literature on the mental health and Yoga especially during Covid-19. (b) Studies specifically related to high-risk or vulnerable populations (c) Review of effectiveness of Yoga interventions on the mental health (d) Evidence based use of the Yogic interventions in mitigation of commonly manifested signs of psychological distress during Covid-19 pandemic. Total in depth study of 28 articles dealing with the above mentioned areas. Many methodological and research gaps are noted. Discussion: In Indian context, many research gaps exist in the study of Yoga as an effective therapeutic modality for psychological first aid and mental health care, especially in the emergent Covid 19 pandemic. Conclusion: Globally and nationally there is need to plan and execute high quality research studies to establish Yoga as an evidence based therapeutic modality especially for management of Psychological disorders and to include Yoga in existing mental health care services

    Recent advances in Raktamokshana w.s.r. to modification in Shastra used for Raktamokshana

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    Raktamokshana in other words, bloodletting is a kind of Para surgery directed for the treatment of specifically Raktaja roga. It is considered as the important and prime process of blood detoxification. It is derived from two words ie; Rakt which means blood & Mokshana which means leave. So the meaning of Raktamokshana is to let the blood out. The blood is expelled out from the body to reduce the toxic substances and this process helps in Raktaja vikara. The process of Raktamokshana can be traced back to the Vedic period only and not beyond that. Sushruta, father of Indian surgery, has given all the information regarding bloodletting in detail in his treatise, "Sushruta Samhita". Sira Vedhan, Sringa Avacharana, Alabu Aavacharana, Jalauka Avacharana, Pracchanna Karma, Ghati Yantra Avacharana and Suchi Avacharana are approaches utilized for blood detoxification. Bloodletting as a method of treatment is indicated in gouty arthritis, filariasis, herpes, tumors, various skin disorders, genital infections, abscess, inflammatory condition, cellulitis, painful ulcers, chronic ulcers resulting from snake bite, etc
